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This CSS level 3 module describes how lists are styled.
This document is a draft of one of the "modules" [CSS3-intro] for the upcoming CSS3 specification. It extends, but also proposes changes to the functionality provided by the existing CSS level 2.
This document is a working draft of the CSS working group which is part of the style activity.
Comments on, and discussions of this draft can be sent on the (archived) public mailing list (see instructions). W3C Members can also send comments directly to the CSS working group.
This is a working draft and may therefore be updated, replaced or rendered obsolete by other W3C documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". Its publication does not imply endorsement by the W3C membership or the CSS Working Group (members only).
To find the latest version of this working draft, please follow the "Latest version" link above, or visit the list of W3C Technical Reports.
This document may be available in translations in the future. The English version of this specification is the only normative version.
This CSS3 module depends on the following other CSS3 modules:
The list model in this module differs in some important ways from the list model in CSS2, specifically in its handling of markers. Implementation experience suggested the CSS2 model overloaded the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements with too much behavior, while at the same time introducing new properties when existing properties were sufficient.
Most block-level elements in CSS generate one principal block box. In this module, we discuss two CSS mechanisms that cause an element to have an associated marker: one method associates one principal block box (for the element's content) with a separate marker box (for decoration such as a bullet, image, or number), and the other inserts a marker box into the principal box. Unlike :before and :after content, the marker box cannot affect the position of the principal box, whatever the positioning scheme.
For instance, the following example illustrates how markers may be used to add periods after each numbered list item. This HTML application and style sheet:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Creating a list with markers</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> LI::marker { content: counter(list-item, lower-roman) "."; } LI { display: list-item; } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <OL> <LI> This is the first item. </LI> <LI> This is the second item. </LI> <LI> This is the third item. </LI> </OL> </BODY> </HTML>
should produce something like this:
i. This is the first item. ii. This is the second item. iii. This is the third item.
With descendant selectors and child selectors, it's possible to specify different marker types depending on the depth of embedded lists.
A future level of CSS may provide a way to specify different bullet types at arbitrary nesting levels. XXX
To declare a list item, the 'display' property should be set to 'list-item'. This, in addition to generating a ::marker pseudo-element and enabling the properties described below for that element, causes that element to increment the list item counter list-item. (This does not affect the specified or computed values of the counter properties.)
The list-item counter is a real counter, and can be directly affected using the 'counter-increment' and 'counter-reset' properties. It can also be used in the counter() and counters() function forms.
Actually, setting 'display' to list-item should be generalized to "setting 'display' to a list type" or some such, because we want to be able to handle inline list items, and we want floats to still have list items. XXX
Note that this new model makes the marker display type redundant. That display type is therefore obsolete in the CSS3 Lists model.
Name: | 'list-style-type' |
Value: | disc | circle | square | box | decimal | decimal-leading-zero | lower-roman | upper-roman | lower-greek | lower-alpha | lower-latin | upper-alpha | upper-latin | hebrew | armenian | georgian | cjk-ideographic | hiragana | katakana | hiragana-iroha | katakana-iroha | simp-chinese-formal | simp-chinese-informal | trad-chinese-formal | trad-chinese-informal | japanese-formal | japanese-informal | hangul | hangul-consonant | cjk-heavenly-stem | cjk-earthly-branch | arabic-indic | persian | devanagari | gurmukhi | gujarati | kannada | malayalam | bengali | tamil | telugu | thai | lao | myanmar | khmer | hangul | hangule-consonant | ethiopic-halehame | ethiopic-abegede | ethiopic-numeric | urdu | oriya | none |
Initial: | disc |
Applies�to: | all elements with 'display: list-item' |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | visual |
Computed value: | specified value |
This property specifies appearance of the list item marker if 'list-style-image' has the value 'none' or if the image pointed to by the URI cannot be displayed. The value 'none' specifies no marker, otherwise there are three types of marker: glyphs, numbering systems, and alphabetic systems. Note. Numbered lists improve document accessibility by making lists easier to navigate.
Glyphs are specified with disc, circle, square, and box. Their exact rendering depends on the user agent.
Numbering systems are specified with:
Alphabetic systems are specified with:
A lot more detail is needed in the above lists, including modulus, more examples, etc. Some of the values are missing. This specification currently does not define how alphabetic systems wrap at the end of the alphabet. For instance, after 26 list items, 'lower-latin' rendering is undefined. This should be changed. XXX
A user agent that does not recognize a numbering system should ignore the declaration in which the numbering system is used.
For example, the following HTML document:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Lowercase latin numbering</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> OL { list-style-type: lower-roman; list-style-type: ethiopic-halehame; } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <OL> <LI> This is the first item. <LI> This is the second item. <LI> This is the third item. </OL> </BODY> </HTML>
might produce something like this in a user agent that does not support the ethiopic-halehame list style type:
i This is the first item. ii This is the second item. iii This is the third item.
Note that the list marker alignment (here, right justified) depends on the user agent's initial rules for the ::marker pseudo-element.
Name: | 'list-style-image' |
Value: | <uri> | none |
Initial: | none |
Applies�to: | all elements with 'display: list-item' |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | visual |
Computed value: | specified value |
This property sets the image that will be used as the list item marker. When the image is available, it will replace the marker set with the 'list-style-type' marker.
The following example sets the marker at the beginning of each list item to be the image "ellipse.png".
LI { list-style-image: url("") }
If a ::marker pseudo-element has its 'content' property set to auto, the following algorithm should be used to generate the computed value of the property. Note that there being a computed value of the 'content' property is not enough for the ::marker pseudo-element to be rendered. See the section on the 'list-style-position' property below.
Should there be a new keyword to use in counter() and counters() to refer to the computed value of list-style-type? XXX
Name: | 'list-style-position' |
Value: | inside | outside |
Initial: | outside |
Applies�to: | all elements with 'display: list-item' |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | visual |
Computed value: | specified value |
This property specifies the position of the marker box in the principal block box. Values have the following meanings:
Note that a marker is only generated if the computed value of the 'content' property for the element's ::marker pseudo-element is not none.
For example:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Comparison of inside/outside position</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> UL { list-style: outside } UL.compact { list-style: inside } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <UL> <LI>first list item comes first</LI> <LI>second list item comes second</LI> </UL> <HT> <UL class="compact"> <LI>first list item comes first</LI> <LI>second list item comes second</LI> </UL> </BODY> </HTML>
The above example may be formatted as:
In right-to-left text, the markers would have been on the right side of the box.
Name: | 'list-style' |
Value: | [ <'list-style-type'> || <'list-style-position'> || <'list-style-image'> ] |
Initial: | not defined for shorthand properties |
Applies�to: | all elements with 'display: list-item' |
Inherited: | not defined for shorthand properties |
Percentages: | N/A |
Media: | visual |
Computed value: | not defined for shorthand properties |
The 'list-style' property is a shorthand notation for setting the three properties 'list-style-type', 'list-style-image', and 'list-style-position' at the same place in the style sheet.
For example:
UL { list-style: upper-roman inside } /* Any UL */ UL > UL { list-style: circle outside } /* Any UL child of a UL */
Although authors may specify 'list-style' information directly on list item elements (e.g., LI in HTML), they should do so with care. The following rules look similar, but the first declares a descendant selector and the second a (more specific) child selector.
OL.alpha LI { list-style: lower-alpha } /* Any LI descendant of an OL */ OL.alpha > LI { list-style: lower-alpha } /* Any LI child of an OL */
Authors who use only the descendant selector may not achieve the results they expect. Consider the following rules:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>WARNING: Unexpected results due to cascade</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> OL.alpha LI { list-style: lower-alpha } UL LI { list-style: disc } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <OL class="alpha"> <LI>level 1 <UL> <LI>level 2</LI> </UL> </LI> </OL> </BODY> </HTML>
The desired rendering would have level 1 list items with 'lower-alpha' labels and level 2 items with 'disc' labels. However, the cascading order will cause the first style rule (which includes specific class information) to mask the second. The following rules solve the problem by employing a child selector instead:
OL.alpha > LI { list-style: lower-alpha } UL LI { list-style: disc }
Another solution would be to specify 'list-style' information only on the list type elements:
OL.alpha { list-style: lower-alpha } UL { list-style: disc }
Inheritance will transfer the 'list-style' values from OL and UL elements to LI elements. This is the recommended way to specify list style information.
A URI value may be combined with any other value, as in:
UL { list-style: url("") disc }
In the example above, the 'disc' will be used when the image is unavailable.
A value of 'none' for the 'list-style' property sets both 'list-style-type' and 'list-style-image' to 'none', because it sets the 'list-style-type' to none (that is the first value in the list), and the initial value of the 'list-style-image' property, which isn't listed in that declaration, is none. For this reason,
LI { list-style: none; }
will ensure that no list-item marker is displayed on LI elements, except if a value is explicitly given to the 'content' property of the ::marker pseudo-element. In general, the best way to ensure that no marker is rendered is to not set the 'display' property to list-item.
The name ::marker is temporary. We need a better name. At the moment the word 'marker' is seriously overloaded. XXX
Markers are created by setting an element's 'display' property to list-item. The list-item display type is, in every other respect, identical to the block display type.
If the elements' 'list-style-position' property has the value outside, then the value of the element's ::marker pseudo-element's 'content' property is formatted in an independent marker box, outside the principal box. Marker boxes are formatted as a single line (i.e., one line box), so they are not as flexible as floats or absolutely positioned boxes. The marker box is only created if the 'content' property for the pseudo-element is not none. The rest of this section discusses the details of the positioning of the marker box if it is positioned outside. For details on positioning the marker box when it is an inside list marker, see the section on 'list-style-position'.
Marker boxes have padding, borders and margins, just like inline elements. The marker box will be vertically aligned with the first line of content in the principal box, as specified by the pseudo-element's 'vertical-align' property. If the principal box contains no text, the top outer edge of the marker box will be aligned with the top outer edge of the principal box. The marker box participates in the height calculation of the principal box's first line box. Thus, markers are aligned with the first line of an element's content. If no first line box exists in a principal box, the marker box establishes its line box alone.
The marker box is horizontally aligned with the start of the line box. Thus if a float intersects the element, moving the line box start, the marker box is moved as well. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that sufficient margins are provided to prevent marker boxes overlapping with the floats. If the marker box is generating the line box, then it is aligned with the content area's start edge.
If the value of the 'width' property is auto, the marker box content width is that of the content, otherwise it is the value of 'width'. For values of 'width' less than the content width, the 'overflow' property specifies overflow behavior. For values of 'width' greater than the content width, the 'text-align' property determines the horizontal alignment of the content in the marker box.
Marker boxes may overlap principal boxes and other marker boxes. Overlap could happen for several reasons. If several nested elements without inline content all have marker boxes, for instance, or if a marker box has negative margins.
The CSS2 'marker-offset' property is obsoleted in this model and has no effect. (It is replaced by the 'margin-end' property.)
In the following example, the content is centered within a marker box of a fixed width. This document:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Content alignment in the marker box</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> LI::marker { content: "(" counter(counter) ")"; width: 6em; text-align: center; } LI { display: list-item; counter-increment: counter; } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <OL> <LI> This is the first item. </LI> <LI> This is the second item. </LI> <LI> This is the third item. </LI> </OL> </BODY> </HTML>
should produce something like this:
(1) This is the first item. (2) This is the second item. (3) This is the third item.
The next example uses markers to number notes (paragraphs).
The following document:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Markers to create numbered notes4>/TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> P { margin-left: 12 em; } P.Note::marker { content: url("note.gif") "Note " counter(note-counter) ":"; text-align: left; width: 10em; } P.Note { display: list-item; counter-increment: note-counter; } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P>This is the first paragraph in this document.</P> <P CLASS="Note">This is a very short document.</P> <P>This is the end.</P> </BODY> </HTML>
should produce something like:
This is the first paragraph in this document. Note 1: This is a very short document. This is the end.
The following example illustrates how markers may be offset from their element. This HTML application and style sheet:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Marker example 5</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> P { margin-left: 8em } /* Make space for counters */ LI::marker { margin: 0 3em 0 0; content: counter(list-item, lower-roman) "."; } LI { display: list-item } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P> This is a long preceding paragraph ...</P> <OL> <LI> This is the first item. <LI> This is the second item. <LI> This is the third item. </OL> <P> This is a long following paragraph ...</P> </BODY> </HTML>
should produce something like this:
This is a long preceding paragraph ... i. This is the first item. ii. This is the second item. iii. This is the third item. This is a long following paragraph ...
(Note the use of the implicit counter increment.)
This module has two profiles: CSS Level 1 and Full. There is no CSS2 profile because this module is incompatible with the CSS2 list model.
The CSS Level 1 module consists of 'list-style', 'list-style-position', 'list-style-image', and 'list-style-type' (but only the following values: disc, circle, square, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, none). It does not include the ::marker pseudo element.
The Full profile contains everything.
[acknowledgments -- suggestions welcome]
As described in the introduction section, there are significant changes in this module when compared to CSS2.