NA Digest Sunday, May 8, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 19

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Ajay Kalhan <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 May 1994 13:02:29 -0600
Subject: Parallel Block Cyclic Reduction


I need to do parallel block cyclic reduction on a general
block tridiagonal matrix (like the one shown on pp 170 of Golub
& Van Loan), with no restriction on the number of block rows, and
none on the blocks.

If somebody has parallelized the BCR or has references, and would
like to comment on/discuss the issues involved, please send me email.

Thank you.

Ajay Kalhan
email: [email protected]


From: Mohsen Maesumi <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 May 94 14:42:43 CDT
Subject: Conference Roommate Database Needed

Everyone has noticed that the financial crisis in higher
education has caused lower attendance in conferences.
This situation has become especially critical for the junior
faculty in small financially-constrained universities.
A partial remedy is to share the cost of hotel accommodations.
It would be A LOT easier if the organizers of each conference
assign roommates, but this is not the common practice.
An independent solution is to have a database of attendees
who like to share a room. A rudimentary solution would be to
set up an ftp site which would receive and collate requests
or perhaps a bulletin board that simply posts all requests.
(With the usual questions answered: conference name, location,
dates of arrival and departure, male/female, smoking/nonsmoking,

Does anybody know how to go about this? (I am sure most of the
software for this is already out there.)
Can/should we convince AMS to add this to e-math?

In particular I like to attend and share a room in
SIAM annual meeting, San Diego, July 24-30.

Mohsen Maesumi
[email protected]


From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 May 94 16:51:17 BST
Subject: IMANA Newsletter

IMANA Newsletter Volume 18 Number 3 .. April 1994

A machine readable copy of much of the IMANA Newsletter can be obtained
from RAL by anonymous ftp to (
It is file imana.april94.Z in directory pub/open.
If you would like a regular hard copy of the complete Newsletter,
then you should contact the IMA directly at:

Catherine Richards House
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
16 Nelson Street
Essex SS1 1EF


From: Scott Weidman <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 04 May 94 10:07:13 EST
Subject: Interface of Mathematics and Chemistry


The National Research Council has formed a Committee on Mathematical
Challenges from Computational Chemistry, chaired by Frank Stillinger
of AT&T Bell Laboratories. The committee is identifying the
opportunities for collaborative and synergistic research between
mathematical scientists and computational chemists. Its purview
ranges from quantum mechanics to rational drug design to protein
folding. The committee is seeking the input of the mathematical
community, including ideas on the opportunities for research on this
interface and on how such interdisciplinary work can be encouraged.
For further information, please contact the study director, Scott
Weidman, [email protected]. The committee's report is expected in
January 1995.


From: Eliane Becache <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 09:46:30 +0200
Subject: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Progpagation



DATES: APRIL 24-28,1995

The third conference in this series will be held in Juan-les-Pins, France in
April 1995, and as in the previous meetings, in Strasbourg, 1991, and Delaware,1993, the major objective is to bring mathematicians and engineers up to date
on new developments, in various domains, concerning methods for solving
mathematical and numerical problems issuing from wave propagation phenomena.
Enhancing the two way information flow between theoretician and engineer is an
equally vital function served by these conferences. Original work, both
mathematical and numerical, is solicited from mathematicians, scientists, and
engineers in order to achieve the goals of this conference.

* Waves in homogeneous, heterogeneous, layered or random media, homogeneization
* Guided waves, surface waves, scattering, resonances
* Inverse problems and imaging, control theory, optimal control
* High and low frequency asymptotic analysis, ray methods, paraxial methods
* Absorbing boundary conditions, artificial boundary conditions
* Finite difference methods, finite element methods, spectral methods
* Integral equations, boundary element methods
* Multigrid methods, domain decomposition, wavelets
* Vector and parallel processing
* Waves and kinetic equations
* Linear algebra and fast algorithms

DOMAINS OF APPLICATION: Acoustics, Elastodynamics, Electromagnetics, Water
waves and hydrodynamics, Linear and nonlinear optics, Geophysics,
Fluid-structure interaction, Nondestructive testing, Tomography

INVITED SPEAKERS (preliminary list):
P. Gerard, A. Kometch, D. J. Koury, P. Markowich, P. A. Martin,
D. W. McLaughlin, C. Pichot, J. Sylvester.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS: three types of presentations will be considered:
a) 25 minute oral presentations: five copies of complete paper, a maximum of
10 pages, should be submitted.
b) Poster presentations: five copies of 2-page abstracts should be submitted.
c) Video Session

DEADLINE: May 20, 1994: Full papers and abstracts of poster or video
contributions should be received by the "Bureau des Cours-Colloques" of Inria.

FOR MORE INFORMATION (including instructions for authors) Contact:
Bureau des Cours-Colloques
B.P. 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex

tel: 33 (1) 39 63 56 00
fax: ee (1) 39 63 56 38

e-mail: [email protected]


From: John Grove <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 May 94 08:39:43 EDT
Subject: International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems


June 13-17, 1994
University at Stony
Brook Stony Brook, New York

Workshops and Tutorials on Industrial Mathematics and Parallel, Sunday, June 12

Scientific Committee:
X. Ding, A. Donato, B. Engquist, J. Glimm, R. Jeltsch, B. Keyfitz, P. D. Lax,
T. P. Liu, D. Serre

The program will include plenary lectures, invited and contributed
talks, and poster sessions. The conference has, as its intellectual
center, the subject of conservation laws. The program will include
sessions on:

1. Mathematical theory of hyperbolic conservation laws
Admissibility criteria
Existence and uniqueness
Large time asymptotics
Relaxation methods
Riemann Solutions

2. Computation of solutions of hyperbolic equations
Adaptive numerical methods
Enhanced resolution numerical methods
Shock capturing methods

3. Applications including
Elastic and Plastic Flows
Flow in Porous Media
Flows in Granular Materials
Image Processing
Semiconductor Manufacture
Turbulent Mixing

Invited Speakers:

Mathematical Theory:
G.-Q. Chen, D. Christadoulou, X. Ding, A. Donato,
H. Freistuhler, J. Greenberg, D. Hoff, L. Hsiao, B. Keyfitz, P. Marcati,
D. Marchesin, T.-P. Liu, A. Needleman, B. Plohr, D. Serre,
J. Smoller, B. Temple, Z. Xin, R. Young, T. Zhang, K. Zumbrun,

G. Baker, M. Berger, P. Colella, B. Engquist,
A. Harten, R. Jeltsch, R. LeVeque, B. Perthome,
P. Roe, A. Szepessy, B. van Leer

R. Devore, J. Grove, J. Jaffre, J.-M. Morel, S. Osher,
N. Reisbro, D. Ross, D. Schaeffer, M. Slemrod, T. Wright

For more information, please contact:

Conference Secretary
Department of Applied Mathematics
University at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600
Phone: (516) 632-7566
Fax: (516) 632-8490
E-mail: [email protected]


From: Cathy Duvall <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 11:25:28 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Computational Molecular Dynamics

International Symposium on Computational Molecular Dynamics sponsored by
University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute
Computers in Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society
Division of Computational Physics, American Physical Society
Division of Physical Chemistry, American Chemical Society

October 24-26, 1994

University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute
1200 Washington Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Symposium organizers: Jan Almlof (University of Minnesota), Evelyn
Goldfield (Cornell Theory Center), M. Katharine Holloway (Merck Research
Laboratories), William Jorgensen (Yale University), Peter Rossky
(University of Texas at Austin), George Schatz (Northwestern
University), and Donald Truhlar (University of Minnesota)

The University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute is hosting an
international symposium on Computational Molecular Dynamics, Monday-
through-Wednesday, October 24-26, 1994 (with a reception on the 23rd),
at the Hubert H. Humphrey Center located on the University of Minnesota
campus in Minneapolis. The coverage of the symposium will include all
aspects of the dynamics of molecular systems and the use of molecular
dynamics simulations-quantum and classical, few-body and many-body,
physics and chemistry.

The organizing committee has developed a list of invited speakers that
will insure that the program is at the forefront of the field. The list
of confirmed speakers includes: Bruce Berne (Columbia University), Emily
Carter (University of California,Los Angeles), Jim Chelikowsky
(University of Minnesota), Paulette Clancy (Cornell University), Jean
Durup (Universite Paul Sabatier), Michael Gillan (University of Keele),
Trygve Helgaker (University of Oslo), Jan Hermans (University of North
Carolina), Michael Klein (University of Pennsylvania), Ronnie Kosloff
(Hebrew University), Uzi Landman (Georgia Tech), Claude Leforestier
(Universite de Paris-Sud), Peter Lomdahl (Los Alamos National
Laboratory), Paul Madden (Oxford University), Craig Martens (University
of California, Irvine), Ken Merz (Penn State), Daniel Neuhauser
University of California, Los Angeles), Michele Parrinello (IBM-Zurich),
David Pearlman (Vertex Pharmaceuticals), Montgomery Pettitt (University
of Houston), Tamar Schlick (New York University), Terry Stouch (Bristol
Meyers Squibb), Julian Tirado-Rives (Yale University), Steve Walch
(NASA-Ames), and John Zhang (New York University).

In addition to the invited talks, there will also be poster papers to
contribute to what we anticipate will be a fruitful exchange of
information among a broader group of computational chemists and
physicists than one usually encounters at a single meeting. Contributed
poster papers are invited and strongly encouraged. Confirmed poster
contributors at this date include Jan Almlof, H. Ted Davis (University
of Minnesota), David Ferguson (University of Minnesota), Evelyn
Goldfield, J. Woods Halley (University of Minnesota), Lester Harris
(Abbott Northwestern Hospital), Peter Rossky, George Schatz, and Donald
Truhlar. Persons who wish to present a poster should send a one-page
abstract by July 25, 1994. Late posters will be accepted on a space
available basis.

The registration fee for the symposium is $150 for registrations
received prior to September 30, and $175 after September 30. A 10
percent discount will be given to members of the cosponsoring divisions
of the American Physical Society and American Chemical Society, listed
at the top.

To receive more information regarding the meeting, including a list of
lecture titles, contact the Symposium Administrator:

Michael J. Olesen
Supercomputer Institute
University of Minnesota
1200 Washington Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415
phone: (612) 624-1356
fax: (612) 624-8861
electronic mail: [email protected]


From: Gabriel Caloz <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 3 May 94 14:11:43 +0200
Subject: Colloqium to Honor Jean Descloux

to honor the 60th birthday of Jean Descloux
in Lausanne, Switzerland

In the honor of the 60th birthday of our collegue Jean Descloux,
we are organizing a numerical analysis colloquium which will take
place in the Ecole Polytechnique Federale in Lausanne, October 13
and 14, 1994. This meeting will gather his collaborators, his
students as well as those who know him well.

Sessions of half-hour conferences are programmed each day from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The lunches will be taken on the campus. A
banquet will take place on Thursday evening.

Each participant pays his own travel and lodging expenses. There is
a 100 Swiss francs registration fee, which includes lunches, dinner
and daily refreshments. Our secretery (Mrs J. Mosetti, phone
41-21-693-25-55, afternoon) will make arrangements for hotel

Further informations will be mailed later.

In the meantime, please keep these two days in mind and let us
know your intentions.

The organizers :

G. Caloz J. Rappaz
Universite de Rennes I Ecole Polytechnique Federale
Institut de Mathematiques Departement de Mathematiques
Campus de Beaulieu MA-Ecublens
F-35042 Rennes (France) CH-1015 Lausanne (Suisse)
[email protected]

For more information contact:

Mrs J. Mosetti, secretary Professor J. Rappaz, EPFL, MA-Ecublens,
CH-1015 Lausanne.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From: John Tucker <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 03 May 94 10:47:56 EST
Subject: Large-Scale Structures in Acoustics and Electromagnetics

Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research

This symposium will examine the dynamics of large-scale structures,
that is, structures that are large relative to their operating wavelengths.
Large-scale structures typically involve many substructures and are
characterized by an extended range of scales. Examples of such structures
include large man-made objects in the ocean such as naval and maritime
vessels, aerospace vehicles, and densely packed microelectronic and optical
integrated circuits (VLSI). Analytical, computational, and experimental
procedures for studying large-scale structures entail an extremely large
number of degrees of freedom. The excitation of large- scale structures
can yield both linear and nonlinear responses, with similar effects in
surrounding media. The dynamics of the substructures and their interfaces
include time- variant, dispersive, and dissipative aspects.
The focus of the symposium will be on computational methods required
to determine the dynamics of large-scale electromagnetic, acoustic, and
mechanical systems. Frequency- domain methods, long dominant, have been
complemented and occasionally supplanted over the past two decades by a
growing collection of time-domain techniques. For example, in structural
acoustics two recent procedures involve high-order expansions in time and
temporal finite elements. Another noteworthy example is research on
integrated microwave and optical circuits that involves electromagnetic and
optical scattering and propagation theories, quantum electronics, and solid
state physics. At the symposium, the efficiency, accuracy, and areas of
applicability of time-domain and frequency-domain computational procedures
will be discussed. The interplay of time- and frequency-domain computational
procedures and experimental procedures will be addressed with regard to the
future goal of comparing these. The emphasis will be on the relationship
and synergy between time-domain methods and frequency-domain methods rather
than on their individual advantages.
The design and control of large-scale structures are topics of high
military and civilian relevance. The main goals of the symposium are to
clarify the current relationship between time-domain and frequency-domain
methods, to point out opportunities for future development of these methods,
and to foster progress in understanding the behavior of large-scale structures.
Speakers include: J. Tinsley Oden (Texas Institute for Computational
and Applied Mathematics), Hermann A. Haus (Department of Electrical
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Adrianus T. De Hoop
(Laboratory of Electromagnetic Research, Delft University of Technology),
Richard Ziolkowski (Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Arizona), Ira Dyer (Department of Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology), Vijaya V. Shankar (Rockwell International Science Center),
Thomas J. R. Hughes (Mechanical Engineering Department, Stanford University),
Alan R. Mickelson (Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Colorado at Boulder), Ted B. Belytschko (Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Northwestern University), Lakshman Tamil (University of Texas at Dallas),
P. M. Pinsky (Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University), and
Edward H. Newman (Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University).
Date and place: September 26-27, 1994 in the Lecture Room at the
National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC.
Registration is free, but please register in advance due to limited seating.
Information: Barbara Wright, Board on Mathematical Sciences, National Research
Council, NAS 315, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20418-0001,
INTERNET: [email protected], FAX: 202-334-1597, Tel: 202-334-2421.


From: P.M. Pardalos <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 May 94 12:28:07 EDT
Subject: Parallel Processing of Discrete Optimization Problems

DIMACS Workshop on Parallel Processing of Discrete Optimization Problems

April 28--29, 1994


P.M. Pardalos
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida

M.G.C. Resende and K.G. Ramakrishnan, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill

In the context of the 1993-1994 DIMACS special year on Parallel Computing,
a two-day workshop entitled "Parallel Processing of Discrete Optimization
Problems" was held on April 28--29. The workshop featured twenty
invited speakers from Europe and North America. All abstracts of the talks
are contained in the DIMACS Technical Report TR 94-20 (available by ftp).
The talks in this workshop have covered a wide spectrum of algorithms and
applications in parallel processing of discrete optimization and related
problems. A DIMACS volume with complete refereed papers from the workshop
will be also published by the American Mathematical Society.

The workshop was sponsored by DIMACS with funds from National Science
Foundation and The New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology.


From: Nick Higham <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 6 May 94 11:45:50 BST
Subject: Manchester Linear Algebra and Applications Conference

In conjunction with the Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics

Linear Algebra and Its Applications

Monday 10th to Wednesday 12th July, 1995
University of Manchester


The conference aims to cover the latest developments in numerical
linear algebra, matrix theory and applications of linear algebra.
It immediately follows ICIAM 95 in Hamburg.
The conference will consist of two and a half days of invited and contributed
talks and posters, with an excursion on the Tuesday afternoon and a conference
dinner on Tuesday evening.
This notice is a call for papers (a longer, LaTeX version is available
by anonymous ftp from the location described below).
An application form to attend the conference will be available early in 1995.

N. J. Higham (Chairman, University of Manchester),
I. S. Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS),
R. Fletcher (University of Dundee), T. L. Freeman (University of Manchester),
S. J. Hammarling (NAG Ltd., Oxford), N. K. Nichols (University of Reading).

R. Brualdi (Madison), ``Combinatoric matrix theory'';
J. W. Demmel (Berkeley);
G. H. Golub (Stanford);
P. C. Hansen (UNI.C, Denmark), ``Regularization of large-scale
discrete ill-posed problems'';
R. A. Horn (Utah), ``Hadamard products, unitarily invariant norms,
and perturbation bounds for the polar decomposition'';
G. Strang (MIT), ``Teaching of linear algebra'';
H. van der Vorst (Utrecht);
P. Van Dooren (Urbana, Illinois);
A. J. Wathen (Bristol), ``Iterative solution of large, sparse
linear systems arising in PDEs'';
M. H. Wright (AT&T Bell Labs), ``Linear algebra in optimization''.

Z. Bai (Kentucky);
A. Edelman (MIT);
N. I. M. Gould (Rutherford Appleton Lab.), ``Linear algebra in optimization'';
D. J. Higham (Dundee);
N. Mackey (SUNY Buffalo), ``Convergence of Jacobi-like methods for
the symmetric eigenproblem'';
R. Mathias (College of William & Mary), ``Accurate eigenvalue computations'';
H. Park (Minnesota);
D. Ruiz (CERFACS);
B. Smith (UCLA).

In addition to the invited talks, there will be
poster sessions and 20 minute contributed talks.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 31 December 1994.
Contributed speakers are required to register for the conference and therefore
must pay the conference fee, and, if required, the residential fee.

There are two ways to submit an abstract:

(1) Obtain a reply form from the IMA at the address shown below, and return
it, with the abstract, to the IMA.

(2) Submit an abstract by email.
You need to send by email to [email protected]
(a) a completed ASCII version of the reply form,
(b) an abstract prepared in LaTeX using the style file ima-abst.sty.
You will need to download by anonymous ftp from or
(IP numbers, the files

pub/laa95/reply.txt (Electronic reply form)
pub/laa95/ima-abst.sty (LaTeX style file for abstract)
pub/laa95/ima-abst.tex (Example abstract showing required format)
pub/laa95/manchester.tex (General information on Manchester)

Address for correspondence (please note that the IMA is not yet on the
Miss Pamela Irving, The Conference Officer
The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
Catherine Richards House
16 Nelson Street
Essex, SS1 1EF
tel: 0702 354020, fax: 0702 354111


From: John W. Barrett <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 6 May 94 14:45:22 bst
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at Imperial College London


A Postdoctoral Research Assistant is required to work with
Dr. John W. Barrett ([email protected]) for 2 years on
an SERC (EPSRC) project

Finite Element Approximation of Some Problems in
Nonlinear Elasticity and Non-Newtonian/Viscoelastic Flows

The starting salary is in the range 17,320 - 20,169 UK pounds
(inclusive of London Weighting).

Applicants should send a CV and the name of two referees to

Dr. John W. Barrett,
Department of Mathematics,
Imperial College Of Science, Technology and Medicine,
180 Queens Gate,
London SW7 2BZ,

Closing date for applications is 31 May 1994.

Starting date before 1 October 1994.


End of NA Digest
