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4. Document Object Model StyleSheets

Vidur Apparao, Netscape Communications Corp.
Philippe Le H�garet, W3C
Chris Wilson, Microsoft

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4.1. Introduction

The DOM Level 2 Style Sheet interfaces are base interfaces used to represent any type of style sheet. The expectation is that DOM modules that represent a specific style sheet language may contain interfaces that derive from these interfaces.

A DOM application can use the hasFeature method of the DOMImplementation interface to determine whether the StyleSheets interfaces are supported or not. The feature string for the fundamental interfaces listed in this section is "StyleSheets".

4.2. Style Sheet Interfaces

This set of interfaces represents the generic notion of style sheets.

Interface StyleSheet (introduced in DOM Level 2)

The StyleSheet interface is the abstract base interface for any type of style sheet. It represents a single style sheet associated with a structured document. In HTML, the StyleSheet interface represents either an external style sheet, included via the HTML LINK element, or an inline STYLE element. In XML, this interface represents an external style sheet, included via a style sheet processing instruction.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
interface StyleSheet {
  readonly attribute DOMString        type;
           attribute boolean          disabled;
  readonly attribute Node             ownerNode;
  readonly attribute StyleSheet       parentStyleSheet;
  readonly attribute DOMString        href;
  readonly attribute DOMString        title;
  readonly attribute MediaList        media;

type of type DOMString, readonly
This specifies the style sheet language for this style sheet. The style sheet language is specified as a content type (e.g. "text/css"). The content type is often specified in the ownerNode (see also [ContentTypes]). Also see the type attribute definition for the LINK element in HTML 4.0, and the type pseudo-attribute for the XML style sheet processing instruction.

disabled of type boolean
false if the style sheet is applied to the document. true if it is not. Modifying this attribute may cause a new resolution of style for the document. A stylesheet only applies if both an appropriate medium definition is present and the disabled attribute is false. So, if the media doesn't apply to the current user agent, the disabled attribute is ignored.

ownerNode of type Node, readonly
The node that associates this style sheet with the document. For HTML, this may be the corresponding LINK or STYLE element. For XML, it may be the linking processing instruction. For style sheets that are included by other style sheets, the value of this attribute is null.

parentStyleSheet of type StyleSheet, readonly
For style sheet languages that support the concept of style sheet inclusion, this attribute represents the including style sheet, if one exists. If the style sheet is a top-level style sheet, or the style sheet language does not support inclusion, the value of this attribute is null.

href of type DOMString, readonly
If the style sheet is a linked style sheet, the value of its attribute is its location. For inline style sheets, the value of this attribute is null. See the href attribute definition for the LINK element in HTML 4.0, and the href pseudo-attribute for the XML style sheet processing instruction.

title of type DOMString, readonly
The advisory title. The title is often specified in the ownerNode. See the title attribute definition for the LINK element in HTML 4.0, and the title pseudo-attribute for the XML style sheet processing instruction.

media of type MediaList, readonly
The intended destination media for style information. The media is often specified in the ownerNode. If no media has been specified, the MediaList will be empty. See the media attribute definition for the LINK element in HTML 4.0, and the media pseudo-attribute for the XML style sheet processing instruction . Modifying the media list may cause a change to the attribute disabled.

Interface StyleSheetList (introduced in DOM Level 2)

The StyleSheetList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of style sheets.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
interface StyleSheetList {
  readonly attribute unsigned long    length;
  StyleSheet         item(in unsigned long index);

length of type unsigned long, readonly
The number of StyleSheets in the list. The range of valid child stylesheet indices is 0 to length-1 inclusive.

Used to retrieve a style sheet by ordinal index.

unsigned long


Index into the collection

Return Value


The style sheet at the index position in the StyleSheetList, or null if that is not a valid index.

No Exceptions

Interface MediaList (introduced in DOM Level 2)

The MediaList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of media, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented. An empty list is the same as a list that contains the medium "all".

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
interface MediaList {
           attribute DOMString        mediaText;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on setting

  readonly attribute unsigned long    length;
  DOMString          item(in unsigned long index);
  void               delete(in DOMString oldMedium)
  void               append(in DOMString newMedium)

mediaText of type DOMString
The parsable textual representation of the media list. This is a comma-separated list of media.
Exceptions on setting


SYNTAX_ERR: Raised if the specified string value has a syntax error and is unparsable.

NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this media list is readonly.

length of type unsigned long, readonly
The number of media in the list. The range of valid media is 0 to length-1 inclusive.

Returns the indexth in the list. If index is greater than or equal to the number of media in the list, this returns null.

unsigned long


Index into the collection.

Return Value


The medium at the indexth position in the MediaList, or null if that is not a valid index.

No Exceptions

Deletes the medium indicated by oldMedium from the list.



The medium to delete in the media list.



NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this list is readonly.

NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if oldMedium is not in the list.

No Return Value

Adds the medium newMedium to the end of the list. If the newMedium is already used, it is first removed.



The new medium to add.



NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this list is readonly.

No Return Value

4.3. Document Extensions

Interface LinkStyle (introduced in DOM Level 2)

The LinkStyle interface provides a mechanism by which a style sheet can be retrieved from the node responsible for linking it into a document. An instance of the LinkStyle interface can be obtained using binding-specific casting methods on an instance of a linking node (HTMLLinkElement, HTMLStyleElement or ProcessingInstruction in DOM Level 2).

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
interface LinkStyle {
  readonly attribute StyleSheet       sheet;

sheet of type StyleSheet, readonly
The style sheet.

Interface DocumentStyle (introduced in DOM Level 2)

The DocumentStyle interface provides a mechanism by which the style sheets embedded in a document can be retrieved. The expectation is that an instance of the DocumentStyle interface can be obtained by using binding-specific casting methods on an instance of the Document interface.

IDL Definition
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
interface DocumentStyle {
  readonly attribute StyleSheetList   styleSheets;

styleSheets of type StyleSheetList, readonly
A list containing all the style sheets explicitly linked into or embedded in a document. For HTML documents, this includes external style sheets, included via the HTML LINK element, and inline STYLE elements. In XML, this includes external style sheets, included via style sheet processing instructions (see [XML-StyleSheet]).

4.4. Association between a style sheet and a document.

HTML and Style Sheet Creation
A style sheet can be associated with an HTMLDocument in one of two ways:
  • By creating a new LINK HTML element (see the HTMLLinkElement interface). The underlying style sheet will be created after the element is inserted into the document and both the href and the type attribute have been set in a way indicating that the linked object is a style sheet.
  • By creating a new STYLE HTML element (see the HTMLStyLeElement interface). The underlying style sheet will be created after the element is inserted into the document and the type attribute is set in a way indicating that the element corresponds to a style sheet language interpreted by the user agent.
HTML and Style Sheet Removal
Removing a LINK HTML element or a STYLE HTML element removes the underlying style sheet from the style sheet collection associated with a document. Specifically, the removed style sheet is no longer applied to the presentation of the document.
XML and Style Sheet Creation
A new style sheet can be created and associated with an XML document by creating a processing instruction with the target 'xml-stylesheet' and inserting it into the document.
XML and Style Sheet Removal
Removing a processing instruction with a target of 'xml-stylesheet' removes the underlying style sheet from the style sheet collection associated with a document. Specifically, the removed style sheet is no longer applied to the presentation of the document.

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