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file na1 for avoiding breakdown and near-breakdown in Lanczos type algorithms by Brezinski, Sadok, Zaglia ref Numerical Algorithms 1(1991) 261-284 lang Fortran file na2 for B-nets of box splines on three- and four-directional meshes by M.-J. Lai ref Numerical Algorithms 2 (1992) 33-38 lang Fortran file na3 for recurrence relations of biorthogonality by Zelia Da Rocha ref Numerical Algorithms 3 (1992) 173-183 lang Mathematica2.0 file na4-matlab7.tgz for regularization of discrete ill-posed problems by P. C. Hansen ref Numerical Algorithms 46,189-194 file na4-matlab5 for Matlab4 variant of numeralgo/na4 ref Numerical Algorithms 6,1-35 lang Matlab5, PostScript size 1.1 MB file na4-matlab4 for Matlab4 variant of numeralgo/na4 file na5 for near-breakdown in CGS by Brezinski and Zaglia ref Numerical Algorithms 7, 33-73 size 235 kB file na6 name DQAINF for integration of infinite oscillating tails by Espelid and Overholt ref Numerical Algorithms 8, 83-101 file na7 name DECUHR for integrations of singular functions over hyperrectangle by Espelid and Genz ref Numerical Algorithms 8, 201-220 file na8 for L_2 reduced-order model problem with fixed denominator degree by Krajewski, Lepschy, Redivo-Zaglia, Viaro ref Numerical Algorithms 9, 355-377 lang Matlab file na9 for sin and cos integrals by Macleod alg rational approximation ref Numerical Algorithms 12, 259-272 file na10 for polynomial zeros by Bini alg Aberth's method ref Numerical Algorithms 13, 179-200 file na11 for box-splines by Kobbelt lang Matlab ref Numerical Algorithms 14, 377-382 file na12 for queuing problems by Bini and Meini alg cyclic reduction lang Fortran90 ref Numerical Algorithms 15, 57-74 file na13 for linear-time Legendre transform by Yves Lucet lang Matlab ref Numerical Algorithms 16, 171-185 file na14.tgz for finite elements by J. Alberty, C. Carstensen and S. A. Funken ref Numerical Algorithms 20 (1999), 117-137 lang Matlab 5 file na15.tgz for Shohat-Favard and Chebychev's methods in d-orthogonality by Zelia da Rocha ref Numerical Algorithms 20 (1999), 139-164 lang Mathematica 3.0 file na16.tgz by Ricardo D. Fierro, Per Christian Hansen, Peter S.K. Hansen for rank-revealing UTV decompositions ref Numerical Algorithms 20 (1999), 165-196 lang Matlab 7.0 file na17.tgz by M. Morandi Cecchi, S. De Marchi, D. Fasoli for representing C^1 interpolating surfaces; lagoon of Venice's bed ref Numerical Algorithms, 20 (1999), 197-215 file na18 for sparse eigenproblems alg variable block Davidson method with deflation by M. Sadkane, R.B. Sidje ref Numerical Algorithms 20 (1999), 217-240 lang Fortran77 size 772 kB file na19 for ODE initial value problem alg sinc indefinite integration, Newton by F. Stenger, S.-A. Gustafson, B. Keys, M. O'Reilly, K. Parker ref Numerical Algorithms 20 (1999), PP. 241-268 lang Fortran77 file na20.tgz for multiprecision polynomial rootfinder by Bini, Fiorentino ref Numerical Algorithms 23 (2000) 127-173 lang C file na21.tgz for adaptive monotone rational approximation on finite sets by E. H. Kaufman, Jr., D. J. Leeming, G. D. Taylor ref Numerical Algorithms, 32 (2003) 1-12 lang Fortran77 file na22.tgz for UTV Expansion Pack: rank-revealing algorithms by Ricardo D. Fierro [email protected], Per Christian Hansen [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 40 (2005) 47-66 lang Matlab 7.0 file na23.tgz for Bezier net of a trivariate four-direction Box-spline alg mixed directional difference-summation by G. Casciola, E. Franchini, L. Romani. ref Numerical Algorithms, 43 (2006), pp. 75-98 lang Matlab 7.x file na24.tgz for Fast Moreau Envelope computation by Yves Lucet ref Numerical Algorithms, 43 (2006), 235-249 lang Scilab 4.0 file na25.tgz for curve intersection by simultaneous iterations by Dario A. Bini, Ana Marco ref Numerical Algorithms, 43 (2006), 151-175 lang Fortran 95 file na26.tgz for Restarted block Lanczos bidiagonalization methods by James Baglama, Lothar Reichel ref Numerical Algorithms, 43 (2006), 251-272 lang MATLAB 6.5-7.2 file for total variation image reconstruction via first-order methods by J. Dahl, P. C. Hansen, S. H. Jensen, T. L. Jensen ref Numerical Algorithms, 53 (2010), 67-92 lang C and MATLAB 7.5 (or later) file na29.tgz for Padua2DM fast interpolation and cubature at the Padua points in Matlab/Octave by Marco Caliari, Stefano de Marchi, Alvise Sommariva, Marco Vianello ref Numerical Algorithms, 56 (2011), 45-60 lang MATLAB 7.6 and Octave 3.2 file for smt: a Matlab toolbox for structured matrices. by Michela Redivo-Zaglia, Giuseppe Rodriguez ref Numerical Algorithms, 59 (2012), 639-659 lang MATLAB 7.10 file na31.tgz for linear systems with displacement structure by Antonio Arico', Giuseppe Rodriguez ref Numerical Algorithms, 55 (2010), 529-556 lang MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b) and C file na32.tgz for subquadrature expansions for TSRK methods by A. Kvaernoe, J. H. Verner ref Numerical Algorithms, 59 (2012), 487-504 lang MAPLE 14.0 aka TSRK.tgz file for range restricted iterative methods for linear discrete ill-posed problems by Arthur Neuman, Lothar Reichel, Hassane Sadok ref Numerical Algorithms, 59 (2012) 325-331 lang MATLAB 7.11 aka file for Connection coefficients for orthogonal polynomials by Pascal Maroni, Zelia da Rocha ref Numerical Algorithms, 63-3 (2013), pp. 507-520 lang Mathematica 8 file for nonnegative image restoration by Newton projection by Germana Landi, Elena Loli Piccolomini ref Numerical Algorithms, 62 (2013) 487-504 lang MATLAB 7.6 aka file for meshless finite difference method by Slawomir Milewski [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 63 (2013) 107-126 lang MATLAB 7.7 aka file for real laplace transform inversion by [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 63 (2013) 187-211,571-571 lang C90 aka ReLaTive file for adaptive 2D-BEM by [email protected] Aurada,Ebner,Feischl,Fuehrer,Goldenits,Mayr,Praetorius,Ferraz-Leite,Karkulik ref Numerical Algorithms, 67 (2014) 1-32 lang MATLAB 7.4 aka file for quadrature for high-dimensional singular integrands on simplices by [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 70 (2015) 847-874 lang MATLAB 7.9 R2009b file for space-time discretization of the heat equation by Roman Andreev [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 67 (2014) 713-731 lang MATLAB 8.0 aka file for CMRH dense linear systems by [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 71 (2016) 383-394 lang Fortran90, MATLAB 8.0 R2012b file for systems of polynomial equations by [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 71 (2016) 229-244 lang MATLAB R2012b aka BertiniLab file for infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear programming by [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 74 (2017) 967-996 lang MATLAB aka CurveLP-A file for topological epsilon-algorithms by [email protected], [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 74 (2017) 1237-1260 lang MATLAB 2010b and 2016a file for virtual element method by Oliver Sutton [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 75 (2017) 1141-1159 lang MATLAB 9.1 file for RankRev: a Matlab package for computing the numerical rank and updating/downdating by Tsung-Lin Lee [email protected], Tien-Yien Li [email protected], Zhonggang Zeng [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 77 (2018), PP. 559-576 doi rev V1.0, December 2016 lang MATLAB 8.2 (R2013b) file for AIR Tools II: Algebraic Iterative Reconstruction Methods, Improved Implementation by Per Christian Hansen [email protected], Jakob Sauer Jorgensen [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms, 79 (2018), pp. 107-137 doi rev V1.0, October 2017 lang MATLAB 9.0 (R2016a) file for pqser: a Matlab package for spectral seriation by Anna Concas, Caterina Fenu, and Giuseppe Rodriguez [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms doi rev V1.0, September 2017 lang MATLAB 9.2 (R2017a) Compatible with OCTAVE 4.0 except for the parallel implementation. file for IR Tools: A MATLAB Package of Iterative Regularization Methods and Large-Scale Test Problems by Silvia Gazzola [email protected], Per Christian Hansen [email protected], James G. Nagy [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms doi rev V1.0, April 2018 lang MATLAB 9.3 (R2017b) file for Quasi-Toeplitz matrix arithmetic: a MATLAB toolbox by Dario A. Bini [email protected], Stefano Massei [email protected], Leonardo Robol [email protected] ref Numerical Algorithms doi rev V1.0, June 2018 lang MATLAB R2011b and later