Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 21
NA Digest Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 21
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
Today's Topics:
Timo Eirola 1951-2016
Call for proposals, SAMSI programs and workshops
Fast QR with Column Pivoting
Advanced Computation in Fluid Mechanics, Spain, Jun 2016
NanoMath 2016, France, Jun 2016
ARITH23, USA, Jul 2016
SAMSI Summer School in Optimization, USA, Aug 2016
Model Reduction Methods and Optimization, Croatia, Sep 2016
Numerical Analysis of Stochastic PDEs, Sweden, Sep 2016
SPEEDUP Workshop on HPC, Switzerland, Sep 2016
Computer Aided Engineering, Italy, Oct 2016
JARA-HPC Symposium 2016 (JHPCS'16), Germany, Oct 2016
Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, Austria, Oct 2016
Domain Decomposition (honoring Olof Widlund), USA, Feb 2017
OPTIMIZATION 2017, Portugal, Sep 2017
Software Developer Position, Optimization, MathWorks
Professorship Position, Scientific Computing, Technische Univ Chemnitz
Postdoc Position, M2NeTLab/MS2Discovery, WLU, Waterloo, Canada
PhD Position, Finite Element Methods, Brunel Univ London, UK
PhD Position, Loughborough Univ
PhD Position, Parallel Scientific Computing, Leeds, UK
Contents, Constructive Approximation, 43 (2-3)
Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 21 (3)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Luca Dieci
Date: May 22, 2016
Subject: Timo Eirola 1951-2016
Dear colleagues,
It is with a heavy heart that we bring you the sad news that
our friend and colleague Timo Eirola passed away on May 15.
Timo was just shy of his 65th birthday, and had recently retired
from Aalto University (formerly Helsinki University of Technology).
Timo's career spanned more than 35 years, during which he held
professorships at Helsinki University of Technology, Joensuu
University, and Aalto University. He had long term visiting
positions at Leningrad State University, the Banach Center,
Mittag-Leffler Institute, University of Geneva, the MSRI, and
Georgia Tech.
He authored influential works on several different problems in
numerical dynamical systems, methods for differential equations,
numerical linear algebra, and smoothness of wavelets.
Those of us who have had the fortune to know him well for many
years will badly miss him and his quick wit, dry humour, beautiful
mind and steadfast friendship.
Timo is survived by his wife Stina, three sons, and several
grandchildren. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts.
Luca Dieci and Bob Russell.
Dear colleagues,
It is with a heavy heart that we bring you the sad news that our
friend and colleague Timo Eirola passed away on May 15. Timo was just
shy of his 65th birthday, and had recently retired from Aalto
University (formerly Helsinki University of Technology).
Timo's career spanned more than 35 years, during which he held
professorships at Helsinki University of Technology, Joensuu
University, and Aalto University. He had long term visiting positions
at Leningrad State University, the Banach Center, Mittag-Leffler
Institute, University of Geneva, the MSRI, and Georgia Tech.
He authored influential works on several different problems in
numerical dynamical systems, methods for differential equations,
numerical linear algebra, and smoothness of wavelets.
Those of us who have had the fortune to know him well for many years
will badly miss him and his quick wit, dry humour, beautiful mind and
steadfast friendship.
Timo is survived by his wife Stina, three sons, and several
grandchildren. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts.
Luca Dieci and Bob Russell
From: Ilse Ipsen
Date: May 21, 2016
Subject: Call for proposals, SAMSI programs and workshops
The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI)
invites proposals for:
- Short programs and workshops for academic years and summers,
starting in 2017
- Yearlong programs for the academic years 2018-19 and beyond
Proposals should address topics of current research interest in
statistics, applied mathematics, or interdisciplinary applications.
For information on submitting proposals, see: .
Deadline for submissions is October 15, 2016.
Upcoming SAMSI Programs:
2016-17: Optimization
2016-17: Statistical, Mathematical and Computational Methods for
2017-18: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Climate and the
Earth System
2017-18: Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for
Applied Mathematics
Visit for more information about
current and past programs.
Questions can be sent to:
From: Gregorio Quintana, for the HQRRP team
Date: May 16, 2016
Subject: Fast QR with Column Pivoting
Householder transformation based QR factorization with column pivoting
is an important algorithm for, for example, determining an approximate
basis for the column space of a matrix. It is, unfortunately,
notoriously difficult to implement for high performance.
Recently, techniques that use randomized sampling have been developed
that do achieve high performance by casting most computation in terms
of matrix-matrix multiplication. For example, in our recent paper
Per-Gunnar Martinsson, Gregorio Quintana-Orti, Nathan Heavner, Robert
van de Geijn. "Householder QR Factorization: Adding Randomization for
Column Pivoting. FLAME Working Note #78"
we describe such an algorithm.
We are happy to announce an implementation that we call Householder QR
factorization with Randomization for Pivoting (HQRRP) based on the
insights in that paper. The new code outperforms LAPACK's core routine
DGEQP3 both in unicore and multicore architectures for medium and
large matrix sizes, often by large factor. The new implementation
comes with an interface that is plug compatible with DGEQP3. The new
code can be downloaded from
We will appreciate feedback from the community on the use of this code.
From: Johan Jansson
Date: May 16, 2016
Subject: Advanced Computation in Fluid Mechanics, Spain, Jun 2016
This is an advanced course which introduces the Navier-Stokes
equations as the basic model of fluid mechanics, and adaptive finite
element methods to compute approximate solutions. The overall aim is
the introduction of a new approach to computational turbulence
modelling referred to as General Galerkin (G2) or Direct FEM
Simulation (DFS) which enables cheap adaptive parameter-free
prediction of aerodynamic forces at high Reynolds number using a
residual based stabilisation as turbulence model. Further, a new model
for turbulent flow separation with a slip boundary condition together
with detailed DFS computations enables the understanding of the
fundamental mechanics of flight.
The theoretical parts of the course concern stability analysis of the
numerical method, and goal oriented a posteriori error
estimation. Practical parts of the course focus on computer
implementation of finite element methods for the Navier-Stokes
equations in the FEniCS automated framework for solution of partial
differential equations, including adaptive mesh refinement, and
applications of the methods on supercomputers.
Please see the course home page for more information:
There is no registration fee for the summer school. However, we kindly
ask you make your inscription here (below the info of this activity)
if you plan to participate:
From: Ricardo Celorrio
Date: May 23, 2016
Subject: NanoMath 2016, France, Jun 2016
Third Conference on Nanoscience and Mathematics (NanoMath 2016)
June 26th to 30th, 2016
CEMES-CNRS, Toulouse (France)
Registration deadline 10 June 2016, all participants need to be
registered by creating an account and specifying whether they wish to
make a contribution poster/oral. Started in 2012 the purpose of the
Nanomath conferences is to bring together mathematicians, chemists,
physicists and engineers to explore the potential for mathematicians
and experimental scientists to gain a better insight into the workings
of the nanoworld.
From: Nathalie Revol
Date: May 18, 2016
Subject: ARITH23, USA, Jul 2016
ARITH23: 23th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic
July 10-13, 2016, Santa Clara, California
Since 1969, the ARITH symposia have served as the flagship conference
for presenting scientific work on the latest research in computer
Authors are invited to submit papers describing recent advances on all
aspects of computer arithmetic and its applications or
implementations. This includes, but is not restricted to, the
following topics: Foundations of number systems and arithmetic;
Arithmetic processor design and implementation; Arithmetic algorithms
and their analysis; HPC: Highly-parallel arithmetic, exascale
computing, reproducibility; Floating-point units, algorithms, and
numerical analysis; Elementary and special function implementations;
Power-efficient or low-energy arithmetic units and processors;
Industrial implementation of arithmetic units and processors; Test,
validation, and formal verification techniques for arithmetic
implementations; New approaches to fault/error-tolerance in arithmetic
implementations; Arithmetic for FPGAs and reconfigurable logic; Design
automation for computer arithmetic implementations; Computer
arithmetic for security and cryptography; Arithmetic to enhance
accuracy or reliability (multiple-precision, interval arithmetic...);
Arithmetic for specific application domains (convolutional neural
networks, deep learning, signal processing, computer graphics,
multimedia, computer vision, finance...); Computer arithmetic algorithms
and implementation for emerging technologies; Non-conventional
computer arithmetic and applications.
The program is now available on the website of the conference.
From: Ilse Ipsen
Date: May 16, 2016
Subject: SAMSI Summer School in Optimization, USA, Aug 2016
Applications are invited for the SAMSI Summer School on Optimization,
8-12 August 2016, in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA,
The Summer School, which is part of the 2016-17 SAMSI Research Program
on Optimization, will introduce graduate students and early-career
researchers in the mathematical and statistical sciences to
cutting-edge approaches in Optimization and its applications.
Lecturers: Eric Chi (NCState), Vanja Dukic (U. Colorado-Boulder),
Noemi Petra (UC Merced), Volker Schulz (U. Trier, Germany), and Hua
Zhou (UCLA).
Potential topics to be covered include: E/M, and M/M algorithms;
sparse regression; computational methods for PDE-constrained
optimization; Bayesian inference; statistical and mathematical inverse
problems; optimization under uncertainty; and robust optimization.
Limited support is available for transportation and accommodation.
Application deadline: 8 June 2016
Application details and web page:
From: Ninoslav Truhar
Date: May 16, 2016
Subject: Model Reduction Methods and Optimization, Croatia, Sep 2016
EU-MORNET: Workshop on Model Reduction Methods and Optimization will
be held on 20-21 September 2016, in Opatija, Croatia. Workshop is
supported by European Model Reduction Network (EU- MORNET) and
Department of Mathematics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek,
Invited lecturers: Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics, University
of Zagreb, Croatia; Serkan Gugercin, Department of Mathematics,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA;
Karl Meerbergen, KU Leuven Department of Computer Science, Leuven,
Belgium; Volker Mehrmann, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin,
Germany; Tim Mitchell, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex
Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany.
For organization and registration please check web page:
The goal of this workshop is to provide a coherent set of lectures
that will adequately clarify the mathematical aspects of the (optimal)
control of dynamical systems, with special emphasis on optimization
and model reduction methods for large-scale systems.
From: Annika Lang
Date: May 20, 2016
Subject: Numerical Analysis of Stochastic PDEs, Sweden, Sep 2016
This year's NASPDE Workshop ("Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations") takes place in Gothenburg at Chalmers
University of Technology and University of Gothenburg on September
6-7, 2016. More information and registration details are available on
the workshop homepage:
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Sweden in September,
Annika Lang and Stig Larsson
From: Peter Arbenz
Date: May 18, 2016
Subject: SPEEDUP Workshop on HPC, Switzerland, Sep 2016
45th SPEEDUP Workshop on Performance Challenges in HPC
September 15-16, 2016, at the University of Basel, Switzerland
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together experts in the field
to present their ideas that focus on various performance challenges,
to foster learning and inspiration, and to provoke discussions and
exchanges on the state-of-the-art in high-performance and parallel
scientific computing.
Invited speakers:
- Gerhard Wellein (FAU Erlangen, Germany)
- Martin Schulz (Lawrence Livermore National Labs, USA)
- Sascha Hunold (TU Wien, Austria)
- Rudi Eigenmann (NSF and Purdue University, USA)
- Michael Resch (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
- Nicholas Holway (Novartis, Switzerland)
The scientific program will also include a series of lightning talks
from young talents in HPC followed by a PhD poster session. The
program will end with an engaging debate on the future of HPC,
followed by an apero. The presentations on Thursday, September 15,
will focus on performance modeling, benchmarking, and analysis as well
as the opportunities for achieving performance using accelerators,
clouds, and future technologies. On September 16th, a half-day
tutorial on Performance and Energy Monitoring and Analysis and a
half-day tutorial on Performance Reproducibility will be offered.
Students in all stages of their PhD are encouraged to actively
participate in the PhD Forum by submitting their research in the form
of a poster, which will be reviewed by the SPEEDUP committee. If your
doctoral school allows it, students with accepted posters may earn one
ECTS for attending the workshop and tutorials and for participating in
the PhD Forum.
Deadline for the submission is July 15, 2016.
From: Manolo Venturin
Date: May 17, 2016
Subject: Computer Aided Engineering, Italy, Oct 2016
Have you developed numerical methods or mathematical techniques useful
in the Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) environment? Participate to
the International CAE Conference!
At the International CAE Conference, EnginSoft, for the fifth year in
a row, champions and sponsors the "Poster Award", a contest dedicated
to recognizing the use of CAE technologies that are illustrated on
posters. This contest is open to students, graduates, researchers, and
/ or faculty members such as professors from Universities and Research
Centers. In order to participate, it's necessary to fill in the
registration form, in all its parts (remember to upload the poster in
pdf format), no later than September 30th, 2016.
From: Edoardo Di Napoli
Date: May 17, 2016
Subject: JARA-HPC Symposium 2016 (JHPCS'16), Germany, Oct 2016
JHPCS'16: JARA-HPC Symposium 2016
The first JARA-HPC Symposium will take place in Aachen, Germany, from
October 04-05, 2016. JARA-HPC organizes this symposium to motivate
lively discussions on the various aspects of the development of HPC
applications among experts. Participants will have the opportunity for
an in-depth exchange with colleagues from different research fields
who also make use of HPC systems in their scientific
work. Specifically, visualization methods, performance optimization
and data management topics will be discussed in connection with
application development in Engineering-, Materials- and Neuroscience.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Efficient multi-physics coupling strategies in CFD; Large materials
simulation for energy applications; Integration of HPC numerical
libraries in ab-initio codes; Provenance tracking for reproducibility
of workflows and data in science; Scalable I/O for massively parallel
applications; Scalable parallel visualization methods; In-situ
visualization solutions; Scalable algorithms in Simulation Science;
Performance portability / porting applications.
JHPCS 2016 is now open to authors for submissions via easychair at:
June 27, 2016: extended abstract (4+ pages) due
From: Thomas Wick
Date: May 19, 2016
Subject: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, Austria, Oct 2016
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 11th conference
on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE 2016)
Date: October 3 - 7, 2016
Location: Federal Institute for Adult Education (BIfEB -
Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung) located on the Wolfgang Lake
(Wolfgangsee) in the beautiful Salzkammergut (Alps) at St. Wolfgang /
Strobl (Austria)
Topics: Computational electromagnetics, Circuit and device modelling &
simulation, Coupled problems and multi-scale approaches in space and
time Mathematical and computational methods including uncertainty
quantification, Model order reduction, Industrial applications
The scientific program includes invited and contributed talks, poster
sessions and an industrial day. The conference proceedings will be
published by Springer. Selected papers will be published in a special
issue of the Springer Journal of Mathematics in Industry.
The deadline of abstract submission, 31 May 2016, is approaching. The
template for the (extended) abstract can be downloaded from the SCEE
Conference Email:
From: Michael Overton
Date: May 20, 2016
Subject: Domain Decomposition (honoring Olof Widlund), USA, Feb 2017
Olof B. Widlund, Silver Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
at New York University, is retiring in early 2017 after nearly 50
years as a faculty member at the Courant Institute. A workshop on
domain decomposition will be held in New York on Feb 24-25, 2017, in
honor of Olof on this occasion. All are welcome to participate in
this workshop which will celebrate his many contributions in numerical
analysis and scientific computing, including advising 32 doctoral
students. For more information, please see retirement/index.html
From: Miguel Constantino
Date: May 16, 2016
Subject: OPTIMIZATION 2017, Portugal, Sep 2017
Optimization 2017
Lisboa, Portugal
September 6-8, 2017
University of Lisboa, Faculty of Sciences
Optimization 2017 is the ninth edition of a series of Optimization
international conferences held every three or four years, in Portugal.
This meeting aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with
common interests in optimization. This conference series has
international recognition and is being organized under the auspices of
APDIO (the Portuguese Operations Research Society). In this edition,
we feel honored to celebrate the 60th birthday of our dear colleague
LuÃs Gouveia (Univ. of Lisbon).
Confirmed plenary speakers:
Immanuel Bomze | Universität Wien
Marco Campi | Università degli Studi di Brescia
Donald Goldfarb | Columbia University
Jacek Gondzio | The University of Edinburgh
Martine Labbé | Université Libre de Bruxelles
Giovanni Rinaldi | IASI Roma, CNR
For additional information:
From: Mary Fenelon
Date: May 18, 2016
Subject: Software Developer Position, Optimization, MathWorks
We are seeking a talented and creative Software Developer to join our
development team and improve the numerical optimization capabilities
and workflow in MATLAB.
You will contribute to the development of functionality concerning the
different aspects in the optimization workflow, including: problem
definition, careful design of interfaces (callable library and
graphical), development of robust numerical optimization
algorithms. Expertise in some of these areas, and interest and
aptitude in all of them are essential for this position. You will work
in a highly collaborative environment alongside peers that range from
optimization experts to casual users of optimization.
For further information and to apply, go to
From: Roland Herzog
Date: May 20, 2016
Subject: Professorship Position, Scientific Computing, Technische Univ Chemnitz
The Department of Mathematics at Technische Universität Chemnitz
invites applications for a full tenured professorship (W3) in
"Scientific Computing". The prospective starting date is October 01,
The successful candidate will have an excellent research record in a
current area of scientific computing and is expected to teach
effectively a broad range of topics in scientific computing and
numerical analysis at all curricular levels, for students of
mathematics as well as engineering and natural sciences. Applicants
should exhibit a successful track record in securing external
funding. The successful applicant is expected to cooperate with
researchers within the Department of Mathematics and to conduct
interdisciplinary research projects with other departments. The
conditions for appointment include a university degree, teaching
aptitude, a doctoral degree as well as additional academic
qualification in accordance with § 58 SaechsHSFG. Physically disabled
applicants will receive preferential consideration when equally
qualified. Technische Universität Chemnitz is committed to increasing
the representation of women in research and teaching positions and
therefore explicitly encourages female candidates to apply.
Applications with the usual documents in written form (including CV,
academic record, teaching experience and teaching evaluations, list of
publications, and copies of academic degrees and relevant
certificates) should be sent by June 30, 2016 to
Technische Universität Chemnitz
Dekan der Fakultät für Mathematik
Prof. Dr. C. Helmberg
09107 Chemnitz, Germany
In addition, an electronic copy of the application should be sent in a
single pdf file to
The official German version of this announcement is available at
For further information about the department, please consult our
From: Roderick Melnik
Date: May 21, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, M2NeTLab/MS2Discovery, WLU, Waterloo, Canada
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Position in Modeling for
Complex Systems, with focus on nanoscale systems and biophysical
applications. The position is based at the M2NeT Lab which is part of
the MS2Discovery Interdisciplinary Research Institute, located at
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada. Further information
about the position and how to apply can be found at the following
It is expected that that full consideration will be given to all
applications received by June 15, 2016, but applications will be
reviewed as they are received.
The position is available from the Fall of 2016.
From: Simon Shaw
Date: May 23, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Finite Element Methods, Brunel Univ London, UK
A PhD studentship funded at UK/EU rates is available at the Brunel
Institute of Computational Mathematics (BICOM) at Brunel University
London. Further details can be found here:
From: Marco Discacciati
Date: May 18, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Loughborough Univ
A three-year PhD position on modelling water filtration and
purification devices is available at Loughborough University to start
in October 2016. This PhD is part of a joint research project between
the Departments of Mathematical Sciences and Chemical Engineering.
Full details can be found here:
Applications must be submitted by June 12, 2016, through the web page
of the university using the link provided in the web page indicated
From: Peter Jimack
Date: May 19, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Parallel Scientific Computing, Leeds, UK
A fully-funded PhD studentship (fees and living costs) is available to
undertake a project on the application and development of open source
software tools for the parallel, adaptive solution of phase change
problems for metallic materials. The successful applicant will need a
high level of applied mathematical knowledge and outstanding
programming and software skills. Since the studentship will require
close collaboration with materials scientists at Leeds and elsewhere
in the UK, as well as collaboration with other software developers,
applicants will also need excellent communication and teamwork skills
combined with an ability to make independent individual progress.
For further details of the position, with details of how to apply,
please visit:
The closing date is 17th June 2016 but informal enquiries to Peter
Jimack ( are strongly encouraged in advance of
this deadline.
From: Ed Saff
Date: May 17, 2016
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 43 (2-3)
Constructive Approximation, Volume 43 Number 2
Table of Contents
Lorentz Spaces and Embeddings Induced by Almost Greedy Bases in Banach
Spaces, F. Albiac and J. L. Ansorena
Chebyshev Polynomials on a System of Continua, Vladimir V. Andrievskii
Variation of Loewner Chains, Extreme and Support Points in the Class
S^0 in Higher Dimensions, Filippo Bracci, Ian Graham, Hidetaka Hamada,
and Gabriela Kohr
Matrix Gegenbauer Polynomials: The 2×2 Fundamental Cases, Inés
Pacharoni and Ignacio Zurrián
On a Modification of Olver's Method: A Special Case, Chelo Ferreira,
José L. López, and Ester Pérez SinusÃa
On Summation of Nonharmonic Fourier Series, Yurii Belov and Yurii
Scaling Limits for Mixed Kernels, Doron S. Lubinsky
Constructive Approximation, Volume 43 Number 3
Table of Contents
Fixed Points for the Multifractal Spectrum Map, Delphine Maman and
Stéphane Seuret
The Mahler Measure of the Rudin-Shapiro Polynomials, Tamás Erdélyi
Numerical Solution of the Beltrami Equation Via a Purely Linear
System, R. Michael Porter and Hirokazu Shimauchi
Derandomizing Restricted Isometries via the Legendre Symbol, Afonso
S. Bandeira, Matthew Fickus, Dustin G. Mixon, and J. Moreira
Approximation by Chebyshevian Bernstein Operators versus Convergence
of Dimension Elevation, Rachid Ait-Haddou and Marie-Laurence Mazure
Location of Poles for the Hastings-McLeod Solution to the Second
Painlevé Equation, Min Huang, Shuai-Xia Xu, and Lun Zhang
Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer
From: Raimondas Ciegis
Date: May 20, 2016
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 21 (3)
The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations, ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online,
Electronical edition:
Lu{\'{i}}s Filipe Pinheiro de Castro and Ekaterina Pesetskaya,
Properties of a Composite Material with Mixed Imperfect Contact
Lazhar Bougoffa, Randolph Rach and Abdul-Majid Wazwaz, On Solutions of
Boundary Value Problem for Fourth-Order Beam Equations
Ashraf M. Zenkour, Two-Dimensional Coupled Solution for Thermoelastic
Beams via Generalized Dual-Phase-Lags Model
Alexander V. Vasilyev and Vladimir B. Vasilyev, Difference Equations
in a Multidimensional Space
Rafa{\l} Brociek, Edyta Hetmaniok, Jaros{\l}aw Matlak and Damian
S{\l}ota, Application of the Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving the
Systems of Linear and Nonlinear Integral Equations
Ning Duan, Pullback Attractor for a Non-Autonomous Generalized
Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Biological Applications
Svetlana Atslega, Dmitrijs Finaskins and Felix Sadyrbaev, On a Planar
Dynamical System Arising in the Network Control Theory
XiaoLiang Dong, HongWei Liu, YuBo He, Saman Babaie Kafaki and Reza
Ghanbari, A New Three-Term Conjugate Gradient Method with Descent
Direction for Unconstrained Optimization
Mojtaba Fardi, Reza Khoshsiar Ghaziani and Mehdi Ghasemi, The
Reproducing Kernel Method for Some Variational Problems Depending on
Indefinite Integrals
End of Digest
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