NA Digest, V. 17, # 1
NA Digest Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 1
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Donald Kershaw (1928-2016)
- MOOC on linear algebra (LAFF) offered again
- HPC in Atmosphere Modelling/Air Related Hazards, Czech Republic, Feb 2017
- Mathematical Imaging with Partially Unknown Models, UK, Feb 2017
- Lattice Boltzmann Methods with OpenLB Software Lab, Tunisia, Mar 2017
- Modern Numerical Methods for Quantum Mechanics, Poland, Mar 2017
- FEF2017, Italy, Apr 2017
- IMA Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures, UK, Jun 2017
- SMART 2017, Italy, Sep 2017
- SIAM Applied Linear Algebra, Hong Kong, May 2018
- Postdoc Position, A Posteriori Error Eontrol and Adaptivity, IFPEn France
- Postdoc Positions, Optimization & Machine Learning, Univ of Edinburgh
- PhD/Postdoc Position, TU Kaiserslautern
- PhD Position, Hamburg Univ of Technology
- PhD Positions, Optimization, Univ of Bergen, Norway
- Special Issue, HPC Solutions for Complex Problems
- Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2017 (1)
- Contents, Constructive Approximation, 45 (1)
- Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 4 (1)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Christopher T H Baker [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2017
Subject: Donald Kershaw (1928-2016)
I am sad to convey news of the death of Donald Kershaw (Reader
Emeritus at the University of Lancaster, UK) on December 21st 2016 at
the age of 88 following a brief stay in hospital. He had not been well
for some time and suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Following school at Wheelwright Grammar School in Dewsbury (its alumni
also included Leslie Fox and Tom Kilburn), Donald obtained his first
degree at University College Hull, an outpost of London University,
and his PhD from the University of Edinburgh. His scientific work
included computer coding, QD algorithms, linear algebra, special
function theory, approximation theory, quadrature, and integral
equations and their applications.
A detailed account of Donald's career would incorporate his
contributions in the histories of the Admiralty Research Laboratory
(Teddington), of the Computer Unit at Edinburgh University, in
Scottish Numerical Analysis (including the history of the Dundee NA
meetings) and of numerical analysis and approximation at Lancaster
University as well as meetings held at the Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, the London Mathematical Society Durham
Symposia, and SERC conferences at Lancaster University - these stories
liberally sprinkled with the names of many of the contemporary
pioneers in the mathematical sciences and Donald's "mathematical
descendants'. He loved Italy, enjoying visits to Turin and teaching
summer schools at Perugia.
A singularly able yet modest and unassuming mathematician, Donald was
a steadfast friend and will be sadly missed. His hobbies had included
campanology and woodwork and he had a great love of music. He is
survived by his wife Carol, his sons Samuel and Edward, and
grandchildren Rebecca, Thomas, James and Harry.
E-mail [email protected] for more details -- delivered as an
automated response.
From: Robert van de Geijn [email protected]
Date: January 07, 2017
Subject: MOOC on linear algebra (LAFF) offered again
This spring, "Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers" (LAFF) will
again be offered on edX ( as a semester-long course starting
January 25. LAFF is an introductory course on linear algebra that
links abstractions in mathematics to abstractions in code. The course
targets many audiences, ranging from novices to those wanting a
refresher. The course heavily stresses partitioning of matrices and
vectors and uses our "FLAME notation" to present algorithms.
Later this Spring, we will offer a related course "LAFF-On Programming
for Correctness" (LAFF-On) that builds upon the FLAME notation to
demonstrate how programs can be systematically derived to be correct.
More details on this new course will be given in a future posting to
NA Digest.
To register for LAFF, visit and search for "LAFF".
From: Michael Bader [email protected]
Date: January 03, 2017
Subject: HPC in Atmosphere Modelling/Air Related Hazards, Czech Republic, Feb 2017
The Czech-Bavarian Competence Team for Supercomputing Applications
invites all interested researchers to a workshop on "High performance
computing in atmosphere modelling and air related environmental
hazards". The workshop takes place at IT4Innovations, Ostrava, Czech
Republic, on February 9-10, 2017.
Contributed presentations are welcome on all related topics, in
particular on demands and desired features of (future) simulation
software, parallelisation for current and novel HPC platforms, as well
as establishing scalable simulation workflows on supercomputing
Details can be found under
If you wish to give a presentation, please submit a title and short
abstract (10-20 lines) via email to Michael Bader .
To register (with or without proposing a presentation) for the
workshop, please fill in the registration form linked on the
website. There is no registration fee for participation.
From: Carola Schönlieb [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2017
Subject: Mathematical Imaging with Partially Unknown Models, UK, Feb 2017
Mathematical imaging with partially unknown models
20-21 February 2017, University of Cambridge
Plenary speakers: Gabriel Peyre (Universite Paris-Dauphine); Silvia
Villa (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology); Yves Wiaux (Heriot-Watt University); Juan Carlos de los
Reyes (Escuela Nacional Politecnica de Quito); John Aston (University
of Cambridge); Samuli Siltanen (University of Helsinki)
Jointly organised by Marcelo Pereyra (Heriot-Watt) and Carola-Bibiane
Schonlieb (Cambridge), alongside local organiser Martin Benning
For more information and for instructions on how to register, please
visit the workshop website at\
On the first day of the meeting there will be a poster session during
lunch time. When registering for the event, please indicate your
interest for presenting a poster, including a poster title and short
From: Mathias J. [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2017
Subject: Lattice Boltzmann Methods with OpenLB Software Lab, Tunisia, Mar 2017
Registration is prolonged for the spring school Lattice Boltzmann
Methods with OpenLB Software Lab that will be held in Hammamet,
Tunisia, from 6. to 10. March 2017. The spring school introduces
scientists and applicants from industry to the theory of LBM and
trains them on practical problems. The first three days are dedicated
to the theoretical fundamentals of LBM up to ongoing research on
selected topics. Followed by two days of mentored training on case
studies using OpenLB, the participants gain deep inside into LBM and
its applications. This educational concept is probably unique in the
LBM community and offers a comprehensive and personal guided approach
to LBM. Participants also benefit from the knowledge exchange during
poster session, coffee breaks and the excursion at the Mediterranean
sea. We look forward to your participation.
More information:
From: Karolina Kropielnicka [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2017
Subject: Modern Numerical Methods for Quantum Mechanics, Poland, Mar 2017
A workshop on "Modern Numerical Methods for Quantum Mechanics" will be
held on 20-22 March 2017 at the Mathematical Institute of Polish
Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
Major international participants are Weizhu Bao (Singapore), Sergio
Blanes (Valencia), Erwan Faou (Rennes), Ernst Hairer (Geneva), Arieh
Iserles (Cambrige), Caroline Lasser (Munich), Christian Lubich
(Tubingen), Mechthild Thalhammer (Innsbruck), Antonella Zanna
Further details at .
From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: January 01, 2017
Subject: FEF2017, Italy, Apr 2017
19th IACM International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems
- FEF 2017 - April 5 - 7, 2017 / Rome, Italy.
The Finite Elements in Flow (FEF) Problems Conference has a rich
history that closely parallels the development and maturation of the
finite element method and its application to computational fluid
dynamics problems. The FEF meetings began in Swansea (U.K.) in 1972
and are the principal forum for the exchange of research results in
all aspects of flow simulation using the finite element method. The
scope of the conference is intentionally broad with coverage of
theory, implementation, assessment and application in all of the major
and emerging areas of fluid dynamics and flow-related phenomena.
Deadline for presenting a one page abstract is January 9, 2016 For
further information (and list of mini-simposia):
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: January 06, 2017
Subject: IMA Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures, UK, Jun 2017
Monday 19 – Wednesday 21 June 2017
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Nonlinearity plays an important role in many fields of Science,
Engineering and Technology. The aim of this conference is to bring
together researchers working on aspects of nonlinear phenomena and to
encourage interaction between experts from different areas such as
Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Fluid Dynamics,
Engineering and Physics. Recent theoretical developments, new
computational methods and experimental findings will be presented and
discussed. We plan to avoid parallel sessions and foster as much as
possible communication across the different communities. Conference
topics: Integrable systems; Nonlinear waves in fluids; Soliton theory;
Nonlinear evolution PDEs; Orthogonal polynomials; Mathematical
biology; Coherent structures in shear flows and transition to
Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 200 word
abstract on any of the above topics for oral or poster presentation.
Abstracts should be submitted by Friday 24 February via Please state whether your title is intended
for oral or poster presentation.
Further information
From: Mariantonia Cotronei [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2017
Subject: SMART 2017, Italy, Sep 2017
S M A R T 2017
Second International Conference on Subdivision, Geometric and
Algebraic Methods, Isogeometric Analysis and Refinability in Italy,
September 17--21, 2017, Gaeta, Italy
Conference website:
SMART 2017 is the second Conference in the series. The first SMART
Conference was held in Pontignano in 2014. The main goal of SMART
Conferences is to bring together researchers working in the fields of
Subdivision, Geometric and Algebraic Methods, Isogeometric Analysis
and Refinability, with special emphasis on new emerging research
areas. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Algebraic
and Differential Geometry; Computer Aided Design; Curve and Surface
Design; Finite Elements; NURBS and Isogeometric Analysis;
Refinability; Approximation Theory; Subdivision; Wavelets;
Multi-Resolution Methods
Submission of title and abstract for oral/poster presentation: June
15, 2017
Notification of abstract acceptance: July 1, 2017
Registration and accommodation: July 10, 2017
From: David Bindel [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2017
Subject: SIAM Applied Linear Algebra, Hong Kong, May 2018
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
Hong Kong Baptist University
4-8 May 2018
The SIAM Conferences on Applied Linear Algebra, organized by SIAM
every three years, are the premier international conferences on
applied linear algebra, which bring together diverse researchers and
practitioners from academia, research laboratories, and industries all
over the world to present and discuss their latest work and results on
applied linear algebra.
Important Dates:
1 June 2017 - 30 September 2017 Minitutorial proposals
1 June 2017 - 30 September 2017 Minisymposium proposals
1 June 2017 - 30 October 2017 Abstracts for contributed and
minisymposium speakers
1 June 2017 - 30 October 2017 Abstracts for posters
1 December 2017 - 30 January 2018 Pre-registration
4-8 May 2018 SIAM ALA18 Conference
From: Soleiman Yousef [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, A Posteriori Error Eontrol and Adaptivity, IFPEn France
Post-doc position, IFP Energies Nouvelles
Rueil-Malmaison - 92500, France
A posteriori error control and adaptivity for flow in porous media
containing faults
IFPEN is pleased to offer a one year postdoctoral position (ideally
starting in April 2017), with a possibility of prolongation up to 1,5
years, related to flow in porous media containing faults. The
candidate will be member of the Applied Mathematics Department of IFP
New Energies at Rueil-Malmaison (France). In particular, the focus of
this position will be on the study of a posteriori error estimation
for flow in porous media containing faults to assess the overall error
of a numerical simulation, identify its different components, and
develop and analyze fully adaptive strategies. The work will be in
collaboration with the project-team SERENA (ex POMDAPI) of INRIA
(Martin Vohralik).
The missions of the successful candidate will be:
- To study the model of flow in porous media containing faults
described by systems of unsteady nonlinear (degenerate) partial
differential equations.
- To undertake theoretical a posteriori error analysis dealing with
the supplement difficulty due to the presence of the faults.
- To use the theory of a posteriori error estimation to assess the
overall error of a numerical simulation, identify its different
components, and develop and analyze fully adaptive strategies.
- To perform implementation into an academic scientific calculation
- To address practical applications to current geoscience problems
like reservoir simulations or the simulation of sedimentary basins.
To apply, send CV highlighting your background in numerical analysis,
scientific computing, and programming, a list of peer-reviewed papers,
a very brief motivation letter, and recommendation letter(s) to
Soleiman Yousef [email protected]
From: Peter Richtarik [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Optimization & Machine Learning, Univ of Edinburgh
Applications are invited for 2 postdoctoral positions in the School of
Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. The positions are
available for 12 months, assuming the successful candidates take up
post on or before 01 March 2017. The post holder will become a member
of the Big Data Optimization group led by Dr Peter Richtarik, join the
Edinburgh Research Group in Optimization, and will have opportunities
to interact with the Alan Turing Institute and KAUST. The ideal
candidate will be an enthusiastic and creative individual with a
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Computer Science, Optimization, Data Science,
Machine Learning, Operations Research, Engineering, or a related
field, and a strong track record as evidenced by high quality
publications, invited talks and prizes. Expertise in several of the
following is desired: optimization/training algorithms, convergence
analysis, deep learning, reinforcement learning, randomized/stochastic
algorithms, convex analysis, nonconvex optimization, complexity
analysis, matrix theory, C++, Python, Julia, Spark, Tensorflow,
MPI/Open MP, and high-performance computing.
All applicants must apply online via our vacancy website:
Please include with your application: a CV (including publication
list); a research statement. In addition, please arrange for at least
three referees to send letters of recommendation directly to
[email protected] by the closing date.
Closing date: 5pm (UK time), Monday 23rd January
Skype interviews will be held during January 25 - 27, 2017. If you
have not heard from us by January 31, 2017, please assume that your
application has not been successful. For informal enquiries about the
post, please contact Dr Peter Richtarik ([email protected]).
From: Bernd Simeon [email protected]
Date: January 06, 2017
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, TU Kaiserslautern
Open Position - Research Assistant, TU Kaiserslautern, Dept. of
Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern offers an open position as
Research Assistant, salary grade E13 TV-L (3 year contract),
Department of Mathematics / Differential-Algebraic System Group
(Prof. Simeon).
Working field: Research on modelling and numerical simulation of
skeletal muscle tissue, related to the project DYMARA (sponsored by
the German Federal Ministry of Education & Research).
Requirements: Successful candidates must have completed a university
degree (Diplom, Master or equivalent) in mathematics or computational
mechanics and have a strong background (excellent grades) in numerical
PDEs as well as very good programming skills. Applications for a PhD
position as well as for a Postdoc position will be considered.
Please send your application with the appropriate documents (cover
letter, CV, list of publications, and transcript of records)
preferably by email in a single pdf file to Ms Hemmer-Kolb
([email protected]) .
From: Sabine Le Borne [email protected]
Date: January 02, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Hamburg Univ of Technology
The Math Department of Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) is
seeking a PhD student in the field of Numerical methods for partial
differential equations/Numerical Linear Algebra. Besides research,
the open position includes teaching responsibilities (in German). The
position starts February 1, 2017, and it is limited to four years.
The salary level is according to the German public service regulation
(TV-L 13). Additional information is available at
Applications should be sent electronically as a single PDF file to
[email protected] by January 13, 2017.
From: Trond Steihaug [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Optimization, Univ of Bergen, Norway
The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen, Norway, is
now r now recruiting 3 research fellows in Informatics/computer
science. The fellowship positions are for a fixed term of 4 years, of
which 25 % wil will comprise mandatory work such as teaching and/or
administrative tas tasks.
Qualifications and personal qualities
- You must hold a master's degree within the field of informatics or
mathematics (or achieved equivalent qualifications). Candidates are
invited to apply if they plan to complete their final master's exam
by 1 August 2017. Employment will then be postponed until the
master's degree is obtained.
- You must have qualifications to complete a PhD programme within a f
field of research that is compatible with one of the six research
groups o of the department. These are: Algorithms, Bioinformatics,
Optimization, P Programming theory, Computer Security and
Visualization. See the D Department web page
for further details.
- You must be able to work independently and in a structured manner a
and to demonstrate good collaborative skills.
- You must be proficient in both written and oral English.
- The positions will be filled 1 August 2017.
Closing date for applications: 1 March 2017
Further details:
From: Pedro Valero-Lara [email protected]
Date: January 08, 2017
Subject: Special Issue, HPC Solutions for Complex Problems
Special Issue, High Performance Computing Solutions for Complex
Journal Scalable Computing: Practise and Experience
The aim of this special issue report on efforts to reduce this gap by
means of bringing new ways to face the growing complexity of problems
that are to be solved. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts
which present original and unpublished research in all areas related
with complex problems solving via parallel and distributed processing,
i.e., works focused on emerging solutions to face with big computing
challenges on HPC systems are specially welcome. Relevant topics
include, but are not limited to: Benchmarking, performance and
scalability of algorithms, data structures, tools; Code adapting to
take advantages of latest computational features; New strategies to
improve performance; Auto-tuning computing systems; New transparent,
portable, and hardware diagnostic programming paradigms; Advances in
current or upcoming HPC platforms; Communication, synchronization,
load balancing.
Submission: January 14, 2017
Author notification: April 28, 2017
Publication: June 30, 2017
Original and unpublished works on any of the topics aforementioned
or related are welcome. The SCPE journal has a rigorous
peer-reviewing process and papers will be reviewed by at least
three S.C. referees. All submitted papers must be formatted
according to the journal's instructions, which can be found at:
From: Piotr Matus [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2017
Subject: Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2017 (1)
A Difference Method for Solving the Steklov Nonlocal Boundary Value
Problem of Second Kind for the Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation
Alikhanov, Anatoly A. PP. 1-16
Stabilized Mixed Finite Element Methods for Linear Elasticity on
Simplicial Grids in R^n, Chen, Long / Hu, Jun / Huang,
Xuehai. PP. 17-32. Free access.
Finite Difference Approximation of Fractional Wave Equation with
Concentrated Capacity, Delic, Aleksandra / Jovanovic, Bosko
S. PP. 33-50
Approximative Green's Functions on Surfaces and Pointwise Error
Estimates for the Finite Element Method, Kroner, Heiko. PP. 51-64
Numerical Solution of Parabolic Problems Based on a Weak Space-Time
Formulation, Larsson, Stig / Molteni, Matteo. PP. 65-84
Finite Volume Scheme and Renormalized Solutions for a Noncoercive
Elliptic Problem with L 1 Data, Leclavier, Sarah. PP. 85-104
A Convergent Adaptive Finite Element Method for Cathodic Protection,
Li, Guanglian / Xu, Yifeng. PP. 105-120
An Efficient Algorithm for Computation of MHD Flow Ensembles,
Mohebujjaman, Muhammad / Rebholz, Leo G. PP.121-138
The Regularizing Properties of Multistep Methods for First Kind
Volterra Integral Equations with Smooth Kernels, Plato,
Robert. PP. 139-160
A New Generalization of the P 1 Non-Conforming FEM to Higher
Polynomial Degrees, Schedensack, Mira. PP. 161-185. Free access.
From: Ed Saff [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2017
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 45 (1)
Constructive Approximation, Volume 45 Number 1
Table of Contents
Stable Simplex Spline Bases for C^3 Quintics on the Powell-Sabin 12-
Split, Tom Lyche, Georg Muntingh, Pages 1-32
Derivation of a BC_n Elliptic Summation Formula via the Fundamental
Invariants, Masahiko Ito, Masatoshi Noumi, Pages 33-46
A First Szego's Limit Theorem for a Class of Non-Toeplitz Matrices,
A. Bourget, T. McMillen, Pages 47-63
An Orthogonality Property of the Legendre Polynomials, L. Bos,
A. Narayan, N. Levenberg, F. Piazzon, Pages 65-81
A Projection Method on Measures Sets, Nicolas Chauffert, Philippe
Ciuciu, Jonas Kahn, Pierre Weiss, Pages 83-111
Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Under the Restricted Isometry Property,
Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, Ronald DeVore, Pages 113-127
Conformal Models and Fingerprints of Pseudo-Lemniscates, Trevor
Richards, Malik Younsi, Pages 129-141
From: Claude [email protected]
Date: January 05, 2017
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 4 (1)
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 74, Issue 1.
Table of contents
Interpolation with symmetric polynomials, J.M. Carnicer, C. Godes
Comparison of preconditioned Krylov subspace iteration methods for
PDE-constrained optimization problems, Owe Axelsson, Shiraz Farouq,
Maya Neytcheva
A transformed jump-adapted backward Euler method for jump-extended CIR
and CEV models, Xu Yang, Xiaojie Wang
Fourth-order compact schemes for a parabolic-ordinary system of
European option pricing liquidity shocks model, Miglena N. Koleva,
Walter Mudzimbabwe, Lubin G. Vulkov
Efficient algorithms for the inversion of the cumulative central beta
distribution, A. Gil, J. Segura, N.M. Temme
An infeasible full-NT step interior point algorithm for CQSCO, Behrouz
High-order finite elements in numerical electromagnetism: degrees of
freedom and generators in duality, Marcella Bonazzoli, Francesca
A relaxation modulus-based matrix splitting iteration method for
solving linear complementarity problems, Hua Zheng, Wen Li, Seakweng
Fast preconditioned iterative methods for finite volume discretization
of steady-state space-fractional diffusion equations, Jianyu Pan,
Michael Ng, Hong Wang
Generalizing the ENO-DB2p transform using the inverse wavelet
transform, Francesc Arandiga, Rosa Donat, Jose J. Noguera
Programmable criteria for strong H-tensors, Yaotang Li, Qilong Liu,
Liqun Qi
A new operational matrix based on Bernoulli wavelets for solving
fractional delay differential equations, P. Rahimkhani, Y. Ordokhani,
E. Babolian
Derivation of three-derivative Runge-Kutta methods, Mukaddes Okten
Turac, Turgut Ozis
On a family of trigonometrically fitted extended backward
differentiation formulas for stiff and oscillatory initial value
problems, P.L. Ndukum, T.A. Biala, S.N. Jator, R.B. Adeniyi
End of Digest