
HTTP-NG Binary Wire Protocol

W3C Working Draft 10 July 1998

This version:
Latest version:
Bill Janssen, Xerox PARC, <[email protected]>

Copyright  ©  1998 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio ), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark, document use and software licensing rules apply.

1. Status of this Document

This is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other interested parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". A list of current W3C technical reports can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR.

This document has been produced as part of the W3C HTTP-ng Activity. This is work in progress and does not imply endorsement by, or the consensus of, either W3C or members of the HTTP-ng Protocol Design Working Group. We expect the document to evolve as we get more data from the Web Characterization Group describing the current state of the Web.

This document describes a binary `on-the-wire' protocol to be used when sending HTTP-ng operation invocations or terminations across a network connection. It is part of a suite of documents describing the HTTP-NG design and prototype implementation:

Please send comments on this specification to <[email protected]>.

2. Syntax Used in this Document

Two data description languages are used in this document. The first, called ISL, is an abstract language for defining data types and interfaces. It is described in the ILU manual. The second is a pseudo-C syntax. It should be interpreted as C data structure layouts without any automatic padding to size boundaries, and allowing arbitrary bit-size limits on structs and unions as well as on ints and enums. Each use of ISL and pseudo-C is marked as to which language is being used.

3. Model of Operation

This protocol assumes a particular model of operation based on conventional RPC technology, with certain variations. The basic idea is that clients make use of services exported from a server by invoking operations on objects resident in that server. The client is connected to the server by a connection, which carries operation invocation requests from the client (known as the caller) to the server (known as the callee), and operation results from the callee back to the caller. Multiple connections can exist simultaneously between the same client and server. The connection has state associated with it, which allows the caller and callee to use shorthand notations for some of the data passed to the other party.

Two RPC messages are defined by this protocol: the Request, which is used by the caller to invoke an operation on the callee, and the Reply, which is used to transfer operation results from the callee to the caller. Every Reply message is associated with a particular Request message, but not every Request message has a Reply message associated with it. Connections are directional; operation invocation Requests always flow from the caller to the callee; Replies always flow from the callee to the caller. In addition to the RPC messages, several control messages are defined for this protocol. These control messages are used to improve the efficiency and robustness of the connection. They are intended to be generated and consumed by the implementation of the wire protocol, and should have no direct effect on the applications using the protocol.

A Request message indicates two important elements, the operation and the discriminant object, or discriminant; it also contains data values which are the input parameters to the operation. The model used here assumes that operations are grouped into sets, the elements of which have a well-defined ordering; each operation set is called an interface. It further assumes that an interface can be identified by a URN which also a UUID; and that each operation in an interface can be identified with the ordinal number of the operation within the ordering of the elements of the interface. It assumes that every discriminant object can be identified with an object ID, also a URN and UUID. It provides for the fact that, with most distributed object systems, all of the discriminants available at a particular server share a common prefix to their object ID; this is called the server ID. Note that this characteristic is not required, but the protocol provides an efficiency optimization for the case where it is true. In such a case, we call the portion of the object ID not contained in the server ID the instance handle. Each request has an implicit connection-specific serial number associated with it; serial numbers begin with the value one (1), and have a maximum value of 16777215. When the maximum serial number of a connection has been reached, the connection must be terminated, and further operations must be invoked over a new connection.

A Reply message indicates the termination status of the operation, provides information about synchronization, and may contain data values which are output parameters or `return values' from the operation. It contains an explicit serial number to indicate which Request it is a reply to. Replies may either indicate successful completion of the operation, or several different kinds of exceptional termination; if an exception is signalled, additional information is passed to indicate which of the possible exceptions for the operation was raised.

The model assumes that the messages are carried back and forth between the two parties by a transport subsystem. It requires that the transport subsystem be reliable, sequenced, and message-oriented. By reliable, we mean that after a message is handed to the transport, the transport will either deliver it to the other party, or will signal an error if its reliable delivery cannot be ascertained. By sequenced, we mean that the transport will deliver messages to the other party in the same order in which the sender handed them to the transport. By message-oriented, we mean that the transport will provide indication of the beginning and ending of the messages, without reference to any data encoded inside the message. An example of this type of transport would be the record marking defined in Internet RFC 1831 used with TCP/IP.

4. Global Issues

4.1. Byte Order

All values use `network standard' byte order, i.e. big-endian, because all Internet protocols use it. If in the future this becomes a problem for the Internet, this protocol will be affected by whatever solution is used to solve the problem in the wider Internet context. Note that the data marshalling format defined in Internet RFC 1832, which this protocol incorporates by reference, is also defined to be a big-endian protocol.

4.2. Alignment and Padding

The marshalled form of each value begins on a 32-bit boundary. The marshalled form of each value is padded-after, if necessary, to the next 32-bit boundary. The padding bits may be either 0 or 1 in any combination.

4.3. Marshalling Format

Marshalling is via the XDR format specified in Internet RFC 1832. It could be argued that this format is inexcusably wasteful with certain value types, such as boolean (32 bits) or byte (32 bits), and that a 16-bit or 8-bit oriented format should be designed and used in its place. However, the argument of using an existing Internet standard for this purpose, rather than inventing a new one, is a strong one; a new format should only be defined if measurement of the overhead shows gross waste.

4.4. Security

This protocol assumes that security provisions are made either at some level above it, typically in the application interfaces, or at some level below it, typically by use of a secure transport mechanism. It contains no protocol-level mechanisms for providing or assuring any of the concerns normally related to security.

4.5. Session Context

Unlike some previous protocols, this protocol is session-oriented. That means that individual messages are sent in the context of a session, and are context-sensitive. This context-sensitivity allows session-wide compression. However, to support various kinds of marshalling architectures in implementations of this system, all marshalling can be done in a context-insensitive fashion, at the expense of sending additional bytes across the wire. However, unmarshalling implementations must always be capable of tracking and using context-sensitive information.

5. Utility types

The following data structures are defined in pseudo-C:

typedef enum {
 False = 0,
 True = 1
} Boolean;

typedef enum {
 InitializeConnection = 0,
 TerminateConnection = 1,
 DefaultCharset = 2
} ControlMsgType;

typedef enum {
 Success = 0,
 UserException = 1,             /* occurred during operation */
 SystemExceptionBefore = 2,     /* occurred before beginning operation */
 SystemExceptionAfter = 3       /* occurred after beginning operation */
} ReplyStatus;

typedef struct {
 Boolean cached_disc : 1;       /* True if cached object key */
 union {
  struct {
   Boolean cache_key : 1;       /* True if both sides cache it */
   unsigned key_len : 13;       /* length of key bytes */
  } uncached_key;
  unsigned cache_index : 14;    /* cache index if cached */
 } v;
} DiscriminantID;

typedef struct {
 Boolean cached_op : 1;         /* True if cached id */
 union {
  struct {
   Boolean cache_operation : 1; /* True if should be cached */
   unsigned method_id : 13;     /* method index */
  } uncached_op_info;
  unsigned cache_index : 14;    /* cache index if "cached_op" set */
 } v;
} OperationID;

typedef enum {
 MangledMessage = 0,            /* bad protocol synchronization */
 ProcessFinished = 1,           /* sending party has `exitted' */
 ResourceManagement = 2,        /* transient close */
 WrongCallee = 3,               /* bad server ID received */
 MaxSerialNumber = 4            /* the maximum serial number was used */
} TerminationCause;

typedef struct {
 unsigned major : 4;     
 unsigned minor : 4;
} ProtocolVersion;

typedef unsigned Unused;

6. Messages

Only a few messages are defined. The InitializeConnection message is used by the caller to verify that it has connected to the right server, and that it is using the correct version of the wire protocol. The DefaultCharset message allows both sides to independently define a default value for string charsets. The Request message causes an operation to be started on the remote server. The Reply message is sent from the server to the client to inform it of the completion status of the operation, and to convey any result values. The TerminateConnection message allows either side to indicate graceful shutdown of a connection.

6.1. Extension Headers

This protocol uses a feature called an extension header to provide for extensibility and tailorability. Features such as serialization contexts or global thread identifiers may be implemented via this feature. An extension header is an encapsulated value of the ISL type ExtensionHeader. Each request message and reply message may contain a value of type ExtensionHeaderList, which contains a number of extension headers. The following ISL fragment decribes the types ExtensionHeaderList and ExtensionHeader:

INTERFACE HTTP-ng-w3ng IMPORTS HTTP-ng END BRAND "http-ng.w3.org";
TYPE SimpleString = STRING LANGUAGE "i-default" LIMIT 0xFFFF;
TYPE CinfoString = STRING LANGUAGE "i-httpngcinfo" LIMIT 0xFFFF;
TYPE ExtensionHeader = RECORD
     name : HTTP-ng.UUIDString,
     value : PICKLE
TYPE ExtensionHeaderList = SEQUENCE OF ExtensionHeader;

6.2. Request Message

Request header (pseudo-C):

typedef struct {
  Boolean control_msg : 1;        /* == FALSE */
  Boolean ext_hdr_present : 1;    /* True if ext hdr list present */
  OperationID operation_id : 15;  /* identifies operation */
  DiscriminantID object_key : 15; /* identifies discriminant */
} RequestMsgHeader                /* 4 bytes total */

The actual message consists of the following sections:

[ RequestMsgHeader ]
[ extension header list, if any ]
[ XDR string containing object type ID of object type defining operation, if not cached ]
[ bytes of object_key, if not cached, padded to 4 byte boundary ]
[ explicit input parameter values, if any, padded to a 4 byte boundary ]

The operation_id contains either a connection-specific 14-bit cache index, or a 13-bit method id (the zero-based ordinal position of the method in the ISL declaration of the object type in which the operation is defined) of the operation. If the method id is given, an additional value, an XDR string value containing the object type ID of the object type in which the operation is defined, is also passed. This means that this protocol will not support interfaces in which object types have more than 8192 methods directly defined.

The object_key is either a 14-bit connection-specific cache index, or the length of a variable length octet sequence of 8192 or fewer bytes containing the service-point-relative name for the object (the instance-handle of the URL). The object key value of { False, False, 0 }, normally a zero byte variable length object key, is reserved for use by the protocol. The object_key is marshalled onto the transport as an XDR value of type fixed-length opaque data, where the length is that specified in the v.key_len field of the object_key.

6.2.1 Operation and Object Memoizing

Callers may reduce the size of messages by memoizing operation IDs and object IDs that are passed in the connection. This is done by the caller setting the cache_key (for object IDs) or cache_operation (for operation IDs) bit in the DiscriminantID or OperationID struct when the object key or operation ID is first sent. Each side must then assign the next available index to that object or operation. The space of operations is separate from the space of object ids, so that a total of 16383 possible values is available for memoizing of discriminant objects, and 16383 different possible values for memoizing of operations.

Note that the index is passed implicitly, so both sides of the connection must synchronize their use of indices.

A shared set of indices may be loaded into the connection by some mechanism before any messages are sent. This specification does not define a mechanism for doing so.

6.3. Reply Message

Reply header (pseudo-C):

typedef struct {
  Boolean control_msg : 1;        /* == FALSE */
  Boolean ext_hdr_present : 1;    /* True if ext hdr list present */
  ReplyStatus : 2;
  Unused reply_1 : 4;
  unsigned serial_no : 24;        /* serial # from Request */
} ReplyMsgHeader;                 /* 4 bytes total */

The actual message consists of the following fields:

[ ReplyMsgHeader ]
[ extension header list, if any ]
[ exception ID (32-bit unsigned), if any ]
[ explicit output parameter values, if any, padded to 4 byte boundary ]

6.4. InitializeConnection Message

InitializeConnection header (pseudo-C):

typedef struct {
  Boolean control_msg : 1;        /* == TRUE */
  ControlMsgType msg_type : 3;    /* == InitializeConnection */
  Unused verify_1 : 4;
  ProtocolVersion version : 8;    /* what version of the protocol? */
  unsigned server_id_len : 16;    /* length of server ID */
} InitializeConnectionMsgHeader;

The actual message consists of the following fields:

[ InitializeConnectionMsgHeader ]
[ server_id_len-length server ID for supposed callee, padded to 4-byte boundary ]

This message is sent from caller to callee as the first message of the connection. It is used to pass the server ID of the connection from client to server, so that both sides understand what the omitted prefix portion of discriminant IDs is. If the server ID received by the callee is not the correct server ID for the callee (i.e., the callee has objects which do not have that prefix in their object IDs), the callee should terminate the connection, with the appropriate reason. The server ID is passed as an XDR fixed-length opaque data value of the length specified in server_id_len.

6.5. TerminateConnection Message

TerminateConnection header (pseudo-C):

typedef struct {
  Boolean control_msg : 1;        /* == TRUE */
  ControlMsgType msg_type : 3;    /* == TerminateConnection */
  TerminationCause cause: 4;      /* why connection terminated */
  unsigned serial_no : 24;        /* last request processed/sent */
} TerminateConnectionMsgHeader;

The actual message consists simply of the header; it provides for graceful connection shutdown. It is sent either from the caller to the callee, or from the callee to the caller, and informs the other party that it is cancelling the connection, for one of these reasons:

  1. A badly formatted message has arrived from the other party, and protocol sychronization is believe lost, or, the caller has sent a InitializeConnection message with the wrong major version for the protocol;
  2. This party (process, thread, whatever) is going away, and the other party should not attempt to reconnect to it;
  3. This connection is being terminated due to active resource management; the other party should attempt to reconnect if it needs to -- this reason is typically only useful from callee to caller;
  4. The caller has sent a InitializeConnection message with the wrong server ID;
  5. The caller has used the maximum serial number available for this connection.

The serial_no field contains the serial number of the last message completely processed by the caller (when TerminateConnection is sent from caller to callee), or the serial number of the last message sent by the callee (when sent from callee to caller). No further messages should be sent on the connection by a sender of a TerminateConnection message after it has been sent, or by a receiver of TerminateConnection messsage after it has been received.

6.6. DefaultCharset Message

DefaultCharset header (pseudo-C):

typedef struct {
  Boolean control_msg : 1;        /* == TRUE */
  ControlMsgType msg_type : 3;    /* == DefaultCharset */
  Unused bits_12: 12;             /* unused */
  unsigned charset_mibenum : 16;  /* default charset */
} DefaultCharsetMsgHeader;

This message is sent by either side of a connection to establish a default charset for subsequent messages sent by that side of the connection. The charset defines how string values are marshalled as octet sequences. The default charset defines the default marshalling, unless overridden by an explicit charset in a string value. Each side of the connection may establish a default charset independently of the other side of the connection; the default charset only applies to string values in messages coming from that side. A new value of the default charset may be established at any time by sending another DefaultCharset message.

7. Data Marshalling

The data value format used for parameters is the XDR format specified in Internet RFC 1832. However, we extend the XDR specification with one additional type, called flagged variable-length opaque data. It is similar to XDR's regular variable-length opaque data, except that the high-order bit of the length field is used as a flag bit, instead of being part of the length. This means that flagged variable-length opaque data can only carry opaque data of lengths less than or equal to (2**31)-1.

            0     1     2     3     4     5   ...
 flag -->||       length n       |byte0|byte1|...| n-1 |  0  |...|  0  |
  bit    ++----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+...+-----+-----+...+-----+
         ||<------31 bits------->|<------n bytes------>|<---r bytes--->|
                                 |<----n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)---->|
                                          FLAGGED VARIABLE-LENGTH OPAQUE

7.1. Boolean Type

Values of type BOOLEAN are passed as XDR bool.

7.2. Enumeration Types

Values of enumeration types are passed as XDR enum. Each enumeration value is assigned its ordinal value as it appears in the declaration of the enumeration type, starting with the value `one'.

7.3. Numeric Types

7.3.1. Fixed-point Types

Values of fixed-point types are passed by passing the value of the numerator. We define a number of special cases for efficient marshalling of common integer types, as well as a general case for passing values of fixed-point types that are not covered by the special cases.

Special cases:

General case:

The numerator of the value is passed as XDR flagged variable-length opaque data, with the bytes of the data containing the value expressed as a base-256 number, in big-endian order; that is, with the most significant digit of the value first. The flag bit is used to carry the sign; the flag bit is 0 for a positive number or zero, and 1 for a negative number.

7.3.2. Floating-point Types

We define a number of special cases for efficient marshalling of common floating-point types, as well as a general case for passing values of floating-point types that are not covered by the special cases.

Special cases:

General case:

Values of floating-point types not matching the special cases identified above are passed as a value of the XDR struct type GeneralFloatingPointValue, which has the following definition:

/* XDR */
enum { Normal = 1, NotANumber = 2, Infinity = 3 } FloatingPointValueType;
struct {
  flagged opaque FixedPointSignAndSignificand<>;
  flagged opaque FixedPointExponent<>;
} NormalFloatingPointValue;
union switch (FloatingPointValueType disc) {
  case Normal: NormalFloatingPointValue value;
  case NotANumber: void;
  case Infinity: void;
} GeneralFloatingPointValue;

The two fields of the NormalFloatingPointValue struct each contain an on-the-wire representation of a fixed-point value of the fixed-point type (denominator=1, no-mininum-numerator, no-maximum-numerator). The FixedPointSignAndSignificand field contains the sign of the floating-point value as the sign, and the actual significand as the absolute value of the fixed-point value. The FixedPointExponent field contains the exponent of the floating-point value.

7.4. String Types

Each string value sent in this protocol has a charset [RFC 2278] associated with it, identified by the charset's IANA-assigned MIBEnum value. Each side of a session may establish a default charset by sending the DefaultCharset message. String values that use the default character set do not contain explicit charset information; string values that use a charset other than the default charset contain the MIBEnum value for the charset, along with the bytes of the string.

We send a string value as a value of XDR flagged variable-length opaque data. If the flag bit is 1, the first two bytes of the string value are the MIBEnum of the charset, high-order byte first; the remaining bytes are the bytes of the string. If the flag bit is 0, the bytes of opaque data simply contain the bytes of the string; the charset is the default charset for the session. It is a marshalling error to send a string value with a flag bit of 0 over a session for which no default charset has been established. To avoid context-sensitivity in marshalling a string, it is always valid to marshal a string with an explicit charset value, even if the charset value is the same as the default charset for the session. When marshalling a string into a pickle, the charset should always be explicitly included.

7.5. Sequence Types

Values of sequence types are passed as XDR variable-length arrays, with one exception: Sequences of any fixed-point type with a minimum numerator greater than or equal to 0, and a maximum numerator less than or equal to 255, are passed as XDR variable-length opaque data, with one numerator value per octet.

7.6. Array Types

Values of array types are passed as XDR fixed-length arrays, with one exception: Arrays of any fixed-point type with a minimum numerator greater than or equal to 0, and a maximum numerator less than or equal to 255, are passed as XDR fixed-length opaque data, with one numerator value per octet. Values of array types are passed as XDR fixed-length arrays, with one exception:

7.7. Record Types

Values of record types are passed as XDR struct.

7.8. Union Types

Values of union types are passed as XDR union, with the union discriminant being the zero-based ordinal value for the encapsulated value's type.

7.9. Pickle Type

A pickle is passed as an XDR variable-length opaque data, containing the type ID of the pickled value's type, followed by the XDR-marshalled pickled value. To save pickle space for common value types used in metadata, we define a packed format for the type ID marshalling. A type ID is marshalled into a pickle as a 32-bit header, in an XDR unsigned integer, possibly followed by an XDR fixed-length opaque data, containing the string form of the type ID of the pickled type. The header has the following internal structure:

/* Pseudo-C */
typedef struct {
  unsigned              version : 8;
  PickleTypeKind        type_kind : 8;
  unsigned              type_id_len : 16;
} TypeIDHeader;

The version field gives the version number of the pickle format; the type_kind field contains a value from the enum

/* Pseudo-C */
typedef enum {
  TypeKind_unconstrained = 0,   /* anything not covered by other type kinds... */
  TypeKind_boolean = 1, /* BOOLEAN */
  TypeKind_s8 = 2,	/* FIXED-POINT DENOM=1 MIN-NUM=-128 MAX-NUM=127 */
  TypeKind_s16 = 3,	/* FIXED-POINT DENOM=1 MIN-NUM=-32768 MAX-NUM=32767 */
  TypeKind_s32 = 4,     /* FIXED-POINT DENOM=1 MIN-NUM=-2147483648 MAX-NUM=2147483647 */
  TypeKind_s64 = 5,	/* FIXED-POINT DENOM=1 MIN-NUM=-9223372036854775808
			   MAX-NUM=9223372036854775807 */
  TypeKind_u8 = 6,      /* FIXED-POINT DENOM=1 MIN-NUM=0 MAX-NUM=255 */
  TypeKind_u16 = 7,	/* FIXED-POINT DENOM=1 MIN-NUM=0 MAX-NUM=65535 */
  TypeKind_u32 = 8,	/* FIXED-POINT DENOM=1 MIN-NUM=0 MAX-NUM=4294967296 */
  TypeKind_u64 = 9,	/* FIXED-POINT DENOM=1 MIN-NUM=0 MAX-NUM=18446744073709551616 */
  TypeKind_ieee_float32 = 10,   /* FLOATING-POINT SIGNIFICAND-SIZE=24 EXPONENT-BASE=2
  TypeKind_ieee_float64 = 11,   /* FLOATING-POINT SIGNIFICAND-SIZE=53 EXPONENT-BASE=2
                                   MAXIMUM-EXPONENT-VALUE=1023 MINIMUM-EXPONENT-VALUE=-1022,
                                   HAS-NOT-A-NUMBER=TRUE HAS-INFINITY=TRUE
                                   DENORMALIZED-VALUE-ALLOWED=TRUE HAS-SIGNED-ZERO=TRUE */
  TypeKind_i_default_str = 12,  /* STRING LANGUAGE="i-default" */
  TypeKind_object = 13,         /* local or remote object */
  /* other types like Date, etc, should be added here... */
} PickleTypeKind;

If the value of type_kind is TypeKind_unconstrained, the value of type_kind_len is the length of a value of XDR type fixed-length opaque data, containing the full string type ID of the type, which immediately follows the header. Otherwise, no opaque data is marshalled.

For the purposes of marshalling, pickles have no default charset; this means that strings marshalled into a pickle should always contain an explicit charset. Pickles should be considered a single "message" for the purposes of marshalling aliased reference types.

7.10. Reference Types

7.10.1. Optional Types

Optional types are passed as XDR optional-data.

7.10.2. Aliased Types

The scope of aliasing in this protocol is the message, as in Java RMI, rather than the call, as in DCE RPC. That is, aliasing occurs only within the context of a single invocation or result, rather than across a full invocation-result pair. For the purposes of marshalling, a pickle scope should be considered a single message scope.

Each unique value of an aliased type that is marshalled is assigned a 32-bit unsigned integer value, unique in the scope of aliasing, called its aliased identifier. This identifier is marshalled as an XDR unsigned integer. If the aliased value has not previously been sent in this scope, its value is then marshalled as a value of its base type would be. Note that this means that the full value of every aliased type is sent only once in a scope; subsequent occurrences send only the aliased identifier.

[ XXX - how to handle overflow of aliased value cache? ]

7.11. Object Types

An instance of an object type is passed as the state of the object type, which also contains information about the actual type of the value. For remote object types, this state is followed by the object identifier, and optionally information about how the instance may be contacted.

7.11.1. Parameter Type Versus Actual Type

When marshalling the state of an object, it's important to distinguish two important types of the value: the parameter type, which is the type that both sides of the session expect the value to have, and the actual type of the value, which is the most-derived type of the object, and may be a subtype of the parameter type. If the actual type is different from the parameter type, extra information must be passed along with the value to allow the receiver to properly distinguish the type and its associated data. However, if the actual type is the same as the parameter type, some of this information can be omitted.

7.11.2. Passing the Actual Type ID

We pass the state of the object type as the type ID of the most-derived-type of the object, followed by the state attributes of each type of the object. The type ID is passed as one of three values, depending on the following conditions:

  1. If the parameter type of the object is sealed, both sides already know the most-derived-type ID of the instance, and know that the actual type must be the same as the parameter type. In this case, the type ID is passed as XDR void.
  2. If the actual type of the object is the same as the parameter type, this is indicated by passing a zero-length value of XDR variable-length opaque data.
  3. Otherwise, the type ID is passed as a value of XDR variable-length opaque data containing the type ID.

7.11.3. Passing the State Attributes

The state attributes are marshalled in one of two ways:

  1. If the actual type of the instance is the same as the parameter type, the state of each of the types of the object are passed by walking the supertype inheritance tree of the instance in a depth-first order, passing the value of each attribute of any particular state in the order in which they are defined, as if each state formed an XDR structure with the attributes as the components of the structure. The value of each attribute is marshalled directly according to the type of the attribute.
  2. If the actual type of the instance is a subtype of the parameter type, the receiver has to be able to handle state for types it has no knowledge of. To allow for this, the state of each type is passed as an encapsulation. That is, the state of the instance is passed as a sequence of XDR structure values, each containing the state for one of the types of the instance. Types of the instance which have no associated state do not appear in this sequence. An XDR expression of the sequence would be the following:
    /* XDR */
    struct {
      opaque type_id<0xFFFF>;
      opaque state<>;
    } TypeState;
    typedef TypeState StateSequence<>;

    The type_id field contains the type ID for that type of the the object value. The variable-length opaque data field state contains the values of the attributes of the state marshalled as an XDR structure, where the components of the structure are the attributes of the state.

7.11.4. Passing the Object ID and Contact Info

In the case of a remote object type, the server ID, instance handle and contact info for the value are passed as a value of the following XDR structure type RemoteObjectInfo:

/* XDR */
typedef string ContactInfo<0xFFFF>;
struct {
  opaque server_id<>;
  opaque instance_handle<>;
  ContactInfo cinfos<>;
} RemoteObjectInfo;

where server_id is a identifier for the server which supports the desired object, and instance_handle is a server-relative name for the object. The cinfos field contains zero or more pieces of information about the way in which the object needs to be contacted, including information such as whether various transport layers are involved.

8. System Exceptions

8.1. UnknownProblem

Exception Code: 0
ISL Values: None

An unknown problem occurred.

8.2. ImplementationLimit

Exception Code: 1
ISL Values: None

The request could not be properly addressed because of some implementation resource limit on the callee side.

8.3. SwitchConnectionCinfo

Exception Code: 2
ISL Values: NEW-CINFO : HTTP-ng-w3ng.CinfoString

This exception requests the caller to upgrade the connection protocol and transport information to the cinfo specified as the argument, and re-try the call. This is the equivalent of the UPGRADE message in HTTP 1.1, and the RELOCATE_REPLY message in CORBA GIOP.

8.4. Marshal

Exception Code: 3
ISL Values: None

A marshalling problem was encountered.

8.5. NoSuchObjectType

Exception Code: 4
ISL Values: None

The object type of the operation was unknown at the server.

8.6. NoSuchMethod

Exception Code: 5
ISL Values: None

The object type of the operation was known at the server, but did not contain the indicated method.

8.7. NoSuchObject

Exception Code: 6
ISL Values: None

The specified discriminant object was not available at the server.

8.8. InvalidType

Exception Code: 7
ISL Values: None

The object specified by the discriminant did not participate in the type specified in the operation.

8.9. Rejected

Exception Code: 8
ISL Values: REASON : OPTIONAL SimpleString

The server refused to process the request. It may return a string giving a reason for the rejection.

8.10. OperationOrDiscriminantCacheOverflow

Exception Code: 9
ISL Values: None

The request caused the receiver's cache of operations or discriminants to overflow. The sender may retry the request with uncached operation and discriminant values; subsequent requests should not cache any additional operation or discriminant values, but may continue to use previously successfully cached values.

9. Discussion

9.1. Serial Numbers

Does this protocol need to assign serial numbers to requests and replies? We do so in order to be able to cancel operations by serial number, and to be able to return reply messages out of order. The first problem, that of cancelling operations, could be dealt with by keeping track of serial numbers implicitly, and using an explicit serial number only in the CancelRequest message. Doing this would imply that the replies would have to be returned in the order in which the requests were passed, but would allow us to have 6 byte request messages (4 bytes if we count the discriminant as part of the arguments, instead of part of the header), and 4 byte reply messages. Thus the only real purpose for serial numbers is to allow replies to be returned out of order (and possibly to make debugging the protocol easier). There are other deeper unanswered questions here about the serialization semantics of the protocol. For instance, should the callee wait until dispatching a reply to one request until beginning to process the next one?

The current answer to these questions is that it is highly useful to allow a threaded callee to process multiple requests in parallel, and to allow it to return requests out of order. Thus serial numbers are useful. We assume that higher-level protocols desiring serialization will provide a serialization context as part of the context of the call, and that serialization will be handled at either a higher or lower level.

9.2. Memoizing of PICKLE and Object Types?

A great deal of the traffic over this protocol may consist of values of type PICKLE (the equivalent of object-by-value, or of HTTP's MIME-encapsulated body type) or of some object type. It is tempting to introduce a form of memoizing for these value types, similar to that used for request discriminants. There are two reasons not to do so:

  1. XDR provides no explicit support for memoizing, which means that we would have to provide a marshalling format for these types which has no clean layering onto XDR. For instance, it might be possible to pass an object value as an XDR 32-bit unsigned integer with the following (private) pseudo-C structure
    struct {
      boolean   use_cached_value : 1;
      boolean   cache_this_value : 1;
      union {
        unsigned int url_len : 30;
        unsigned int cache_key : 30;
      } v;

    either by itself (if use_cached_value is set), or followed by an XDR fixed length opaque value containing the URL for the object (if use_cached_value is not set). This type of variable structure has no equivalent in XDR. On the other hand, it could well be argued that since we are marshalling an object type, something not explicitly covered by XDR, that we are simply providing an extension to XDR, in the spirit of the marshalling. We could even use a simpler construct, such as XDR union.

  2. A more powerful argument is that allowing arbitrary memoizing of large items can let the caller place almost arbitrary loads on the storage requirements of the callee. It could be argued that the callee can reset the connection at any time if the load becomes too onerous via TerminateConnection.

Neither of these arguments seems overwhelmingly powerful.

9.3. URL Forms

Open issues:

Proposed: URLs for HTTP-ng objects will be of the form


where SERVER-ID is a identifier for the server which supports the desired object; INSTANCE-HANDLE is a server-relative name for the object; TYPE is the type ID for the most derived type of the object; and CINFO is information about the way in which the object needs to be contacted, including information such as whether various transport layers are involved. This form has the virtue of becoming a URN if the optional CINFO and TYPE fields are omitted.

9.4. Current syntax of Cinfo strings

The syntax of cinfo currently follows the ILU definition. Each cinfo string has the form described below (where brackets indicate optionality, an <ALPHANUMERIC-ID> is an identifier composed of ASCII lowercase alphabetic and numeric characters, beginning with a lowercase alphabetic character, and a <NON-UNDERSCORE-STRING> is any string of ASCII characters not containing the underscore character '_'):

<cinfo> := <pinfo> '@' <tinfo-stack>

<pinfo> := <scheme> [ '_' <parms> ]

<scheme> := <ALPHANUMERIC-ID>

<parms> := <parm> [ '_' <parms> ]


<tinfo-stack> := <tinfo> [ '=' <tinfo-stack> ]

<tinfo> := <scheme> [ '_' <parms> ]

9.4.1. Syntax of w3ng Pinfo

The current syntax of the pinfo string for the ILU implementation of the w3ng wire protocol is

<scheme> := 'w3ng'

<parms> := <major-version> [ '.' <minor-version> ]

where <major-version> and <minor-version> are numbers between 0 and 15. If the <minor-version> is not specified, it defaults to 0.

9.4.2. Syntax of w3mux Tinfo

The current syntax of the tinfo string for the ILU implementation of the w3mux transport layer is

<scheme> := 'w3mux'

<parms> := <channel> '_' <endpoint>

where <channel> is a protocol ID number [MUX], and <endpoint> is a UUID string for an endpoint. The size of the <endpoint> string must be less than 1000 bytes.

9.4.3. Syntax of tcp Tinfo

The current syntax of the tinfo string for the ILU implementation of the tcp transport layer is

<scheme> := 'tcp'

<parms> := <host> '_' <port>

where <host> is string of less than 1000 bytes indicating the IP address or hostname of the remote machine, and <port> is the TCP port on which the host is listening.

9.4.4. Syntax of sunrpcrm Tinfo

The current syntax of the tinfo string for the ILU implementation of the sunrpcrm transport layer is

<scheme> := 'sunrpcrm'

No parameters are defined. This layer implements the ONC RPC record-marking scheme on top of a reliable byte stream, as defined in section 10 of the ONC RPC RFC [ONC RPC].

10. References

RFC 2278: http://info.internet.isi.edu:80/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc2278.txt

XDR [RFC 1832]: http://info.internet.isi.edu:80/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc1832.txt

ONC RPC [RFC 1831]: http://info.internet.isi.edu:80/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc1831.txt

ISL: ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/ilu/2.0a12/manual-html/manual_2.html

WD-HTTP-NG-arch-model (work in progress): http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-HTTP-NG-architecture

MUX (work in progress): http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-mux

ILU: ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/ilu/2.0a12/manual-html/manual_2.html

11. Address of Author

Bill Janssen
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Phone: (650) 812-4763
FAX: (650) 812-4777
Email: [email protected]
HTTP: http://www.parc.xerox.com/istl/members/janssen/
