From: Eildert Groeneveld <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 07:48:55 --100
Subject: Takahashi Sparse Inverse
Is there some code out there that computes a sparse inverse of symmetric
positive definite matrices using Takahashis procedure?
please respond directly to:
Address: Dr. Eildert Groeneveld
Direktor und Professor
Institute of Animal Husbandry
and Animal Behaviour
Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL)
31535 Neustadt 1
Hoeltystr. 10
Tel : 05034 871 155
Fax : 05034 871 143
e-mail : [email protected]
From: Tianxue Zhou <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 22:46:32 -0400
Subject: Looking for BEM code
I am looking for codes implementing the BEM for
a Poisson problem on a smooth or piecewise smooth boundary
with Dirichlet, Neumann or mixed boundary conditions.
Source codes in Fortran or C, available by ftp,
are mostly convenient, but any other pointer
or reference is also appreciated.
Tianxue Zhou ([email protected])
From: Bert Buckley <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 09:28:25 -0700
Subject: SIAM Optimization Meeting
Preliminary Announcement:
The Trienniel SIAM Meeting on Optimization will
(after a span of 4 years) be held at the Conference
Center in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada from
May 20 to 22, 1996.
Further details will be published by SIAM in due course.
Bert Buckley [email protected]
Department of Mathematics Phone: (604) 363 4594
Royal Roads Military College Fax: (604) 363 4513
FMO Victoria, B. C. V0S 1B0
From: Yin Zhang <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 16:52:06 -0400
Subject: FTP Server Name Changed at UMBC
Due to a system reconfiguration, the anonymous FTP server name for the
Math department at UMBC has been changed
FROM: math.umbc.edu
TO: ftp.math.umbc.edu
Yin Zhang
[email protected]
From: Juha Haataja <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 14:48:47 +0300 (EET DST)
Subject: CSC Mathematical Topics - Gopher and WWW services
CSC Mathematical Topics provides information services for a variety of
mathematics-related topics, especially concerning large-scale computing
and numerical methods. The URL address for the WWW server is
and the Gopher version is found at
CSC Mathematical Topics include links to other information services,
such as WWW, FTP, Gopher, Usenet News, and various search services
such as WAIS.
A recent addition is a collection of mathematical (and other)
animations, which were made at CSC:
There is also editable lists of best mathematical (and other)
services at
so anyone can add his/her conribution to this service.
You can also look at information on books and newsletters published by
CSC, and you can look at CSC online help facilities.
CSC is the Finnish national supercomputer center located in Espoo,
Finland; see
Juha Haataja
Juha Haataja, Application Specialist, Mathematics
Center for Scientific Computing, Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo
Phone +358 0 457 2731. Fax +358 0 457 2302
Internet: [email protected]
From: Kees Vuik <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 July 94
Subject: FTP Reports from Delft University of Technology
Dear NA-netters,
We have created a public ftp library at the site
login : anonymous
password: your e-mail address
A list of recent technical reports is provided in the file Index
in the directory /TWI/publications/tech-reports
Reports can be obtained from the directory:
where 'year' is the year of publication of the report.
The reports are compressed by the public domain software 'gzip'.
This software can also be obtained from the /pub/gnu directory. The
files can be uncompressed by the command 'gunzip filename'.
Currently you can find reports by Kees Dekker, Jos van Kan,
Peter Sonneveld, Guus Segal, Pieter Wesseling and myself.
Best regards,
Kees Vuik
Fac. of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
Delft University of Technology
Mekelweg 4
P.O. Box 5031
2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands
Tel. (31) 15 - 785530
Fax. (31) 15 - 787209
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Jerzy Wasniewski <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 16:21:08 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Miniworkshop on Sparse Matrices in Copenhagen
U N I - C & I M M S E M I N A R
The Danish Computing Centre
for Research and Education
Numerical Algorithms Group of the
Institute for Mathematical Modelling
of the Technical University of Denmark
DTU, Bldg. 305, Room Nr 205(?)
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Wednesday, August 10, 1994
Between 10.00 (10am) and 15.00 (3pm)
Iain Duff from Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK and
CERFACS, France; "A block projection method for the
solution of large sparse unsymmetric linear equations"
Zahari Zlatev, National Environmental Research Institute;
"Solving large and sparse linear least squares problems"
Iain Duff from Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK and
CERFACS, France; "A review of frontal methods for solving
linear systems"
Another speaker will be announced later.
Further information (abstracts) are available by anonymous ftp.
ftp ftp.denet.dk (or
<your email address>
cd denet/para/sparse
The workshop is free of charge but you must register by sending email
to me.
Host: Jerzy Wasniewski, UNI-C
Tel: (+45) 42 88 39 99 + 2426
Fax: (+45) 45 93 02 20
Email: [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Tim Kelley)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 94 11:43:51 EDT
Subject: Krylov Subspace Methods and Applications
Workshop on Krylov Subspace Methods and Applications
A workshop on Krylov Subspace Methods and Applications will be held
on or near the campus of North Carolina State University in Raleigh,
North Carolina on March 17 and 18, 1995. The organizers are Ilse
Ipsen ([email protected]) and Tim Kelley ([email protected]).
The goal of the workshop is
to broaden communication between the theoretical and
applications camps by providing painless, and in fact stimulating
opportunities that help participants from both camps to learn about
each others' problems and results. We want to ensure that numerical
analysts become interested in the constraints of specific applications
problems; and that engineers and scientists learn about the newest
mathematical results in such a way that they can evaluate the
potential of these methods for their own problems. Moreover, we have
to make sure that the problems and results are presented in a language
understood in both camps.
The workshop will consist of four half-day presentations on
the interaction between theoretical, numerical and application
specific aspects of a Krylov space method. Each presentation will
be given by a two-person team consisting of a numerical analyst and
a person working in an application area.
The teams and the topics of their presentations are
Yousef Saad (University of Minnesota),
Michael Heroux (Cray Research):
Fluid Flow Problems on Unstructured Meshes.
Dan Sorensen (Rice University),
Henk van der Vorst (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Nick Trefethen (Cornell University),
Peter Schmid (University of Washington):
Hydrodynamic Stability
Linda Petzold (University of Minnesota)
Peter van Keken (University of Michigan)
Computational Geodynamics and Numerical Relativity
To get your name on the mailing list and obtain more complete information
on registration, logistics, and the program, send electronic mail to
[email protected]
or finger [email protected].
We hope to have some support from the National Science Foundation to
support attendance by graduate students and Ph. D.s at the early stages
of their careers. When and if this is finalized, we will make an
announcement to the mailing list.
From: John Van Rosendale <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 14:21:43 -0400
Subject: ICASE Short Course on Multigrid Methods
The ICASE/LaRC Short Course on Multigrid Methods, scheduled
for August 29-Sept 2, 1994 is being postponed. We will send
a further message once new dates have been established.
From: Panos Pardalos <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 94 19:51:35 EDT
Subject: Book on Large Scale Optimization
"Large Scale Optimization, State of the Art"
W.W. Hager, D.W. Hearn, P.M. Pardalos, Editors
Kluwer Academic Publishers (1994), ISBN 0-7923-2798-5.
This book is a collection of papers presented at the Large Scale
Optimization Conference held at the Center for Applied Optimization,
University of Florida, Gainesville, in February 1993.
Accurate modelling of scientific problems often leads to the
formulation of large-scale optimization problems involving thousands
of continuous and/or discrete variables. As a consequence of new
algorithmic developments and of the increased power of computers,
large-scale optimization has seen a dramatic increase in activities
in the past decade.
Topics include large-scale linear, nonlinear and stochastic
programming, network optimization, decomposition methods for optimal
control, nonsmooth equations, integer programming, and software
development. In addition, applications are included in location
theory, structural mechanics, molecular configuration,
transportation, multitarget tracking, and database design.
The book will be a valuable source of information for faculty,
students and researchers in mathematical programming and related
The book can be ordered from:
Outside North America In USA and Canada
Order Dept. Order Dept
P.O. Box 322 101 Philip Drive
3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands Norwell, MA 02061
Tel: +31-78-524400 Tel: 617-871-6600
Fax +31-78-524474. Fax: 617-871-6528
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 16:25:30 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Special Issue of LAA
Fifth Special Issue on Linear Algebra and Statistics. This special issue
will be dedicated to C.R. Rao in celebration of his 75th birthday.
Special editors are:
R.B. Bapat
Indian Statistical Institute
7 S.J.S. Sansanwal Marg
New Delhi 110016, India ([email protected])
G.P.H. Styan
Dept. of Math. & Stats.,
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6 ([email protected])
H.J. Werner
Institute for Econometrics and Operations Research
Econometrics Unit, University of Bonn
Adenauerallee 24-42
D-53113 Bonn, Germany ([email protected]).
Submission deadline: November 15, 1994.
From: Owe AOH Axelsson <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1994 15:55:01 +0200
Subject: New Journal, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Aims and Scope
This journal is directed at researchers in Numerical Analysis,
Computer Sciences and Natural Sciences, engineers and economists
who either take part in the development of methods in Numerical
Linear Algebra or use such methods in their research.
Topics covered include (but are not limited to):
-Conjugate Gradients like and other iterative methods;
-Preconditioning Methods; Direct Solution Methods;
-Numerical Methods for Eigenproblems;
-Newton-like Methods for Nonlinear Equations;
-Parallel and Vectorizable Algorithms in Num. Lin. Algebra;
-Application of Methods of Numerical Linear Algebra in Science,
Engineering and Economics.
The journal emphasizes mathematical rigour in presenting new methods
in Numerical Linear Algebra including their analysis and applications.
Where it turns out to be difficult to give full mathematical rigour
to the presentation, well-chosen numerical test problems can suffice
to demonstrate the usefulness of the presented method, if these are
accompanied by a discussion and heuristic explanations.
The journal also emphasizes analysis of the computational and
communication complexity of algorithms in Numerical Linear Algebra
when implemented on different computer architectures.
The journal solicits original research papers and survey articles. All
papers should contain a discussion indicating in which area(s) the
approach, suggested in the paper, can be used. The authors should
strive at ensuring that the presented methods are easily understandable
by as broad a spectrum of readers as possible.
Initial submission: Four copies of the manuscript should be sent to the
Managing Editor:
Professor Owe Axelsson
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Nijmegen
6525 ED Nijmegen
From: A. R. Champneys <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 09:02:10 +0000 (BST)
Subject: Post Doc at Bristol, U.K.
Postdoctoral research assistant in
Applied Nonlinear Mathematics
A postdoctoral research assistant is required for three years to
work on the E.P.S.R.C.sponsored project ``Homoclinic Orbits and
Localised Buckling of Axially-Compressed Cylindrical Shells" supervised
by Dr. Alan Champneys in the Engineering Mathematics Department,
University of Bristol and Dr. Giles Hunt in the Department of Civil
Engineering, Imperial College, London. The Research Assistant would be
based at Bristol.
The project will combine numerical analysis, mathematical existence
theory and asymptotic methods to locate localised buckling solutions of
an elliptic system of partial differential equations modelling a long
thin cylinder. Heavy use will be made of numerical continuation methods
applied to an appropriately discretised boundary-value problem defining
an infinite cylinder, obtained via spectral methods and asymptotic
boundary conditions. Specific solutions will be selected from the
infinite family that can be shown to occur using homoclinic existence
theory applied to finite dimensional dynamical systems. An understanding
of these mathematical solutions in the context of structural engineering
will also be required, incorporating a comparison with asymptotic
solutions, a careful review of the existing experimental literature and
a small amount of phenomenological experimental work.
Applicants should have a strong mathematical background, expect to hold
a Ph.D. or have equivalent research experience in numerical analysis,
applied nonlinear analysis or dynamical systems theory and be willing to
work on an engineering mathematics application. Familiarity with
FORTRAN and Unix would be an advantage. The appointment will be at grade
4, or below, on scale 1A. Starting salary in the range: pounds 13941 --
pounds 15566. Start date October 1994 (negotiable).
Applications by letter and full C.V. including the name, address and
telephone number of two academic referees, should be sent to
Personnel Office (EO), Senate House, University of Bristol BS8 1TH
Closing date for applications Friday 22nd July.
Further details can be obtained from the Personnel Office
in writing or by telephone on (0272) 256450, or by
email from [email protected]. Please quote ref. no.C409
in all correspondence.
Bristol University is an equal opportunities employer.
From: Simon Chandler-Wilde <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 17:56:53 +0100
Subject: Post Doc Position at Brunel, UK
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Brunel University, UK
Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral Research Position
funded by the UK EPSRC in the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, Brunel University, UK. The start date is 1st October, or
as soon as possible thereafter. The person appointed will work with
Drs Simon Chandler-Wilde and Tony Rawlins (Brunel) and Dr David
Hothersall (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bradford).
Starting salary towards lower end of RA1A Scale, 14,994-22,608 UK
pounds, including London Weighting.
The project involves (a) development of a solvability theory for
integral equations on the real line and development and analysis of
efficient numerical methods for these equations; (b) application of
this analysis to investigate boundary integral equations and boundary
value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a perturbed half-plane;
(c) software development, based on boundary integral equation
formulations, to model acoustic and electromagnetic scattering by
diffraction gratings and rough surfaces.
Please contact Dr Simon Chandler-Wilde (Fax: 0895 203303,
email: [email protected]) for further details as
soon as possible.
From: [email protected] (Jean-Daniel Gousenberg)
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 17:11:29 +0100
Subject: Professorship at EPFL, Lausanne
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland (alias
EPFL = Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne) invites applications for a
Faculty position in Applied Analysis
The teaching duties will include mathematics courses for engineering
students, as well as courses for students in mathematics. Willingness and
talent to teach at all university levels is a requirement.
The new professor is expected to lead an important research activity in
areas of applied analysis. In her/his research, the new professor is
expected to collaborate actively with existing research groups at EPFL.
Applicants should have shown ability to carry out and to direct high level
research projects.
Female applicants are particularly welcome.
Deadline for applications: 31 October, 1994.
Start of appointment: as convenient.
For more information concerning this position, interested persons can write to
EPFL, Office of the President, CE-Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne
and/or e-mail to
[email protected] (Mr Marius Burgat)
or [email protected] (Mrs Jeannine Silvant)
From: Tom Roberts <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 09:54:03 +0600
Subject: Position at Ames Laboratory, Iowa
There is an advertised job in transient direct and inverse
scattering that some na-net readers may be interested in.
The job title is Associate Mathematician. The advertisement
is on page 66 of the July 1994 issue of IEEE Spectrum. The
application deadline is August 15.
Tom [email protected]
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 94 13:05:47 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Volume 32, Number 6, November 1994
Robust Stability of Linear Evolution Operators on Banach Spaces
D. Hinrichsen and A. J. Pritchard
Solution Differentiability for Nonlinear Parametric Control Problems
Helmut Maurer and Hans Josef Pesch
Comments on a Structural Approach to the Nonlinear Model Matching Problem
U. Kotta
Recursive Algorithms for Solving a Class of Nonlinear Matrix Equations
with Applications to Certain Sensitivity Optimization Problems
Wei-Yong Yan, John B. Moore, and Uwe Helmke
Optimal Problems for Nonlinear Parabolic Boundary Control Systems
H. O. Fattorini and T. Murphy
On Brockett's Condition for Smooth Stabilizability and Its
Necessity in a Context of Nonsmooth Feedback
E. P. Ryan
Abnormal Minimizers
Richard Montgomery
Inverse Function Theorems and Shape Optimization
Luc Doyen
Estimation of Interfaces from Boundary Measurements
Karl Kunisch and Xiaosu Pan
Feedback Stabilization over Commutative Rings: The Matrix Case
V. R. Sule
Robust Indirect Adaptive Control of Time-Varying Plants with
Unmodeled Dynamics and Disturbances
Sanjeev M. Naik and P. R. Kumar
Information Structures, Causality and Non-Sequential Stochastic
Control II: Design-Dependent Properties
Mark S. Andersland and Demosthenis Teneketzis
On Convergence of Iterated Random Maps
John R. Liukkonen and Arnold Levine
Minimizing the Euclidean Condition Number
Richard D. Braatz and Manfred Morari
Continuity of Best Hankel Approximation and Convergence of Near-Best
Charles K. Chui and Xin Li
On One Identification Problem for Distributed Controllable Systems
Benzion Shklyar and Victor Bakhmutsky
From: R. Baker Kearfott <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 17:04:39 -0500
Subject: Contents, Interval Computations
Contents, Interval Computations, issue 2 for 1993
First issue for the:
Proceedings of the Conference on Numerical Analysis with Automatic
Result Verification, Lafayette, Louisiana February 25 -- March 1, 1993
Foreword by Prof. R. B. Kearfott 4
F.L.Alvarado and Zian Wang
Direct Sparse Interval Hull Computations for Thin
Non-M-Matrices 5
A.B.Babichev, O.B.Kadyrova, T.P.Kashevarova,
A.S.Leshchenko, and A.L.Semenov
UniCalc, a Novel Approach to Solving Systems
of Algebraic Equations 29
D. Berleant
Automatically Verified Reasoning with Both
Intervals and Probability Density Functions 48
O. Caprani, B. Godthaab, and K. Madsen
Use of a Real-Valued Local Minimum in Parallel Interval
Global Optimization 71
I. Cervesato, A. Montanari, A. Provetti
On the Non-monotonic Behaviour of Event Calculus
for Deriving Maximal Time Intervals 83
A.E.Connell and R.M.Corless
An Experimental Interval Arithmetic Package in Maple 120
J.S. Ely
The VPI Software Package for Variable Precision
Interval Arithmetic 135
J. Garloff
The Bernstein Algorithm 154
Solving Large Systems of Nonlinear Constraints with
Application to Data Modeling 169
Applications of Interval Computations: International
Workshop 201
Requirements for manuscript preparation 205
Addresses of the editorial board members 207
From: Owe Axelsson <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1994 15:55:36 +0200
Subject: Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Volume 1, Issue 1, January-February 1994
Approximate Factorizations with Modified S/P Consistently Ordered Factors
S/P Images of Upper Triangular M-matrices
R.Beauwens, Y.Notay and B.Tombuyses
Low-Rank Revealing QR Factorization
T.F.Chan, P.C.Hansen
Properties of Generalized Conjugate Gradient Methods
Upper Bound of the Constant in the Strengthened C.B.S. Inequality
for FEM 2D Elasticity Equations
Variable-step Multilevel Preconditioning Methods, I:
Selfadjoint and Positive Definite Elliptic Problems,
O.Axelsson, P.S.Vassilevski
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Volume 1, Issue 2, March-April 1994
Special issue, dedicated to Professor Ivo Marek
on the occasion of his 60th birthday\vspace0.4in.
Displacement Decomposition - Incomplete Factorization
Preconditioning Techniques for Linear Elasticity Problems
The Concept of Spectral Inner Products for Deriving new Conjugate
Gradient-like Solvers for Non-Symmetric Sparse Linear Systems
Numerical Calculation of Invariant Manifolds for Maps
Ma.Fuming, T.K\"upper
Equivalence of Conditions for Convergence of Iterative Methods for
Singular Equations
Diagonally Compensated Reduction and Related Preconditioning Methods
O.Axelsson, L.Yu.Kolotilina
New convergence Results and Preconditioning Strategies for the
Conjugate Gradient Method
I.E. Kaporin
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Volume 1, Issue 3, May-June 1994
Algebraic Multilevel Iteration Method for Stieltjes Matrices
O.Axelsson, N.Neytcheva
On the Convergence of Difference Schemes of Heat-Transfer Equation
A.Andreev, H.Al-Jubouri
A Row Relaxation Method for Large $\ell_p$ Least Norm Problems
Achiya Dax
On the Use of Periodicity Properties for the Efficient Numerical
Solution of Certain Markov Chains
F.Bonhoure, Y.Dallery, W.J.Stewart
Improved SSOR and Incomplete Cholesky Solution of Linear Equations
on Shared Memory and Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
W.Joubert, T.Oppe
A Class of Difference ABS-type Algorithms for a Nonlinear System
of Equations
E.Spedicato, Z.Chen, N.Deng
End of NA Digest