NA Digest, V. 22, # 33

NA Digest Sunday, October 09, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 33

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Albert Cohen [email protected]
Date: October 08, 2022
Subject: Call for Nominations, Vasil A. Popov Prize, Due January 31, 2023

The Vasil A. Popov Prize was established in memory of the late
Professor Vasil A. Popov (1942-1990) of Bulgaria in recognition of his
contributions to approximation theory and related areas of
mathematics. The prize was created in 1995 through donations from his
colleagues and admirers, and is awarded every three years to an
outstanding young approximation theorist with at most 6 years of
professional experience beyond the terminal degree.

The Tenth Vasil A. Popov Prize will be awarded at the Foundation of
Computational Mathematics international conference, to be held June
12-21, 2023 in Paris, France. Eligibility for this Prize is restricted
to mathematicians who did not have their terminal degree on January
31, 2017. We strongly encourage you to submit letters of nomination
for any eligible candidate you feel has made outstanding contributions
in fields related to Vasil Popov's work. Letters of support of the
candidates are also welcome. The deadline for the call is January 31,

For more details or to view the Call for Nominations, please visit:

The Vasil A. Popov Prize is good for mathematics ! It brings
recognition to an important area of mathematical research, bridging
theory and applications, and encourages young talented mathematicians
engaging into this area. On behalf of the Popov Prize Selection
Committee, I am asking for your help. The Prize is maintained solely
through generous contributions from colleagues and friends. Please
consider making a donation today to the Popov Foundation. 100% of your
generous contribution directly supports the Vasil A. Popov Prize. Our
goal is to raise 4000 Euro so that we may continue to recognize and
promote outstanding mathematicians with this award. For more
information, please go to:

From: Thomas M. Surowiec [email protected]
Date: October 06, 2022
Subject: New Hybrid Seminar, Optimization in Oslo, ONLINE, Starting Oct 2022

Optimization in Oslo (OiO) Seminar

I am pleased to announce a new hybrid format seminar "Optimization in
Oslo" here at Simula Research Laboratory. The OiO seminar will
showcase internationally renowned speakers with a strong emphasis on
topics involving, but not limited to, optimization under uncertainty,
PDE- constrained optimization, optimal control of complex systems,
uncertainty quantification, scientific machine learning, and
application areas such as image processing, materials science and
more. The OiO seminar is a part of a broader effort to grow interest
in continuous optimization in Oslo and is open to students,
postdoctoral researchers, and beyond.

The first group of speakers will be:
Oct. 19 Karl Kunisch University of Graz & Radon Institute
Oct. 26 Niels Aage Technical University of Denmark
Nov. 2 Coralia Cartis University of Oxford
Nov. 9 Lars Ruthotto Emory University
Nov. 16 Drew P. Kouri Sandia National Laboratories
Nov. 23 Brendan Keith Brown University
Nov. 30 Mathias Staudigl Maastricht University
Dec. 7 Michael Hintermuller Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
& Weierstrass-Institut
Dec. 14 Johannes Royset Naval Postgraduate School
Dec. 21 Johannes Milz TU Munchen

The planned format of the talk is 50 minutes for presentations and 10
minutes for questions. We are planning to allow people to remotely
attend the event and, pending each speaker's consent, we will record
the events and host them on YouTube. If you'd like to attend an event
in person in Oslo then please contact me directly.

Please sign up for the separate mailing list here:

From: Khalide Jbilou [email protected]
Date: October 04, 2022
Subject: NA and Scientific Computation with Applications, Greece, Jul 2023

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing with Applications, NASCA23
Athens, Greece 3--6 July, 2023.

The topics of the conference are: Linear and Multilinear algebra,
Maching Learning; Optimization, Domain Decomposition methods;
Preconditioning techniques; Model Reduction, Numerical Methods and
Analysis of PDEs; Approximation, Inverse and Ill-posed problems for
image processing, Computational Statistics.

The invited speakers: Michele Benzi (Italy); Froilan Dopico (Spain);
Andreas Boudouvis (Greece); Ahmed Ratnani (Morocco); Marcos Raydan
(Portugal); Lothar Reichel (USA); Yousef Saad (USA); Hassane Sadok

Deadline for abstract submission: January 15, 2023.
Deadline for registration: April 15, 2023 .

The proceedings of the conference will appear as a special volume of
an international journal, subject to a regular refereeing process.

For more information, please refer to the web page:

Contact: [email protected]

From: David Knezevic [email protected]
Date: October 06, 2022
Subject: Software Engineer Position, Akselos

Akselos is a fast-growing simulation technology company (spin-off from
MIT) that provides advanced for physics-based Digital Twins of
critical infrastructure for a wide range of industries.

Akselos has an opening for a Simulation Software Engineer position,
based in one of our offices in the US or Europe. The role is focused
on development of high-performance reduced order modeling and
FEA-based software as part of our Digital Twin software platform.

The ideal candidate would have the following skills:
- Expert with C++ (Python experience a plus)
- Strong background in scientific computing with C++
- Experience with development of FEA-based structural analysis
software (linear and nonlinear) with FEA
- Experience with development of FEA software in a commercial setting
is a plus
- Experience with open-source C++ FEA libraries is a plus
(e.g. libMesh, Deal.II, PETSc, etc.)

Please see the link below for further details, and to apply:

From: Bahar Yetis [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2022
Subject: Faculty Positions, Bilkent Univ

The Industrial Engineering Department at Bilkent University seeks
candidates for multiple faculty positions beginning September 2023.
Appointments may be made at Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
or Full Professor positions. The candidate must have a Ph.D degree in
a related field at the time of employment. The department emphasizes
both high quality research and teaching. Information about the
department can be found at

The department welcomes candidates with a strong fundamental
background in one of the research fields: optimization,
decision-making under uncertainty and risk, revenue management and
pricing, production planning, simulation, statistics or data
analytics. Candidates, who can build a strong methodological research
base of operations research by contributing to application areas of
high impact such as finance, health care, supply chain, sharing
platforms or energy, are especially encouraged to apply.

Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. Faculty
members are provided with research and teaching support, provision for
international travel, comprehensive health coverage, pension and other
benefits, and rent-free furnished housing on campus where the suburban
location offers a pleasant living environment. For the first four
years, new faculty members will have a reduced teaching load. There is
also an excellent international school (with grades pre-K to 12) for
faculty members with families. For more information visit

Applicants could submit their applications online at

If you are presenting at the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, submit at
least a partial application package to Prof. Bahar Yeti_, Chair,
E-mail: [email protected]

From: David Ketcheson [email protected]
Date: October 06, 2022
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Math & Computational Science, KAUST

The Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
Division at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
invites applications for faculty positions in

- Applied Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Applied
probability, and Numerical Analysis

- Mathematical Foundations of Data Science, Scientific Computing,
Optimization, Applied Geometry, and Related Fields

at any level (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor), beginning in
the Fall of 2022. Candidates applying for a position of Assistant
Professor should have an excellent potential for high-impact
research. Candidates applying for Associate and Full Professor
positions should have a distinguished track record in research and a
strong commitment to service, mentoring, teaching at the graduate
level, and making an impact in interdisciplinary research. Candidates
working in the mentioned areas on the interface of KAUST initiatives,
including artificial intelligence, climate and livability, resilient
computing and cybersecurity and smart health are encouraged.
Candidates must have a doctoral degree in Mathematics or other
relevant fields with publications in top journals and subject-matter
journals/conferences. Moreover, experience in interdisciplinary
research and a strong publication record commensurate with the level
of the post he/she applies for are expected. The evidence of a track
record in successfully attracting external funding and independent
research for senior positions is essential. Women candidates are
especially encouraged to apply.

To apply, please visit:

From: Laurent Pfeiffer [email protected]
Date: October 06, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical Biology, France

We would like to advertise postdoc positions (2 years) that we have
available at Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) and CentraleSupelec
(Saclay, France) in the context of a starting collaborative project
between Inria and Institut Pasteur. The focus of the project is on
coupling models of stochastic biochemical processes inside single
cells (continuous-time Markov chains or stochastic differential
equations) to population-level processes. The objective is then to
develop methods for model identification and optimal control to
understand and regulate the dynamics of microbial populations and
consortia emerging from synthetically engineered gene networks in
yeast cells that we are studying in our experimental biology
laboratory at Pasteur.

Candidates should have a PhD in a theoretical field, such as
mathematics, physics, computer science, control engineering or
similar, and be capable of using methods from these fields to study
dynamical systems and stochastic processes in applications. Experience
with either continuous- time Markov chains, stochastic differential
equations, stochastic chemical kinetics or alternatively partial
differential equations and numerical analysis is a plus. Specific
expertise in biology is not required but candidates are expected to
build up an understanding of our concrete applications throughout the
course of the project. Candidates who expect to finish their
PhD-studies in the near future are also encouraged to apply.

More detailed information on the open positions can be found here:

From: Jennifer K Ryan [email protected]
Date: October 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, KTH, Sweden

The numerical analysis unit within the department of Mathematics at
KTH Royal Institute of Technology is offering a two-year postdoc
position. The research project will be focused on the development of
filtering techniques for extracting specific signal content from
simulation data, especially near boundaries, as well spline
filtering. This entails aspects from approximation theory, wavelets,
error estimation of simulation data, and contribution to the SIAC
Magic ToolBox. Proposed Applications are visualization and turbulence
modelling. The project will span theory, algorithms, software and

Further information, including the application process, can be found

From: J. Lu [email protected]
Date: October 09, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Comp/Optim/Wavelet/ML, SZU

Job Type: Full-Time for Research Scientist / PostDoc
Duration: 2 years
Number of Position: 2 Positions
Salary for Postdoc: about 340,000 RMB (about 48892 US dollars) --
420,000RMB (about 60396 US dollars) per year.
Closing Date: Open Until Filled.

Description: We have projects that are looking for Research
Scientists/Postdoc in Wavelet/Fourier analysis, Optimization,
Numerical Computing, Image/Video/Signal Processing/Analysis, Matrix
theory, Harmonic Analysis, Machine Learning, etc.

We have no teaching tasks.

Promotors: Prof. Jian Lu (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Machine
Learning and Applications, College of Mathematics and Statistics,
Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. email: [email protected];
[email protected])

Those who are interested in Research Scientist/Postdoc please send
their C.V. to Prof. Dr. Jian Lu (email: [email protected];
[email protected] ).

From: Carlo de Falco [email protected]
Date: October 06, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing and HPC, IIT, Italy

Call for Post-Doctoral position in scientific computing micro-kernels
development for HPC architectures at the Italian Institute of
Technology (IIT). Host: Dr. Walter Rocchia, CONCEPT Lab, the Italian
Institute of Technology

Description: We have an opening for an up-to-three-year postdoctoral
position in the CONCEPT Lab of the Italian Institute of
Technology. The focus of the position is on algorithmic development
and especially High-Performance restructuring of key microkernels of
scientific codes in various fields of molecular modeling and
simulation of systems at the nanoscale, with relevant applications to
health and material sciences. The applicant will be co-mentored by
Dr. Sergio Decherchi and will have access to the supercomputing
infrastructure of the IIT.

The main responsibilities will be: Identify new/more efficient
parallelization strategies for given key target micro-kernels.
Develop micro-kernels with different languages and parallelization
frameworks (e.g. CUDA vs Sycl vs Pytorch) and study performance and
performance portability. Testing and benchmarking on various
computing architectures including but not limited to x86 and non-x86
ones. Training and skills required: A PhD in Computer Science,
Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, and similar disciplines. Documented
experience on the development of HPC codes, algorithm implementation,
knowledge of one or more of the following languages C, C++, CUDA,
OpenCL, OpenACC. Useful additional values are: A strong publication
record; The ability to properly report, organize and publish research
data; Documented experience in coaching junior scientists; Good
command in spoken and written English. Timeline: The postdoc could
begin as early as November 2022, but could start later if needed. The
position will stay open until it is filled with an appropriate
candidate. Teaching: The position does not require any teaching, but
teaching opportunities and teaching mentorship are available if the
candidate is interested.

Contact: Interested applicants should contact Dr. Rocchia
([email protected]) and follow the directions at the following web

From: Tapio Helin [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, UQ and Inverse Problems, LUT Univ

At LUT University in Finland we have two open positions for
postdoctoral researchers in inverse problems and uncertainty
quantification. The positions are fixed-term for 2 years and are
funded by the Academy of Finland consortium research project "New
frontiers in Bayesian optimal design for applied inverse problems" and
the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence of Inverse Modelling and

The deadline for applications is October 16. The work will start at
the earliest in November (negotiable). More information about
positions and how to apply is available at

From: Andreas Adelmann [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Computational Accelerator Physics, Switzerland

In my group at PSI I have two roles to fill: a two year Post Doc
Position in Computational Accelerator Physics and a possibility to
fill Marie Curie Fellowship also for 2 years. Please have a look at for detailed
information and contact me ([email protected]) if this sparked
your interest!

From: Markus Bause [email protected]
Date: October 07, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Nonlinear Waves and Machine Learning, Germany

DASHH ( is a graduate school in Hamburg that
offers challenging PhD topics at the interface of the natural
sciences, numerical mathematics, and data and computer science. DASHH
is a partnership of several research institutions and universities,
including the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, in the vibrant and
multifaceted city of Hamburg. Within DASHH we looking for highly
qualified and talented PhD candidate interested to work on numerical
simulation and scientific data science in nonlinear optics.

The official job posting for a fully funded 3-year employment at the
Helmut Schmidt University and the link to the web interface for
application can be found here:

The application deadline is October 25, 2022.

Requirements: We are looking for highly motivated students with an
excellent academic background in numerical mathematics (particularly
computational partial differential equations and scientific computing)
and physics. The candidates should bring a strong interest to work on
highly interdisciplinary topics, should be team oriented and have a
strong background in programming.

For enquiries about the project and employment, please contact
Prof. M. Bause ([email protected]).

From: Roy Goodman [email protected]
Date: October 04, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics and Applied Statistics, NJIT

The PhD Programs in the Department of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at
New Jersey Institute of Technology provide students with training and
research experience in the methods of applied mathematics, statistics,
and computing needed to tackle real-world problems in science and
engineering. DMS invites candidates to apply for one of our doctoral
program tracks: (1) Applied Mathematics or (2) Applied Probability &
Statistics. The interdisciplinary research in DMS spans Scientific
Computing, Fluid Dynamics, Materials Science, Wave Propagation,
Applied Analysis, Mathematical Biology and Computational Neuroscience,
and Applied Probability and Statistics, including Biostatistics and
Data Science. DMS offers teaching and research assistantships, which
include a tuition waiver, a competitive stipend starting at $25,000
per academic year and, pending funding availability, at least $3,500
in summer support. The application target date is December 15, 2022,
but review will continue until all available positions are filled.

The department will hold an online open house on Zoom on Wednesday,
October 19, 2:30-4:00 pm EST. Interested students may register at the
link below. Students who register will receive a link to join the

To get more information and submit an application, visit

For any further questions, please email us at [email protected] and cc:
[email protected].

From: Alex Zhang [email protected]
Date: October 09, 2022
Subject: Contents, Axiom (High Cited Articles), 2021

Periodic Property and Instability of a Rotating Pendulum System, He
J-H, Amer TS, Elnaggar S, Galal AA.

Modeling Multi-Dimensional Public Opinion Process Based on Complex
Network Dynamics Model in the Context of Derived Topics, Chen T, Yin
X, Yang J, Cong G, Li G.

Monitoring and Recognizing Enterprise Public Opinion from High-Risk
Users Based on User Portrait and Random Forest Algorithm, Chen T, Yin
X, Peng L, Rong J, Yang J, Cong G.

Some New Fractional Estimates of Inequalities for LR-p-Convex
Interval-Valued Functions by Means of Pseudo Order Relation, Khan MB,
Mohammed PO, Noor MA, Baleanu D, Guirao JLG.

Strong Interacting Internal Waves in Rotating Ocean: Novel Fractional
Approach, Veeresha P, Baskonus HM, Gao W.

Modeling and Forecasting of COVID-19 Spreading by Delayed Stochastic
Differential Equations, Mahrouf M, Boukhouima A, Zine H, Lotfi EM,
Torres DFM, Yousfi N.

A New Inverted Topp-Leone Distribution: Applications to the COVID-19
Mortality Rate in Two Different Countries, Almetwally EM, Alharbi R,
Alnagar D, Hafez EH.

Outsourcing Reverse Logistics for E-Commerce Retailers: A Two-Stage
Fuzzy Optimization Approach, Wang C-N, Dang T-T, Nguyen N-A-T.

A Simple Frequency Formulation for the Tangent Oscillator, He J-H,
Yang Q, He C-H, Khan Y.

Applying Transformer Insulation Using Weibull Extended Distribution
Based on Progressive Censoring Scheme, Almongy HM, Alshenawy FY,
Almetwally EM, Abdo DA.

Axioms is celebrating its 10th Anniversary
2021 Impact Factor of Axioms: 1.824

End of Digest