Today's Topics:
From: Sam Eldersveld <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 91 13:06:12 PST
Subject: Change of Address for Sam Eldersveld
I have taken a position with the Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Group at Boeing Computer Services. Effective immediately my new
address is:
Sam Eldersveld
Boeing Computer Services
P.O. Box 24346, MS 7L-21
Seattle, Washington 98124-0346
Tel : (206) 865-2966
Email: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 91 15:35 EST
Subject: Helmholtz Solver
I am trying to find out what codes are available or what is the best
method for solving the Helmholtz equation in cylindrical geometry with
complicated boundary conditions and source term.
From: Art Owen <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 91 09:51:05 EST
Subject: Finding Saddlepoints
I posted a request on this to sci.math.num-analysis on the
UNIX network and the replies were of the form: I have this
problem too, I wish more attention were devoted to it (and
mild variants).
What are good numerical ways to find saddlepoints of
functions? Has anybody got experience to report using
Hestenes' planar CG method [Conjugate Direction Methods
in Optimization, Springer-Verlag, 1980]. When doing
line searches, how does one decide which of two points
represents "more progress" towards finding the saddlepoint?
The norm of the gradient can be badly conditioned.
The problems I am trying are to maximize over p
parameters the minimum over q parameters of a very smooth
function. The inner minimization is convex. Sometimes
the outer maximization is concave. The problem arises
as a maximization in n variables with q constraints.
[In one case p=3, q=4, n=151 and a substantial speedup
occurs in formulating a 7 dimensional saddlepoint problem
via Lagrange multipliers versus a 151 dimensional maximization
with constraints. (actually n+p=154 dims with q=4 constraints)]
What I am hoping to get are pointers to the literature
on how to solve this problem. Code would also be of
interest, but be sure to indicate whether I can freely
give it away to other people.
Art Owen
From: W. Niethammer <AF01%[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 91 09:25
Subject: Honorary Doctorate for Richard Varga
Richard S. Varga, University Professor of Mathematics at Kent State
University, Ohio, has received an honorary doctorate from
University of Karlsruhe in Germany. Varga was cited for his
extraordinary contributions in numerical analysis and constructive
approximation theory.
Varga received a PhD in mathematics from Harward University in 1954.
>From 1954 to 1960, he worked at Westinghouse Electric Corporation,
Bettis Atomic Laboratory (Pittsburgh). He was professor of mathematics
at Case Institute of Technology from 1960 to 1969. Since 1980 he
is scientific director of the Institute for Computational Mathematics
at Kent State. Varga received a Guggenheim fellowship in 1963 and
the von Humboldt Senior US Award in 1982.
From: SIAM Conferences Department <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 91 15:34 EDT
Subject: SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics
Good news -- in case you have not yet submitted your 100-word
contributed abstract for the SIAM Conference on Discrete
Mathematics, June 8-11, 1992, Vancouver, Canada.
The conference organizing committee has extended the deadline for
submission to Thursday, November 21, 1991. Send yours now either
by FAX:
or e-mail:
[email protected]
We look forward to receiving your contributed abstract.
Thank you.
SIAM Conference Department
From: Mike Baines <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 91 15:11:28 GMT
Subject: ICFD Conference Abstracts - last call
Please fax last minute 2 page abstracts for oral or poster
presentation at the ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods
for Fluid Dynamics in Reading UK next April to
+44 865 273839
Details from Bette Byrne on +44 865 273883. All accepted papers
will be given in full session at the Conference and published
in the Proceedings by Oxford Univerity Press.
K W Morton
M J Baines
From: Marcin Paprzycki <"PBACAD::M_PAPRZYCKI">
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1991 11:40:21 GMT-0600
Subject: Correction: Permian Basin Supercomputing Conference
Call for Papers
March 13-15
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Odessa, Texas
Organized by: Marcin Paprzycki
Advisors: Firooz Khosraviyani, Mogens Melander
In cooperation with: SIAM Supercomputing Group
The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers in
all fields of supercomputing, high performance computing and
parallel computing for an effective exchange of ideas and
discussion of recent developments and future directions of
Tutorial: "Large-scale and Parallel Computations in System Control
Theory" will be presented by Prof. Biswa Datta
Sponsored by:
Center for High Performance Computing, Austin
Cray Research Inc.
DECmpp 12000 Group
Intel Corporation
University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Invited Speakers:
Chris Bischof, Julio Diaz, Ian Gladwell, David Kincaid,
Robert Plemmons, Danny Sorensen, Robert van de Geijn.
Submit three copies of detailed abstract (not to exceed 1000 words) by
December 20, 1991
Marcin Paprzycki, Conference Chairman
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Odessa, TX 79762
Phone: (915) 367-2244
Fax: (915) 367-2115
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
From: Richard Franke <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 91 16:25:33 PST
Subject: NO Mathematics Chair Position at Naval Postgraduate School
The Dean has decided that due to budgetary and personnel constraints,
the Mathematics Department will not be allowed to hire a Chairperson
from outside the school.
Therefore I must inform you to disregard the announcement in NA Digest
Vol. 91 # 44. My apologies for anyone that has been inconvenienced.
From: William L. Kath <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 91 12:00:04 CST
Subject: Position at Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Applications are invited for a tenure-track Assisitant Professorship in
Applied Mathematics. Requirements include a Ph.D. and demonstrated ability
to do research in an area compatible with the interests of the Department.
Duties involve teaching and research.
The proposed starting date is September, 1992. To ensure full
consideration, applicants should send a resume before February 1, 1992 to:
Search Committee
Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208
Applications from women and minorites are especially welcomed.
Northwestern University is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity
Employer. Hiring is contingent upon elegibility to work in the United
Inquiries about the position may be directed to the above address, or
via electronic mail to: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 91 15:55:43 MST
Subject: Position at Montana State
Position Advertisement:
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Montana State University invites
applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, to
begin in August 1992. Requirements include a PhD in Mathematics or a related
field and evidence of strong research potential and teaching skills.
Applicants should complement the department's Ph.D. programs in dynamical
systems and applied numerical analysis, with particular emphasis on applied
mathematics, control theory, and geometric analysis.
The department has a large graduate program, involving approximately 60
graduate students and a faculty of 28 PhD mathematicians and statisticians.
The Center for Interfacial Microbial Process Engineering, an NSF-sponsored
Engineering Research Center at Montana State University, offers excellent
opportunities for interdisciplinary work.
Bozeman is located in the Rocky Mountains 60 miles north of Yellowstone
National Park. Fishing, hunting, skiing, backpacking, and other outdoor
recreational activities are abundant.
Applicants must send their resumes and the names of three references to:
K. J. Tiahrt, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Montana State University,
Bozeman, MT 59717-0240. Further information about this position can be
obtained by writing to Dr. Tiahrt or by sending e-mail to:
[email protected]
The deadline for applications is February 1, 1992 or until the position is
filled. Montana State University is an affirmative action / equal opportunity
employer. Veterans preference.
From: Claude Brezinski <brezinsk%[email protected]>
Date: Me, 20 Nov 91 15:39:28 +0100
Subject: Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials
4th International Symposium on
Evian - France
October 19-23, 1992
organized by Association Francaise d'Approximation
The aim of this congress is to gather mathematicians, scientists
and engineers working on or using orthogonal polynomials. All the
aspects of the subject are intended to be covered.
Accomodation and conferences will take place at the Village-Vacances-
Familles (VVF) of Evian, located on the bank of Lake Leman in the
French Alps. Evian can be reached by train or plane (Geneva in Switzer-
land. A swiss visa will by needed for some foreigners).
Participants are invited to arrive on Sunday 18 October and to leave on
Saturday 24. Accomodation is only by apartments with two bedrooms (each
with a bathroom) and a common living room. The price for full board is
305 FF per day and per person. The registration fees (including the so-
cial events and a copy of the proceedings) are 1100 FF (500 FF for accom-
nying persons) and they must be sent (in French Francs and free of charges
for us) together with an advance of 900 FF for accomodation to :
account # 13606 / 00071 / 30708125000 / 410
beneficiary Assoc. d'Approx. - Mr Le Mehaute
bank Credit Agricole
61 rue Nationale, 35135 - Chantepie, France
Deadline for registration, sending the abstract (1 page) and a proof of
payment is
May 3, 1992
An additional fee of 100 FF will be charged for late registration.
The proceedings will be published. The complete papers should be brought at
the congress.
If you intend to participate and give a talk, please contact as soon as
possible :
Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique et d'Optimisation
Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
59655 - Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
email : [email protected]
The organizing committee : S. Belmehdi, C. Brezinski, M. Prevost, H. Sadok,
J. van Iseghem (Lille), A.P. Magnus (Louvain-La-Neuve), P. Maroni (Paris VI),
M. Redivo Zaglia (Padova), A. Ronveaux (Namur)
From: George P. H. Styan <MT56%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 91 17:05:37 EST
Subject: Workshop on Matrix Methods in Statistics
The Organizing Committee:
Harold Henderson, Jeff Hunter, Bryan Manly, Simo Puntanen,
Alastair Scott, and George Styan.
We are pleased to invite you to attend an "International Workshop on
Matrix Methods for Statistics" to be held on Friday-Saturday, 4-5
December 1992, at the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
Co-sponsored by the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), this
Workshop is a satellite to, and almost immediately precedes, the
International Biometric Conference-IBC92 (7-11 December 1992). We
encourage you to attend our Workshop and then stay on for the IBC92 in
Hamilton (90-minutes drive south of Auckland). There will be a Short
Course on Dynamic Graphical Analysis given by R. Dennis Cook in
Hamilton on Sunday, 6 December 1992. And after the IBC92 there will be
Genstat and Correlated Data Workshops, 1both scheduled to start on
Monday, 14 December 1992, respectively in Rotorua (or Hamilton) and
Queenstown. Further details about the IBC92 are enclosed. The
Mahalanobis Multivariate Statistics Meeting in Delhi (17- 22 December
1992) will be preceded by a satellite meeting in Delhi (organized by
Sujit Kumar Mitra) on generalized inverse and its application (11-16
December 1992). There are good airline connections from Auckland to
Delhi via Singapore.
The purpose of our International Workshop on Matrix Methods for
StatisticsS is to foster the interaction, in an informal setting, of
researchers in the interface between matrix theory and statistics. We
propose, therefore, that there be no parallel sessions, and that all,
or almost all, the talks be of 20-minutes duration. That would make a
total of (say) 20 talks, and so of 10 each day.
We have invited Garry Tee (Auckland) to talk about the work of
Alexander Craig Aitken (1895-1967), and his plans to publish Aitken's
the weekend to hold an organizational meeting for a possible 3rd
Pacific Statistical Congress to be held in 1995 in Celebration of the
100th birthday of A. C. Aitken (the two earlier PSC's were held in
Auckland, 1985, and Sydney, 1990).
We regret that there is no money to support participants in our
Workshop-furthermore, we plan to charge a US$20 registration fee. The
preparation and printing of the program-cum-abstracts booklet will be
done in, and financed by, the Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Auckland.
We would like to know your immediate, and hence initial, reaction to
this invitation. Later on we would like to know who is coming, say by 30
June 1992, and if you're going to give a talk. We would then like to
have the title and abstract by, say, 31 August 1992.
Please reply to this invitation to George Styan--by e-mail to
[email protected] or by FAX to 1-514-398-3899. We look forward to
hearing from you and to your participation down under at the end of
next year!
Professor George P. H. STYAN
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University, Burnside Hall 1240
805 ouest, rue Sherbrooke Street West
Montr al, Qu bec, Canada H3A 2K6
Electronic mail: [email protected]
FAX (1-514) 398-3899. Tel. (1-514) 398-3845
From: Bernard Philippe <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 91 16:18:29 +0100
Subject: 1ST African Conference in Computer Science
October 14-20, 1992
Since 1986, the United Nations University (UNU) has been establishing a
fruitful cooperation between the University of Yaounde, the Institut
National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)
and the United Nations University (UNU) with two major aims :
- to provide support for a high level university cursus
- to help settle a research team in the environment of the
University of Yaounde.
Numerous actions were undertaken to reach these goals and the French
Ministry of Cooperation and Development is providing its support.
In this rapidly evolving scientific context, the French Ministry of
Cooperation and Development,INRIA, UNU and the University of Yaounde
decided to organise the First African Conference on Research in
Computer Science.
The main goal of this conference is to present the research activities
currently undertaken in the universities and research centers of
Central Africa and West Africa, in the field of computer science
as well as the one undertaken by students from this region who are
preparing their doctorate thesis abroad. The African scientists will
benefit from this conference in exchanging their ideas and intensifying
their collaborations.
Invited papers will be presented by world-known scientists. Software
exhibitions will be organised during the conference and round tables
on the topic " Computer Science" will be scheduled in parallel by the
French mission of cooperation of Yaounde.
Software engineering
Parallel Computing
Scientific Computation
Computer Vision
Artificial Intelligence
Programming Languages
Authors are invited to submit, in French or in English, contributions on
their most recent research results.
5 copies of the full text (20 double-space pages, title and abstract
included) should be sent to the Conference Secretariat, before
February 15, 1992. The front page should include the title of the
communication, the name of the author (or authors) and the full address.
In case of co-authors, clearly indicate the name of the person in charge
of the correspondence with the organisers.
Every submitted paper will be reviewed by the Programme Committee with the
help of experts. The accepted papers will be published for the Conference.
A financial support (travel and sojourn expenses) will be granted to the
authors of the best papers.
February 15, 1992
The full paper (5 copies) should be received by the
Conference Secretariat
May 1st, 1992
Notification of acceptance or refusal
June 15, 1992
Distribution of the program
June 30, 1992
Final version of the accepted paper should be received by the
Conference Secretariat
October 14-20, 1992
First African Conference on Research in Computer Science
University of Yaounde
Computer Science Department
BP 812
YAOUNDE (Cameroon)
Tel : + 237 22 47 95
Fax : + 237 22 13 20
Bureau des Colloques
BP 105
78153 LE CHESNAY CEDEX (France)
Tel: +(33)
Fax: +(33) 1.39 63 56 38
e-mail : [email protected]
Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications
46, rue Barrault
75634 PARIS Cedex 13
Tel: +(33)
Fax: +(33)
e-mail : [email protected]
From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 91 17:47 EDT
Subject: Contents, SIAM Scientific and Statistical Computing
SIAM JOURNAL ON Scientific and Statistical Computing
March 1992 Volume 13, Number 2
A Scheme for Parallelizing Certain Algorithms for the Linear Inhomogeneous
Heat Equation
Steven M. Serbin
Comparing Algorithms for Solving Sparse Nonlinear Systems of Equations
Marcia A. Gomes-Ruggiero, Jose Mario Martinez, and Antonio Carlos Moretti
Knot Selection for Least Squares Thin Plate Splines
John R. McMahon and Richard Franke
Numerical Approximation of Parametric Oriented Area-Minimizing Hypersurfaces
Harold R. Parks
Nonlinear Multigrid Applied to a One-Dimensional Stationary Semiconductor Model
P. M. de Zeeuw
An Iterative Method for Matrix Spectral Factorization
T. J. Harris and J. H. Davis
On the Structure of Jacobians for Spectral Methods for Nonlinear
Partial Differential Equations
Robert R. Russell, David M. Sloan, and Manfred R. Trummer
Improving the Accuracy of Inverse Iteration
Elizabeth R. Jessup and Ilse C. F. Ipsen
Generalized Schwarz Splitting
Wei Pai Tang
Fourier Analysis of Finite Element Preconditioned Collocation Schemes
M. O. Deville and E. H. Mund
Sonic Flux Formulae
P. L. Roe
BI-CGSTAB: A Fast and Smoothly Converging Variant of BI-CG for the Solution of
Nonsymmetric Linear Systems
H. A. van der Vorst
Timely Communication
A Fast Reordering Algorithm for Parallel Sparse Triangular Solution
Alex Pothen and Fernando L. Alvarado
End of NA Digest