Today's Topics:
From: Tony Chan <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 91 15:01:20 -0800
Subject: Book on INA by Hestenes and Todd
The MAA just published a book "Mathematicains Learning to Use Computers:
The Institute for Numerical Analysis, UCLA- 1947-1954" co-authored
by Magnus Hestenes and John Todd.
It was released just in time for the Magnus Hestenes Memorial
Symposium held at UCLA in November and many copies were sold there.
For those of you who missed the symposium, you can still order
this book directly from MAA, 1529 18th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036.
The price is $12.50. The catalog number is NISTI. It is a 180 page
Here is a short excerpt from the advertisement:
The book gives a history of the program at INA concerned primarily
with the development of mathematics pertinent to solving problems
involving numerical computations. "Graduates" of INA are scattered
all over the country. They have done much to promote the developmemt
of numerical mathematics pertinent for the use of computing
machines for scientific and educational purposes. The story told
in this volume centers around the poeple involved in this endeavor.
...The book should be of special interest to those interested
in the history of mathematics.
Personally, I think the book is worth its price for just the
many photos of Lanczos, Stiefel, Forsythe etc in it.
Highly recommended!
Tony Chan
From: Alan Karp <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 91 15:59:13 PST
Subject: Bit Reversal Citations
I am working on a parallel FFT algorithm that needs a bit reversal.
Lots of people do bit reversals, but almost nobody publishes how it
is done. Simple minded approaches perform quite poorly on
hierarchical and distributed memory machines. I would appreciate
receiving any citations to the literature, copies of internal
reports, or even descriptions of algorithms that you use but haven't
bothered to write up.
Alan Karp
IBM Scientific Center
1530 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
karp%[email protected]
From: Julio G. Dix <JD01%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 91 09:35 CST
Subject: A Question in Interpolation
Dear Colleagues,
Do you have any reference for global interpolation of functions using the
basis functions
phi_i(x) = exp -|x-x_i|
These functions are evaluations of reproducing kernel at datum points, which
makes relatively easy the construction of a linear system that has to be
I appreciate your help. Sincerely yours,
Julio G. Dix
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, Texas 78666
E-mail: jd01@swtexas
From: Anthony D. Klemm <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 91 03:19:20 +1100
Subject: Pade Approximants
I have a sequence of data values which I can assume are the
coefficients of a power series. I wish to try and use these values
to improve the convergence of the sequence, and also to obtain, if
possible, information about where the poles of the function are
To do this I intend to write programs which follow the algorithms
of chapter 6 of the book of George Baker, "Essentials of Pade
Approximants." But just before I do so I would like to check whether
there are any programs available which already calculate Approximants
at preselected values of the argument, and also calculate the
coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials.
I have already checked netlib and was surprised to find
no references to Pade Approximants.
Tony Klemm
Anthony D. Klemm Phone(dir): +61 52 471392
Department of Computing & Mathematics, Secretary: +61 52 471243
Deakin University, FAX: +61 52 472028
Geelong, Victoria, 3217, internet: [email protected]
AUSTRALIA. BITNET: tony AT cm.deakin.OZ.AU
From: Volker Mehrmann <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 91 13:03:47 MET
Subject: Change of E-mail Address for Volker Mehrmann
Please note my new email address:
[email protected].
The old address umatf108..... finishes January 1 1992.
Volker Mehrmann, Universitaet Bielefeld, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik.
From: Gabriel Wittum <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 91 17:54:37 +0100
Subject: New Book on Fast Solver for Large Sparse Systems
My book
Filternde Zerlegungen
Schnelle Loeser fuer grosse Gleichungssysteme
Teubner Skripten zur Numerik, Bd. 1
Teubner Verlag Stuttgart, 1992, DM 29.-
(in German)
is avilable now. It presents Frequency Filtering Decompositions, a new class
of solvers for large systems of equations. These merely algebraic solvers are
based on a special kind of incomplete decompositions. The basic idea is very
similar to multigrid, but the method needs only one single grid. It is very
efficient and is suited for symmetric, unsymmetric, and nonlinear problems.
The decompositions may also be used as preconditioner or smoother within
usual accelerating methods.
Besides the description of the algorithms and some model problem analysis,
the book includes a convergence theory for these methods. A large section
further concentrates on the numerical application. Results of numerical tests
are given for several scalar pde such as linear and nonlinear diffusion type
equations with varying coeficients, linear and nonlinear convection-diffusion
equations with dominating convection, interface problems etc. The results are
compared to known methods, showing that frequency filtering is able to compete
with standard solvers.
With best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Gabriel Wittum
From: James F. Epperson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 91 00:15:26 CST
Subject: SEAS-SIAM meeting in Huntsville
Announcement and Call for Papers
Southeast-Atlantic Section of SIAM Annual Meeting
April 3-4, 1992
Huntsville, AL
Invited speakers: W.F. Ames (Georgia Tech)
John Strain (Princeton)
For more information contact Jim Epperson at [email protected]
or (205)-895-6470.
From: David Keyes <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 91 13:13:21 EST
Subject: Parallel CFD '92
Parallel CFD '92
Implementations and Results Using Parallel Computers
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
May 18-20, 1992
The sponsors and organizing committee are pleased to announce an
international conference addressing recent developments in the use of
parallel computers in high-performance computational fluid dynamics.
Computer Aids for Industrial Productivity, Rutgers University
Convex Computer Corporation
Cray Research Corporation
Intel Scientific Computers
International Business Machines
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Thinking Machines Corporation
Organizing Committee:
Sukumar Chakravarthy, Rockwell
Akin Ecer, Purdue University
Jochem Haeuser, European Space Research and Technology Center
Eric Jackson, Princeton University
David Keyes, Yale University
Avi Lin, University of Pennsylvania
Steven Orszag, Princeton University
Richard Pelz (Chair), Rutgers University
Jacques Periaux, Dassault Aviation
Horst Simon, NASA-Ames/Computer Sciences Corp.
Advisory Board:
Ramesh Agarwal, McDonnell Douglas
T. Alan Egolf, United Technologies
David Emerson, SERC
Alfred Geiger, University of Stuttgart
W. Habashi, Concordia
Pierre Leca, ONERA
Spiro Lekoudis, ONR
Len Sakell, AFOSR
Manny Salas, NASA-Langley
Vijay Saxena, IBM
Wolfgang Schmidt, Messerschmidt-Bolkow-Blohm
Dave Scott, Intel
Douglas Smyth, Douglas Aircraft
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Robert Rosen
Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology, NASA, Washington, DC
"NASA's Vision of High-Performance Computing"
Invited Speakers:
Z. Johan, T. Hughes, K.K.Mathur and S.L. Johnsson
Stanford University and TMC
"A Data Parallel Finite Element Method for CFD on the CM System"
E. Ortner
Aerodynamisches Institut, Aachen
"Implicit Solution Schemes for Navier-Stokes Equations on Transputer Systems"
V. Venkatakrishnan
NASA Ames/Computer Sciences Corp.
"Unstructured Grid Applications on the iPSC/860"
A. Yeremin
Numerical Mathematics Dept. of the USSR Academy of Sciences
"Construction of Efficient Iterative Methods for Solving Large Sparse
Unsymmetric Linear Systems Resulting from CFD Problems on Massively
Parallel Computers"
Lyle N. Long
Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
"Gasdynamics on the CM"
Doug Cline
Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque
"CFD on the 1K-node nCUBE/2"
Ian Foster
Argonne National Laboratory
"Fine-grained Parallelism in Climate Models: Results on the Intel
Touchstone DELTA"
J. Saltz, D. Mavriplis and R. Das
NASA Langley Research Center
"3-D Unstructured Multigrid on the iPSC/860"
Pre-Conference Tutorial:
On Sunday, May 17, 1992 from 3 to 6 PM there will be presentations by
representatives from various computer companies.
Location and Date: Hyatt Regency Hotel
New Brunswick, New Jersey
May 18-20, 1992
Call for Papers: The Parallel CFD organizing committee is soliciting
contributed presentations of 20 minutes on subjects dealing with all
aspects of fluid dynamics simulation on advanced architecture computers.
Emphasis will be given to implementation issues and results. Abstract
Deadline: February 1, 1992. Proposed title and 2-3 page extended
abstract should be sent (mail, fax or email-Latex) to:
Richard B. Pelz, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08855-0909, USA
phone: (908) 932-3653, fax: (908) 932-5313, email: [email protected]
From: Anne Leigh <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 91 14:56:39 EST
Subject: Fifth Annual IMSL User Group North America
Fifth Annual IMSL User Group North America
Chicago, Illinois
May 13-15, 1992
Theme: Scientific Visualization and Numerical Computing
Now is the time to submit your one-page abstracts for contributed talks or
posters for the 1992 user group conference in Chicago. Contributed papers
should be 15 minutes in length. Please submit two copies of a one-page abstract
to the Organizing Committee or the IMSL User Group Liaison. Papers must be
written in English. Contacts for submission are:
1992 Chicago Conference
Ms. Anne P. Leigh
University of Kentucky
128 McVey Hall
Lexington KY 40506-0045
phone:(606) 257-2205
fax: (606) 258-1978
e-mail:[email protected]
IMSL User Group Liaison
P.O.Box 4605
Houston, TX 77210-4605
phone:(713) 242-6776
fax: (713) 242-9799
Meeting Headquarters
Guest Quarters Suite Hotel
198 East Delaware Place
Chicago, IL 60611
phone:(312) 664-1100
fax: (312) 664-9881
Invited Speakers
Keynote Address:
"Visual Computing in the 90's"
Mr. Carl Machover
Machover Associates Corporation
"A Look at the Evolution of Software for Numerical Algebra"
Professor Jack Dongarra
Computer Science Dept.
University of Tennessee
"Using Visual Tools in Computing"
Dr. David Foulser
Numerical Analysis
Scientific Visualization Development
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
"Numerical Computing and Fortran 90"
Dr. Thomas Lahey
Lahey Computer Systems
"A Look at Real-World IDL Applications"
Mr. David Stern
Research Systems, Inc.
From: Taketomo Mitsui <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 91 20:36:36 JST
Subject: Conference in Tokyo on Visual Computing
Visual Computing - Integrating Computer Graphics with Computer Vision -
June 22-26, 1992
Tokyo, Japan
The Computer Graphics Society (CGS) is pleased to announce "CG International
'92: Visual Computing" at Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. This Tenth
International Conference on Visual Computing is organized jointly by
Kogakuin University and CGS and will be held 22-26 June 1992.
Contributions are solicited describing original research results and
applications experience in all areas of visual computing, computer graphics,
computer vision, and the integration of these areas. This includes (and is
not limited to) the following -
- Visual modelling - Medical applications
- Visual data structures - Manufacturing processes
- Image sysnthesis - CAD/CAM/CIM
- Pattern recognition - Robotics
- 3D model-based coding - Design
- Standards - Visualization and integration
- Parallelism and parallel algorithm - Geometric modelling
- Hardware architectures - Network applications
For more information, contact: In Cooperation with:
Prof. T. L. Kunii ACM SIGGRAPH
CGI92 Program Co-Chair British Computer Society
Dept of Information Science European Association for Computer
University of Tokyo Graphics
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku IEEE Computer Society
Tokyo 113, Japan Information Processing Society of
Tel: +81-3-3812-2111 Ext 4116 Japan
Fax: +81-3-3818-4607 Institute of Electronics, Information
e-mail: [email protected] and Communication Engineers of Japan
From: Rolf Jeltsch <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1991 22:36:51 +0100
Subject: Postdoc Position at ETH
Postdoctoral fellowship at ETH
The Department of Mathematics has 2, possibly 5, postdoctoral fellowships
in Mathematics for the academic year 92 / 93.
The fellowships are open to all fields in mathematics, but candidates
in research areas where there are interested faculty members are preferred.
In numerical analysis there is a strong interest in partial differential
equations, in particular in hyperbolic nonlinear conservation laws with
applications in fluid dynamics, Navier-Stokes equations, inverse problems,
integral equations and numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations,
in particular stiff, singularily perturbed and differential algebraic equations.
Applications should be sent before January 14, 1992, to the
Head of the Department of Mathematics
Prof. Rolf Jeltsch
CH-8092 Zurich
E-mail: [email protected]
FAX: +41-1-252 3401
From: I. H. Sloan <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 91 09:12:13 +1100
Subject: Position at University of New South Wales
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
for the program
"Numerical Analysis of Integrals, Integral Equations
and Boundary Value Problems"
Applications are sought for a Research Associate position supported by
an Australian Research Council program grant held by Prof. I. H. Sloan.
The program is concerned with the development and justification of numerical
methods for boundary integral equations, multiple integration and other
aspects of boundary value problems.
Applicants should have a PhD (or equivalent) in an appropriate discipline,
and proven research accomplishment. Knowledge of integral equations,
numerical analysis, partial differential equations and computing would be
an advantage.
The position is available for a fixed term of up to two years, with a
possibility of renewal for a further period. The appointment will commence
in February 1992, or as soon as can be arranged.
Applicants should include information on their academic qualifications, a full
list of publications and the names and addresses (and
preferably also fax or phone numbers) of three academic
referees, and be sent to the Recruitment Officer, Staff Office, UNSW,
Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia, or to Ian Sloan (see below).
Salary is in the range $34,953 to $38,950, depending on qualifications and
Further information from Professor I.H.Sloan on 61-2-697 3001(office),
61-2-451 5035(home), 61-2-662 6445(fax) or [email protected](e-mail).
Applications close January 31 1992.
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 91 10:38:34 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Numerical Analysis
Tentative Contents
SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
April 1992, Vol. 29, No. 2
A New Class of Iterative Methods for Nonselfadjoint or Indefinite Problems
Jinchao Xu
Analysis of the Finite Element Approximation of Microstructure in Micromagnetics
Mitchell Luskin and Ling Ma
Analysis of a One-Dimensional Model for the Immersed Boundary Method
R.P. Beyer and R.J. LeVeque
A Mixed Finite Element Method For Approximating Incompressible Materials
Manfred Dobrowolski
Treating Inhomogeneous Essential Boundary Conditions in Finite Element Methods
and the Calculation of Boundary Stresses
Max D. Gunzburger and Steven L. Hou
An Optimal Runge-Kutta Method for Steady-State Solutions of Hyperbolic Systems
Chichia Chiu and David A. Kopriva
Second-Order Discrete Approximation to Linear Differential Inclusions
Vladimir Veliov
Finite Element Approximation for Grad-Div type Systems in the Plane
Ching Lung Chang
A Class of Numerical Algorithms for Large Time Integration: The Nonlinear
Galerkin Methods
Christophe Devulder and Martine Marion
Existence, Uniqueness, and Numerical Analysis of Solutions of a Quasilinear
Parabolic Problem
Dongming Wei
Computer Aided Analysis of Imperfect Bifurcation Diagrams,
I. Simple Bifurcation Point and Isola Formation Centre
Vladimir Janovsky and Petr Plechac
On the Maximum Angle Condition for Linear Tetrahedral Elements
Michal Krizek
An Explicit Runge-Kutta-Nystrom Method is Canonical If and Only If Its Adjoint
Is Explicit
Daniel Okunbor and Robert D. Skeel
Stability of Interpolation from C1 Cubics at the Vertices of an Underlying
Jorg Peters and Meera Sitharam
Exploiting Symmetry in Boundary Element Methods
Eugene L. Allgower, Klaus Bohmer, Kurt Georg, and Rick Miranda
Corners, Cusps, and Parametrizations: Variations on a Theorem of Epstein
E.T.Y. Lee
Lattice Integration Rules of Maximal Rank Formed by Copying Rules of
Korobov Type
Shaun Disney and Ian H. Sloan
Error Bounds for Gaussian and Related Quadrature and Applications to R-Convex
Knut Petras
Optimal Nodes for Interpolatory Product Integration
William E. Smith and David Paget
On Grau's Method for Simultaneous Factorization of Polynomials
Carsten Carstensen
End of NA Digest