NA Digest Tuesday, January 14, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 2

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Daniel Boley <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 92 12:14:58 CST
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Subject: Celebration for Gene!

As announced earlier, we are having a special celebration of Gene Golub's
60th birthday on February 29, 1992, here in Minneapolis. If you are
interested in attending the events of Saturday Feb. 29, 1992, including the
banquet, it would greatly help the planning for this if I could hear from
you as soon as possible, certainly within the next 2 weeks. I have a short
form to fill out asking for the information I need together with a small
payment of $15 to cover the costs of the banquet. I'll send the form upon
request. And many thanks to those who have already sent me their information.

Though I believe the plans for the day of February 29 are close to being
final, if you would like to contribute in some way to that day, you should
contact Jack Dongarra ([email protected]) or Paul Van Dooren
([email protected]) as soon as possible.

Information on the rest of the workshop of Feb 24-Feb 28 can be had from
"[email protected]".

Another reminder: the hotel for the workshop is
Day's Inn University
2407 University Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414, USA
phone (612)-623-3999 or (612)-623-4262
(when making reservations, ask for Joyce Turner, or state that
you are visiting the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications)

- Daniel Boley
[email protected]


From: Nick Higham <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 92 09:42:32 CST
Subject: Temporary Change of Address for Nick Higham

I am visiting the University of Minnesota IMA for
three months until March 31, 1992. My address is

Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications
University of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: (612) 624-1824
Fax: (###) ###-#### deleted in na-digest archive due to fax spam

E-mail: [email protected], or [email protected]

-- Nick Higham


From: Jeffrey Dunn <[email protected]>
Date: 6 Jan 92 16:26:00 EST
Subject: Good Random Number Generators


I am interested in information about and opinions concerning
random number generators. Specifically, which algorithms are
now considered state-of-the-art and for what applications.

-- J. H. Dunn


From: G{rard Langlet <GLA1%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 92 19:10:52 GMT
Subject: APL and Fractals

I am looking for people who have interest and skill both in the APL programming
language (invented by Kenneth IVERSON) and fractal geometry.
G{rard Langlet
My telephone number is : 33-1-69-08-65-01
FAX : 33-1-69-08-79-63
Address :
Service de Chimie Moleculaire
Batiment 125
Centre d'Etudes de Saclay
F-91191 GIF-SUR_YVETTE Cedex


From: Ken Jackson <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1992 17:19:57 -0500
Subject: University of Toronto Technical Reports

The Computer Science Department at the University of Toronto would like
to announce the formation of its technical reports archive. To access
it, ftp to "" or [] and login as
"anonymous". Then cd to the subdirectory "pub/reports". The reports
are stored in compressed postscript and are indexed by report number or
some other (hopefully) meaningful name. The file "README" gives you
more information about how to download files. The file "INDEX" gives a
list of the technical reports currently available and the file
"ABSTRACTS" contains their abstracts. Not all our technical reports
are available via ftp now, but some recently completed ones are and it
is our intention to make all future reports available.

Send comments and/or complaints to [email protected].


From: Alexandre Chorin <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 92 10:09:52 EST
Subject: Workshop on Fluid Mechanics and Statistical Physics

A workshop on fluid mechanics and statistical physics will be held at the
Institute for Advanced Study during March 21-27, 1992. A number of the
talks will be devoted to numerical methods in fluid mechanics, statistical
physics, and turbulence. The speakers are: J. Bell, A. Chorin, P. Constantin,
P. Dimotakis, R. Donnelly, C. Foias, J. Glimm, L. Kadanoff, R. Kraichnan,
A. Libchaber, A. Majda, J. McWilliams, S. Orszag, Y. Pomeau, R. Robert,
E. Siggia, P. Woodward. For more information, contact Prof. T. Spencer at
the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, 08540, Email address
[email protected].

-- A. Chorin


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 92 13:29:00 EST
Subject: SIAM 40th Anniversary Meeting -- Abstract Deadline

January 07, 1992

Dear Colleague:

Just a friendly reminder.....

The deadline for submitting contributed abstracts for
presentation at the 1992 SIAM Annual Meeting is January 27,
1992. The meeting, which is also SIAM'S 40th Anniversry will
take place at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles,
California. The meeting dates are July 20-24, 1992.

We look forward to your participation. If you have not sent
in your contributed abstract, please do so now -- send
to the SIAM office either by e-mail, fax or via telephone
the following information:

- the title of your presentation
- a 100-word abstract or summary describing your presentation
- your name, address, telephone, and e-mail address
- names and addresses of co-authors (if there are any)
- your audio-visual aid requirement

Plain TeX or LaTeX macros are available by contacting SIAM at --

[email protected]

fax: 215-386-7999 telephone: 215-382-9800

Thanks and we hope to see you in Los Angeles.

The Organizing Committee
SIAM 40th Anniversary Meeting


From: Zahari Zlatev <LFLZL%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 92 09:51:08 DNT
Subject: New Book on General Sparse Matrices

I should like to inform the na-net community that my new book
on sparse matrices has recently be published. I am enclosing a short
information about the book.

I am wishing a Good New Year to all of you. Many wishes for
successes in 1992.

Zahari Zlatev

Zahari Zlatev: "Computational Methods for General Sparse Matrices",
Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 65,
Kluwer Academic Piblishers,
Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1991.

Sparse matrices often arise in the numerical analysis of large
mathematical problems in many fields of science and engineering.

The usual approach adopted in the treatment of sparse matrices is to
consider either direct methods or iterative methods. This volume attempts to
build a bridge between these methods.

The first part (Chapters 1 -3) reviews and discusses common principles
concerning the treatment of sparsity. The second part (Chapters 4-11) studies
how sparsity can be exploited in the solution of linear algebraic equations.
Related problems are also considered, such as solving linear least squares
problems by augmentation, calculating approximate solutions of systems of
ordinary differential equations, and estimating condition numbers of sparse
matrices. This part concludes with a description and testing of parallel
methods for sparse matrices. The third part (Chapters 12-16) is devoted to
orthogonalization methods and their use in the solution of large linear least
squares problems.

Much of the material included is new and has not previously appeared in
book form. The treatment assumes familiarity with only a few fundamental
concepts from numerical linear algebra.

Contents: 1. Exploiting sparsity, 2. Storage schemes,
3. General scheme for linear algebraic problems, 4. Pivotal strategies
for Gaussian elimination, 5. Use of iterative refinement in the GE
process, 6. Implementation of the algorithms, 7. Solving linear
least squares equations by augmentation, 8. Sparse matrix technique
for ordinary differential equations, 9. Condition number estimators
in a sparse matrix software, 10. Parallel direct solvers,
11. parallel orthomin for general sparse matrices, 12. Ortho-
gonalization methods, 13. Two storage schemes for Givens plane
rotations, 14. Pivotal strategies for Givens plane rotations,
15. Iterative refinement after the plane rotations,
16. Preconditioned conjugate gradients for Givens plane rotations,
References, Author index, Subject index.

Distribution: in USA and Canada by CLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS,
101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, USA; in all other countries
The Netherlands.


From: Stanly Steinberg <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 92 12:18:42 MST
Subject: Special Session on PDE's at Lehigh Conference

I am organizing the special session described below. If you are interested
in presenting a paper, please send me a brief description of your interests
and the contents of the paper.
[email protected]

Date: June 22-24, 1992,
Place: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA


Organizer: Professor Stanly Steinberg
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1141
phone 505-277-5323
[email protected] [email protected]
FAX 505-277-5505 (or at Ecodynamics 505-843-9641)

Title: Symbolic Computation in the Numerical Solution of PDE's

The numerical solution of the systems of partial differential equations that
appear in complicated modeling problems is a complex task. The complexities
come from one or more of the following: the system of equations; the boundary
conditions; the geometry of the problem; the structure of the solution; and
the architecture of the machine on which the computation is to be performed.
The papers in this special session describe the use of symbolic computing
techniques to address these problems.

Other Special Sessions:

J.R. Rice, Parallel Methods for PDEs.
W.F.Ames, Splitting Methods for PDEs.
M. Mu, Performance of Parallel Sparse Matrix Algorithms.
J.G. Verwer, Adaptive Grid Methods for Time-Dependent PDEs.
M.J. Fritts, D. Knight, Fluid Dynamics Calculations on Unstructured Meshes.
M.J. Fritts, D. Knight, Gridding Accuracy Estimation and Adaption for the
Navier-Stokes Equations.
J.E. Flaherty, Adaptive Methods for Time-Dependent PDEs.
M.J. Buckingham, Computational Ocean Acoustics.
V.A. Dougalis, Modelling and Computational Methods in Underwater Acoustics.
W.W. Schiesser, G.D. Byrne, Methods of Lines.
R.S. Falk, Finite-Element Methods for PDEs.
G.Vichniac, Lattice-Gases and PDEs.
R. Vichnevetsky, Discrete Wave Propagation in CFD and Periodic Structures.
S.K. Dey, recent Algorithms for Nonlinear PDEs.
T.R. Taha, Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations.
K. Jordan, Solutions of PDEs with connections Machines.
E.J. Kansa, A. Law, Advances in Grid Free, Scattered Data Radial Basis
Function Approximations.
C. Ribbens, Future Directions in Mathematical Software for PDEs.
R. Weiss, W. Schoenauer, Black-Box Solvers and Special Purpose Programs
for the Solution of PDEs on Supercomputers.
R.P. Gilbert, Inverse Problems in Acoustics.
P. Fischer, Nonlinear Galerkin Methods and Parallel Computers.


From: Stanly Steinberg <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 92 12:27:05 MST
Subject: First Panamerican Workshop


Universidad Simon Bolivar
(Simon Bolivar University)
Caracas, Venezuela
January 10-15 1993

Organizing Committee (USA and CANADA)
Paul Boggs, Vice Chairman, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Jose Castillo, Chairman, San Diego State University
John Dennis, Rice University
Robert O'Malley, University of Washington
Robert Russel, Simon Fraser University
Stanly Steinberg, University of New Mexico
Richard Tapia, Rice University

Organizing Committee (Venezuela)
Saul Buitrago, INTEVEP, S.A.
Ubaldo Garcia-Palomares, Universidad Simon Bolivar
Marianela Lentini, Universidad Simon Bolivar
Raul Manzanilla, INTEVEP, S.A.
Consuelo Maulino, Universidad Central de Venezuela,
Vianey Villamizar, Universidad Central de Venezuela


To submit a talk, send a one page extended abstract to the appropriate workshop
organizer listed below. Contributions must be original. Deadline April 30,
1992. Acceptance/rejection notification July 15, 1992.


1. Matrix Analysis and Computation:
David Carlson [email protected]
Consuelo Maulino [email protected]

2. Optimization:
John Dennis [email protected]
Ubaldo Garcia-Palomares [email protected]

3. Mathematical Oil Recovery:
Mary Wheeler [email protected]
S. Buitriago [email protected]

4. Network Modelling:
Julian Araoz [email protected]
Robert Meyer [email protected]

5. Mathematics in Industry:
Ellis Cumberbatch [email protected]
Alfonzo Reinoza.

6. Applied Probability & Statistics:
Luc Devroye [email protected]
Jose L. Palacios [email protected]

7. Scientific Computing:
Julio C. Diaz [email protected]
Carlos de Moura. [email protected] (until February 92 )

8. Numerical Methods:
Robert Russell [email protected]
Susana Gomez [email protected]

9. Numerical Differential Equations:
Uri Ascher [email protected]
Jose Comminato [email protected]

10. Solving Partial Differential Equations in Irregular Regions:
Numerical Grid Generation and Finite Differences
Stan Steinberg [email protected]
Raul Manzanilla [email protected]

11. Applied Sciences and Engineering:
Roland Glowinski fax 1-713-749-4626
Vianey Villamizar [email protected]

12. Mathematical Ecology:
J.A. Leon fax: 58-2-628763


1. Gustavo Ponce
2. Jorge Nocedal
3. Bob O'Malley Differential-Algebraic Equations)
4. Victor Pereyra Industrial Applications of Wave Propagation)
5. Celso Grebogi
6. Bernardo Cockburn Metodos de Approximacion para Leyes de Conservacion
7. Jair Koiller
8. Herb Keller
9. Dick Tapia
10. H. Simon Experience with Massive Parallelism for CFD
Applications at NASA Ames Research Center

(on Sunday)

1. Paul Boggs [email protected]
2. Horst Simon [email protected]


From: Roy Mathias <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 92 11:12:20 CST
Subject: Workshop on Numerical Ranges and Radii

Second Announcement

A workshop on
``Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii''

August 10 (Monday) - August 15 (Saturday), 1992.
Department of Mathematics
The College of William & Mary

Purpose: To bring researchers on numerical ranges and numerical radii
from different (research and geographic) areas together to
exchange ideas on the subject. In particular, thre are four
primary objctives for the workshop.

(a) To study and further explore applications of various kinds of
generalized numerical ranges and numerical radii in different
branches of science.
(b) To discuss existing mathematical tools and techniques and try
to generate new methods to handle problems on numerical ranges
and numerical radii.
(c) To discuss possible research projects or computer projects on
numerical ranges and numerical radii appropriate for the
undergraduate or graduate level.
(d) To exchange research problems, ideas and experience on the

Format: While the main theme of the workshop is on numerical ranges
and numerical radii, discussion will be focused on the
relations and applications of the subject to other topics.
Two sections will be conducted every day, namely, the morning
section (9:00-11:30) and the afternoon section (14:00-16:30).
In each section, roughly one hour will be devoted to informal
presentation of questions and their backgrounds. The rest of
the time will be left for discussion.

Current list of participants:
T. Ando (Japan), Y.H. Au-Yeung (Hong Kong), N. Bebiano (Portugal),
O. Axelsson (The Netherlands), R. Ellis (Maryland), M. Fan (Georgia),
D. Farenick (Canada), R. Grone (California), C.R. Johnson (Virginia),
R. Loewy (Israel), R. Mathias (Virginia), S. Pierce (California),
Y.T. Poon (Iowa), J. de Providencia (Portugal), L. Rodman (Virginia),
I. Spitkovsky (Virginia), W. So (Minnesota), B.S. Tam (Taiwan),
T.Y. Tam (Alabama), A. Tits (Maryland), R.C. Thompson (California),
N.K. Tsing (Maryland),

Other people on the mailing list:
M. Eiermann (Germany), R. Barmish (Wisconsin), C. Cowen (Indiana),
M. Gupta (Washington D.C.), A. Ruhe (Sweden)


Dr. Chi-Kwong Li
Department of Mathematics e-mail: [email protected]
The College of William and Mary tel: (804) 221-2042
Williamsburg, VA 23187 USA fax: (804) 221-2988

Support for this workshop comes from the The College of William and Mary.
Support funds are being sought for workshop participants and more details
will be known by the end of March, 1992.

Note: Persons from North America planning to attend the second ILAS meeting
at Lisbon, August 3 - 7, 1992, may be able to include a stop at
Williamsburg on their return tickets.


From: Taketomo Mitsui <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 92 17:25:29 JST
Subject: Conference on Material Design and Process Simulation

International Conference
Computer-assisted Material Design and Process Simulation

September 6 -- 9, 1993
Nippon Toshi Center, Tokyo, Japan

Scope: The computational method is now widely used in the materials
research. This conference is organized to discuss recent developments
in the simulation of materials processing and in the computer application
to the design of materials. In view of the potential novel application to
the fundamental theories, numerical thechniques and computational tools
to diverse materials phenomena, basic and indsutrial researchers,
engineers and computer scientists are all welcome to participate.

Papers are solicited on the computer analysis and simulation of the
materials phenomena, processing and related computational tools.

More detailed information will be available in the second announcement
and call for papers which will be distributed in February, 1992.
Deadline for Abstract submission is September 14, 1992.

Contact address: Secretariat of COMMP'93,
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan,
Keidanren Kaikan, 3rd Floor, 1-9-4, Otemachi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100,Japan.
Tel: +81-3-3279-6021. Fax: +81-3-3245-1355.

The Conference will be held under the auspices of the Iron and Steel Institute
of Japan.


From: Paul Messina <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 92 21:02:55 PST
Subject: NASA Graduate Student Research Program



High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC)

Starting in the 1992/93 academic year, at least five awards will be distributed
as part of the Federal High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC)
Program. HPCC is a multi-agency program designed to accelerate the development
and application of massively parallel processing. Within the federal program,
NASA will focus on aeronautics and space application testbeds, systems
development for space flight, software coordination, research in aerospace
computations and information management, and the areas of basic research
outlined below. For further information please contact the individuals listed
below or refer to the 1991/92 Graduate Student Researchers Program.

The following five NASA field centers are participating in the NASA HPCC

Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH

Ames Research Center

High Performance Computing and Communications -- Scalable parallel processing
offers the potential of significantly increased computational capabilities .
NASA has an interest in applying this increased computational capability to
grand challenges in computational aerosciences. In particular, NASA is
interested in doing multidisciplinary (e.g., aerodynamics, structural
mechanics, controls, reacting chemistry, propulsion, etc.) modeling for
aerospace vehicle analysis and optimization. To do this, advances are required
in advanced modeling techniques, parallel systems software, and hardware
architecture for the computational engine and overall system. Testbed systems
currently available for use include a 128-node Touchstone Gamma (iPSC/860), a
528-node Touchstone Delta, and a Connection Machine 2. In addition to these
parallel systems, researchers will be able to access the Numerical Aerodynamics
Simulation Facilities which include a CRAY Y-MP, a CRAY 2, and numerous
advanced graphics workstations.
Contact: Kenneth G. Stevens, Jr.
(415) 604-5949

Goddard Space Flight Center

High Performance Computing and Communications/ Earth and Space Sciences -- The
NASA Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) project is managed by the Goddard Space
Flight Center and focuses on development of high-performance computing systems
scalable to sustained teraflops performance to support Grand Challenge
applications in a broad range of scientific disciplines, including:

1) Coupled Earth Atmosphere Systems Science
2) Space and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
3) Astronomy and Astrophysics
4) Biogeochemical Cycles and Evolutionary Processes
5) Planetary Evolutionary Systems
6) Analysis of Massive Data Sets Acquired by NASA Programs

Advanced software technology is a primary product of the ESS Project. As it
is developed, it will be used and evaluated by scientific researchers
implementing ESS Grand Challenge applications on massively-parallel computer
systems. Research is needed in the following areas:

Scalable parallel numeric or data management algorithms applicable to ESS
including application-specific and generic computational techniques, algorithm
libraries and library design formalisms; and approaches and formats for
achievement of architecture, vendor, machine, and language independence.

Achievement of effective and efficient machine-independent parallel
programming for large applications codes; automatic conversion of algorithms
written in general parallel high-level language forms to more specialized SIMD,
MIMD, and vector codes; distributed processing tools to allow dynamic
connection of codes executing on different architectures.

Definition and development of data management software for massively parallel
machines to enable easy and rapid scientific use of petabytes of data.

Contact: James R. Fischer
(301) 286-3465

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

High Performance Computing and Communications/Spaceborne Computing Systems --
The NASA HPCC Remote Exploration and Experimentation (REE) Project will develop
new architectures for spaceborne computing systems. These systems will be
characterized by fault tolerance, real-time responsiveness, and gigaflops
performance. The REE Project will also develop an emulation testbed and
performance prediction methodology as part of this effort. Architectural
research will be conducted using this facility. The new technology will enable
a new generation of missions for the remote exploration of the Earth and Solar
Contact: John M. Davidson
(818) 354-7508

Langley Research Center

High Performance Computing and Communications -- Students in this program
should be exposed to classical methods for the solution of partial differential
equations, modern computational methods for the solution of partial
differential equations, programming techniques for parallel computers,
fundamentals of fluid mechanics and structural mechanics, and classical
optimization methods. Research topics should include, but are not necessarily
limited to, the following areas:

Research on numerical methods which are suitable for the solution of tightly
coupled multidisciplinary problems that can be efficiently implemented on
massively parallel computers.

Research on novel optimization methods that are robust and can efficiently
solve problems with a large number of design variables and constraints as they
occur in the design of aircraft shapes.

Research on data management, domain decomposition methods, and/or data
visualization for multidisciplinary problems using massively parallel

Contact: Manuel D. Salas
(804) 864-2254

Lewis Research Center

High Performance Computing and Communications/Numerical Propulsion Simulation
-- The development of a propulsion system simulation requires the integration
of disciplines, components and high-performance computers into a high-level
software environment. Of particular interest is the structuring of
object-oriented component models within a dataflow control network. The
numerically intensive component models will employ various parallel processing
strategies to speed the overall system processing times. Various algorithms
will be explored to solve complex-geometry, time-varying, engine system
problems on a heterogeneous network of computers.

Contact: Russell Claus
(216) 433-5869


From: Middie Morris <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 92 13:43:19 -0700
Subject: Position at University of Colorado

University of Colorado at Boulder
Instructor Position
Program in Applied Mathematics

Applications are invited for an instructor position
beginning in the Fall semester, 1992. Preference will
be given to candidates with a research emphasis in the
area of computational mathematics. Strong candidates in other areas of
applied mathematics will be considered. Other areas of focus within the
program are nonlinear phenomena and physical applied mathematics.

The University of Colorado has a strong institutional
commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit we
are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum
of scholars including women, members of ethnic minorities and disabled
Applicants should send a current curriculum vitae, four
letters of recommendation and selected reprints to: Chair,
Search Committee, Program in Applied Mathematics,
University of Colorado, Campus Box 526, Boulder, CO 80309-0526.
Applications are due by February 1, 1992.

Middie Morris
Program in Applied Mathematics
University of Colorado
Campus Box 526
Boulder, CO 80309-0526

Phone: (303) 492-4974
Fax: (303) 492-4066
E-mail: [email protected]


From: M. Schatzmann <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 92 16:35:44 +0100
Subject: Positions in Lyon, France

University of Lyon 1
Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis

The Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
invites applications for the following positions, which will be
available in September '92.

1. Two ``Maitre de Conference'' positions.
Candidates must have demonstrated potential for excellent
research and good ability for teaching. Teaching load is
192 hours per year. Fluency in French is required.
The deadline for aplications is February 15, 1992.

2. One senior faculty position.
Candidates must have a record of outstanding research
accomplishments in applied mathematics and demonstrated
ability and interest in teaching future engineers. Teaching
load is 128 hours per year. Fluency in French is required.
The deadline for aplications is February 15, 1992.

3. One junior faculty position.
This is a full-time research position. Candidates must have
demonstrated potential for excellent research.
The deadline for aplications is January 14, 1992.

These positions are open to french and foreign citizens ; the
persons hired will have the status of a civil servant, which
includes tenure after a test period of one to two years.

4. Several postdoctoral fellowships.

The Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis has
strong interests in viscoelastic fluids, wave phenomena, statistical
theory of fluids, asymptotic analysis, development of new numerical
methods, domain decomposition methods, and parallel computing.
Access to high-performance workstations and parallel computers
will be provided.

Applicants should send their resume and arrange to have three letters of
recommendation sent to M. Garbey, Directeur du Laboratoire d'Analyse
Numerique, Universite Lyon 1, Bat. 101, 43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918,
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex. For information, contact M. Garbey by
email ([email protected]). The deadline for aplications is
February 15, 1992.

My feeling is that we might content ourselves with
somebody who agrees to take an intensive course in
french, but we would prefer (for obvious reasons)
someone who already speaks our language.

Michelle Schatzman


From: Luca Dieci <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 92 17:22:08 EST
Subject: Positions at Georgia Tech



The School of Mathematics of the Georgia Institute of Technology invites
applications from candidates in all areas of numerical analysis for one
or two positions at all levels.

Currently, there are several faculty members whose primary interest is in
numerical analysis. In particular, the following areas are represented:
numerical linear algebra, numerical solution of initial and boundary value
problems of ODEs and PdEs, numerical dynamical systems, approximation theory,
optimization, and several related engineering applications.

The School of Mathematics has traditionally enjoyed a very collaborative
atmosphere among faculty members. Many faculty members also belong to the
Center for Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Studies, which is part of the School.
Traditional and renewed strengths of the School are in nonlinear dynamics and
engineering applications. The School of Mathematics has the fortune to be
located in one of the leading technological universities in the country.
Collaboration with faculty members in the Engineering Schools is encouraged.
We have first rate computing facilities on site, as well as easy access to the
Supercomputing centers. Faculty members have their own workstations.
We also have IBM and Mac-Intosh clusters, a system administrator, and a
graphics/visualization Lab.

Georgia Tech is in the heart of Atlanta, a very modern town with outstanding
cultural and recreational facilities. Geographically, we are at the lower end
of the Appalachian range. The Georgia coast is about 4 hours away, as is the
Florida panhandle. Climate is mild all year long.

If you would like to know more about the above positions, or would like to have
any further information about the School or the Institute, please feel free to
contact us directly at the following e-mail address:
[email protected]

If you are interested in applying for the above positions, please send a request
for an application form to the above e-mail address ([email protected]),
or directly to: "The Hiring Committee, School of Mathematics, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, U.S.A.".


From: Hong Jiang <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 92 00:07:48 EST
Subject: Position at Queen's University

Post-doc/Research Associate Position
in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Department of Computing and Information Science
Queen's University at Kingston

Department of Computing and Information Science of Queen's
University at Kingston has an opening for a post-doc or
research associate in the areas of Computational Fluid Dynamics
or Numerical PDE's, starting immediately.

Please send you inquiries or applications to

Hong Jiang
Department of Computing and Information Science
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 3N6
Tel. (613) 545-6753
Fax (613) 545-6513
e-mail:[email protected]


From: Tim Kelley <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 92 11:23:18 EST
Subject: Position at NC State University

Position at NC State University

The department of mathematics anticipates the availability of a position
at the assistant or associate professor level in the area of numerical
linear algebra. Starting date and salary are open. Full consideration
is guaranteed to candidates whose applications are complete by April 1, 1992.

The departmental computing facilities include a network of 20 workstations
for the faculty and a network of workstations for graduate and undergraduate
education. Research computing and graphics facilities are available
at the North Carolina Supercomputing Center which includes
a Cray Y-MP, a Convex C-220, and a visualization group.
The department provides startup funds for new faculty members.

Candidates should send a vita and have three letters of reference sent to
C. D. Meyer, Numerical Analysis Hiring Committee,
Department of Mathematics, Box 8205, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205; e-mail: [email protected].

Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply for this
position. North Carolina State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative
action employer.


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 92 13:14:39 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Matrix Analysis

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Volume 13, Number 2 April 1992

A Chart of Numerical Methods for Structured Eigenvalue Problems
Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, Ralph Byers, and Volker Mehrmann

A Sharp Bound on Positive Solutions of Linear Diophantine Equations
I. Borosh and L. B. Treybig

Optimal and Superoptimal Circulant Preconditioners
Evgenij E. Tyrtyshnikov

Perturbation of the Eigenvalues of Quadratic Matrix Polynomials
H. Langer, B. Najman, and K. Veselic

A Look-Ahead Levinson Algorithm for Indefinite Toeplitz Systems
Tony F. Chan and Per Christian Hansen

An Eigenvalue Region for Leslie Matrices
Steve Kirkland

On Inversion of Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices
Leiba Rodman and Tamir Shalom

Cyclic Strong Ergodicity in Nonhomogeneous Systems
Ioannis I. Gerontidis

Reduction to Tridiagonal Form and Minimal Realizations
Beresford Parlett

A Completed Theory of the Unsymmetric Lanczos Process and Related
Algorithms, Part I
Martin H. Gutknecht

Matrices with Positive Definite Hermitian Part: Inequalities and Linear Systems
Roy Mathias

QR-Like Algorithms for Symmetric Arrow Matrices
Peter Arbenz and Gene H. Golub

A Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury Identity for Rank Augmenting
Matrices with Application to Centering
Kurt S. Riedel

On the Relationship between Overlapping and Nonoverlapping Domain
Decomposition Methods
Tony F. Chan and Danny Goovaerts

Two-Stage and Multisplitting Methods for the Parallel Soution of Linear Systems
Daniel B. Szyld and Mark T. Jones


From: W. Roensch <ROENSCH%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 92 10:55:16 CET
Subject: Contents, Special Issue of Parallel Computing

Contents of PARALLEL COMPUTING, Vol.17 No. 10 & 11, December 91
(Special issue on benchmarking of high performance supercomputers)

Copies of this issue can be purchased at US $ 116
(this includes postage and handling)
from Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Journal Division, P.O.
Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands;
Email: F.Drunen at
Fax: 31 20 5803598,
Telephone: 31 20 5803641.

Guest editorial:

J. Dongarra, W. Gentzsch:
Benchmarking of high performance computers

Section I: Performance prediction

J. Worlton:
Toward a taxonomy of performance metrics

X.-H. Sun, J.L. Gustafson:
Toward a better performance metric

R. Hockney:
Performance parameters and benchmarking of supercomputers

W. Schoenauer, H. Haefner:
Performance estimates for supercomputers: The responsibilities
of the manufacturer and of the user

Section II: Performance Measurement

R. P. Weicker:
A detailed look at some popular benchmarks

M. Berry, G. Cybenko, J. Larson:
Scientific benchmark characterizations

K.M. Dixit:
The SPEC benchmarks

Aad J. van der Steen:
The benchmark of the EuroBen group

D. Levine, D. Callahan, J. Dongarra:
A comparative study of automatic vectorizing compilers

Section III: Benchmarks for Parallel Computers

J. Dongarra, M. Furtney, S. Reinhardt, J. Russell:
Parallel loops - a test suite for parallelizing compilers:
Description and example results

C. M. Grassl:
Parallel performance of applications on supercomputers

A. J.G. Hey:
The GENESIS distributed memory benchmarks

T.H. Dunigan:
Performance of the Intel iPSC/860 and Ncube 6400 Hypercubes

W. E. Nagel, M. A. Linn:
Benchmarking parallel programs in a multiprogramming
environment: The PARBench system


End of NA Digest
