NA Digest Sunday, February 16, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 7

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 92 23:16:53 CST
Subject: Congratulations to Bill Gear and Dick Tapia

Congratulations to Bill Gear and Dick Tapia on their election to the
National Academy of Engineering.

The citations read as follows.

For Gear: For seminal work in methods and software for solving classes of
differential equations and differential-algebraic equations of significance
in applications.

For Tapia: For contributions in linear and nonlinear programming, and for
creative leadership in minority education in computer science.

Gene Golub


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 8:52:11 CST
Subject: A Reception at the IMA Workshop

To: Attendees of the IMA Workshop on ITERATIVE METHODS FOR

You are cordially invited to a reception on
Sunday, Feb 23, 1992
at the
Kenwood Retirement Apartments
825 Summit Ave
(near Hennepin and Franklin)

in the "Party Room" on the 15th floor.

Snacks and drink will be provided by Gene Golub and Bob Plemmons.

If possible, let us know if you can come.

REPLY-to: [email protected] or [email protected]


From: [email protected]
Date: 10 Feb 92 7:06
Subject: Help Needed with SPARSE1.3

Hi, after having downloaded SPARSE1.3 from NETLIB and getting the
testprogram up and running pretty fast I get bogged down by unexpected
problems now. I am using SPARSE1.3 in a Fortran environment but cannot
get it to run correctly. Firstly, as a non C programmer I found 2 bugs
in the sfFortran conversion library (wrong order in parameter list, plain
variable where pointer was required). The coefficient matrix is set up
correctly but the solutions are wrong. Also I get error status 1 and 2
where they should not turn up (at spGetElement).

Now I suspect there might be other bugs in the Fortran conversion
library or elsewhere. Is there anybody around who has used SPARSE1.3
in the FORTRAN environment and who could help out? I am working on a
SPARC Platform SUN MP670.

Many thanks in advance.

Eildert Groeneveld
Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Behaviour
Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL)
W-3057 Neustadt 1
Hoeltystr. 10
Tel : 05034 871 155
Fax : 05034 871 143
e-mail : [email protected]


From: Christian de Polignac <POLIGNAC%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 92 17:23 N
Subject: Whittaker Confluent Hypergeometric Functions

Does anyone know Fortran subroutines for:
-Whittaker functions (see Magnus/oberhettinger/Soni)
M khi,mu (x) and W khi,mu (x) for x>0
-Confluent hypergeometic
1 F 1 (a,b;x)

Christian de Polignac
Institut Laue Langevin
BP 156 X
38042 Grenoble Cedex


From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 92 16:17:49 CST
Subject: Special Issue of LAA Honoring Chandler Davis


Special Issue Honoring CHANDLER DAVIS

Chandler Davis will reach the mandatory retirement age at the
University of Toronto this year. While he remains as vigorously active
as ever, this is an appropriate time to recognize his contributions to
this journal, to mathematics, and to our lives. A special issue of
scheduled for publication in the first half of 1994. The purpose of
this announcement is to solicit papers for this issue.

Papers are invited concerning any aspect of linear algebra, its
applications, and its interactions with the theory of operators on
Hilbert space. All contributions will subject to the normal reviewing

Submissions should be sent by March 31, 1993 to one of the special
editors of this issue:

Rajendra Bhatia
Indian Statistical Institute
New Delhi 110016
[email protected]

Shmuel Friedland
Department of Mathematics
University of Illinois at Chicago
Box 4348, M/C 249
Chicago, IL 60680
[email protected]

Peter Rosenthal
Mathematics Department
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
[email protected]

Papers may also be submitted to the editor-in-chief of this Journal.


From: James Demmel <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 92 10:36:11 CST

I would like to add the following computational experience regarding the
development of portable software that can accommodate VAX D-format. In the
LAPACK project we have spent much of the last two weeks trying to get our
rather comprehensive test code to pass all its tests on a VAX in D-format. It
passes everywhere else we have tried so far, including IEEE arithmetic,
Crays, IBMs, and VAX single precision (F-format).

We have tried to write software that can robustly handle problems with
badly scaled data, including very small or very large values. The limits
on how small the data can be, vary for different classes of algorithm, but
"safe minimum" close to the underflow threshold, and EPS is the machine
precision. IN VAX D-format, these three expressions have the approximate
values 1.E-22, 1.E-20, and 1.E-11, which are hardly very tiny, especially
when compared with the machine precision of 1.E-17.

Our test software is designed to test the software close to these limits. The
narrow exponent range on the VAX (combined with the lack of gradual underflow)
has required us to do extra work, refining details of the routines and test
software, in order to get the routines to pass the tests. In the end we are
still left with a few large "test ratios" (basically scaled residual norms),
that we have not yet been able to diagnose or cure. Since these large residuals
only occur for badly scaled problems and only in VAX D-format, we have decided,
with some regret, to go ahead and release the software without having
eliminated them, since we do not want any more delay in releasing the software.
I mentioned this result to Pete Stewart, one of the original LINPACK
developers, and he said that they had never gotten LINPACK to work in all
cases in VAX D-format either, and had given up too. (In fact, Velvel Kahan
and I began our work on the bidiagonal SVD just by trying to fix the underflow
bug that caused the LINPACK SVD to occasionally fail to converge in Vax D.)

This confirms my opinion that it is not our software that
is poorly designed, but the VAX D format. Of course, it would be probably be
possible in the end to fix the problems with either LINPACK or LAPACK, but the
point is that a lot of extra work is required, and extra complexity must be
added to the code, which would not be needed for most other floating-point
formats in current use.

This (among other reasons) leads me to oppose a standard like LCAS that would
permit VAX D-format in the name of aiding portable software development.

Jim Demmel
Math Dept. and CS Division
U. C. Berkeley
[email protected]


From: Somebody Dawson <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 92 07:53:18 PST

You are opposed to the LCAS because you are unable to write
successful test programs? I have trouble buckling my seat
belt, but still don't advocate the repeal of automotive
safety laws.

I think you are missing or ignoring the point. If the
parameters, like those required by LCAS, describing a
floating point data type were readily available, then it
would be far easier to write portable test procedures -- even
for data types as dubious as VAX D-format.


From: Richard Lehoucq <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 92 12:57:30 CST


One question. How does one determine a "safe minimum" for a particular
machine. I am aware that VAX D has the same smallest representable(normalized)
number in VAX D-format and VAX F-format. I'm under the impression that the
same smallest representable (normalized) number is (base)**(base**(number of
bits allowed in the exponent) - bias). Call this the "Platonic minimum".
Clearly your "safe minimum" is a number no smaller than this. Would this
SAFMIN be the smallest (normalized) number that can be safely recipricated?

Are you all writing up your experiences with "development of portable software"
in any type of report? I'd love to look through this.

When I was testing various eigensystem codes at IMSL we encountered the
same problems with VAX D format. In the case of the symmetric code
we had a test that checked to see whether to
skip a householder step (during the reduction to tri. form)if the
norm of the part of the vector that we wanted
to zero out was less than the "platonic minimum"/eps.(even after scaling the
original matrix!) Otherwise we ran the risk of losing orthogonalty of our
basis of computed eigenvectors. We took our cue from Wilkinson's remarks
in HACLA regarding the symmetric eigenvalue problem. This quick
test worked quite well in practice. Richard Hanson and I came to the conclusion
that there was only so much you can do about writing robust code for all
machines given the querks of a few "designed" F.P. units.

As you pointed out this is because of
the poor design(I agree with you) of VAX D-format. Remember Stan Brown's
F.P.A. model for well designed f.p.units? VAX D-format barely made it
with their "platonic minimum"/eps <(just barely) eps**2.

I learned alot of practical numerical analysis
when I worked at IMSL and one of the goals was to design and develop portable
scientific software. It's actually quite a fascinating "ordeal" to go thru.

Rich Lehoucq


From: Tina Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 92 11:45:23 EST
Subject: Two Forthcoming SIAM Meetings

Now available........

Programs and registration materials...

1. Fourth SIAM Conference on Optimization
May 11-13, 1992, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, Illinois

2. Sixth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics
June 8-11, 1992, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada

To receive your copies, contact! Call
215-382-9800, fax 215-386-7999, e-mail [email protected]

Many thanks.



From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 92 09:10:28 -0500
Subject: Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation


FRONTIERS '92: The 4th Symposium on the
Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation

October 19-21, 1992
McLean Hilton McLean, Virginia

This symposium is the fourth in a series of biannual meetings on massively
parallel computation, focusing on research related to, or adaptable for,
systems with 1,000 or more processors. Submissions of original research
papers about any aspects of the design, analysis, development, and/or use
of massively parallel computers are solicited. Papers relating to high
performance computing and communications are of particular interest.

The corresponding author is requested to include in a cover letter the
following information: (1) complete postal address; (2) electronic mail
address; (3) phone number; (4) fax number; (5) key phrases that characterize
the paper's topic; (6) whether the manuscript should be considered for poster
presentation if it is not accepted as a regular paper; (7) a statement that
the manuscript is unpublished and is not under review for another conference.

Please submit SIX (6) copies of a summary of original work, in English, to:
Professor H. J. Siegel
Program Chair, Frontiers '92
School of Electrical Engineering
1285 Electrical Engineering Building
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1285, USA
so that they arrive by MARCH 2, 1992. The summary text should be restricted
to TEN double-spaced (i.e., point size 12, vertical spacing 24) 8.5" x 11"
pages. References, figures, tables, etc., may be included in addition to
the ten pages of text. Submissions received after the due date or exceeding
the length limit may be returned and not considered. Submissions will be
acknowledged promptly by electronic mail and decisions sent by May 29, 1992.
Camera-ready copy for the proceedings (for both papers and posters) will be
due July 1, 1992. Submission related questions should be sent to the
internet address: [email protected]

Selected papers will be eligible for publication in a dedicated issue of the
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, to be guest-edited by Joseph
JaJa, University of Maryland, and David Schaefer, George Mason University.

Proposals are solicited for organizing half-day workshops that will be held
on the first day of the symposium. Please send your proposal by February 3,
1992 to:
Professor Isaac D. Scherson
Workshops Chair, Frontiers '92
Department of Information & Computer Sciences
University of California- Irvine
Irvine, CA 92717, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
fax: (714) 856-4056

Proposals are solicited for organizing full or half-day tutorials that will
be held on the first day of the symposium. Please send your proposal by
February 3, 1992 to:
Ms. Judy Devaney
Tutorials Chair, Frontiers '92
Building 225, Room B-146
Gaithersburg MD 20899-0001, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: (301) 975-2882

For information, please contact:
Professor Abdou Youssef
Exhibits Chair, Frontiers '92
Department of EE and CS
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: (202) 994-5513

GENERAL CHAIR - Pearl Wang, George Mason University

PROGRAM CHAIR - H.J. Siegel, Purdue University

Algorithms - Leah Jamieson, Purdue University
Architecture - Ken Batcher, Kent State University
Applications - Jack Dongarra, Univ Tenn/ORNL
Software - Andre van Tilborg, ONR

Fran Berman, UC - San Diego Tom Blank, Maspar Computer
Jim Browne, Univ Texas-Austin Tom Casavant, Univ Iowa
Janice Cuny, Univ Massachusetts Larry Davis, Univ Maryland
Doug DeGroot, Texas Instruments Hank Dietz, Purdue Univ
John Dorband, NASA GSFC John Feo, Lawrence Livermore Nat Lab
Jeanne Ferrante, IBM TJ Watson Raphael Finkel, Univ Kentucky
Geoffrey Fox, Syracuse University Richard Freund, NOSC
John Gustafson,Ames Lab/Iowa St. Susanne Hambrusch, Purdue Univ
Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State Univ Anita Jones, Univ Virginia
Russ Miller, SUNY - Buffalo Dennis Parkinson, AMT
Donna Quammen, George Mason U John Riganati, SRC
Sartaj Sahni, Univ Florida Thomas Schwederski,
Inst. Microelectronics Stuttgart
Marc Snir, IBM TJ Watson Ted Tabloski, Thinking Machines
Stephen Taylor, Caltech Patricia Teller, NM State Univ
Elizabeth Williams, SRC Michael Wolfe, Oregon Grad Inst.
Pen-chung Yew, Univ Illinois Abdou Youssef, Geo Washington U

Ken Batcher, Kent State Univ Jerry Brackbill, LANL
Harold Breaux, BRL Mel Ciment, NSF
Hank Dardy, NRL Larry Davis, Univ Maryland
Marvin Denicoff, TMC John Dorband, NASA GSFC
Milt Halem, NASA GSFC R. Michael Hord, GE
Gregory McRae, CMU Paul Messina, Caltech
Tor Opsahl, CIT David Schaefer, George Mason U
Bill Scherlis, DARPA Paul Schneck, SRC
Francis Sullivan, NIST Charles Taylor, UCLA

Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

If you would like an advance program and registration information
for FRONTIERS '92, please send your name and address to

James Fischer
Frontiers '92
Code 932.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
email: [email protected]


From: Taketomo Mitsui <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 92 20:03:31 JST
Subject: World Congress on Computational Mechanics

Dear Colleagues on NA net;

Even though it is now early in 1992, the Organizer of the following
Congress in 1994 wishes to circulate its announcement.
T. Mitsui

(The Third World Congress on Computational Mechanics)

August 1 - 5, 1994
Nippon Convention Center, Chiba, Japan

Following fruitful conferences at Austin (USA) and Stuttgart (Germany),
WCCM III is being arranged to be held on August 1 - 5, 1994 at the Nippon
Convention Center, Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Makuhari, located
halfway between the New Tokyo International Airport at Narita and metro-
politan Tokyo, is the largest and newly-bulit convention city in Japan.
The genral form of the WCCM III will follow those of the preceding
Congresses. The Organizing Committee, however, is attempting to stress
on the following points:

1. An ambitious program will be planned to cover challenging topics in
basic sciences and technologies.

2. A number of best papers will be given awards through recommendations of
an international paper reviewing committee.

3. Promising young researches from all over the world will be encouraged
to attend the Congress.

The WCCM III at Chiba expected to be a forum to communicate ideas and
new developments from a wide range of views. Researchers and engineers
interested in this field are welcome to the Congress.

Scientific and commercial exhibitions will be held concurrently.

Congress Themes:
(i) Mathematical modelling and numerical methods.
(ii) Solid and structural mechanics.
(iii) Fluid dynamics.
(iv) Nonlinear dynamics.
(v) Material science.
(vi) CAD/CAM/CAE, AI, Expert System, CG.
(vii) Smart algorithms and adaptive methods.
(viii) Parallel computing.
(ix) Computational physics
(x) Industrial applications.

The official language will be English. Detailed information regarding call
for papers, official registrations, accommodation and others will be
announced in the middle of 1992.

Contact address:
Prof. T. Kawai
Department of Electrical Engineering
Science Univsersity of Tokyo
1-3 Kagurazaka, Shijuku-ku, Tokyo 162
Tel: +81-3-3235-5630
Fax: +81-3-3260-8236.

The Congress is organized by The International Association for
Computational Mechanics (IACM).


From: Claudine Schmidt-Lain <egerbi%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 15:55:23 +0100
Subject: Mathematical Circus at ENS Lyon, FRANCE


Location: Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
Dates: April 3-4 1992


The "RENCONTRES MATHEMATIQUES", Mathematical Circus, is an informal
meeting of mathematicians to gather around a principal speaker and a
leading subject. It always takes place at ENSL, about every month. The
previous ones were about homogeneisation theory, bifurcation theory,
kinetics equations ...

This time the leading speaker is H. BERESTYCKI, University of Paris VI.
He will give three talks covering various aspects of flame theory, free
boundary problem, qualitative aspects of elliptic equations and stability.
He will be surrounded by:

C-M BRAUNER: University of Bordeaux, France
G. JOULIN: ENSMA Poitiers, France
W. DOLD: University of Bristol, England

The circus is unique in that it is VERY informal, and thus allows
us to talk about the very latest results as well as interesting work
in progress. In our previous meetings there has been lots of informal
discussion and a very healthy mix of industrial and academic participants.


We have arranged special conference train fares with SNCF. Ask just
for a "Congress Ticket".
A restricted number of uncharged rooms are at our disposal on Campus.
There is also some hotels a few minutes' ride from ENSL campus.

To register, please send e-mail to Claudine Schmidt-Laine at the
adress below. As usual, there is no registration fee.

The circus will begin on Friday morning and will end on Saturday noon.

For further information please contact:

Claudine Schmidt-Laine
Unite de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46, Allee d'Italie
F-69364 LYON Cedex 07
Phone: (33)
Fax: (33)
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Joe Newton <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 09:33:19 CST
Subject: Symposium at the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics


H.J. Newton, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M Univ.
College Station, Texas 77843-3143, (409) 845-3141,
[email protected], FAX: (409) 845-3144

24th Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics

THEME: Graphics and Visualization


KEYNOTE SPEAKER: James Blinn, `Designing Animation for Mathematics Education'

PLENARY SPEAKER: Edward Tufte, `Envisioning Information'


Visualization Methods for Science and Statistics
Visualizing Multivariate Data and Functions
Geographic Information Systems
Visualization in Climate Research
Visualization Software
Visualizing Programs

Wavelets and Nonparametric Modeling
Nonparametric Regression

Spatial Time Series
Time Series Computing
Neural Networks
Conditional Methods in Regression and Logistic Regression

Bayesian Computing
Sampling Based Approaches for Bayesian Inference

Advanced Statistical Techniques in Industry

Statistical Methods in Software Quality Evaluation
Building on S
Unix Tools for Statistical Computing
High Performance Computing


Professor Edward Tufte will give a short course entitled "Design
for Data Visualization" on Thursday evening, March 19. Edward
Tufte teaches at Yale University where he is Professor of
Political Science and Statistics, Lecturer in Law, and Senior
Critic in Graphic Design. He has written six books, including
the widely acclaimed The Visual Display of Quantitative
Information. There is no fee for the short course.

More information, including electronic registration forms, is available
from Joe Newton <[email protected]>


From: Thomas Seidman <[email protected]>
Date: 13 Feb 92 08:35:00 EST
Subject: Position at University of Maryland, Baltimore County


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Maryland
Baltimore County has been authorized to hire a Visiting Assistant Professor for
a two-year term, starting in the Fall of 1992, with teaching duties of 3
courses in each semester. As replacement of faculty on leave, this is not a
tenure-track position. An additional such position, with a one-year term, may
also become available.

Preference will be given to a candidate with active research interests in
Optimization, in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and/or related
Numerical Analysis, or such as to complement the existing Mathematical
strengths of the Department. CV and 3 reference letters should be sent to
Thomas I. Seidman, Acting Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21228-5398. Applicants
will be considered until the position is filled. AA/EOE: women, minorities,
and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.


From: E. Gallopoulos <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 18:27:12 CST
Subject: Position at CSRD, University of Illinois


Center for Supercomputing Research and Development
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Center for Supercomputing Research and Development (CSRD)
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking
Postdoctoral Research Associates for August, 1992. Our objective
is to provide one- or two-year opportunities for young scholars
to initiate their research careers in an exciting
and supportive environment.

Applicants are sought with interests in the areas of computational
sciences and engineering and parallel computing including:
parallel algorithms, applications of parallel computers to science
and engineering, computer architecture and system packaging,
operating systems, performance evaluation,
problem-solving environments, and restructuring compilers.
Selection will be based upon evidence of professional promise,
capacity for independent work, and outstanding achievements to date.
Doctoral degree in computer science, electrical engineering,
or a related field is required; degree should be received since 1989.

Appointees will devote most of their efforts to independent research
or participate in on-going projects. For those interested,
there may be opportunities to lecture/teach.

Salaries will be negotiable; appointments will be full-time temporary.

For full consideration, applications should be received by March 6, 1992.
Interviews may take place before the closing date, but final decisions
will not be made until after Mar. 6. Please refer to ad PD91 and send
applications (i.e., a letter of interest and complete Curriculum Vitae,
including names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least 3 references) to:

Ms. Sandy Cunningham
Center for Supercomputing Research and Development
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
305 Talbot Lab
104 S. Wright St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Telephone: 217-244-1611

The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


From: A. Spence <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 9:51:16 GMT
Subject: Position at University of Bath, UK


Applications are invited for the above lectureship which is
available from 1st September 1992 in the School of Mathematical Sciences.

The successful applicant will have research interests in Numerical Analysis
or Computational Applied Mathematics. This is an area of considerable
strength and activity, which is at present supported by one Professor,
three lecturers, four postdoctoral Research Officers,
one postgraduate Research Officer, and six postgraduates.
Within the Mathematics Group there is considerable involvement
in the mathematics of nonlinear systems and this provides a strong
unifying theme for much of our activity in pure and applied Mathematics.
Members of staff have access to modern and powerful computing facilities.
There is an extensive network of SUN-4 workstations connected by
an ethernet, and a SIMD MasPar machine with 1024 processors. A
32-transputer MEIKO Computing Surface, part of a collaborative
venture involving several other Schools is also available
for MIMD computation.

The major criterion for making the appointment will be strength
in research: only persons of proven research record or recognisable
research potential will be considered.

The person appointed will be expected to teach at undergraduate and
postgraduate levels in the School as well as probably doing some service
teaching. At the beginning, the teaching load will be
commensurate with age and experience. The new lecturer will
be expected to develop independent research and to play an
active role in the research activities of the School.

Closing date: 6th March 1992.

Candidates seeking further information may contact Alastair Spence
Telephone: +44 225 826011, fax: +44 225 826492,
email: [email protected] or [email protected]


From: Iain Duff <ISD%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 92 08:50:18 GMT
Subject: Contents: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis


J J Du Croz and Stability of methods for matrix inversion
N J Higham

M Arioli and Stability, convergence and conditioning
F Romani of stationary iterative methods of the form

(i+1) (i)
x = Px + q

for the solution of linear systems

J A Cuminato Uniform convergence of a collocation method
for the numerical solution of Cauchy-type
singular integral equations: a generalization

W Han The P-version penalty finite element method

G J Cooper Weak nonlinear stability of implicit
Runge-Kutta methods

C A Hall and Approximation methods in the computer
T A Porsching numerically controlled fabrication of optical
surfaces Part I: finite dimensional material
removal profile spaces.

N Osada A method for obtaining sequence transformations

B Mulansky Chebyshev approximation by spline functions
with free knots

R K Beatson and Univariate interpolation on a regular finite
M J D Powell grid by a multiquadric plus a linear polynomial


From: Laura Helfrich <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 92 08:06:50 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Vol. 52, No. 3, June 1992

On a Minimization Problem Arising in Wetting
Amy Novick-Cohen

Symmetric Supersonducting States in Thin Films
Sheng Wang and Yisong Yang

A New Method for Mass Transport Problems with an Application to Haemofilters
N.F. Britton

The Electrostatic Field About a Thin Oblate Dielectric Body of Revolution
Richard Barshinger

Rotating Waves for Semiconductor Inverter Rings
Cc. Lim, J. M. Pimbley, C. Schmeiser, and D. W. Schwendeman

Charge Carrier Dynamics in Alpha Particle Tracks
J. M. Pimbley and J. D. Cole

Inverse Problems for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Contact
Weifu Fang and Ellis Cumberbatch

The Interior Radon Transform
Peter Maass

An Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for and Arbitrary, Multiply Connected, Sounded
Domain in R3 with Impedance Boundary Conditions
E. M. E. Zayed

On Exponential Asymptotics for Nonseparable Wave Equations III: Approximate
Spectral Bands of Periodic Potentials on Strips
R. E. Meyer and M. C. Shen

Frequency and Phase Locking of Spatially Periodic Perturbed Sine-Gordon Breather
M. Gregory Forest, S.-P. Sheu, and Amarenda Sinha

Defect Dynamics in a Dissipative System
F. Moura Neto

Bifurcation to Rotating Waves in Equations with O(2)-Symmetry
P. J. Aston, A. Spence, and W. Wu

Numerical Stability Analysis of a Class of Functional Differential Equations
W. D. Curtis, R. O. Fox, and K. Halasi

Stability and Bifurcation for a Multiple-Group Model for the Dynamics of
HIV/AIDS Transmission
Wenzhang Huang, Kenneth L. Cooke, and Carlos Castillo-Chavez

Analysis of a Model Representing Stage-Structured Population Growth with State-
Dependent Time Delay
Walter G. Aiello, H. I. Freedman, and J. Wu

A Discussion of the Quasi-Euler--Lagrange Equation
William Roger Fuller

A Processor-Shared Queue That Models Switching Times: Normal Usage
Charles Knessl and Charles Tier

On Faster than Nyquist Signaling: Further Estimations on the Minimum Distance
D. Hajela


From: Baker Kearfoot <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 92 00:38:18 CST
Subject: Contents: Interval Computations


Research Articles

S.Shary Optimal Solution of interval linear algebraic systems. I. (in English)

V.Kreinovich, A. Bernat, E. Villa, Y.Mariscal Parallel Computers.
Estimate errors caused by imprecise data (in English)

Computer Tools

R.Hammer, M.Neaga, D.Ratz, D.Shiriaev PASCAL-XSC: A new language for scientific
computing (in Russian)


The full translation into Russian of the ANSI/IEEE standards on computer

Program package ASIAS

Reviews and Abstracts

P.S.Pankov. Review of the new monograph: Two-Sided Numerical Methods,
by B.S. Dobronets and V. V. Shaydurov (in English)


Actual problems of applied mathematics. All-Union conference.
Saratov May 20-22, 1991. A brief report (English and Russian)

A.Davidenkoff, Advanced seminar on programming languages for scientific/
engineering computation, Leningrad, June 3-6, 1991. A summarizing report
(in English)

Interval Subjects at the SCAN-1991 Symposium. Information (Russian)

Resolution of the 8-th All-Union Workshop on interval mathematics.
Bishkek, October 1-3, 1991 (English)

Preliminary announcement, call for papers and further information for a
conference on numerical analysis with automatic result verification.
Lafayette, Louisiana, February 25 -- March 1, 1993 (English)

Bibliography of Soviet works on interval computations. Part 1 (English)


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 92 13:58:48 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Optimization

SIAM Journal on Optimization

May 1992 Volume 2, Number 2


Dual Methods in Entropy Maximization. Application to Some Problems in
Andree Decarreau, Danielle Hilhorst, Claude Lemarechal, and Jorge Navaza

A Low Complexity Interior-Point Algorithm for Linear Programming
Michael Todd

An SQP Augmented Lagrangian BFGS Algorithm for Constrained Optimization
R. H. Byrd, R. A. Tapia, and Yin Zhang

A Structure Exploiting Algorithm for Nonlinear Minimax Problems
Andrew R. Conn and Yuying Li

Optimal Distribution of Larvicide in Running Waters
Alain Chalifour and Michel C. Delfour

On the Superlinear and Quadratic Convergence of Primal-Dual Interior Point
Linear Programming Algorithms
Yin Zhang, Richard A. Tapia, and John E. Dennis, Jr.

A Robust Trust Region Method for Constrained Nonlinear Programming Problems
James V. Burke


End of NA Digest
