NA Digest Saturday, February 21, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 4
This weeks Editor: Gene Golub
Today's Topics:
Mail-From: GOLUB created at 20-Feb-87 23:20:54
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 87 12:51:54 EST
From: [email protected] (Bob Ward)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Numerical Linear Algebra Year
ReSent-Date: Fri 20 Feb 87 23:20:53-PST
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]
Numerical Linear Algebra Year
The University of Tennessee
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics of The University
of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK) and the Mathematical Sciences Section
of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are sponsoring a Numerical
Linear Algebra Year from September 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988. During
this period, leading researchers in numerical linear algebra and
related areas of scientific computation and computer science are
invited to visit the University and the Laboratory. Graduate students
performing research in these areas are also invited to participate.
New computer architectures are forcing researchers in scientific
computation generally, and those in numerical linear algebra in
particular, to study problems in communication networks, load
balancing, and related problems previously regarded as exclusively core
computer science problems. Thus, computer scientists whose research
interests are in these areas are especially invited to visit.
Although research and interest is expected to be ongoing in all areas
of numerical linear algebra during the entire ten months, different
topics will be emphasized during the year. Plans are to emphasize
systems of linear equations during the Fall Quarter (September -
December, 1987), eigenvalues and singular values during the Winter
Quarter (January - March, 1988), and least squares during the Spring
Quarter (April - June, 1988).
In addition to the substantial number of researchers at UTK/ORNL who
are actively involved in numerical linear algebra and related areas of
scientific computing, the following people have tentatively agreed to
visit UTK/ORNL during the Numerical Linear Algebra Year: A. Bjorck
(Linkoping), J. J. Dongarra (Argonne), G. H. Golub (Stanford), J. M.
Ortega (Virginia), C. C. Paige (McGill), B. N. Parlett (Berkeley),
R. J. Plemmons (N.C. State), M. A. Saunders (Stanford), D. Sorensen
(Argonne), G. W. Stewart (Maryland), C. Van Loan (Cornell) and D. M.
Young (Texas).
Visits ranging from two weeks to the entire year can be arranged. A
limited amount of financial support is available. For information,
prospective visitors should contact John Bradley, Head of the
Mathematics Department at UTK (email: [email protected]), Jesse
Poore, Head of the Computer Science Department at UTK (email:
[email protected]), or Bob Ward, Head of Mathematical Sciences
at ORNL (email: [email protected]).
End of NA Digest