NA Digest Sunday, November 13, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 45

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Paul Calamai <phcalamai%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 88 08:30:30 EST
Subject: Looking for Code for L-p Approximation

I've written a code for the l-p solution of linear equations where
1 < p < 2 (i.e. the l-p approximation problem) and would like to
compare this code with others to provide some insight into the merit
(or lack thereof) of my approach. If anyone can send me such a code
via email then that would be ideal but I would gladly pay for
any shipping or handling charges if snail mail were used instead.

My email addresses are:

UUCP: {uunet,ihnp2,allegra}utzoo!watmath!water!phcalamai
ARPANET,CSNET,MILNET: [email protected]
BITNET: [email protected]

My snail mail address is:

Paul H. Calamai
Dept. of Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ont.
Canada N2L 3G1
(519) 885-1211 ext. 3182


From: Mark Kent <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 88 15:24:39 PST
Subject: New na.<lastname> facility

I have just installed a new na.<lastname> facility that is
*completely* different than the previous implementation.
No new features, but there should be one less bug.

Mail to [email protected] if there are any problems.

mail to [email protected] for submissions to the digest.
[email protected] for requests, questions, problems.

If you cannot get to host then try routing

na%[email protected]
or nanet%[email protected]

Those coming in through bitnet, csnet or uunet
will *not* need the extra routing, but those on the Internet that
are not running name resolution software will need the extra routing.

The host does not support any NA-NET functions. It was
announced about a year ago that we were moving off
but that mail addressed there would work for a while. As of yesterday,
mail to na.<anyone> will get bounced with an error

Everything should go to host (but of course you
can route through intermediate machines).

Also, updates to the NA list are currently back logged, and this
should be rectified soon.



From: Alan Miller <[email protected]>
Date: 7 Nov 88 00:01:16 GMT
Subject: Re: Knuth's Spectral Test

In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ajay) writes:
>I was wondering if anyone had a program (machine readable or
>otherwise) in FORTRAN or C for Knuth's Spectral Test,as
>described in his book "The Art of Computer Programming"
>for testing Random Number Generators. I would be extremely
>grateful if someone could help me out. If you can, please
>send me e-mail([email protected]).
>Thanks. Ajay

Code in Fortran is given in:
Golder, E.R. (1976) The spectral test for the evaluation of congruential
pseudo-random generators, Appl. Statist., v25, 173-180. This is Applied
Stats. algorithm AS98.

See the following for amendments:
Golder, E.R. (1976) Remark ASR18, Appl. Statist., v25, 324.

Hoaglin, D.C. & King, M.L. Remark ASR24, Appl. Statist., v27, 375-377.

Hopkins, T.R. (1983) Algorithm AS193: A revised algorithm for the spectral
test, Appl. Statist., v32, 328-335.

Hill, I.D. (1985) Remark ASR57, Appl. Statist., v34, 102-103.


From: Ian Gladwell <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 88 09:33:51 CST
Subject: Positions at SMU

Southern Methodist University
Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University seeks
applications for one senior and several junior tenure track positions with
employment beginning Fall 1989. Candidates should be active researchers in
applied or numerical mathematics and should have a strong commitment to
undergraduate teaching. Preference will be given to applicants who can
contribute to the doctoral program in applied mathematics, numerical
analysis and scientific computation. For the senior position, candidates
should have an outstanding research record and experience in advising
Ph.D. students. The teaching load for each position is two courses (six
hours) per semester. There may also be visiting positions available in
academic year 1989-90.

Southern Methodist University has about 8000 students. The Mathematics
Department has a strong and ongoing commitment to the development of
classical and modern applied mathematics. Eleven of the fifteen full-time
faculty are applied or numerical mathematicians. Current areas of research
include mathematical modeling of physical and biological phenomena,
nonlinear waves, perturbation methods, parameter estimation, numerical
bifurcation, mathematical software for differential equations and parallel
computation. Candidates should be active in one of these areas or a
related one. Senior faculty and their interests include D.H. Anderson
(biomathematics), W.E. Ferguson (numerical partial differential
equations), I. Gladwell (mathematical software), R. Haberman (nonlinear
waves), G.W. Reddien (bifurcation theory) and L.F. Shampine (numerical
ordinary differential equations). Among its computers, the university has
a Sequent Symmetry for research use.

Complete applications must be received by January 1st, 1989. Send a letter
of application, a vita and three letters of recommendation to: I.
Gladwell, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist
University, Dallas, Texas 75275 (Tel: (214) 692-2506) who may also be
contacted with any questions concerning the positions.

SMU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action/Title IX employer.

I. Gladwell email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]


From: Ian Gladwell <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 88 09:34:01 CST
Subject: Conference on Computational ODEs


Imperial College, London 3rd--7th July, 1989


The IMA is organising a conference on Computational Ordinary Differential
Equations, to be held at Imperial College, London, in July, 1989.

The aim of this meeting is to bring together research workers and
practitioners in theory and algorithms for the numerical solution of
ordinary differential equations. All relevant topics are to be covered and
contributions in application areas will be encouraged.

The invited speakers are

J.C. Butcher (Auckland)
H.B. Keller (Caltech)
R.E. O'Malley Jr. (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
L.R. Petzold (Lawrence Livermore)
R.D. Russell (Simon Fraser, Vancouver)
J.M. Sanz-Serna (Valladolid)
L.F. Shampine (Southern Methodist, Dallas)
M.N. Spijker (Leiden)

In addition, the programme will feature ``highlighted'' talks, contributed
papers and posters. The highlighted and contributed papers will be of 40
and 20 minutes presentation time respectively. The highlighted papers
will be selected by the Organising Committee on the basis of an extended
abstract (approx. 1000 words), contributed papers and posters on the basis
of a approx. 300 word abstract. Abstracts for all categories should be
sent to the IMA and must be received by 15th January 1989. Authors will be
notified of the committee's decision during March 1989.

The members of the Organising Committee are: Dr. J.R. Cash
(Imperial College of Science and Technology, London),
Dr. R. England, AFIMA (The Open University, Milton Keynes),
Prof. I. Gladwell, FIMA (Southern Methodist University, Dallas)
and Dr. A. Iserles, AFIMA (University of Cambridge).

There will be a reduced conference fee for full-time research students.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Oxford University
Press in the IMA Conference Proceedings Series.

Abstracts and all other enquiries should be sent to: Conference Officer,
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Maitland House, Warrior
Square, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 2JY or, by electronic mail, to
[email protected]


From: J.G.McWhirter <JGM%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 88 08:34
Subject: IMA Conference on Signal Processing


Conference on
13th - 15th December 1988 University of Warwick


Tutorial Course on
12th December 1988 University of Warwick

Conference Sponsored by RACAL Research Limited
Co-Sponsored by SMAI,
The Institution of Electrical Engineers
and the Institute of Physics

Signal Processing represents a major growth area for the application of
mathematical concepts and techniques. For example, the modern signal
processing techniques of adaptive filtering and high resolution spectral
analysis encompass a broad range of mathematical concepts from linear
algebra and numerical analysis to parallel processing and the solution of
inverse problems.
The aim of this conference is to bring together mathematicians and signal
processing experts with a view to exploring the many areas of mutual
interest, addressing the important mathematical problems which arise in
signal processing and identifying fruitful avenues for further research. It
is hoped that the meeting will also provide a focal point for attracting
more scientists and engineers into this exciting research field. The
conference will comprise six non-overlapping sessions each featuring five
or six spoken papers of a self-contained and partly tutorial nature, and a
related poster session for papers which describe more specific research
results and ideas in the area of interest.
A very exciting social programme has been arranged which includes a civic
reception and a buffet at St Mary's Guildhall,Coventry; a Medieval Banquet
at Coombe Abbey and an optional visit to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre at
Stratford-upon-Avon to see 'The Tempest'.

Invited Speakers: R E Blahut, T E Curtis, B Arambepola, E R Pike,
D M Titterington, J Besag, J Proakis, L Lacoume, J F Bohme, S Haykin,
M Bellanger, B Friedlander, P Van Dooren, G Golub, V Vandewalle,
L Elden, J Speiser, F T Luk, Y Robert.

On Monday 12th December 1988 there will be a one-day tutorial course on
"The Mathematics of Adaptive Filtering". Speakers: J E Hudson,
J Proakis, J Speiser, F T Luk.

Applications to: The Conference Officer, The Institute of Mathematics and
its Applications, Maitland House, Warrior Square, Southend-on-Sea, Essex
SS1 2JY.


From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 88 11:25:22 cst
Subject: LAA Special Issue on Matrix Canonical FOrms


Special Isuue on

Linear Algebra and its Applications is pleased to announce a
special issue on Matrix Canonical Forms.

Contributions for the special issue are invited in any area in
which matrix canonical forms play a role. New canonical forms
motivated by modern applications, new approaches to calculating,
interpreting, or applying old or new canonical forms, and surveys of
theoretical and applied areas are all welcome. Papers should meet the
usual publication standards of LAA and will be refereed in the usual
way. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is November 1989, and
publication of the special issue is expected about a year later.
Papers may be sent to any of the three special editors of the matrix
canonical forms issue:

Roger A. Horn
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland 21218 USA
([email protected])

Thomas J. Laffey
Mathematics Department
University College Dublin
Dublin (4) Ireland
([email protected])

Russell L. Merris
Department of Mathematics
California State University
Hayward, California 94542 USA


From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 88 11:25:22 cst
Subject: International Linear Algebra Society


August 12-15, 1989

Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah USA


The purpose of this first general meeting of ILAS (IMG) is to
provide an opportunity for researchers everywhere with an interest in
matrix theory to get together. The term "matrix theory" is broadly
interpreted and is meant to include those parts of the many subjects
that have stimulated research about matrices over the years.

In an effort to maximize the number of interested parties who can
attend, the cost of attending is being kept to a minimum. Centrally
located Salt Lake City International Airport is nearby and is serviced
be most major US carriers. A limited number of on-campus housing
slots will be available at a very low cost, along with an inexpensive
meal plan of good quality. Nearby motels will offer a very affordable
alternative. There will be no registration fee as such, although a
nominal and optional donation to the Society and for daily
refreshments will be solicited.

In addition, within easy driving distance from Provo lie a large
fraction of the many spectacular attractions of the Rocky Mountain
West. In addition to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and
Zion Park are a host of lesser known, but nearly as enjoyable parks. A
tour on either side of the meeting would be worth it by itself.

A special concentration at the meeting on nonnegative matrices and
related topics is to be modestly funded by the US NSA. Additional
subsidy is being graciously provided by Brigham Young University and
the time, effort and research funds of the organizers. We hope that
you can make the meeting a success with your attendance. Please
contact Wayne Barrett or any other organizer by electronic mail or in
writing with your interest in attending. We hope you will do this
soon, as this would be helpful for planning the program.

A special issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications will be
devoted to the meeting. This issue will contain only papers that meet
the publication standards of the journal, and that will be approved in
a normal refereeing procedure. Special editors of this issue are Wayne
Barrett, Danny Hershkowitz, and Don Robinson.

The organizers of the meeting are:

Wayne Barrett Danny Hershkowitz Charlie Johnson
Dept. Mathematics Dept. Mathematics Dept. Mathematics
Brigham Young Univ. Univ. of Wisconsin Coll. of William & Mary
Provo, UT 84602 Madison, WI 53706 Williamsburg, VA 23185
Chairman of committee

Hans Schneider Bob Thompson
Dept. Mathematics Dept. Mathematics
Univ. of Wisconsin Univ. of California
Madison, WI 53706 Santa Barbara, CA 93106

E-mail addresses of organizers are:

[email protected] (Barrett)
[email protected] (Hershkowitz)
#[email protected] (Johnson)
[email protected] (Schneider)
[email protected] (Thompson)


From: Michael Overton <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 88 12:28:10 EST
Subject: Graduate Study at the Courant Institute

Dear Colleague,

Below you will find some information on the graduate program in
numerical analysis at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
NYU. Since this is the time of year that students are deciding where
to apply for graduate study, we would greatly appreciate your bringing
this information to the attention of any of your undergraduates
who may be interested in our program.

With many thanks

Michael Overton


The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences offers a unique environment
for graduate study in numerical analysis:

- a strong and rich history of research in numerical analysis
and associated areas of applied mathematics and computing;

- an emphasis both on basic theoretical research and a wide variety
of applications;

- students may qualify for their graduate degree in either the computer
science or the mathematics department. Graduate courses in numerical
analysis are crosslisted in both departments;

- the Courant Institute is part of New York University, located at Washington
Square, in Greenwich Village, one of the most attractive and diversified
neighborhoods in New York City.

Applicants for both the Ph.D. and M.S. degrees should have strong
undergraduate degrees in computer science, mathematics, or other
applied science/engineering backgrounds.

Fellowships and assistantships are available for a limited number of well-
qualified students applying for full-time study for the Ph.D. degree.
They provide full-time tuition and a stipend for living expenses and
are renewable. Scores on both the general and subject tests of the GRE
are required for all financial aid applications; all such applications
must be received by mid-December.

(Computer Science and Mathematics Departments,
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

Marsha J. Berger (Ph.D., Stanford University, 1982).
Adaptive mesh refinement for time-dependent partial differential
equations, computational fluid dynamics.

James W. Demmel (Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1983).
Numerical linear algebra, complexity of numerical algorithms,
parallel numerical computing, robotics and control.

Jonathan B. Goodman (Ph.D., Stanford University, 1982).
Mathematical physics, shock waves, computational fluid dynamics.

Anne Greenbaum (Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1981).
Iterative methods for elliptic partial differential equations,
parallel computing.

Eugene Isaacson (Ph.D., New York University, 1949).
Numerical weather prediction.

Peter D. Lax (Ph.D., New York University, 1949).
Shock wave theory, numerical methods for time-dependent partial
differential equations.

Michael L. Overton (Ph.D., Stanford University, 1979).
Numerical optimization and nonlinear programming, numerical
linear algebra.

Charles S. Peskin (Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1972).
Mathematical problems in medicine and biology, computational
fluid dynamics.

Olof B. Widlund (Ph.D., Uppsala University, 1968).
Finite elements, domain decomposition, iterative methods.


From: John Carroll <CARROLLJ%[email protected]>
Date: 11-NOV-1988 11:56:30
Subject: Sturm-Liouville Problems

A colleague of mine at the NIHE in Dublin has asked me to help him
locate a FORTRAN code (such as SLEIGN) which implements a general
purpose algorithm for the automatic computation of eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions of Sturm-Liouville problems, both singular and non-
singular. The algorithm in SLEIGN, for example, is based on the
solution of initial value problems, using an integrator having a
built-in global error estimating capability.

If anyone can provide me with the source of an appropriate code,
please contact me by electronic mail at

[email protected], or directly to
[email protected]

John Carroll
School of Mathematical Sciences
NIHE, Dublin 9, Ireland


From: Jim Pool <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 88 21:10:59 EST
Subject: Faculty Positions at Drexel University

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Drexel University
anticipates three or more new tenure-track appointments for 1989-90. These
positions, ranging from Assistant Professor to Professor, will be filled
from applicants with interests in, for example:

computer graphics - visualization of scientific data;

computer networks - transparent access to remote resources;

computational statistics - data analysis using 3D graphics;

computational mathematics - symbolic algebra and the interface to
numerical mathematics;

computational mathematics - development of parallel algorithms for
symbolic or numeric computation;

expert systems - user interfaces for scientific applications;

data base management - techniques for scientific data bases; and

languages and compilers - tools for parallel architectures.

A departmental network is being implemented with nodes ranging from
personal computers to a graphics "superworkstation" and a gateway to
remote resources via NSFNET. Computers on the Drexel campus include
Apple Macintoshes (every entering freshman buys one), workstations,
a Convex C-1, and an IBM 3090VF. Drexel is an affiliate of the
Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center.

Resumes should be sent prior to December 16, 1988 to:

James C. T. Pool
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Expressions of interest may also be sent to:

[email protected]

Alternatively, interested individuals may contact Jim Pool at the Hyatt
Orlando during Supercomputing 88.

Drexel University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.


From: Chuck Gartland <gartland%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 88 10:36:01 EST
Subject: Conference to Honor Richard Varga

** First Announcement **

A Conference On


in honor of Richard S. Varga
on the occasion of his 60th birthday

March 30, 31, and April 1, 1989

Kent State University
Kent, Ohio USA

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: G.H. Golub * J.W. Jerome * E.B. Saff
G.W. Stewart * J.A. Stoer * D.M. Young, Jr.

TENTATIVE LIST OF SPEAKERS: Garrett Birkhoff Robert J. Plemmons
Cai Da-Yong Werner C. Rheinboldt
Philippe Ciarlet Theodore J. Rivlin
George Csordas Edward B. Saff
Walter Gautschi Larry L. Schumaker
Martin H. Gutknecht Ambikeshwar Sharma
Louis A. Hageman Jozsef Szabados
Joseph W. Jerome Olga Taussky Todd
Yuri A. Kuznetsov John Todd
George G. Lorentz Lloyd N. Trefethen
Wilhelm Niethammer

The conference is being sponsored by Kent State University, the Department
of Mathematical Sciences and the Institute for Computational Mathematics.
It is being co-sponsored by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
and it has the endorsement of the International Mathematical Union. External
support is being provided by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research,
The U.S. Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation, with
additional funding by the Central States Universities, Inc., and the Kent State
Research Council and Office for Institutional Advancement.
The meeting will consist of 15 invited one-hour addresses, 6 solicited
twenty-minute talks, and 8 contributed 15-minute papers. To be considered
for a contributed paper, please send a one-page abstract to the address below
by January 1, 1989. A proceedings will be published in Numerische Mathematik.
Some funds are available for students and faculty with no other means of
support. For more information, write to

INFORMATION: E.C. Gartland, Jr. (Varga Conference)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242 USA

E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


End of NA Digest
