From: Pontus Matstoms <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 92 13:40:51 +0200
Subject: Solution of Sparse Linear Least Squares Problems
The FORTRAN-77 code QR27, for solution of sparse linear least squares
problems (min ||Ax-b||_2), is now available for research purposes. The
QR factorization of A is computed by a multifrontal method and the
least squares solution is then computed from the semi-normal equations
with a few steps of iterative refinement. For a minimum degree ordering
of A and computation of an elimination tree subroutines from the Harwell
package MA27 are used. A specification sheet for the code is available
via anonymous ftp to math.liu.se (
For further details and requests of the code, contact
Pontus Matstoms
Department of Mathematics
University of Linkoping
S-581 83 Linkoping
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Philippe Caussignac <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1992 11:15:32 +0200
Subject: Markov Moment Problem
The following moment problem:
Given a vector (c0,c1,...,cn), a set of n+1 functions u0, u1,..., un
in C(a,b), building a complete Tchebycheff system, find for
t in (a,b) lower and upper bounds for the value of all measures s
(non-decreasing functions in BV(a,b)) such that the integral over
(a,b) of ui(t) ds(t) is equal to ci, i=0,1,...n,
has a unique solution given by the Markov-Krein theorem (see the book
of S. Karlin & J. Studden, "Tchebycheff Systems: with Applications
in Analysis a
What I am looking for is a numerical method to solve this problem in
order to get bounds at nodes of a partition of [a,b]. All the naive
methods I tried did not work. Does anyone knows an efficient method,
a good reference or eventually a code to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance,
Ph. Caussignac
Dept of Mathematics
Phone: 41 21 693 25 78, Fax: 41 21 693 43 03
From: Bertil Nilsson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 92 14:46:37 +0200
Subject: MATLAB -> Mathematica Wanted
I am looking for a translator from MATLAB m-files to Mathematica.
Thanks in advance
Bertil Nilsson
Halmstad University
Box 823
S-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden
[email protected]
From: George. A. Anastassiou <ANASTASG@hermes. msci. memst. edu>
Date: 30 Mar 92 09:20:34 CDT
Subject: New Journal, Applied Analysis and Stochastics
A new international publication
A section of "Computational and Applied Math. J."
Trial issue June 92, 1st issue Jan. 93
Editors in-Chief
George. A. Anastassiou
Memphis State University
Memphis,TN 38152
U. S. A
Svetlozar. T. Rachev
Dept. Stat. /Appl. Probability
Univ. California-Santa Barbara
CA 93106,U. S. A
Editorial Board
P. L. Butzer (Aachen), E. W. Cheney (U. Texas), S. Cambanis (UNC), Ingrid
Daubechies (Rutgers Univ./AT&T), R. L. Dobrushin (Inst.Info.Trans.,Russia),
Paul Erdos (Hungarian Academy of Sci. ), P. Greenwood (Univ. British Columbia),
J. H. B. Kemperman (Rutgers Univ. ), S. Karlin (Stanford Univ.),
D. Kolzow (Erlagen Univ. -Germany), M. Maejima (Keio Univ. -Japan),
P. R. Masani (Univ. Pittsburgh), M. K. V. Murthy (UNIV. PISA-Italy),
L. Nachbin (Univ. Rochester), Z. Nashed (Univ. Delaware), R. Nessel (Aachen),
E. Omey (Brussels,Belgium), L. Ruschendorf (Munster-Germany), H. Sato
(Kyushu Univ.- Japan), O. Shisha (U. R. I), D. Stone (Northeastern Univ.)
Editorial policy
We publish high quality original papers in English language.
Main areas of interest: Approximation Theory, Probability and Measure Theory,
and their applications. We are especially interested in the overlap of
Approximation Theory and Probability.
From: Ivo Marek <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 92 15:02:22 CET
Subject: International Symposium On Numerical Analysis - ISNA '92
Second Announcement
International Symposium On Numerical Analysis - ISNA '92
Charmanship: Honorary President Ivo Babuska (University of Maryland)
Scientific Secretary Ivo Marek (Charles University)
Date: 31th August - 4th September 1992
Place: Prague, Czechoslovakia
Principal Lecturers: J. Albrecht (Clausthal), O. xelsson (Nijmegen),
J. Douglas (Purdue), Yu. Kuznetsov (Moscow),
R. Rannacher (Heidelberg), J. R. Whiteman (Brunel),
T. Yamamoto (Matsuyama
Section Invited Lectures will be delivered by further inveted specialists. Short
Communications will be accepted for presentation. Participants who would like to
present a paper should submit a title not later than April 15, 1992 to the
correspondence address:
The Secretary of ISNA'92'
MFF University Karlovy
Malostranske namesti 25
118 00 Praha 1, Czechoslovakia
e-mail address: [email protected]
fax: 422 532742
The costs: DM 600.- includes Conference fee, Conference Proceedings,
Conference meals, and hostel accomodation
From: Piet Wesseling <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 92 10:10:34 METDST
Subject: European Multigrid Conference 1993
First Announcement and Call for papers
EMG'93 - European Multigrid Conference
July 6-9, 1993, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Following earlier conferences in 1981, 1985 and 1990 EMG'93, the fourth
European Multigrid Conference will be held in Amsterdam, July 6-9, 1993. The
conference aims at providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of
recent research in the general area of multilevel methods. Participation is
expected to be worldwide.
Themes of the conference will range from basic research to industrial
applications, including but not limited to the following subjects:
- computational fluid dynamics,
- reservoir engineering,
- semiconductor device modeling,
- statistical physics,
- parallel computing,
- adaptive computing,
- numerical analysis of multigrid methods.
The program of the fourth European Multigrid Conference will consist of
about 10 invited lectures in plenary sessions and selected presentations in
2 parallel sessions. Members of the program committee are P.W. Hemker
(CWI/University of Amsterdam) and P. Wesseling (Delft University of
Contributions to EMG'93 are sollicited. Send 3 copies of an extended
abstract of no more than 2 pages to the conference administrator. The
deadline for submissions is 15 December 1992. Notifications of acceptance
will be mailed on 30 January 1993.
Invited lectures and a number of selected presentations will be published as
full papers in conference proceedings, to be published by Birkh\"auser.
Other selected presentations will be published as full papers by CWI. A
booklet with all abstracts of selected contributions will be available at
the conference.
Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands and well-known for its canals,
bridges, gabled houses and museums. Through the centuries, Amsterdam has
been characterized by its international orientation and its political and
religious tolerance. The city is considered a major international center of
commerce, banking, press and publishing and ranks high on the worldwide list
of cities favored with international conventions.
P.W. Hemker
F. Snijders
P. Wesseling
S. van der Wolff
EMG'93 - European Multigrid Conference 1993
c/o CWI
Ms. Simone van der Wolff
P.O. Box 4079
1009 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. 020-5929333
Fax. 020-5924199
email: [email protected]
IBM Nederland NV
KNAW - Royal Academy of Sciences
Now Indicate any interest to the conference administrator
15 December 1992 Deadline for submissions
30 January 1993 Notification of acceptance
6-9 July 1993 Deadline for full papers
From: Richard A. Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 92 07:39:53 CST
Subject: Contents: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Contents LAA Volume 168, April 15, 1992
Hongyuan Zha (Stanford, California)
A Numerical Algorithm for Computing the Restricted Singular
Value Decomposition of Matrix Triplets 1
Josep Ferrer and Ferran Puerta (Barcelona, Spain)
Similarity of Non-everywhere Defined Linear Maps 27
Wang Shougen (Shanghai, China)
Computing the Eigenvalues of Modified Symmetric Matrices 57
Robert E. Atalla (Athens, Ohio)
Characterization of Weakly Monotone Stochastic Matrices 65
H. Valiaho (Helsinki, Finland)
Determining Subspaces on Which a Matrix
Is Nonnegative Definite 71
Bart L. R. De Moor (Leuven, Belgium)
On the Structure and Geometry of the Product Singular
Value Decomposition 95
Zbigniew Jelonek (Krakow, Poland)
Maximal Sets of Linearly Independent Vectors in a Free
Module Over a Commutative Ring 137
Tomasz Szulc (Poznan, Poland)
A Nonsingularity Criterion for Complex Matrices 145
Moshe Haviv, Ya'acov Ritov (Jerusalem, Israel), and
Uriel G. Rothblum (Haifa, Israel)
Taylor Expansions of Eigenvalues of Perturbed Matrices
With Applications to Spectral Radii of Nonnegative Matrices 159
Arie Leizarowitz (Haifa, Israel)
On Infinite Products of Stochastic Matrices 189
Lieba Rodman (Williamsburg, Virginia) and
Tamir Shalom (New York, New York)
Jordan Forms of Completions of Partial Upper
Triangular Matrices 221
S. W. Drury (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
A Counterexample to a Question of Merikoski and Virtanen
on the Compounds of Unitary Matrices 251
Roman Zymslony and Hilmar Drygas (Kassel, Germany)
Jordan Algebras and Bayesian Quadratic Estimation
of Variance Components 259
Author Index 277
Contents LAA Volume 169, May 1992
Marko Razpet (Ljubljana, Yugoslavia)
A Relative of the Shift Operator 1
Xu Zhong (Xian, People's Republic of China)
On Moore-Penrose Inverses of Toeplitz Matrices 9
Richard D. Hill (Pocatello, Idaho) and Steven R. Waters
(Angwin, California)
On k-Real and k-Hermitian Matrices 17
Kung-Mei Chao (Hong Kong, People's Republic of China) and
Chi Song Wong (Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
Applications of M-Matrices to Majorization 31
William C. Waterhouse (University Park, Pennsylvania)
Displacement Operators Relative to Group Matrices 41
Boris Mirman (Andover, Massachusetts)
A Source of Counterexamples in Operator Theory and How to
Construct Them 49
Marcelo D. Fragoso (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and
Carlos E. de Souza (Newcastle, Australia)
Maximal Solution of a Certain Class of Periodic Riccati
Differential Equations 61
Harry Gingold (Morgantown, West Virginia) and
Po-Fang Hsieh (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Globally Analytic Triangularization of a Matrix Function 75
Dongyi Ye (Toulouse, France)
When Is the Greatest Eigenvalue of a Parametrized Symmetric
Matrix a Convex Function of the Parameter? 103
C. Bergthaller (Wuppertal, Germany) and Ivan Singer
(Bucharest, Romania)
The Distance to a Polyhedron 111
D. A. Gregory, S. J. Kirkland, and N. J. Pullman
(Kingston, Ontario, Canada)
Row-Stochastic Matrices With a Common Left Fixed Vector 131
Isabel Cabral (Monte da Caparica, Portugal) and
Fernando C. Silva (Lisboa, Portugal)
Similarity Invariants of Completions of Submatrices 151
Pei Yuan Wu (Hsinchu, Taiwan, People's Republic of China)
Which Linear Transformations Have Isomorphic
Hyperinvariant Subspace Lattices? 163
D. de Caen, D. A. Gregory, S. J. Kirkland, N. J. Pullman
(Kingston, Ontario, Canada), and J. S. Maybee
(Boulder, Colorado)
Algebraic Multiplicity of the Eigenvalues of a Tournament
Matrix 179
M. Kuijper and J. M. Schumacher
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Realization and Partial Fractions 195
U. Helmke (Regensburg, Germany) and J. B. Moore (Canberra,
Singular-Value Decomposition via Gradient and
Self-Equivalent Flows 223
Ren-cang Li (Chicago, Illinois)
On Eigenvalues of a Rayleigh Quotient Matrix 249
Yi-ming Gao and Xiao-hui Wang (Changchun, Jinlin, People's
Republic of China)
Criteria for Generalized Diagonally Dominant Matrices and
M-Matrices 257
Yongzhong Song (Nanjing, People's Republic of China)
Lower Bounds for the Perron Root of a Nonnegative Matrix 269
Author Index 279
Contents LAA Volume 170, June, 1992
Elliot Linzer (Yorktown Heights, New York)
On the Stability of Solution Methods for Band Toeplitz Systems 1
G. A. Watson (Dundee, Scotland)
Characterization of the Subdifferential of Some Matrix Norms 33
Miroslav Fiedler and Zdenek Vavrin (Praha, Czechoslovakia)
A Subclass of Symmetric Loewner Matrices 47
Pentti Haukkanen (Tampere, Finland)
Higher-Dimensional GCD Matrices 53
Richard W. Cottle and Sy-Ming Guu (Stanford, California)
Two Characterizations of Sufficient Matrices 65
J. R. Bar-on and C. W. Gray (El Segundo, California)
A Generalized Polar Decomposition 75
J. Zhu and C. H. Morales (Huntsville, Alabama)
On Linear Ordinary Differential Equations With Functionally
Commutative Coefficient Matrices 81
Catherine M. Kunicki and Richard D. Hill (Pocatello, Idaho)
Normal-Preserving Linear Transformations 107
James R. Angelos (Mt. Pleasant, Michigan), Carl C. Cowen
(West Lafayette, Indiana) and Sivaram K. Narayan (Mt. Pleasant,
Triangular Truncation and Finding the Norm of a Hadamard Multiplier 117
Jun Ichi Fujii (Osaka, Japan)
Operator Means and Range Inclusion 137
Rafael Bru (Valencia, Spain), Graciano de Oliveira,
and Jose Vitoria (Coimbra, Portugal)
REPORT: Meeting of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 3-5 October
1989, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain 147
Author Index 281
End of NA Digest