NA Digest Sunday, November 10, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 45

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Anne Leigh <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 91 14:07:45 EST
Subject: Legendre's Associated Functions

Does anyone have Fortran code to evaluate Legendre's associated functions?

Anne Leigh
University of Kentucky


From: Phuong Vu <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 91 16:38:32 CST
Subject: Change of Address for Phuong Vu

I am moving back to Houston (where there is no snow :-)).
Effective immediately my new address is:

Phuong Vu
Cray Research, Inc.
19607 Franz Road
Houston, Texas 77084
Tel: (713) 492-8225
Email: [email protected]
or [email protected]
or [email protected]

Thanks. -Phuong


From: Philip E. Gill <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 91 09:32:20 -0800
Subject: Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs in Scientific Computation

I making a survey of US interdisciplinary graduate programs
in scientific computation. I would be very grateful to anyone
who can send me information about existing or planned programs
of this kind. Email is preferred, but information sent by
regular mail would also be greatly appreciated.

I am particularly interested in curricula and how the program
is organised between the various departments.

Thanks in advance,

Philip E. Gill (619) 534-4879
Department of Mathematics [email protected] or
University of California, San Diego [email protected]
9500 Gilman Drive fax:(619) 534-5273
La Jolla, CA 92093-0112


From: Jack Dongarra and Eric Grosse <c/o [email protected]>
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 91 00:05 EST
Subject: NETLIB Bestsellers

Since netlib started in March 1985, the servers at,, and have handled
654,563 requests, shipping over 17 gigabytes in reply.
The top runners are:

number of requests per library
61411 linpack
32701 toms
29977 eispack
27754 benchmark
23009 core
16732 machines
15587 WHOIS
13764 polyhedra
13720 fnlib
12187 minpack
12116 fftpack
12046 misc
9425 napack
9167 f2c
9083 lp/data
9046 fn
7965 c++/answerbook
7488 port
7379 itpack
6911 sparse
6826 quadpack
6782 odepack
6599 pppack

number of requests per item
186969 index
7047 performance
2034 linpackd
2022 d1mach
1791 linpacks
1663 dgesl
1624 dgeco
1541 dgefa
1473 rg
1268 r1mach
1261 benchmark
1221 haines
1156 lsode
1133 linpack
1116 perf-upd
1107 spline
1064 nalist
1011 form
986 machar
960 netlib
957 i1mach

number of requests per individual
2653 DWC%[email protected]
2538 [email protected]
2099 princeton!phoenix!shashank
1969 [email protected]
1649 arpa!RELAY.CS.NET!!molinari
1410 cn6gr8au%[email protected]
1280 CLEMENS%[email protected]
1262 [email protected]
1160 PROJEKT%[email protected]
1159 [email protected]
1059 [email protected]
1055 [email protected]
1009 [email protected]


From: SIAM Conferences Department <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 91 10:12 EDT
Subject: Abstracts Due for SIAM Discrete Math Meeting

Dear Colleague:

Just a reminder. If you have not yet submitted your 100-word abstract for the
Conference on Discrete Mathematics, which will take place on June 8-11, 1992
at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, please do so now.
The deadline for submission is November 15. You can submit your abstract by
fax to 215-386-7999, attention Conference Department, or you can also submit
it electronically, by plain txt or by LaTEX macros.
Sending it by FAX would be much faster.

We look forward to your participation in the conference. Many thanks.

The Conference Program Committee


From: Mark Schaefer <via Paul Saylor, [email protected]>
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 91 09:22:59 -0600
Subject: C++ Codes for Range Arithmetic Available

A collection of C++ source code routines for generating precise computation
programs based on range arithmetic (a variant of interval arithmetic) is
available through anonymous FTP at It includes
ready-to-compile code for solving many of the standard problems of
numerical analysis as well as facilities for writing one's own precise
computation programs. Included also is a file `describe.tex' (to be
processed by TEX) which contains a five page user's guide to the module.
The authors of the package are Oliver Aberth (Texas A&M University) and
Mark J. Schaefer (Virginia Military Institute).

For those not familiar with anonymous ftp, the procedure is as follows.

1. ftp

2. Enter ``anonymous'' as the name and your login as the password.

3. There is a file called README with information on where to find the C++
programs. The remaining steps here are taken from that file.

a. Change to the appropriate directory: cd pub/range

b. Set the transfer mode to binary (compressed files).
Example: type binary

c. Get the file: ``get range.tar.Z''

d. Exit ftp. ``quit''

e. On your local system, uncompress and un-tar the file.
Example: uncompress range.tar
tar xf range.tar

Mark Schaefer


From: Alan Edelman <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 91 13:48:12 PST
Subject: Bay Area NA Day at Berkeley

Saturday, November 16, 1991

There will be a Bay Area NA Day in Berkeley on Sat, Nov 16. This day
is an opportunity to meet colleagues and students (and also visitors)
in the Bay area.

The meeting will be held in the Genetics and Plant Biology Building
Room 100. There will be coffee at 9:45 and the first talk at 10:10am.
Lunch will be available at the many nearby restaurants. The last talk
ends at 4:30 followed by dinner at King Tsin restaurant at 6:30. (Dinner
will cost around $20 to be collected on Nov 16.)

The scheduled talks include:

Rick Fierro, UC San Diego
"Collinearity and Total Least Squares"
Anmin Qi, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
"The Three-Dimensional Multi-Scale Vortex Method and its Applications"
Noel M. Nachtigal, RIACS/NASA Ames Research Center
"The Quasi-Minimal Residual Algorithm for Non-Hermitian Linear Systems"
Gerhard Starke (with R. Varga), Institut fuer Praktische Mathematik,
Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
"A Hybrid Arnoldi-Faber Iterative Method for Nonsymmetric Systems of
Linear Equations"
Frederic L Chalot, Stanford
"Symmetrization of Conservation Laws with Entropy for
High-Temperature Hypersonic Computations"
Vince Fernando (with B. Parlett), NAG
Title to be announced.
Rick Pember, LLNL
"A Conservative Mesh Algorithm for Inviscid Compressible Flow"
Hongyuan Zha, Stanford
Title to be announced.
Alan Edelman (with J. Demmel), UCB
"The Geometry of Algorithms for the Jordan and Kronecker Forms"

Driving and Parking Directions: Take Route 80 to University Avenue and then
University Avenue east until campus (this is Oxford street).
November 16 is a football Saturday so parking may be tight, best bet
is to car pool and allow time. Inquire at the campus gate where general
parking is available (cost is $6). Tell them you would like to be close to the
corner of Hearst and Oxford. Information (maybe even a map of campus) is
available during the week form the University Parking Services
at 510-642-4283.

Genetics and Plant Biology Building Directions: Walk up the stairs
(A kind of X marks the spot) on the campus side of Oxford Street
between Berkeley Way and Hearst (just to the left of a driveway).
The GPB Building room 100 is at the top of the steps.

King Tsin Restaurant Directions: 1699 Solano Avenue, Berkeley.
The easy, but long way is to go back to route 80 and go further
north to the Solano Avenue exit. The direct way is north on
Shattuck Avenue under a kind of tunnel and then straight towards


From: Graeme Fairweather <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 91 09:04:53 EST
Subject: Domain Decomposition Conference at University of Kentucky

Mini-Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Friday, November 15, 1991, 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Olof B. Widlund, NYU
Some recent results on Schwarz type domain decomposition algorithms

Barry F. Smith, Argonne National Laboratory
Domain decomposition for elasticity

Howard Elman, University of Maryland
Parallel implementation of the hp-version of the finite element method on a
shared-memory computer

William D. Gropp, Argonne National Laboratory
Domain decomposition methods for multicomponent problems

Saturday, November 16, 1991, 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.

David E. Keyes, Yale University
Domain decomposition as a bridge between nature and parallel computers

Bernard Bialecki, University of Kentucky
Domain decomposition method for orthogonal spline collocation

Tony F. C. Chan, UCLA
Efficient variants of the vertex space domain decomposition algorithm

X. -C. Cai, University of Kentucky
Overlapping domain decomposition methods for nonsymmetric problems

Jan Mandel, The University of Colorado at Denver
Balancing domain decomposition preconditioners

Lawrence Cowser, Rice University
The parallel solution of elliptic equations in irregular regions

Torgeir Rusten, IMA, University of Minnesota
A domain decomposition method for elliptic saddle point problems

Max Dryja, University of Kentucky and University of Warsaw
Neumann-Neumann algorithms for elliptic finite element equations

*** Accommodation *** A block of rooms is being held at The Greenleaf Inn,
Lexington, Kentucky. The price per night is $36.06 (inc. tax) single and
$43.07 (inc. tax) double. Mention "Domain Decomposition Conference" when
making reservations. The toll free number is 1-800-354-9096.

*** Registration *** Contact
Graeme Fairweather, Telephone: 606-257-2326, E-mail: [email protected]
There is no registration fee.


From: Peter Aitchison <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 91 08:57 CST
Subject: Workshop in Winnipeg on Matrix Computations and Applications

Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
December 9 - 10, 1991

The Institute will hold a Workshop on the state-of-the-art in
"Matrix Computation and Applications" on December 9 and 10,
1991. The workshop is designed to suit the needs of
university, business, industrial and other users of
computational methods for solving large problems. The main
workshop leaders are Professor D. Sorensen (Rice University)
and Professor P. Smith (IMSL, Texas). Dr. Sorensen will
discuss basic notions of architectures in high performance
computers, block algorithms for dense linear algebra
computations, LAPACK, iterative methods for very large
(sparse) eigenvalue problems and linear systems. Dr. Smith
will give an overview of software currently available and
will also discuss some specific individual packages. There
will be brief presentations by researchers at the University
of Manitoba (P. W. Aitchison, L. M. Ayari and P. N.
Shivakumar) on their industrially related work. A round
table discussion on interaction between university and
industry is planned. There will be ample opportunity for
interaction between participants and the workshop leaders.
The workshop will include one short course on techniques of
matrix computation and a second short course on software
packages and their implementation. The courses are expected
to emphasize applicability and usefulness and focus less on
actual theory of matrix computation, thus making the workshop
useful to experts and non-experts alike. The workshop is
expected to be especially useful to industry and graduate
students as well as faculty.

[Note: The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications at
the University of Minnesota will cover 50% of the travel and
local living expenses for visitors from the IMA Participating
Institutions (PI's) who wish to attend the Workshop. Other
sources of support for travel and expenses are the PI funds
administered by the heads of the mathematics departments of
the PI's.]

For further information, please contact
P. N. Shivakumar
Acting Director
Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
Telephone: (204) 474-6724
Fax: (204) 275-0019
E-mail: [email protected]


From: Allison Bogardo <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 91 15:18 EDT
Subject: SIAM Student Paper Competition

SIAM Student Paper Competition

The annual SIAM Student Paper Competition will be held during the 1992
SIAM Annual Meeting. If you have a student or know of a student who
should be included in the competition, here are the details.

The student authors of the three best papers in applied and computational
mathematics submitted to SIAM will be invited to attend the 1992 annual
meeting in Los Angeles, July 19-24. Each winner must present his/her
paper at the conference and will receive up to $750 to offset expenses
as well as gratis registration to the meeting. The winners will be awarded
a calligraphed certificate at a special prize ceremony at the meeting.
Papers must be singly authored to be eligible for consideration. To qualify,
authors must be students in good standing who have not received their PhDs
at the time of submission.

In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to consider the
SIAM journals.

Submissions must be received by SIAM on or before March 15, 1992.

Submissions can be sent by regular mail or fax. Each submission must include
(1) an extended abstract NOT LONGER THAN 5 PAGES (including bibliography),
double-spaced, in English; (2) the signature of the author on the submission;
(3) a statement by the student's faculty advisor that the paper has been
prepared by the author indicated and that the author is a student in good
standing; and (4) a short biography of the student. It is not necessary to
send the full paper.

Each submission must also include a letter of recommendation from the student's
advisor or the department chair. Submissions will be judged on the basis of
originality, applicability, and clarity of exposition.

The winners will be notified by May 30, 1992.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Allison Bogardo
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
Telephone: (215) 382-9800
E-mail to [email protected]
Fax to (215) 386-7999


From: Dave Carlson <carlson%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 91 16:26:08 PST
Subject: SIAG/LA Officer Nominees


As outgoing Chair of the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra, I am
pleased to announce the nominees for the next set of officers, who will
serve from 1/1/92 to 12/31/94. If you are a member of SIAG/LA, you should
have received a ballot already from the SIAM Office. If you have not yet
voted, please mark your ballot and return it to SIAM by November 29.
Write-in candidates are allowed.

CHAIR/VICE-CHAIR: (candidate with most votes becomes Chair; candidate with
second-largest vote total becomes Vice-Chair.) (Vice-Chair will chair the
next Linear Algebra Prize Committee.)
Biswa DATTA. Professor, Northern Illinois University; Ph.D., Mathematics,
University of Ottawa; Chair, SIAM Conferences on Linear Algebra in Signals,
Systems, and Control, 1986, 1990; Editor, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and
Applications. Research interests: Theoretical and computational linear algebra
with applications to control and systems theory.
John G. LEWIS. Associate Technical Fellow, Boeing Computer Services; Ph.D,
Computer Science, Stanford University; SIAG/LA Program Director, Chair,
Symposium on Sparse Matrices, 1989. Research interests: Numerical linear
algebra; sparse linear systems and eigenvalue problems; parallel computation.

SECRETARY (and Newsletter Editor):
John de PILLIS. Professor, Mathematics Department, University of California,
Riverside; Ph.D, University of California, Berkeley; Editor, SIAM Journal
on Algebraic and Discrete Methods. Research interests: Numerical linear
algebra, parallel algorithms; computer graphics.
Jeffrey L. STUART. Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, University
of Southern Mississippi; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison. Research
interests: Combinatorial matrix theory; Z- and M- matrices; sign pattern
properties; matrix commutativity.

John R. GILBERT. Research Staff Member, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center; Ph.D.,
Computer Science, Stanford University; Editor, SIAM Journal on Algebraic and
Discrete Methods, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. Research
interests: Sparse matrix methods, parallel computation; combinatorial
Alex POTHEN. Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D.,
Applied Mathematics, Cornell University. Research interests: Sparse matrix
computation; numerical linear algebra; combinatorial algorithms, parallel
computing, mathematical software.

Dave Carlson


From: Ian Gladwell <H5NR1001%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 91 07:59:33 CST
Subject: Positions at Southern Methodist University

Department of Mathematics
Tenure Track Positions

The Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University invites
applications for one senior and one junior level tenure track position,
with employment beginning in Fall 1992. The department is unusual in its
emphasis on two areas: physical applied mathematics, and numerical
analysis and scientific computation; thirteen of the sixteen faculty are
applied or numerical mathematicians.

Applicants must be active researchers, must have a strong commitment to
undergraduate teaching and must be able to teach advanced courses in at
least one area in the doctoral program in applied or numerical
mathematics. The standard teaching load is two courses (six hours) per
semester. Applicants for the senior position should have a superior
research record in physical applied mathematics and experience supervising
doctoral dissertations. A strong grant record is desirable. Applicants for
the junior position must be active in numerical analysis research. For
both positions, the applicant's research areas should be related to the
major current interests of the department: asymptotic and perturbation
methods, bifurcation theory, combustion theory, fluid mechanics,
mathematical biology, mathematical software, nonlinear dynamical systems,
nonlinear waves and the numerical analysis of differential equations.
Senior faculty and their major research interests include W.E. Ferguson
(numerical partial differential equations), I. Gladwell (mathematical
software), R. Haberman (nonlinear waves), G.W. Reddien (numerical
bifurcation theory), D.A. Reinelt (fluid mechanics), and L.F. Shampine
(numerical ordinary differential equations). Southern Methodist University
has a 20 processor Sequent Symmetry for research use.

The application deadline is January 15, 1992. Send a letter of
application and a vita to:

Professor I. Gladwell
Chairman, Department of Mathematics
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275
(Tel: (214) 692-2506)

Applicants for the junior position should arrange for three letters of
recommendation to be sent directly to Professor Gladwell.

SMU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action/Title IX employer.

I. Gladwell's email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


From: J. C. T. Pool <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 91 12:36:11 EST
Subject: Position Announcement, Drexel University


The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is seeking computer scien-
tists and applied mathematicians for tenure-track and visiting appointments -
assistant professor through professor - for Academic Year 1992-93. Research
interests in one of the following areas are required:

parallel and distributed computing: languages, compilers, tools, and
software engineering for parallel and distributed scientific and
engineering computing environments.

computer algebra: algorithms for scalable parallel systems; design of
software, systems and user environments; integration of symbolic,
numeric and graphic tools including generation of numerical software;
applications in computational science and engineering.

numerical analysis: algorithms for scalable parallel systems: ODE's,
PDE's, FFT's, linear algebra, optimization; design of software, sys-
tems and user environments; applications in computational science and

computer graphics and human computer interfaces: visualization; graph-
ical user interfaces; knowledge-based advisory/help systems; applica-
tions in computational science and engineering.

mathematics and computer science education: role of the computer -
personal computer to supercomputer - in the undergraduate curriculum;
curriculum revision; design of instructional methods, software and

Send a letter stating research interests, a resume, and the names of three or
more references to:

James C. T. Pool, Head
Mathematics and Computer Science
206 Korman Center
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2884

INTERNET: [email protected]

Application deadline is January 31, 1992 or until approved positions are filled.

Leave messages for J. Pool on Message Board.

Drexel University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 91 17:46:29 CST
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and Applications

Contents LAA Volume 161, January 15, 199

Rajendra Bhatia (New Dehli, India) and Fuad Kittaneh (Kuwait City, Kuwait)
Approximation by Positive Operators

LeRoy B. Beasley (Logan, Utah) and Larry J. Cummings (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
Schur Extensions of Monomial Matrix Groups

Musheng Wei (Shanghai, China)
Algebraic Properties of the Rank-Deficient Equality-Constrained
and Weighted Least Squares Problems

F. K. Bell (Stirling, Scotland)
A Note on the Irregularity of Graphs

Stephen L. Campbell (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Uniqueness of Completions for Linear Time Varying
Differential Algebraic Equations

H. Valiaho (Helsinki, Finland)
Almost Definiteness of Matrices on Polyhedral Cones

Evgenij E. Tyrtyshnikov (Moscow, USSR)
Singular Values of Cauchy-Toeplitz Matrices

Stephen A. Andrea and T. G. Berry (Caracas, Venezuela)
Continued Fractions and Periodic Jacobi Matrices

Sze Fong Yau and Yoram Bresler (Urbana, Illinois)
A Generalization of Bergstrom's Inequality and Some Applications

K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush (Montgomery, Alabama)
Strong Shift Equivalence of Boolean and Positive Rational Matrices

Chi-Kwong Li, Lieba Rodman (Williamsburg, Virginia), and
Nam-Kiu Tsing (College Park, Maryland)
Linear Operators Preserving Certain Equivalence Relations Originating
in System Theory

Ingrid Daubechies and Jeffrey C. Lagarias (Murray Hill, New Jersey)
Sets of Matrices All Infinite Products of Which Converge

Seok-Zun Song (Logan, Utah)
Minimum Permanents on Certain Doubly Stochastic Matrices. II


From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 91 11:33 EDT
Subject: Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization

Table of Contents -- SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Vol. 30, No. 2, March 1992

On the Existence of Optimal Relaxed Controls of Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations
Xun Yu Zhu

A Game Theoretic Approach to $H^\infty$ COntrol for Time-Varying Systems
David J. N. Limebeer, Brian D. O. Anderson, Pramod P. Khargonekar, and
Michael Green

Stochastic Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman Equations
Shige Peng

A Penalization Method for Optimal Control of Elliptic Problems with State
Maitine Bergounioux

Differential Inclusions and Target Problems
Marc Quincampoix

Dynamic Disturbance Decoupling for Nonlinear Systems
H. J. C. Huijberts, H. Nijmeijer, and L. L. M. van der Wegen

A Nonregular Solution of the Nonlinear Dynamic Disturbance Decoupling
Problem with an Application to a Complete Solution of the Nonlinear Model
Matching Problem
H. J. C. Huijberts

On the Extension of Newton's Method to Semi-Infinite Minimax Problems
E. Polak, D. Q. Mayne, and J. E. Higgins

A Problem Decomposition Technique with Application to the Optimal
Distribution of Enzymes
David E. Stewart

On the Linear Convergence of Descent Methods for Convex Essentially Smooth
Zhi-Quan Luo and Paul Tseng

On the Optimal Tracking Problem
Ofer Zeitouni and Moshe Zakai

A Monte Carlo Method for Sensitivity Analysis and Parametric Optimization of
Nonlinear Stochastic Systems: The Ergodic Case
Harold J. Kushner and Jichuan Yang

Convex Duality and Generalized Solutions in the Optimal Control Problem for
Stopped Processes: The Deterministic Model
Hang Zhu

Mesh Independence of the Gradient Projection Method for Optimal Control
C. T. Kelley and E. W. Sachs

For further information contact the Publisher, SIAM Publications, 3600
University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688. Phone: (215)
382-9800. E-mail: [email protected]


From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 91 12:33 EDT
Subject: Contents, SIAM Optimization

SIAM Journal on Optimization
February 1992 Volume 2, Number 1


Classification of Critical Stationary Points in Unconstrained Optimization
Stefan Schaffler

A Potential Reduction Algorithm Allowing Column Generation
Yinyu Ye

Global Convergence Properties of Conjugate Gradient Methods for Optimization
Jean Charles Gilbert and Jorge Nocedal

Error Bound and Convergence Analysis of Matrix Splitting Algorithms
for the Affine Variational Inequality Problem
Zhi-Quan Luo and Paul Tseng

A Large-Step Analytic Center Method for a Class of Smooth Convex
Programming Problems
D. den Hertog, C. Roos, and T. Terlaky

A Complexity Reduction for the Long-Step Path-Following Algorithm for
Linear Programming
D. den Hertog, C. Roos, and J. Ph. Vial

Large-Scale Optimization of Eigenvalues
Michael L. Overton

A Version of the Bundle Idea for Minimizing A Nonsmooth Function:
Conceptual Idea, Convergence Analysis, Numerical Results
Helga Schramm and Jochem Zowe

Necessary Optimality Conditions for Nonsmooth Multicriterial
Optimization Problems
Tilo Staib


End of NA Digest
