NA Digest, V. 19, # 35

NA Digest Sunday, September 15, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 35

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Dayna Hagewood [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2019
Subject: New Book, Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

Princeton University Press is pleased to announce the publication of
Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science by Harry Lewis and
Rachel Zax. Please see below for a 30% off discount code for personal

"Carefully constructed and elegantly written, this book delivers
exactly what its title promises--an introductory treatment of all the
essentials of discrete mathematics that a computer scientist needs to
know." --David P. Williamson, Cornell University

Proven in the classroom, Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer
Science aims to teach mathematical reasoning as well as concepts and
skills by stressing the art of proof. It is fully illustrated in
color, and each chapter includes a concise summary as well as a set of
exercises. The text requires only precalculus, and where calculus is
needed, a quick summary of the basic facts is provided.

Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science is the ideal
introductory textbook for standard undergraduate courses, and is also
suitable for high school courses, distance education for adult
learners, and self-study.

To view the book on PUP's website:

Use code: P166 at checkout for 30% off. Offer expires December 31,

From: Kris ONeill [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2019
Subject: New Book, The Cahn–Hilliard Equation: Recent Advances and Applications

The Cahn-Hilliard Equation: Recent Advances and Applications
By Alain Miranville
CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics 95

This is the first book to present a detailed discussion of both
classical and recent results on the popular Cahn-Hilliard equation and
some of its variants. The focus is on mathematical analysis of
Cahn-Hilliard models, with an emphasis on thermodynamically relevant
logarithmic nonlinear terms, for which several questions are still
open. Many chapters include open problems and directions for future
research. 2019 / xiv + 216 pages / Softcover / 978-1-61197-591-8 /
List $69.00 / SIAM Member $48.30 / CB95

See more details here:

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2019
Subject: Course for New Lecturers in Mathematical Sciences, UK, Sep 2019

Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences 2019
18 - 19 September 2019
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

Through a community initiative supported by the Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, the Isaac Newton Institute for
Mathematical Sciences and the Heads of Departments of Mathematics
Sciences (HoDoMS) and endorsed by the Royal Statistical Society, the
London Mathematical Society, and the Operational Research Society we
are delighted to announce that in September 2019 the two-day Induction
Course for lecturers new to teaching mathematics and statistics within
Higher Education will again be taking place.

The Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences
has been designed by the mathematics community so that it is ideally
suited for anyone who is new to or has limited experience teaching
mathematics or statistics within UK higher education. It will be
delivered by individuals with significant experience of teaching in
the mathematical sciences and will focus upon the specific details and
issues that arise in mathematics and statistics teaching and learning
within higher education.

For further information, please visit:

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: September 13, 2019
Subject: IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference, UK, Oct 2019

IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Autumn Conference 2019
Saturday October 26, 2019
Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol

The conference will interest mathematicians early in their career, be
it in academia or industry, as well as students of mathematical
sciences, and those with an interest in the subject. It will feature
six plenary talks from distinguished speakers covering a wide range of
subjects, as well as activities to allow for interaction among the
attendees and speakers. This is a perfect opportunity to learn about
fascinating areas of mathematics (and their applications) from people
that work on them, whilst also providing you the chance to become more
involved with a professional body of mathematics. There will be plenty
of time to network during and after the conference, allowing you the
opportunity to meet people with similar interests and find out more
about the wide range of careers that are available.

Registration is currently open at:

For general conference queries please contact the Conferences
Department, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine
Richards House, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK.
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020

From: Grady Wright [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2019
Subject: SIAM PNW Section Biennial Conference, USA, Oct 2019

2nd Biennial Meeting of SIAM Pacific Northwest (PNW) Section
October 18-20, 2019
Seattle University, Seattle, Washington

The 2nd Biennial Meeting of SIAM Pacific Northwest (PNW) Section will
be held in Seattle, Washington on October 18-20, 2019. The conference
will bring together applied mathematicians in academia, national labs,
and industry located primarily in the Pacific Northwest. The meeting
will consist of plenary lectures, thematic sessions, contributed talks
and student posters. Limited travel support is available for students
from universities in the PNW.

Plenary speakers:
David George, Cascades Volcano Observatory
Thomas A. Grandine, The Boeing Company
Nathan Kutz, University of Washington
Mark Lewis, University of Alberta

Important deadlines:
September 18: Submission of talks and posters
September 18: Student travel support requests
October 1: Registration for conference

Please see the conference website listed above for submission details,
travel information, and registration.

From: Nils-Arne Dreier [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2019
Subject: Advanced Solvers for Modern Architectures, Germany, Nov 2019

7th Applied Mathematics Symposium Munster
Advanced Solvers for modern Architectures 2019
November 11-13, 2019
Munster, Germany

For exascale applications an increasing communication overhead and as
well as local concurrency pose the major challenges to obtain a
significant portion of the overall peak performance. In the last years
these problems have gained a lot of attention and different techniques
were developed to improve the scalability of linear and non-linear
solvers. This workshop wants to gather experts to discuss topics like

communication avoiding Krylov methods
asynchronicity in solvers
non-linear preconditioning
strong preconditioners (GMG and DD)
blocked and enriched Krylov methods.

All these approaches aim at increasing local costs and reducing or
hiding global communication costs, which will contribute to better

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2019
Subject: LMS-IMA Joint Meeting on Planet Earth, UK, Nov 2019

November 21, 2019 - Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading

Following the international programme MPE2013, the research agenda of
Mathematics of Planet Earth has gained more and more relevance within
Mathematics as well as at the interface(s) between Mathematics,
Computer Science, Physics, and, obviously, Geosciences. But, indeed,
related interdisciplinary exchanges have already a long of success in
areas such as fractal geometry, chaos theory, stochastic and
deterministic dynamical systems, partial differential equations,
numerics, and extreme value theory, among others. The goal of this
joint LMS-IMA meeting is to showcase some recent developments in pure
and applied mathematics that contribute to a better understanding of
the Planet Earth.

Keynote Speakers: Colin Cotter (Imperial College London); Michael Ghil
(UCLA and Ecole Normale Superieure); Peter Imkeller (University of
Berlin Von Humboldt); Kathrin Padberg-Gehle (University of Luneburg);
Sandro Vaienti (CPT-Luminy and University of Toulon); Beth Wingate
(University of Exeter)

Registration is now open via

There will be a Society Dinner held at the Meadow Suite, University of
Reading at 7.00 pm. If you wish to attend the Dinner, please select
the Dinner option when registering for the Conference.

Any queries please contact Conferences Department: Email:
[email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020 Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson
Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK.

From: Amaziane [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2019
Subject: SITRAM19, France, Dec 2019

We are pleased to announce this Call for Abstracts for the Workshop
SITRAM19: Advances in the SImulation of reactive flow and TRAnsport in
porous Media, to be held in the University of Pau, France, 2-3
December 2019.

The goal of the workshop is to present recent advances in both
modeling and simulation for coupled transport and geochemistry in
subsurface flow. Topics of interest include:
- Reactive multi-phase flow ;
- Impact of reactions on mechanics(changes on porosity or
- Discontinuous kinetic reactions ;
- Numerical methods for coupling flow, transport and reactions, HPC

A desirable outcome of the workshop will be the definition of a new
benchmark targeted towards two-phase flow with reactive transport in
porous media.

To find more details about the workshop, the program, and the
registration procedure, please visit our website at

Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]

From: Luca Bergamaschi [email protected]
Date: September 13, 2019
Subject: NLA for PDEs and Optimization, Italy, Feb 2020

1.5-days Workshop:
Numerical Linear Algebra for PDEs and Large Scale Optimization
University of Padova (Italy), February 17-18, 2020

The workshop is organized so to have 12 communications (45 minutes
each) delivered by as many invited speakers.

List of Invited Speakers:
Bellavia, Stefania (University of Firenze)
Benzi, Michele (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
Chan, Raymond (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Elman, Howard (University of Maryland)
Ferronato, Massimiliano (University of Padova)
Gondzio, Jacek (University of Edinburgh)
Gratton, Serge (ENSEEIHT, Toulouse)
Novati, Paolo (University of Trieste)
Ramage, Alison (University of Strathclyde)
Sachs, Ekkekard (University of Trier)
Stoll, Martin (Technical University of Chemnitz)
Tuma, Mirek (Charles University, Praha)

The registration is free. However an e-mail must be send to Luca
Bergamaschi ([email protected]) not later than January 15,

Further information at

From: Michal Kocvara [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2019
Subject: 7th IMA Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, UK, June 2020

The IMA and the University of Birmingham are pleased to announce the
Seventh Biennial IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and
Optimization, University of Birmingham, UK, 24-26 June 2020.

Conference topics include any subject that could be of interest to
both communities, such as: Direct and iterative methods for large
sparse linear systems; Eigenvalue computation and optimization;
Large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming; Effect of
round-off errors, stopping criteria, embedded iterative procedures;
Optimization issues for matrix polynomials; Fast matrix computations;
Compressed/sparse sensing; PDE-constrained optimization; Distributed
computing and optimization; Applications and real time optimization

Invited plenary speakers:
Pierre-Antoine Absil (University of Louvain)
Frank E. Curtis (Lehigh University)
Moritz Diehl (University of Freiburg)
Zlatko Drmac (University of Zagreb)
Melina Freitag (University of Bath)
Katya Scheinberg (Lehigh University) (tentative)
David Silvester (University of Manchester)

Mini-symposia proposals: 31 January 2020
Notification of acceptance of mini-symposia: 14 February 2020
Abstract submission: 28 February 2020
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 31 March 2020

For further information or to register your interest, please contact
Maya Evarson, Conference Officer, E-mail: [email protected],
Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020, Fax: +44 (0) 1702 354 111, Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson
Street, Southend- on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK.

From: Heike Fassbender [email protected]
Date: September 13, 2019
Subject: Call for Applications, Householder Symposium, Italy, Jun 2020

The Householder Symposium XXI on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held
from 14-19 June 2020 at hotel Sierra Silvana, Selva di Fasano (Br),

Web page:
Application deadline: 31 October 2019
Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2020

Attendance at the meeting is by invitation only. Applications are
welcome from researchers in numerical linear algebra, matrix theory,
and related areas such as optimization, differential equations, signal
processing, and control. Each attendee will be given the opportunity
to present a talk or a poster. Some talks will be plenary lectures,
while others will be shorter presentations arranged in parallel

The Symposium is very informal, with the intermingling of young and
established researchers a priority. Participants are expected to
attend the entire meeting. It is expected that partial support will be
available for some students, early career participants, and
participants from countries with limited resources.

The seventeenth Householder Award for the best PhD thesis in numerical
linear algebra (PhD earned between 1 January 2017, and 31 December
2019) will be presented. Nominations for the Householder Award are due
by 31 January 2020.

The Householder Symposium takes place in cooperation with the Society
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the SIAM Activity
Group on Linear Algebra.

From: Cecilia Bonetti [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2019
Subject: Free Boundary Problems, Germany, Sep 2020

We are pleased to announce that the 15th International Conference on
Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications 2020 (FBP 2020) will
take place on the campus of the Humboldt University (HU) of Berlin,
September 7-11, 2020. Please save the date!

The FBP conference is a flagship event that brings together the free
boundary/partial differential equation community and is organized
every few years with the most recent preceding conferences in Shanghai
(China, 2017) and Cambridge (UK, 2014) after the historical beginnings
of the conference series in Montecatini (Italy, 1981).

FBP 2020 is hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis
and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It will include a summer school, and a
Conference (September 7-11) with plenary talks, minisymposia, and
contributed sessions.

Further details can be found at and registration
for the conference is expected to be opened in November.

From: Remi Lodh [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2019
Subject: Chief Editor Position, Nature Computational Science

Nature is looking to recruit a Chief Editor for Nature Computational
Science, a new journal for scientists and engineers that will launch
in 2021. Job is based in one of the offices (London, New York or
Berlin). Applicant should have PhD and research experience in
computational sciences.

Deadline: September 23, 2019

Link to job description:

From: Silvio Stanzani [email protected]
Date: September 12, 2019
Subject: Multiple Positions, Advanced Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), Brazil

The Advanced Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
( is a consortium of researchers
committed to openness and inclusiveness that gathers together
different experts in AI with a collaborative and constructive spirit
to boldly attack challenging problems with high social and economic
impact through the fundamental support of the private sector.

Currently we have two open positions:

- Junior Machine Learning Researcher: the successful candidate will
work on the application of machine learning techniques to the
High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) experiments in
collaboration with the Sao Paulo Research and Analysis Center

- Software engineer: the successful candidate is expected to work in close
collaboration with the Center for Scientific Computing (NCC) of the Sao
Paulo State University (Unesp) on the performance optimization of
algorithms that compose of the High-Level Trigger (HLT) for the Compact
Muon Solenoid (CMS) Phase-II Upgrade.

If you are interested you can find detailed information about each
position and instructions about how to apply at

From: Hilary Lauer [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2019
Subject: Professorship Position, Cornell Univ

Eleonor and Howard Morgan Professorship

The School of Operations Research and Information Engineering at
Cornell University invites exceptional applicants for the Eleonor and
Howard Morgan Professorship. The School of ORIE seeks visionary
candidates who will drive new research thrusts, catalyze growth in
existing areas, and help lead efforts to realize the School's vision
of a world in which operation research and analytics are fundamental
to improved decision-making that helps address some of society's most
pressing problems.

Cornell ORIE is a diverse group of high-quality researchers and
educators interested in probability, optimization, statistics, machine
learning, simulation, and a wide array of applications including, but
not limited to, e-commerce, supply chains, scheduling, manufacturing,
transportation and mobility, health care, financial engineering,
service systems and network science. We value mathematical and
technical depth and innovation, and experience with applications and
practice. Ideal candidates will have correspondingly broad training
and interests. The School of Operations Research and Information
Engineering spans both the traditional Cornell campus in Ithaca and
the new presence at Cornell Tech on Roosevelt Island in New York City.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research and
leadership vision, and complete contact information for at least three
references. Applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. Submit applications online at Questions may be
addressed by email to David Shmoys, Chair, Eleonor and Howard Morgan
Chair Search Committee at [email protected].

Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University's
heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO,
Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities. We strongly
encourage women and underrepresented minorities to apply.

From: Marcus Sarkis [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2019
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Applied Mathematics, WPI

Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Worcester Polytechnic
Institute invites applications for a tenure-track position at the
assistant or associate professor level, to begin in the Fall of
2020. We seek candidates in all areas of Applied Mathematics, in its
broadest interpretation, whose research interests are a good fit with
the department. A list of current faculty, along with their research
areas can be found at

The successful applicant is expected to develop a robust, externally
funded, high-profile research program, while at the same time
contributing to the educational mission of the Mathematical Sciences

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Mathematics, or a closely related
field, and should submit a cover letter that explains how they see
their research fitting with the department, a detailed curriculum
vitae, statements of specific research and teaching objectives, and at
least four letters of recommendation, one or more of which addresses
teaching experience or potential.

All material should be submitted via MathJobs. Questions about the
mathematical sciences department can be directed to
[email protected]. The review process will start on November 1, 2019
and will continue until the position is filled.

Founded in 1865, WPI is one of the nation's first technological
universities. A highly selective private university located within an
hour of Boston and in the heart of New England, WPI is consistently
ranked among the top 60 national universities by US News & World
Report. The university is home to an innovative and intensive
project-based curriculum that empowers students with the knowledge and
skills to address real world problems around the globe. The
Mathematical Sciences department has a strong reputation for its
cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and for its successful
programs addressing mathematical and statistical problems in
industry. With over 30 tenured/tenure-track faculty, the department
offers bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees. The commitment to
diversity and inclusion is a cornerstone of our mission. For more
information see

From: Ernest Rothman [email protected]
Date: September 13, 2019
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Mathematical Sciences, Salve Regina Univ

Job Description: The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Salve
Regina University invites applications for a tenure track position at
the Assistant Professor level starting in the fall 2020 semester. The
department offers a major and a minor in mathematics, an
interdisciplinary minor in mathematical finance, and provides the
mathematics and computer science components of dual 3+2 (BA/BS) and
3+3 (BA/MS) engineering programs with Washington University in
St. Louis. Additionally, the department offers courses in the core
curriculum and courses that constitute the mathematics, statistics,
and computer science components of other programs at the university.
The Mathematical Sciences Department is developing a minor in computer
science, and a dual degree program leading to a B.S. in computational
mathematics and a masters' degree in data science.

Duties and Responsibilities: Duties include teaching undergraduate
mathematics courses, advising students, mentoring student research,
and serving on committees. Candidates who can, additionally, teach
computer science courses (e.g., algorithms and data structures, data
mining, and machine learning), or data science courses will be
preferred. The successful candidate is expected to engage in research
and scholarship, for example, publications in peer-reviewed journals,
conference presentations, grant activity, development of industrial
partnerships, development of interdisciplinary partnerships with other
academic departments, software development; and to participate in
university service and university outreach programs.

Requirements: Candidates must have a doctorate in Applied Mathematics,
Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or a related
field by fall 2020, and evidence of strong teaching ability. While
candidates with research interests in any area of mathematics,
computer science, data science, or statistics are welcome to apply,
the successful candidate will be able to teach undergraduate
mathematics; preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate an
interest and ability to help develop a minor in computer science
and/or program in data science.

Applications must be submitted electronically at

From: Yanping Ma [email protected]
Date: September 01, 2019
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Statistics or Data Science, Loyola Marymount Univ

More details at

The Mathematics Department of Loyola Marymount University invites
applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor
level beginning Fall 2020. Applicants are expected to have completed a
Ph.D. or comparable terminal degree in mathematics, statistics,
operations research, or a related field by employment commencement in
Fall 2020.

The successful candidate will have expertise in statistics, data
science, or a related field. Those with expertise in computational
methods are encouraged to highlight this in their application. LMU is
committed to broadening the participation of students in STEM fields,
and applicants should include a statement describing their experience,
demonstrated ability, and/or interest in promoting inclusion and
diversity in the mathematical sciences.

From: Tulin Kaman [email protected]
Date: September 12, 2019
Subject: Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences, Univ Arkansas

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Arkansas
invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position
to begin in August 2020. Exceptional candidates with broad interests
in all areas of modern applied mathematics that enhance the research
and teaching needs of the department are invited to apply. The
successful candidate will have demonstrated potential or ability to
conduct high-impact interdisciplinary research in applied
mathematics. We are seeking candidates with strong connections to
applications who can enhance the breadth of research activities of the
department. We also seek applicants with an enthusiasm for teaching at
both the undergraduate and graduate level, and for the supervision of
graduate and undergraduate research. Preference will be given to
candidates who are able to interact with existing groups in the
department, conduct interdisciplinary research, as well as those who
could continue to strengthen connections with research groups across
the university.

All application materials should be submitted electronically. For a
complete position announcement and information regarding how to apply,

Completed applications received by November 1, 2019 will be assured
full consideration. Late applications will be reviewed as necessary to
fill the position. Applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum
vitae, a publication list, and brief descriptions of research agenda
and teaching philosophy. A list of four professional references (name,
title, email address, and contact number) willing to provide letters
of reference will be requested during the application process. At
least one letter of reference must address the applicant's teaching
experiences and capabilities.

The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
institution. The university welcomes applications without regard to
race/color, sex, gender, pregnancy, age, national origin, disability,
religion, marital or parental status, protected veteran or military
status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or
any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state

From: Luc Giraud [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Block Krylov Methods, Inria, France

A post-doc position is immediately available at Inria Bordeaux within
the HiePACS project ( in the framework
of a H2020 project related to the design and development of parallel
block Krylov solvers for linear system solutions and eigenproblems.

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in the fields of
computational sciences (applied mathematics or computer science) with
a solid knowledge in numerical linear algebra and/or parallel

The successful candidates will contribute to the design and
development of parallel scalable software packages developed by the
team. The research activity will be conduced in close collaboration
with the partners of the H2020 projects, namely the Cyprus Institute
and the Leibniz Supercomputing Center. More details can be found on

Interested applicants should send a copy of their latest CV with a
cover letter or email and names of at least three references.
Applications should be submitted electronically and addressed to:
Luc Giraud ([email protected])

From: Mingchao Cai [email protected]
Date: September 04, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Math, Morgan State Univ

A postdoctoral associate position in Computational Math is available
at Morgan State University in the department of Mathematics. The work
involves Finite element methods and numerical analysis for fluid
poroelastic structure interactions. Candidates should have a Ph.D
degree in Computational Mathematics or in Engineering with background
in Finite Element methods, high performance computing, computational
fluid mechanics, and/or structure mechanics. The position is available
now and is expected to be filled as soon as possible. The benefit
include regular salary ($3,200/m) plus insurance ($1,000/m charged by
Morgan State University). The regular salary part is negotiable based
on the expertise of the candidates. Interested candidates should
contact Professor Mingchao Cai (see address below) with a CV and a
description of their background and research interests. At least one
reference letter is required for the application.

Professor Mingchao Cai
Department of Mathematics
Morgan State University
1700 E Cold Spring Ln, Baltimore, MD, 21251

E-mail: [email protected]

From: Sandra A. Santos [email protected]
Date: September 02, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Methods of Optimization, Univ of Campinas, Brazil

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP: Computational Methods in Optimization

Our Thematic Project announces three (3) two-year postdoctoral
fellowship positions to work either at the Institute of Mathematics,
Statistics and Scientific Computing, IMECC
( of The University of Campinas, Unicamp
(, Campinas, SP, Brazil (one
position), or at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, IME
( of the University of Sao Paulo, USP
(, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil (two
positions). The scholarship is renewable for two more years, depending
on the attainable results.

The investigative themes include several topics in Computational
Optimization, namely parameter estimation of real models; packing
problems; optimality conditions and methods for Nash equilibrium.

The candidate must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics, Computer
Science, Engineering, or in a related field. The candidate must have
finished the PhD less than seven years before the beginning of the
fellowship. The candidate should demonstrate a solid background in
nonlinear optimization. Experience in programming is highly desirable.
The candidate is expected to interact with other members of the
project including masters and PhD students, and professors.

To apply, the candidate must send by email until September 30, 2019
the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae with a list of publications, and previous
- Two recommendation letters, being one from a previous supervisor, if
- A motivation letter for the application indicating the desired

All documents must be sent to Prof. Sandra A. Santos at
[email protected], using 'pos doc application' as the subject.

From: Mitchell Luskin [email protected]
Date: September 12, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical Modeling and Computing of 2D Materials

A postdoctoral position under the direction of Professor Mitchell
Luskin is available at the University of Minnesota to participate in
the development and analysis of multi-scale methods for new materials
based on layered 2D heterostructures. This position is supported by an
NSF DMREF grant and involves collaboration with physicists at
Minnesota and Harvard We seek a candidate with a strong background in
any of partial differential equations, numerical analysis and
computation, or mathematical physics, although all strong candidates
with an interest in this project will be seriously considered. The
candidate will teach one semester course per term. The preferred start
date is during the summer of 2020, although the position is available
starting January 1, 2020. The duration is three years. Applications
will be reviewed starting December 1, 2019 and will continue until the
position is filled. Applicants should submit an AMS cover sheet,
complete curriculum vitae, a description of their research background
and interest in this project, and at least three letters of
recommendation to under the banner
Postdoc-Multiscale Analysis and Computation of 2D Materials. The
University of Minnesota is an Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer.

From: Matthias J Ehrhardt [email protected]
Date: September 02, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Multi-Modality Imaging, Bath, UK

A position exists for a Research Associate to work on the development
of image fusion algorithms for multi-modality imaging.

This post is part of a project sponsored by the Faraday Institute in
the context of developing next generation batteries. The
multi-disciplinary network (mathematicians, chemists, physicists,
engineers) includes researchers from Liverpool, Manchester,
Birmingham, Bath, UCL, Warwick and Diamond Light Source.

The successful candidate will have, or will be nearing the completion
of, a PhD degree in mathematics or a closely related
subject. Expertise in either inverse problems, imaging/image
processing or machine learning is desired. Prior knowledge in image
fusion or multi-modality imaging is not required.

The post carries no teaching or administrative duties. There are
generous funds available under the project for attending conferences
and conducting research visits.

This post is fixed-term for up to 15 months, starting as soon as
possible by mutual agreement. Skype interviews are expected to be held
on 9 October 2019. Informal enquiries about the role can be made to Dr
Matthias Ehrhardt ([email protected]), however, please ensure that
your application is submitted via the University website

From: Alfredo Buttari [email protected]
Date: September 12, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Parallel Sparse Linear Solvers, IRIT Toulouse

We are seeking candidates for a 18-months post-doctoral position at
the IRIT laboratory of Toulouse (France). The subject is related to
the improvement of methods for the solution of sparse linear systems
on large scale parallel supercomputers. Specifically, this post-doc
will investigate methods for reducing the complexity and improving the
scalability of multigrid solvers through the use of low-rank
approximation techniques in the coarse grid solver or in the
intermediate levels smoothers.

The successful candidate will work in the context of the European
EoCoE-II project ( whose objective is to
leverage the potential offered by the ever-growing computing
infrastructure to foster and accelerate the European transition to a
reliable low carbon energy supply using High Performance Computing.

Requirements: PhD in Computer Science or Mathematics, strong expertise
in sparse linear algebra and high performance parallel computing.

Detailed information:

Contact: Alfredo Buttari ([email protected])

From: Antonio Castelo Filho [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Viscoelastic Flows, Univ of São Paulo

The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID-CeMEAI) at University of Sao Paulo opens a post-doctoral
research position in Computational Fluid Mechanics. The selected
candidate will work at Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
of University of Sao Paulo in Sao Carlos/SP, Brazil. Sao Paulo
Research Foundation provides the financial support with a monthly
salary of R$ 7.373,10. Financial support can also be provided to cover
transportation expenses as to the move to Sao Carlos - Brazil. An
extra grant is also provided to cover participation in highly relevant
conferences and workshops, as well as research trips (limited to 15%
of the annual amount of the fellowship). The position is for one year.

Project: Viscoelastic Flows: Fractional Integral constitutive models
Supervisor: Antonio Castelo Filho

Description: The post-doc will interact with the CFD groups at CEPID-
CeMEAI. The post-doc is expected to perform research in viscoelastic
flows models governed by fractional integral constitutive
equations. This includes the development of computational methodology
and implementation in CFD HIGTREE-HIGFLOW software. This software uses
finite differences in staggered grid and its generic in dimensional
and type of flow. Viscoelastic fluid flows are of great importance in
the industrial area, for example in injection/extrusion machines or in
oil extraction. Numerically simulating these processes, specifically
due to the rheology of some time-dependent fluids, has been a
challenge. Currently, integral type models are the most suitable;
mainly fractional integral models. Although growing, the area of
research in fractional models is little explored and very promising.

Requirements: Applicants should have PhD in Applied Mathematics,
Computer Science or related fields, with experience in numerical
simulation of viscoelastic fluids flows modeled by integral,
preferably fractional, constitutive equations. Candidates must have
got their PhD in the last 5 years.

Application: Please send your application before October 31, 2019 to:
[email protected]. Please indicate "CEPID post-doctoral application
- CFD" in the subject line. Applications should include curriculum
vitae, statement of research interests and two contact information for
recommendation letters(only PDF files).

Contract Condition:
Grant from FAPESP under the Research, Innovation and Dissemination
Centers (RIDC- CeMEAI) (,

From: Nick Higham [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester

Two postdoctoral posts are available in the Numerical Linear Algebra
Group ( at the University of Manchester on
projects developing and analyzing numerical linear algebra algorithms
for high-performance computers.

For details, see

Closing date: October 7, 2019.

Informal enquiries should be directed to
Professor Nick Higham ([email protected]).

From: Lars Gruene [email protected]
Date: September 12, 2019
Subject: PhD or PostDoc Position, Univ of Bayreuth

At the Chair of Applied Mathematics of the University of Bayreuth,
Germany, a 3-year position as scientific assistant (100%, German TV-L
E 13) is available within the DFG funded project "Performance Analysis
of Distributed and Multi-Objective Model Predictive Control Schemes".

The position is part of the research group of Professor Lars Gruene
and is suitable for Postdoctoral Researchers as well as for students
holding a Master's degree who want to pursue a PhD in Mathematics.

Candidates should have expertise in at least one of the following
- analysis of model predictive control schemes
- multiobjective optimisation
- dissipativity based analysis of nonlinear control systems

In addition, candidates should have experience in coding
mathematical algorithms in MATLAB or C++.

Applications including CV, list of publications (if applicable),
copies of certificates, a summary of the Master's thesis and of the
PhD thesis (if applicable) and names of potential references should be
sent by email as a single PDF file to [email protected]. The
position is available immediately, applications are considered until
the position is filled. For further information please contact
[email protected].

From: Matthias Rottmann [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2019
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Deep Learning, Univ of Wuppertal, Germany

Two PostDoc and tow PhD positions in Data Analytics and Deep Learning
are advertised at the University of Wuppertal AG Stochastics / IZMD

- PostDoc Position 100% E13 2 years on geostatistical analysis of
traffic flows in public transport with application to ride hailing
models (within the upcoming research

- PostDoc Position 100% E13 2 years on uncertainty quantification for
deep learning in connection with sensorfusion (rada, lidar camera
data) - can also be transferred to a 3 yr 75% position (within the
upcoming research initiative)

- PhD position E13 75% E13 3 years on active learning in connection
with deep learning applied to semantic segmentation and data fusion
(within the VDA Leitinitiative fur das automatisierte Fahren,

- PhD position E13 (75%) 3 years on the interaction of random
microstructures with reliability of mechanically loaded components
(RoboFlex Turbo Research Initiative, with Siemens and materials
scientists from TU Kaiserslautern)

More information is available under refererence
numbers 19172-19175

or contact Hanno Gottschalk/Matthias Rottmann

From: Sandra A. Santos [email protected]
Date: September 02, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Methods of Optimization, Univ. of Campinas

PhD FELLOWSHIP: Computational Methods in Optimization

Our Thematic Project announces four (4) four-year PhD fellowships
(Doutorado Direto) at the Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics of
the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing,
IMECC (, University of Campinas, Unicamp
(, Campinas, SP, Brazil, or at the
Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics of the Institute of
Mathematics and Statistics, IME (,
University of Sao Paulo, USP (, Sao
Paulo, SP, Brazil.

The candidate must have a recent undergraduate degree in Applied
Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, or in a related field, and
must not hold a Masters degree. A solid background in nonlinear
optimization and experience in programming are highly desirable.

The PhD fellowship includes a monthly stipend of R$ 2.043,00, R$
2.168,70, R$ 3.010,80 and R$ 3.726,30 on the first, second, third and
fourth year, respectively (from about USD 500 to USD 900), access to
the health-care system of Unicamp or USP, and research contingency
funds (30% of the annual value of the fellowship, each year). The
fellowship may also cover transportation costs and an additional
monthly stipend for installments in the state of Sao Paulo. For more
details, check out FAPESP's webpage (in

To apply, the candidate must send by email until September 30, 2019
the following documents (in English or Portuguese):
- Academic record and a description of previous academic experience;
- Two recommendation letters, being one from a previous supervisor, if
- A motivation letter for the application indicating the desired

Being granted the scholarship does not immediately imply acceptance by
the Graduate Program of the desired university. Candidates must also
undergo the usual admission process of the desired university.

All documents must be sent to Prof. Gabriel Haeser at
[email protected] using 'PhD application' as the subject.

From: Sebastian Aland [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematical Biology, Dresden, Germany

An open PhD position is available in the DFG project "Viscoelastic
dynamics of the actin cortex". The collaborative research project is
shared between TU Dresden and HTW Dresden. The funding will run for 3
years starting around January 1st, 2020. The salary is according to
75% of the German E13 scale (>1800 Euro per month net), including
social and health care benefits.

The project is concerned with the fluid-structure interaction of a
moving elastic surface (the cell cortex) embedded in viscous fluids
and aims to answer fundamental questions on the organization of life
by means of mathematical modeling and simulations. The mission will
involve scientific exchange and collaboration with researchers from
all over the world.

The successful candidate should have a diploma or master's degree in
Mathematics, Computational Engineering Science, Physics, or a related
field, with a sound knowledge in Finite-Element simulations and an
interest in biological applications.

Dresden is one of the most beautiful towns in Germany and evolved in
recent years to an internationally recognized scientific center. It
combines an outstanding scientific environment with a vivid cultural
scene and cheap costs of living. Since 2012, TU Dresden is one of
eleven Excellence Universities in Germany.

Please visit for further information.

From: Simona Perotto [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2019
Subject: Master Positions, Mathematical and Physical Methods for Space Sciences

It is my pleasure to promote the new Master in "Mathematical and
Physical Methods for Space Sciences" at the University of Turin.

This is a one-year Master degree for second-cycle graduate students in
Mathematics and Physics (and, more in general, in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)) who want to improve their
expertise in Aerospace Sciences.

The Master program will start in October 2019. During the Master, the
students are expected to do an internship in a company, agency or
institution related to the Aerospace Sector.

More details about the Master are available at this link:

End of Digest