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The W3C Voice Browser working group aims to develop specifications to enable access to the Web using spoken interaction. This document is part of a set of requirements studies for voice browsers, and provides an introduction and glossary of terms.
This document introduces the requirements for voice browsing as a precursor to starting work on specifications. The requirements are being released as working drafts but are not intended to become proposed recommendations.
This specification is a Working Draft of the Voice Browser working group for review by W3C members and other interested parties. This is the first public version of this document. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress".
Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C membership, nor of members of the Voice Browser working groups. This is still a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite W3C Working Drafts as other than "work in progress."
This document has been produced as part of the W3C Voice Browser Activity, following the procedures set out for the W3C Process. The authors of this document are members of the Voice Browser Working Group. This document is for public review. Comments should be sent to the public mailing list <[email protected]> (archive) by 14th January 2000.
A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at
The goal of this document is to provide an introduction to the goals and deliverables of the Voice Browser Working Group. In addition to new summary and introductory material, this document contains excerpts from various other documents (all cited) and edited content from the W3C Voice Browser web site.
Far more people today have access to a telephone than have access to a computer with an Internet connection. In addition, sales of cell-phones are booming, so that many of us have already or soon will have a phone within reach wherever we go. In addition, a new class of portable and device-embedded platforms is being introduced that will enable mixed voice, graphical and tactile interactions. Voice browsers offer the promise of allowing everyone to access Internet-based services from any device, making it practical to access services any time and any where, whether at home, on the move, or at work.
It is common for companies to offer services over the phone via menus traversed using the phone's keypad. Voice Browsers offer a great fit for the next generation of call-centers, which will become portals to the company's services and related web sites, whether accessed via the telephone network or via the Internet. Users will able to choose whether to respond by a key press or a spoken command.
Voice browsers allow people to access the Web using speech synthesis, pre-recorded audio, and speech recognition. This can be supplemented by keypads and small displays. Voice may also be offered as an adjunct to conventional desktop browsers with high resolution graphical displays, providing an accessible alternative to using the keyboard or screen, for instance in automobiles where hands/eyes free operation is essential. Voice interaction can escape the physical limitations on keypads and displays as mobile devices become ever smaller.
Until recently, speech recognition and spoken language technologies have had for the most part to be handcrafted into applications. The Web offers the potential to vastly expand the opportunities for voice-based applications. The Web page provides the means to scope the dialog with the user, limiting interaction to navigating the page, traversing links and filling in forms. In some cases, this may involve the transformation of Web content into formats better suited to the needs of voice browsing. In others, it may prove effective to author content directly for voice browsers.
Information supplied by authors can increase the robustness of speech recognition and the quality of speech synthesis. Text to speech can be combined with pre-recorded audio material in an analogous manner to the use of images in visual media, drawing upon experience with radio broadcasting. The lessons learned in designing for accessibility can be applied to the broader voice browsing marketplace, making it practical to author content that is accessible on a wide range of platforms, covering voice, visual displays and Braille.
W3C held a workshop on "Voice Browsers" in October 1998. The workshop brought together people involved in developing voice browsers for accessing Web based services. The workshop concluded that the time was ripe for W3C to bring together interested parties to collaborate on the development of joint specifications for voice browsers, particularly since these efforts concern subsetting or extending some of the core W3C technologies, for example HTML and CSS.
This Working Group has the mission:
An associated public mailing list ([email protected]) is availabale for public review of proposals prepared by the Working Group. A public web page is provided ( describing the status of the activity, with a link to an archive of the public e-mail list.
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to the public mailing list, <[email protected]> (archive) by 14th January 2000. All comments and suggestions will be reviewed by selected members of the working group, who may recommend changes to the documents. We regret that we may not able to respond individually to each and every comment. Revised documents approved by the full membership of the working group will be posted at this web site by the end of January.
"A device which interprets a (voice) markup language and is capable of generating voice output and/or interpreting voice input, and possibly other input/output modalities."
The definition of a voice browser, above, is a broad one. The fact that the system deals with speech is obvious given the first word of the name, but what makes a software system that interacts with the user via speech a "browser"? The answer lies mostly in the context of the discussion, and the venue of this research (the W3C), and that, loosely stated, the information that the system uses (for either domain data or dialog flow) is dynamic and comes somewhere from the Internet. >From an end-user's perspective, the impetus is to provide a service similar to what graphical browsers of HTML and related technologies do today, but on devices that are not equipped with full-browsers or even the screens to support them. This situation is only exacerbated by the fact that much of today's content depends on the ability to run scripting languages and 3rd-party plug-ins to work correctly.
Much of the effort of the Working Group concentrates on using the telephone as the first voice browsing device. This is not to say that it is the preferred embodiment for a voice browser, only that the number of access devices is huge, and because it is at the opposite end of the graphical-browser continuum, which high lights the requirements that make a speech interface viable. By the first meeting it was clear that this scope-limiting was also needed in order to make progress, given that there are significant challenges in designing a system that uses or integrates with existing content, or that automatically scales to the features of various access devices.
If a voice browser is to converse with the user, then a description, either explicit or derived and implicit, must exist for the the underlying system to "render" into a dialog. Ultimately, it will be up to solution-providers to take an inventory of the existing content (if any), development tools, data-access requirements, deployment platforms, and application goals such as cost, security, richness and robustness, before they can decide what technology to use. More likely than not, for the time-being, multiple content types will be required to deliver the most natural experience on each type of browsing device -- this is both a technical limitation, and driven by the user's who expect the latest-and-greatest attributes of each modality to be featured in their applications.
"A prioritized list of requirements for spoken dialog interaction which any proposed markup language (or extension thereof) should address."
The Dialog Requirements document describes properties of a
voice browser dialog, including a discussion of modalities (input
and output mechanisms combined with various dialog interaction
capabilities), functionality (system behavior) and the format of
a dialog language. A definition of the latter is not specified,
but a list of criteria is given that any proposed language should
adhere to.
An important requirement of any proposed dialog language is ease-of-creation. Dialogs can be created with a tool as simple as a text-editor, with more specific tools, such as an (XML) structure editor, to tools that are special-purposed to deal with the semantics of the language at hand.
Examples of existing and proposed (non-sanctioned) dialog languages can be found in the Further Reading section, below.
"...defines a speech recognition grammar specification language that will be generally useful across a variety of speech platforms used in the context of a dialog and synthesis markup environment."
When the system or application needs to describe to the speech-recognizer what to listen for, one way it can do so is via a format that is both human and machine-readable. This document describes the requirements for two forms of character-set grammar — as a matter of preference or implementation, one is more easily read by (most) humans, while the other is geared toward machine generation.
"To assist in clarifying the scope of charters of each of the several subgroups of the W3C Voice Browser Working Group, a representative or model architecture for a typical voice browser application has been developed. This architecture illustrates one possible arrangement of the main components of a typical system, and should not be construed as a recommendation."
Some of this document is reproduced in System Architecture, below.
"...establishes a prioritized list of requirements for natural language processing in a voice browser environment."
The data that a voice browser uses to create a dialog can vary from a rigid set of instructions and state transitions, whether declaratively and/or procedurally stated, to a dialog that is created dynamically from information and constraints about the dialog itself.
The NLP requirements document describes the requirements of a system that takes the latter approach, using an example paradigm of a set of tasks operating on a frame-based model. Slots in the frame that are optionally filled guide the dialog and provide contextual information used for task-selection. The document describes what forms of input the NLP component is likely to consume, and what output it is expected to generate.
"...establishes a prioritized list of requirements for speech synthesis markup which any proposed markup language should address."
A text-to-speech system, which is usually a stand-alone module that does not actually "understand the meaning" of what is spoken, must rely on hints to produce an utterance that is natural and easy to understand, and moreover, evokes the desired meaning in the listener. In addition to these prosodic elements, the document also describes issues such as multi-lingual capability, pronunciation issues for words not in the lexicon, time-syncronization, and textual items that require special preprocessing before they can be spoken properly.
Requirement documents are being constructed for reusable components and multimodal dialogs. They will be posted here when ready for review
"The architecture diagram was created as an aid to how we structure our work into subgroups. The diagram will help us to pinpoint areas currently outside the scope of existing groups."
Although individual instances of voice browser systems are apt to vary considerably, it is reasonable to try and point out architectural commonalties as an aid to discussion, design and implementation. Not all segments of this diagram need be present in any one system, and systems which implement various subsets of this functionality may be organized differently. Systems built entirely third-party components, with architecture imposed, may result in unused or redundant functional blocks.
Two types of clients are illustrated: telephony and data networking. The fundamental telephony client is, of course, the telephone, either wireline or wireless. The handset telephone requires PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) interface, which can be either tip/ring, T1, or higher level, and may include hybrid echo cancellation to remove line echoes for ASR barge-in over audio output. A speakerphone will also require an acoustic echo canceller to remove room echoes. The data network interface will require only acoustic echo cancellation if used with an open microphone since there is no line echo on data networks. The IP interface is shown for illustration only. Other data transport mechanisms can be used as well.
The model architecture is shown below. Solid (green) boxes indicate system components, peripheral solid (yellow) boxes indicate points of usage for markup language, and dotted peripheral boxes indicate information flows.
The various draft requirement documents use the following nomenclature to describe the priorities that describe if particular sections of the requirements draft document should be present in the final, official version of the document. Note that these modifiers do not pertain to the desired features in any implementation, but only to the document itself.
Must address |
The first official specification must define the feature. |
Should address |
The first official specification should define the feature if feasible but may defer it until a future release. |
Nice to address |
The first official specification may define the feature if time permits, however, its priority is low. |
Future revision |
It is not intended that the first official specification include the feature. |
There is some variance in the use of terminology in the speech synthesis community. The following definitions establish a common understanding for this document.
Prosody |
Features of speech such as pitch, pitch range, speaking rate and volume. |
Speech Synthesis |
The process of automatic generation of speech output from data input which may include plain text, formatted text or binary objects. |
Text-To-Speech |
The process of automatic generation of speech output from text or annotated text input. |
Although defining a dialog is highly problematic, some basic definition must be provided to establish a common basis of understanding and avoid confusion. The following terminology is based upon an event-driven model of dialog interaction.
Voice Markup Language |
a language in which voice dialog behaviour is specified. The language may include reference to style and scripting elements which can also determine dialog behaviour. |
Voice Browser |
a software device which interprets a voice markup language and generates a dialog with voice output and possibly other output modalities and/or voice input and possibly other modalities. |
Dialog |
a model of interactive behaviour underlying the interpretation of the markup language. The model consists of states, variables, events, event handlers, inputs and outputs. |
State |
the basic interactional unit defined in the markup language; for example, an < input > element in HTML. A state can specify variables, event handlers, outputs and inputs. A state may describe output content to be presented to the user, input which the user can enter, event handlers describing, for example, which variables to bind and which state to transition to when an event occur. |
Events |
generated when a state is executed by the voice browser; for example, when outputs or inputs in a state are rendered or interpreted. Events are typed and may include information; for example, an input event generated when an utterance is recognized may include the string recognized, an interpretation, confidence score, and so on. |
Event Handlers |
are specified in the voice markup language and describe how events generated by the voice browser are to be handled. Interpretation of events may bind variables, or map the current state into another state (possibly itself). |
Output |
content specified in an element of the markup language for presentation to the user. The content is rendered by the voice browser; for example, audio files or text rendered by a TTS. Output can also contain parameters for the output device; for example, volume of audio file playback, language for TTS, etc. Events are generated when, for example, the audio file has been played. |
Input |
content (and its interpretation) specified in an element of the markup language which can be given as input by a user; for example, a grammar for DTMF and speech input. Events are generated by the voice browser when, for example, the user has spoken an utterance and variables may be bound to information contained in the event. Input can also specify parameters for the input device; for example, timeout parameters, etc. |
Backus-Naur Format. |
Context |
A context is a subset of the full domain. A context can possess state. |
Context-Free Grammar. |
Domain |
Domain is the scope of task semantics over which the associated language and associated attribute-values are meaningful. |
Grammar |
Grammar is the representation of constraints defining the set of allowable sentences in the language. |
Language |
Language is the collection or set of sentences associated with a particular domain. Language may refer to natural or program language. |
N-Best |
Top N hypotheses; from speech recognition, in this case, but could be from natural language processing. |
N-Gram |
Probabilistic grammar using conditional probabilities P(wn | wn-1 wn-2 ...). |
Out Of Vocabulary (words). |
State |
State is the current condition or value of variables and attributes of a system. |
Universal Resource Identifier. |
Universal Resource Locator. |
Extensible Markup Language. |
Natural language interpreter |
A device which produces a representation of the meaning of a natural language expression. |
Natural language expression |
An unformatted spoken or written utterance in a human language such as English, French, Japanese, etc. |
Anaphoric expression |
A pronoun or other linguistic form which depends on the (linguistic or non-linguistic) context for its interpretation. |
Frame/task model |
A representation of a task which includes slots or components of the task. |
Slot/attribute/variable/key |
A component of a frame or task model. For example, "lines" and "date" in a teleconference scheduling application. |
Filler/value |
The value assigned to a slot. |
The following resources are related to the efforts of the Voice Browser working group.