NA Digest Sunday, May 1, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 18

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: NA Digest <[email protected]>
Date: Sun May 1 17:12:54 EDT 1994
Subject: Calendar

Calendar of Forthcoming Events
Date Topic Place NA Digest #

May 1- 5 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics Basel, Switzerland 15
May 14 East Coast Algebra Day Philadelphia, PA 17
May 16-20 Mathematic Problems in Industry Boulder, CO 6
May 16-18 Spectral Multi-Domain Workshop Raleigh, NC 14
May 18 Environmental Mathematics Amsterdam 16
May 19-20 Annual PVM Users' Group Meeting Oak Ridge, TN 15
May 23-25 Parallel Numerical Algorithms Hampton, VA 4
May 23-25 Scalable High-Performance Computing Knoxville, TN (93) 40
May 31... Parallel Computing in Fluid Dynamics Delft, Netherlands 17
May 30... Numerical Parallel Algorithms Penyiscola, Spain 17

June 2- 3 Computational Fluid Dynamics Toronto, Canada 2
June 6- 8 Supercomputing Symposium '94 Toronto, Canada 2
June 6-10 Applied and Industrial Mathematics Linkoping, Sweden 14
June 6-14 Mathematics Modeling Workshop Claremont, CA 9
June 11-15 Continuous Algorithms and Complexity Mount Holyoke, MA 13
June 15-18 SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Park City, UT 17
June 20-23 Parallel Scientific Computing Lyngby, Denmark 18
June 22-25 SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics Albuquerque, NM
June 23-25 Monte Carlo Methods Las Vegas, NV 18
June 27-28 5th Stockholm Optimization Days Stockholm, Sweden 6

July 4- 6 South African Numerical Mathematics Umhlanga Rocks, Natal 18
July 5- 7 Simulation of Devices and Technologies Obninsk, Russia 7
July 11-15 IMACS World Congress Atlanta, GA
July 11-15 Course on MODULEF Finite Elt. Library University Park, PA 12
July 16... Mathematics of Numerical Analysis Park City, UT 5
July 18-29 SERC Numerical Analysis Summer School Leicester, UK 16
July 18-30 Summer Short Courses in CFD Istanbul, Turkey 15
July 22-23 Control Problems in Industry San Diego, CA 3
July 24 AWM Workshop for Pre- and Post-docs San Diego, CA 3
July 25-29 SIAM Annual Meeting San Diego, CA 3

Aug. 1- 4 Computation Physics Lyngby, Denmark 11
Aug. 1- 5 Computational Science Workshop Los Alamos, NM 16
Aug. 15-19 Math Programming Ann Arbor, MI
Aug. 21-26 Numerical Methods Sofia, Bulgaria 11
Aug. 22-25 Continuum Mechanics Prague, Czech Rep. 6
Aug. 22-25 SVD and Signal Processing Leuven, Belgium 4
Aug. 22-25 Simulation Zurich, Switzerland 9
Aug. 29-31 Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Leuven, Belgium 4
Aug. 29... Mathematical Modelling Prague, Czech Rep. 1

Sep. 6-10 Mathematics in Industry Kaiserslatern, Germany 7
Sep. 22-24 Hellenic Mathematical Society Athens, Greece 8
Sep. 26-28 Multilevel Methods Meisdorf, Germany 16
Sep. 26-30 Total Positivity Jaca, Spain 5

Oct . 2- 6 Applications of Operator Theory Winnipeg, Manitoba 17
Oct. 20-22 Systems, Control, Information Wuhan, China 8

Nov. 14-18 SuperComputing '94 Washington, DC 6
Nov. 30... Computational Methods in Engineering Belo Horizonte, Brazil 11


Jan 3- 6 Computational Computer Design Maui, Hawaii 17
Jan. 9-10 Conference Honoring Ake Bjorck Linkoping, Sweden 14
Jan. 15-18 Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation Las Vegas, NV 4
Jan. 16-18 Markov Chains Raleigh, NC 7

Feb. 15-17 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing San Francisco, CA
Feb. 19-25 Applications of Interval Computations El Paso, TX 16

Apr. 24-28 Wave Propagation Juan-les-Pins, France 8

July 3- 7 ICIAM, Int'l Cong. Indust. Appl. Math. Hamburg, Germany 9


From: Najib Abboud <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 16:33:30 -0400
Subject: Request for Symmetric Complex Eigensolver

I am interested in obtaining fortran source for a solver
that computes ALL eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
GENELIZED eigenvalue problem: A.X = (lambda)B.Y
where the coefficient matrices A and B are COMPLEX SYMMETRIC
Thank you

Najib Abboud
Email: [email protected]
Weidlinger Associates
333 Seventh Avenue
New York NY 10001


From: Harald von Sosen <[email protected] >
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 15:48:54 -0700
Subject: Sparse, Symmetric, LU-decompostion

I am looking for a code to compute the LU-decomposition of a
sparse, symmetric matrix. I would like a routine which pivots
and minimizes the fill-in. Does anyone have such a code or
know where I can get one?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Harald von Sosen
[email protected]


From: Ilja Schmelzer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 18:33:48 +0200
Subject: IBG, Geometry and Grid Generation Library

IBG Version 1.1

IBG is a library of routines written in ANSI C for geometry description and
grid generation. It allows unstructured simplicial grid generation in 1D, 2D
and 3D in different regions and on their boundaries without any restrictions
for the topology, with user-controlled isotropical or anisotropical refinement,
based on a combined octree/Delaunay technique. We have good grid quality
especially inside the regions (obtuse angles only in the neighbourhood of
boundary) and approximately linear time dependence.

A nonstandard interface for the geometry description will be used. The
geometry description part allows to create and modify this interface.
Possibilities for geometry description are volume grids (f.e. from the
previous time step), boundary grids, pixmaps, a function defining the region
for a given point. They can be modified with characteristic functions for the
parts which have to be changed. Other possibilities (f.e. boundary splines,
boolean operations) can be easily implemented if necessary.

The documentation is available in different formats (ASCII, Postscript,
DECWindows Bookreader).

If you are interested, please contact

Ilja Schmelzer,
Institut fuer Angewandte Analysis
und Stochastic,
Mohrenstr. 39
D-10178 Berlin

e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: (+49) 30 20377 567
Fax: (+49) 30 200 4975


From: M. Eiermann <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 19:16:09 -0600
Subject: Change of Address for Michael Eiermann

New address for Michael Eiermann (from May 1, 1994):

Michael Eiermann
Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik II
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
D-09596 Freiberg

email: [email protected]
phone: (49) 3731-51-2322
fax: (49) 3731-51-2178


From: Siamak Hassanzadeh <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 18:11:26 +0800
Subject: Change of address for Siamak Hassanzadeh

Effective April 25, 1994, my new address and affliation is as follows:

Siamak Hassanzadeh
Member of Technical Staff | [email protected]
Sun Microsystems Computer Corp. | Voice: (415) 336-0118
2550 Garcia Avenue, MS PAL1-316 | Fax: (415) 494-3631
Mountain View, CA 94043-1100


From: C. Walshaw <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 16:31:20 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Invitation to Launch of SEL-HPC

An open invitation to the launch of the

London and South-East Centre for High Performance Computing (SEL-HPC)

and its Education and Training programme

10th May, 2.30pm
at ULCC, 20 Guildford Street, London WC1N 1DZ

At the launch you will be able to hear about SEL-HPC's plans for assisting
development of HPC awareness in all Higher Education Institutions in the
London and South-East region through Education and Training and related
activities. In addition, you will be able to find out how HEIs can become
formal Associates of SEL-HPC or collaborate with its programme. The formal
presentations will be followed by an informal reception to celebrate the
Centre's launch.

SEL-HPC is a consortium formed by the London Parallel Applications Centre,
the University of Greenwich, the University of Kent and ULCC and is one of
five such regional centres of expertise funded on behalf of the Higher
Education Funding Councils for England, Scotland and Wales through the
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) New Technologies Initiative. The
other regional centres are located at University of Edinburgh, University
of Manchester, University of Southampton and University of Wales (Cardiff).
In addition, there is a centre of expertise supported at Queen's
University, Belfast. As regional centres, each will be concentrating on the
needs of the HEIs in its own region and this launch meeting gives an
opportunity for those in London and the South-East to find out about their
HPC Centre and its plans and to provide input to its further development.

SEL-HPC's planned activities include designing a comprehensive range of HPC
courses for use in staff and postgraduate training - some courses will be
given as part of the programme and course materials will be made available
to trainers at other sites. Topics will cover:

introduction to HPC systems
basic parallel methodologies
parallel languages, e.g. HPF/Fortran 90, occam2.5
SIMD and MIMD architectures
workstation and supercomputer interaction
applications techniques
software tools for parallel environments

The study of networking and workstation clusters will be carried out in
programmes linked to the Centre thereby ensuring early incorporation of
developments into the training courses. Other areas of investigation will
include interdisciplinary applications and the support of technology
development. The consortium also intends to foster industrial collaboration
where appropriate by technology transfer and joint projects.

SEL-HPC can provide access to a wide range of HPC hardware to support
education and training activites, including the Convex at ULCC, an
8192-processor MasPar, a 155-node Meiko, many other multi-transputer and
i860 machines, and several DAPs.

Please register by Wednesday 4th May with

Anne Stephenson
20 Guildford Street
London WC1N 1DZ
FAX: 071-242 1845
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Volker Mehrmann <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 1 May 94 17:46:52 MESZ
Subject: FTP Reports from Technical University Chemnitz

The following preprints are available via ftp from the Numerical Analysis Group
of the Technical University Chemnitz. Date May 1.1994

to get the papers proceed as follows:

login name: ftp
password: your email address:
cd /pub/Local/mathematik (Observe the capital L in Local)

There are the following directories containing preprints in Numerical Analysis
or Scientfic Computing:


each directory contains a file README with titles and abstracts of the


From: Sven Hammarling <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 21:48:32 +0100
Subject: Fifth SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference

June 15th - 18th

The organizing committee for the 1994 Applied Linear Algebra
Conference is placing great importance on the poster sessions, and
wishes to encourage the presentations of high quality posters.

To this end we are soliciting posters for presentation at the
conference and will be awarding a prize for the best poster. It is
not necessary to have submitted a paper in order to bring a poster -
do use the poster session to tell us about your work.

Posters that do accompany papers should not reproduce the paper, but
should be regarded as an opportunity to supplement and advertize the
paper, perhaps by highlighting or amplifying important features.

The best poster will be judged upon both the content and presentation
of the poster, and the prize will be presented at the conference

A display area of 4ft (high) by 6ft (wide) will be available for
posters, and authors are expected to be present during their
half-hour attended poster session and the following common-interest
session in order to facilitate discussion. It would be helpful to
inform SIAM in advance if you intend to bring a poster, but this is
not essential. It is more important that you bring your poster!


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 10:21:05 EST
Subject: SIAM Meeting Deadlines


MAY 16, 1994 Deadline for submission of 2-page
contributed abstracts for presentation
at the 7th SIAM Conference on Parallel
Processing for Scientific Computing,
Feb 15-17, 1995, San Francisco

MAY 23, 1994 Deadline for room reservations at the
Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort for
attendees of the 5th SIAM Conference
on Applied Linear Algebra, June 15-18,
1994, Snowbird, Utah.

MAY 30, 1994 Deadline for room reservations at the
Ramada Hotel Classic for attendees of
the 7th SIAM Conference on Discrete
Mathematics, June 22-25, 1994,
Albuquerque, New Mexico

JUNE 1, 1994 Deadline for pre-registration for
attendees of the 5th SIAM Conference
on Applied Linear Algebra, June 15-18,
1994, Snowbird, Utah

JUNE 8, 1994 Deadline for pre-registration for
attendees of the 7th SIAM Conference
on Discrete Mathematics, June 22-25,
1994, Albuquerque, New Mexico

To obtain electronic versions of the programs for both
the Applied Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
conferences, and also the call for papers for the 1995
conferences on Parallel Processing; Control and Its
Applications; Mathematical and Computational Issues in the
Geosciences; and the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms, send e-mail to: [email protected]

The 1994 SIAM Annual Meeting preliminary program with the
hotel and registration information can also be obtained via
e-mail to: [email protected]


From: Harald Niederreiter <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 09:09:22 +0200
Subject: Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing


June 23-25, 1994

The conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in
Scientific Computing will be held in the Thomas T. Beam Engineering
Complex, University of Nevada, Las Vegas on June 23-25,1994.

Harald Niederreiter, Chair
Gary Mullen
Peter Shiue

R. Caflisch (University of California, Los Angeles)
B.L. Fox (University of Colorado at Denver)
P.W. Glynn (Stanford University)
G. Mullen (Pennsylvania State University)
H. Niederreiter ( Austrian Academy of Sciences)
J. Spanier (Claremont Graduate School)

Authors who wish to contribute 20 minute talks are invited to
submit 1 copy of an abstract containing at most 300 words.
The abstracts should be sent to Harald Niederreiter,
Institute for Information Processing, Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Sonnenfelsgasse 19, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; Gary Mullen, Math.
Dept., Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 16802; or
Peter Shiue, Dept. of Math. Sci., Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV

Submission of Abstracts: May 16, 1994
Acceptance of Abstracts: May 31, 1994
Submission of Full Papers: October 31, 1994

A limited amount of partial support is available from NSF-Nevada
EPSCoR. Requests for partial support should be sent to Peter Shiue,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, NV 89154-4020; 702-895-3748; FAX: 702-895-4343; email:
([email protected]) by May 15.

For further information, please contact Harald Niederreiter,
Institute for Information Processing, Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Sonnenfelsgasse 19, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; email:
[email protected]., Gary Mullen, Math. Dept., Pennsylvania
State Univ., University Park, PA 16802; 814-865-9413; email:
[email protected], or Peter Shiue, Dept. of Math. Sci., Univ. of
Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154; 702-895-3748; FAX: 702-895-4343;
email: [email protected].


From: Colin Wright <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 13:36:23
Subject: South African Symposium on Numerical Mathematics

4---6 July 1994

The Twentieth South African Symposium on Numerical Mathematics
(SANUM94), organized by the South African Numerical Mathematics
Society, will be held at the Breakers Sun Hotel, Umhlanga Rocks,
north of Durban, Natal on 4, 5 and 6 July 1994.

Contributed presentations of 20 minutes duration on any aspect of
numerical mathematics and its applications are hereby solicited.

For further information contact:
Colin J Wright ([email protected])


From: <Jerzy Wasniewski> [email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 14:26:51 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Workshop on Parallel Scientific Computing in Denmark


organised by:
UNI*C (The Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education),
IMM (The Institute for Mathematical Modelling of the Technical
University of Denmark) and
Jack Dongarra (Tennessee University & Oak Ridge Nat. Lab.,USA)

Dates: June 20, 1994 - Tutorial on heterogeneous network computing
June 21 - 23, 1994 - Workshop sessions

Place: UNI*C, The Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education,
The Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, DENMARK

Key & Some Contributed Talks

Vincent A. Barker, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark;
Computing eigenvalues of sparse matrices on the Connection
Gert D. Billing, Copenhagen University, Denmark; Quantum
Mechanical Reactive Scattering
John Brown, Pentum Group, Inc., California, USA; A Transform
Approach to Fast Matrix Multiplication.
Jack Dongarra, Tennessee University & Oak Ridge Nat. Lab.,
USA; Constructing Numerical Software Libraries for
High-Performance Computing Environments (ScaLAPACK)
Iain Duff, RAL, United Kingdom and CERFACS, France; The CERFACS
Leonard Freeman, Manchester University, United Kingdom;
Parallel Algorithms for Numerical Integration
Al Geist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA; Cluster
Computing: The Wave of the Future?
Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd., United
Kingdom; The Challenge of Portable Libraries for High
Performance Machines
Per Christian Hansen, UNI*C, Denmark; Regularisation Methods
for Large-Scale Inverse Problems
Bill Harrod, Cray Research, USA; Numerical Algorithms for the
Cray T3D (Cray Massively Parallel Computer)
Axel Hunding, Copenhagen University, Denmark; Biocybernetics:
Nonlinear dynamics in biochemical control systems, and
morphogenetic fields.
S. Lennart Johnsson, Thinking Machines Corp. & Harvard
University, USA; Scientific Software Libraries for Scalable
Kaj Madsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; Parallel
interval methods for perturbed linear systems and global
Oliver A. McBryan, University of Colorado, USA; Grand Challenge
Computing: Stretching the Limits of HPCC.
Peter Michielse, Convex Computer Corporation, The Netherlands;
Programming the Convex Exemplar Series SPP system.
Ole H. Nielsen, UNI*C, Denmark; Performance of a molecular -
dynamics algorithm on Connection Machines CM-200 and CM-5.
Dennis Parkinson, Thinking Machine Corporation, United Kingdom;
Experiments in neural net computation on CM-5
John Perram, Odense University, Denmark; Parallel Molecular
Stig Skelboe, UNI*C and Copenhagen University, Denmark;
Interrelation between parallel algorithms and computer
Jens N. Soerensen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark;
Simulation of Fluid Dynamical Flow Problems
Per Grove Thomsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark;
Real Time Simulation in a Cluster Computing Environment.
Soeren Toxvaerd, Copenhagen University, Denmark; Parallel
computations in Molecular Dynamics.
Jerzy Wasniewski, UNI*C, Denmark; Comparison of Massively Parallel
Computers Using Air Pollution models.
Zahari Zlatev, Environmental Institute, Denmark; Paraspar:
Parallel Solvers for Sparse Linear Algebraic Systems.

Still, a limited number of contributed 20 min. talks can be selected
for the workshop. Poster sessions will also be organised. Potential
contributors should notice the following deadlines.

Abstracts no more than one A4 page (talks and posters) by
soon as possible. Papers between 5 and 10 pages for
conference proceedings by May 15, 1994.

A program with the talks at the workshop will be sent to the
participants in the beginning of June.

Mailing list: All the workshop information will be distributed by
the mailing list of
[email protected]
To subscribe send a message to
[email protected]
sub para94-l Yourname


From: Richard Brent <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 94 11:30:34 EST
Subject: Research Position at Australian National University

Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering

Applications are invited for a fulltime research position as Research Fellow
in the Computer Sciences Laboratory. Current research in the Computer Sciences
Laboratory includes

(1) design and analysis of algorithms, with an emphasis on parallel algorithms;

(2) software for scientific and engineering applications on parallel computers;

(3) aspects of human-machine systems, including speech recognition,
speaker characterization, image analysis and processing;

(4) languages, compilers and software tools for parallel (MIMD) computers.

The Computer Sciences Laboratory is a Department within the Research School
of Information Science and Engineering. Facilities include access to a
128-cell Fujitsu AP1000, a 32-processor Connection Machine (CM5), and a
Fujitsu VP2200/10 vector processor.

Applicants should have a strong research record and interests in one of the
areas mentioned above. There are no undergraduate teaching duties.
Most of the appointee's time will be devoted to research; there may be
a limited involvement in supervision of postgraduate students and teaching
of graduate courses.

Enquiries to: Professor R. P. Brent (e-mail [email protected]).

Closing date: 16 May 1994
Reference: ISE 8.3.1
Salary $A41,000 - $A48,688 p.a.
Appointment will be for three years in the first
instance with a possible extension to five years.

Applications should quote the reference number, include names and addresses
(including FAX or e-mail) of at least three referees, and be addressed to:

The Secretary
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia

Further information, including the selection criteria, are available
by anonymous ftp from*


From: Colin Wright <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 14:07:54
Subject: Position at University of the Witwatersrand


Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Position in Image Processing

Applications for a tenure-track lectureship in the area of Image
Processing are invited. Applicants with a PhD and a strong
commitment to teaching and research are encouraged to apply. The
succesful applicant will be expected to contribute both to the
supervision of post-graduate students and also to the Department's
undergraduate teaching programme.
The Image Processing group is involved in the wider field of inverse
problems and has several active research projects involving pattern
recognition algorithms, neural networks and maximum entropy
regularization. Close contacts exist with industry.
Send vitae with names and addresses of three professional referees
to: C J Wright, Head, Department of Computational and Applied
Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
Africa, fax Intl+27-11-339-7965, e-mail [email protected].
Selection process begins May 12 and continues until position is


From: Marilyn Radcliff <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 14:04:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, Approximation Theory

Journal of Approximation Theory, Volume 76, Number 3, March 1994
Table of Contents

Maoli Chang. The Behavior of Polyharmonic Cardinal Splines as Their Degree
Tends to Infinity, 287-302.

Charles K. Chui and Jian-Zhong Wang. Quasi-Interpolation Functionals on
Spline Spaces, 303-325.

M. Finzel. Linear approximation in $\ell_n^\infty$, 326-350.

S. Belmehdi and A. Ronveaux. Laguerre-Freud's Equations for the Recurrence
Coefficients of Semi-classical Orthogonal Polynomials, 351-368.

Vilmos Totik. Strong Converse Inequalities, 369-375.

Jarom\'ir \u Sim\u sa. Approximations of Two-Place Functions by Finite Sums
of Terms with Separable Variables, 376-392.

Ding-Xuan Zhou. Weighted approximation by Sz\'asz--Mirakjan operators,

Ding-Xuan Zhao. Weighted Approximation by Multidimensional Bernstein
Operators, 403-422.


Kazuaki Kitahara. Weak Tchebycheff Systems, 423-425.

Marilyn Radcliff [email protected]
Department of Mathematics [email protected]
The Ohio State University 1-(614)-292-3317 (office)
231 West Eighteenth Avenue 1-(614)-292-4975 (department)
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1174, U.S.A. 1-(614)-292-1479 (FAX)


From: Ake Bjorck <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 18:02:28 +0200
Subject: Contents, BIT

BIT Volume 34, No. 1 (1994)

Solution of augmented linear systems using orthogonal factorizations
{\AA}. Bj\"orck and C. C. Paige, pp. 1--24

A transformation for the analysis of DIMSIMs
J. C. Butcher, pp 25--32

Quadratic spline collocation methods for elliptic partial differential equations
C. C. Christara, pp. 33--61

On integrating vertex singularities using extrapolation
T. Espelid, pp. 62--79

The non-existence of symplectic multi-derivative Runge-Kutta methods
E. Hairer, A. Murua, and J. M. Sanz-Serna, pp. 80--87

Runge-Kutta stability on a Floquet problem
D. J. Higham, pp. 88--98

Fast transforms for tridiagonal linear equations
T. Huckle, pp. 99--112

Two counterexamples related to the Kreiss matrix theorem
J. F. B. M. Kraaijevanger, pp. 113--119

Some nodes matrices appearing in the numerical analysis for singular integral equations
G. Mastroianni and S. Pr\"ossdorf, pp 120--128

Semianalytic time-marching algorithms for semi-linear parabolic equations
V. Maz'ya and V. Karlin, pp. 129--147

Proof versus formalization
P. Naur, pp. 148--164

The rational Krylov algorithm for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems. III:
Complex shifts for real matrices
A. Ruhe, pp. 165--176


End of NA Digest
