From: Pietro Belotti pietrobelotti@fico.com
Date: December 03, 2014
Subject: Optimization Challenge by Kaggle and FICO
Kaggle has kicked off its annual winter optimization challenge
(https://www.kaggle.com/c/helping-santas-helpers): an unusual and
difficult job shop scheduling problem that has to be solved.
Researchers, professionals and students are invited to participate and
have a go at the prize money. You are free to use the tools of your
choice and there is a special prize for submissions
using FICO Xpress; see
for more information.
Kaggle is known mainly for hosting analytics competitions. This is an
opportunity for OR practitioners to compete with data scientists on a
large-scale problem.
Good luck!
From: Klaus Iglberger klaus.iglberger@gmail.com
Date: December 03, 2014
Subject: Blaze 2.2 Released
After a total of five and a half months and unfortunately a little
late for SC'14 we finally release version 2.2 of the Blaze C++ math
library! But the waiting time was worthwhile! This release comes with
hundreds of improvements and several bug fixes, many based on hints,
suggestions and ideas of the Blaze community. Thank you very much for
your support and help to make the Blaze library even better!
The big new feature of Blaze 2.2 is symmetric matrices. And this is
not just any implementation of symmetric matrices, but one of the most
complete and powerful implementations available. For instance, the
Blaze architecture enables symmetric matrices to actively help to
improve the performance of user code by restructuring mathematical
expressions. Get an impression of how symmetric matrices work and how
they can help to improve performance in the Blaze tutorial:
Blaze 2.2 is now available for download at
From: Jean Michel Sellier jeanmichel.sellier@gmail.com
Date: December 02, 2014
Subject: Nano-archimedes 1.0.0 released
nano-archimedes 1.0.0 has been released, please check it out!
nano-archimedes is a time-dependent simulator for the simulation of
quantum systems. It can simulate single- and many-body quantum
problems (DFT and ab-initio).
This first release implements the one-dimensional, ballistic,
time-dependent Wigner Monte Carlo method based on signed particles and
simulates a wave-packet going towards a potential barrier.
The code is released under GPL and it is a GNU package. The user is,
thus, free to use, modify and share the code with other users.
Instructions on how to extend this code to two-dimensional and
three-dimensional geometries are provided along with explanations on
how to simulate many-body quantum problems and include phonon
From: Mark Lau marklau@hkbu.edu.hk
Date: December 04, 2014
Subject: New iPad App for Numerical Computation
Our team has released a free iPad app for numerical computation. It is
a full-fledged app having built-in editor with syntax highlight and
auto-indent, 2D & 3D plots, script manager, console, and
documentation. It is now available on the App Store:
The app is known as SIMO, which stands for Simulation and
Modeling. With SIMO you can:
- perform vector and matrix computation;
- generate 2D and 3D plots;
- zoom, pan, and rotate plots with multi-touch gestures;
- define variables;
- access over 100 built-in functions;
- execute loops (for-loop, while-loop);
- use if-else, and switch statements;
- create scripts and user-defined functions.
In general, SIMO is useful for individuals who want to do calculation
on iPad. It is specifically designed for
- university students/teachers studying/teaching numerical
- professionals in the numerical computation fields;
- researchers and scientists who need to carry out numerical
experiments, and to analyze numerical data.
From: Luca F. Pavarino luca.pavarino@unimi.it
Date: December 04, 2014
Subject: New Book, Mathematical Cardiac Electrophysiology
Mathematical Cardiac Electrophysiology,
by P. Colli Franzone, L. F. Pavarino, S. Scacchi,
Springer MSA vol. 13, 2014
This book covers the main mathematical and numerical models in
computational electrocardiology, ranging from microscopic membrane
models of cardiac ionic channels to macroscopic bidomain, monodomain,
eikonal models and cardiac source representations. These advanced
multiscale and nonlinear models describe the cardiac bioelectrical
activity from the cell level to the body surface and are employed in
both the direct and inverse problems of electrocardiology. The book
also covers advanced numerical techniques needed to efficiently carry
out large-scale cardiac simulations, including time and space
discretizations, decoupling and operator splitting techniques,
parallel finite element solvers. These techniques are employed in 3D
cardiac simulations illustrating the excitation mechanisms, the
anisotropic effects on excitation and repolarization wavefronts, the
morphology of electrograms in normal and pathological tissue and some
reentry phenomena. The overall aim of the book is to present
rigorously the mathematical and numerical foundations of computational
electrocardiology, illustrating the current research developments in
this fast-growing field lying at the intersection of mathematical
physiology, bioengineering and computational biomedicine. This book is
addressed to graduate student and researchers in the field of applied
mathematics, scientific computing, bioengineering, electrophysiology
and cardiology.
From: André Brodtkorb Andre.Brodtkorb@sintef.no
Date: December 08, 2014
Subject: Deadline Ext, UQ for Physical Phenomena, Norway, Jan 2015
The 15th Geilo Winter School will take place January 18th-23rd, 2015
at Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo. As you may already know, this years topic
is Uncertainty Quantification for Physical Phenomena.
We still have a few rooms available in our allocation at the hotel,
and I'm therefore happy to extend the registration deadline to
December 24th 2014, or until we run out of rooms.
As you can see from the program (http://goo.gl/0a0KRO), this years
winter school will cover multiple aspects of UQ, a topic we hope many
of you find interesting. More details are available on the winter
school webpages, http://www.sintef.no/eVITA/.
There will also be a poster session, where participants are encouraged
to present their own research.
Important information:
- The extended registration deadline is December 24th, 2014.
- Webpage: http://www.sintef.no/eVITA/
- Registration: http://goo.gl/I1tXIh
- Flyer: http://goo.gl/UzIHeV
From: Xiaoming He hex@mst.edu
Date: December 06, 2014
Subject: SIAM Central States Section, USA, April 2015
The 1st Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section will be held
at Missouri University of Science and Technology from April 11-12,
2015. The call for mini-symposium proposals and contributed
presentations/posters is open. For more information about this
conference, please visit the conference webpage:
The SIAM Central States Section was formed in 2014. For more
information about this new section, please visit the section webpage:
If you have any questions, please feel free to email
siamcentral@mst.edu or the conference organizing committee chair,
Xiaoming He (hex@mst.edu).
From: George Anastassiou ganastss@memphis.edu
Date: December 07, 2014
Subject: Applied Math & Approximation Theory, Turkey, May 2015
3rd International Conference on “Applied Mathematics &
Approximation Theory-AMAT 2015â€Â, May 28-31, 2015, Ankara, Turkey.
All subareas and topics of Applied Mathematics and Approximation
Theory are welcome.
Plenary Speakers: George A. Anastassiou (University of Memphis, USA) ,
Jerry L. Bona (University Illinois at Chicago, USA) , Alexander
Goncharov (Bilkent University, Turkey) , Weimin Han (University of
Iowa, USA) , Varga Kalantarov (Koç University, Turkey), Gitta Kutyniok
(Technische Universität, Germany), Choonkil Park (Hanyang University,
South Korea), Tamaz Vashakmadze (Tbilisi State University, Georgia).
Organisers: George A. Anastassiou (University of Memphis, USA) and
Oktay Duman (TOBB Economics and Technology University, Ankara,
Contact: amat2015@etu.edu.tr, amat2015conference@gmail.com
Visit: http://amat2015.etu.edu.tr
From: Xing Cai xingca@simula.no
Date: December 05, 2014
Subject: Advances in HPC Earth Sciences, Iceland, Jun 2015
Fifth International Workshop on Advances in High-Performance
Computational Earth Sciences: Applications and Frameworks
Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3
Paper Submission Due (10-pages): January 10, 2015
Author Notification: February 15, 2015
Camera-Ready Papers: March 2, 2015
IHPCES 2015 invites original contributions on all topics related to
Computational Earth Sciences, including, but not limited to:
- Simulations using high-end supercomputers in earth sciences, as well
as multi-physics simulations and applications.
- Modeling/large-scale simulations on natural disaster prevention/mitigation.
- Advanced numerical methods for computational earth sciences, such as
FEM, FDM, FVM, BEM/BIEM, Mesh-Free method, Particle method, LBM,
- Numerical algorithms and parallel programming models for
computational earth sciences.
- Optimization and reengineering of applications for both conventional
multi- and many cores processors, or specified accelerators such as
GPU and Xeon Phi.
- Pre/post processing and handling of large-scale data sets for
computational earth sciences, such as parallel visualization,
parallel mesh generation, I/O, data mining, etc.
- Frameworks and tools for development of codes for computational
earth sciences on Peta/Post-Peta/Exa Scale Systems.
From: Wolf-Juergen Beyn beyn@math.uni-bielefeld.de
Date: December 08, 2014
Subject: Longtime Behaviour of Nonlinear Waves, Germany, Jun 2015
Longtime Behaviour of Nonlinear Waves
June 8-12, 2015 at Bielefeld University
Organizers: Wolf-Juergen Beyn and Sebastian Herr
Support: Collaborative Research Centre 701 'Spectral Structures and
Topological Methods in Mathematics'
Topics: Well-posedness of dispersive equations (nonlinear Schrödinger,
Dirac-Klein Gordon, Yang-Mills, complex Ginzburg-Landau damped wave
etc.), longtime behaviour of numerical integrators, stability of
nonlinear waves, essential and point spectra, computational methods
for point spectra, Evans function and Krein signature, Hamiltonian
For registration, invited speakers and further information visit
Further contributions are welcome and some limited
support for younger researchers is still available.
From: Mari Paz Calvo maripaz@mac.uva.es
Date: December 03, 2014
Subject: Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Spain, Jun 2015
New Perspectives in Markov Chain Monte Carlo
June 8-12, 2015
University of Valladolid, Spain
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are undoubtedly among the most
important algorithms in science. The school “New Perspectives in
Markov Chain Monte Carlo†is aimed at providing a survey of several
recent developments in MCMC. There will be three courses of lectures
taught by leading researchers; additionally, some participants will be
given the opportunity of presenting their own results.
The school is addressed to mathematicians, statisticians, and
scientists interested in MCMC. PhD students and postdoctoral
researchers attending the school may apply for accommodation support.
Attendance to the school is open (there is no registration fee), but
participants are requested to submit the registration form before May
18, 2015. Registration covers the scientific program of the school,
the coffee breaks and lunches from Monday to Friday.
Registration and application for accommodation support is now possible
at http://wmatem.eis.uva.es/npmcmc
From: Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: December 02, 2014
Subject: Mathematics in Data Science, USA, Jul 2015
Topical Workshop: Mathematics in Data Science- Exploring the Role of
the Mathematical Sciences in an Evolving Discipline
Dates: 7/28/15 – 7/30/15
The goal of this workshop is to bring together mathematicians and data
scientists to participate in a discussion of current methods and
outstanding problems in data science. The workshop is particularly
aimed at mathematicians interested in pursuing research or a career in
data science who wish to gain an understanding of this rapidly
evolving field and the ways in which mathematics can
contribute. Researchers currently working in data science are also
encouraged to attend, to share ideas about mathematical methodologies
and challenges. A number of experienced data scientists with a variety
of backgrounds from academics, national laboratories, and industry
(including startups) will be invited. The program will include
overview and technical talks, several panels consisting of
practitioners with different experience levels, and one or more poster
From: Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: December 04, 2014
Subject: Comp Aspects of the Langlands Program, USA, Sep-Dec 2015
ICERM Semester Program on "Computational Aspects of the Langlands
Program" (September 9, 2015 - December 4, 2015)
In the late 1960s, Robert Langlands discovered a unifying principle in
number theory providing a vast generalization of class field theory to
include nonabelian extensions of number fields. This principle gives
rise to a web of conjectures called the Langlands program which
continues to guide research in number theory to the present day. For
example, an important first instance of the Langlands program is the
modularity theorem for elliptic curves over the rational numbers, an
essential ingredient in the proof of Fermat's last theorem.
Despite its many successes, the Langlands program remains vague in
many of its predictions, due in part to an absence of data to guide a
precise formulation away from a few special cases. In this thematic
program, we will experiment with and articulate refined conjectures
relating arithmetic-geometric objects to automorphic forms, improve
the computational infrastructure underpinning the Langlands program,
and assemble additional supporting data. Such data has proven valuable
for researchers in number theory, and it will continue to be made
available at the L-Functions and Modular Forms Database.
During the semester we will focus on three specific aspects of the
Langlands program. First, we will look at elliptic curves over number
fields and genus 2 curves over the rationals and will consider their
relationship to modular forms. Second, we will consider computational
aspects of modular forms in higher rank. Specifically, we will examine
K3 surfaces and their connections to modular forms on orthogonal
groups. Our third topic concerns analytic aspects of L-functions,
building upon and complementing the algebraic, arithmetic, and
geometric data.
From: Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: December 04, 2014
Subject: Modular Forms and Curves of Low Genus, USA, Sep-Oct 2015
Modular Forms and Curves of Low Genus: Computational Aspects (September 28 -
October 3, 2015)
One of the crowning achievements of number theory in the 20th century
is the construction of the modularity correspondence between elliptic
curves with rational coefficients and modular forms of weight 2. The
consequences of this result resound throughout number theory; for
instance, it enables the resolution of certain problems of diophantine
equations (e.g., Fermat's last theorem) as well as the systematic
tabulation of elliptic curves, which in turn provides the basis for
many new conjectures and results.
The aim of this workshop is to lay the groundwork for extending this
correspondence to curves of small genus over number fields. The
general framework for this correspondence is predicted by the
Langlands program, but much remains to be made explicit. We will
explore theoretical, algorithmic, computational, and experimental
questions on both sides of the correspondence, with an eye towards
tabulation of numerical data and formulation of precise conjectures.
From: Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics danielle_izzi@icerm.brown.edu
Date: December 04, 2014
Subject: Computational Aspects of L-functions, USA, Nov 2015
Computational Aspects of L-functions (November 9-13, 2015)
This conference will revolve around several themes: the computational
complexity of L- functions; statistical problems concerning
L-functions, such as the distribution of their values, and zeros,
moments of L-functions, statistics and size of ranks in families of
elliptic curves; practical implementations of algorithms and their
applications to testing various conjectures about L-functions;
rigorous and certifiable computations of L- functions. One goal is to
stimulate dialogue between theoreticians and computationally minded
researchers regarding problems to which computation might provide
insight or important confirmation of conjectures. In the other
direction, we hope that discussions will lead to new ideas concerning
algorithms for L-functions.
From: David L. Brown dlb@lbl.gov
Date: December 02, 2014
Subject: Department Head Position, Computational Science, Berkeley Lab
Please see full posting at
Department Head (Computational Science Department)-80290
Organization:CR-Computational Research
Description: We are looking for a Department Head of the Computational
Science (CLS) Department within the Computational Research Division
(CRD) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Department Head
is directly responsible for the management of the Groups in the CLS
Department (Computational Cosmology, Biosciences Computing, Physics &
X-Ray Science, and Computational Chemistry, Materials & Climate) .The
Computational Science Department performs innovative research that
enhances high performance computational science application codes used
in scientific discovery across a broad range of scientific
disciplines. Members of the Department collaborate broadly across
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), the Department
of Energy (DOE) National Laboratory community, and with academic,
government and industrial institutions internationally to enable
breakthrough scientific discoveries that make essential use of
high-performance computing capabilities.
Additional desired qualifications: Ph.D. or equivalent experience in a
Computational Science Field
From: Layachi Hadji Lhadji@ua.edu
Date: December 08, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Big Data
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Alabama invites
applications for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor
level in the general area of high-performance computing in data
analysis beginning August 16, 2015. Candidates with interests in
numerical linear algebra in data mining, optimization, statistical
learning or cyber-security are encouraged to apply. Candidates must
possess a doctorate in mathematics, statistics, or a closely related
field. Applicants must apply online at http://facultyjobs.ua.edu and
arrange for three letters of recommendation, one of which may address
teaching, to be sent to math@ua.edu. The review process starts on
December 1, 2014 and continues until the position is filled. The
University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees. Women and
minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. More information
about the department and the university is available at
From: Dr. T.W. Ng ntw@maths.hku.hk
Date: December 02, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Positions (3), Mathematics
Applications are invited for tenure-track appointment as Associate
Professor/Assistant Professor (3 posts) in the Department of
Mathematics, to commence from September 1, 2015 or as soon as possible
thereafter. The appointment will initially be made on a three-year
term basis, with the possibility of renewal and with consideration for
tenure during the second three-year contract. Information about the
Department can be obtained at http://www.hku.hk/math/.
Candidates in all areas of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical
Sciences will be considered, with preference given to those working in
the areas of Scientific Computing, Computational Mathematics,
Financial Mathematics, Operations Research, and Optimization. The
appointees are expected to actively engage in outreach and service.
Applicants should send a completed application form, together with an
up-to-date C.V. containing information on educational and professional
experience, a complete list of publications, a survey of past research
and teaching experience, a research plan for the next few years, and a
statement on teaching philosophy by e-mail to scmath@hku.hk. They
should also arrange for submission, to the same e-mail address as
stated above, three reference letters from senior academics. One of
these senior academics should be asked to comment on the applicant’s
ability in teaching, or the applicant should arrange to have an
additional reference letter on his/her teaching sent to the same
e-mail address as stated above. Please indicate clearly which level
they wish to be considered for and the reference number in the subject
of the e-mail. Application forms (341/1111) can be downloaded at
http://www.hku.hk/apptunit/form-ext.doc. Further particulars can be
obtained at http://jobs.hku.hk/. Review of applications will start
from February 1, 2015 and continue until all the posts are filled.
From: Mikhail Shashkov shashkov@lanl.gov
Date: December 03, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Physics
Vacancy Name IRC36716
Job Title Computational Physics Postdoc
The XCP-4 (Methods and Algorithms) Group develops new methods and
algorithms for multiphysics codes. The XCP-4 Group is seeking
candidates for postdoctoral position focused on methods and
implementation of Reconnection-based Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian
algorithms for high-speed, compressible, multimaterial flows.
Minimum Job Requirements: Experience with Lagrangian and Arbitrary
Lagrangian-Eulerian Methods on general unstructured (polygonal and
polyhedral) meshes. Publication or other evidence (e.g., code
documentation), which confirms such experience; Knowledge of Voronoi
mesh generation; Working knowledge of interface reconstruction
methods; Working knowledge of closure models for multimaterial cells;
Working knowledge of releveant algorithms of computational geometry
(e.g., point in polygon, intersection of polygons); Learn and develop
skills in complementary disciplines; Work with a diverse group of
colleagues from varying backgrounds on research covering multiple
physics areas; Demonstrate a commitment to quality research, technical
and scientific excellence, professional integrity, and personal
initiative; Demonstrate and maintain excellence in written and verbal
Education: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (or related area) completed
within the last five years or soon to be completed.
From: Omar Ghattas omar@ices.utexas.edu
Date: December 04, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, ICES, UT-Austin
Interested and qualified graduate students are encouraged to apply for
the ICES Postdoctoral Fellowship within the Institute for
Computational Engineering & Sciences at UT-Austin. The fellowship
provides a stipend of $60K per year, and permits postdoctoral fellows
to conduct research collaboratively with ICES faculty. The deadline
for submission of applications is January 5, 2015.
For more information, please see: https://www.ices.utexas.edu/programs/postdoc/
From: Michel Kern michel.kern@inria.fr
Date: December 05, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Inria and Paris 13
We would like to draw your attention to the following announcement for
a 2 years post-doctoral position available in the framework of ANR
project Dedales at Inria and University Paris 13 for Space-Time Domain
Decomposition for Subsurface/Groundwater Flows:
The position is to be filled as soon as possible.
For more information, please contact
Michel Kern, Michel.Kern@inria.fr
Caroline Japhet, Caroline.Japhet@inria.fr
From: Tan Bui tanbui@ices.utexas.edu
Date: December 08, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems with Big Data, ICES, UT Austin
You are invited to apply for a postdoc position working large-scale
inverse problems with big data. The postdoc will have a chance to work
in a multidisciplinary computational science and engineering
environment at the Institute for Computational Engineering and
Sciences (ICES), the University of Texas at Austin.
Requirement: PhD in applied Math or related areas such as
computational engineering. Having experience in computational inverse
problem and probability theory is a plus.
Duty: Developing scalable methods to deal with big data issues in
large-scale inverse problems. The postdoc will be working directly
with Prof. Tan Bui tanbui@ices.utexas.edu
Salary: 60K/year for at least two years
Availability: Immediate
From: Thomas Strohmer strohmer@math.ucdavis.edu
Date: December 02, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematics, Univ of California, Davis
The Department of Mathematics is soliciting applications for a
Postdoctoral Scholar position with a starting date between March 2015
and October 2015.
To be considered for the position, the Department seeks applicants
with a strong knowledge base in Sparse Approximations, Compressive
Sensing, Numerical Algorithms, and/or Optimization. Applicants must
have completed their Ph.D. by August 31, 2014. The position requires
working on research related to a defense-based project (sponsored by
DTRA/NSF) led by Professor Thomas Strohmer. The research is concerned
with developing theory and algorithms for high-dimensional data
analysis, imaging and signal recovery in connection with threat
detection. The candidate should also have excellent programming skills
in Matlab. The annual salary will be $50K. Salary is negotiable based
on experience and funding available. The Postdoc may be asked to teach
one or two courses depending on experience and the Mathematics
department needs. The appointment is renewable for a total of up to
two years, assuming satisfactory performance. A US-Citizenship is not
The UC Davis Math and Applied Math programs have been ranked among the
nation’s top programs by the National Research Council in its most
recent report. Additional information about the Department may be
found at "http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/" http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/.
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. To
guarantee full consideration, the application should be received by
December 30, 2014 by submitting the AMS Cover Sheet and supporting
documentation electronically through http://www.mathjobs.org/ (see
also https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/6810).
The University of California, Davis, is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer and is dedicated to recruiting a diverse faculty
community. We welcome all qualified applicants to apply, including
women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.
From: Angela Kunoth kunoth@math.uni-koeln.de
Date: December 06, 2014
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Cologne
There are several PhD/PostDoc positions available in my group at the
University of Cologne, Germany.
Please see
From: Bernard Haasdonk haasdonk@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de
Date: December 04, 2014
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Stuttgart
We welcome applications for a research associate (PhD or PostDoc)
position in the research group "Numerical Mathematics" at the
Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation, University of
Stuttgart, Germany.
The university offers an interesting and interdisciplinary research
environment in particular by opportunities of colaboration within the
Cluster on Simulation Technology SimTech. The research will be in the
scope of kernel methods and model order reduction (MOR), particular
interest exists in the fields:
- kernel-based data approximation techniques (vectorial, multiscale)
- RBF techniques for approximation of PDEs (greedy techniques)
- data assimilation in PDEs/ODEs (parameter, state estimation) via MOR
The highly motivated candidate should have a background in numerical
analysis for PDEs or scattered data approximation by kernel
methods. Good programming skills (MATLAB or C++) are essential.
According to the funding source, the position is supposed to provide
teaching assistance for mathematics lectures. Therefore, basic German
language knowledge -- or the willingness to adopt this -- is required.
The position with the designated salary bracket TV-L E13 (100%) has a
limited tenure of two years, with possible extension by further two
years. We aim at filling the position by 1 April, 2015.
Applications with the usual documents (letter of motivation,
curriculum vitae, certificates, contact information of 2 referees)
should be sent electronically as single PDF to
haasdonk@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de and arrive not later than 18
December, 2014.
From: Edoardo Di Napoli e.di.napoli@fz-juelich.de
Date: December 05, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, RWTH Aachen Univ
One PhD position, jointly supervised by Dr. Di Napoli and
Prof. Bientinesi, is available at the Aachen Institute for Advanced
study on Computational Engineering Science, RWTH Aachen University,
Germany. This position is for 3 years with a free-tax stipend of
€2,000 per month.
Working field: High-performance numerical algorithms applied to
electronic structure computations. In particular the candidate will
focus on sequences of generalized eigenvalue problems, iterative
eigen- and linear solvers, mixed Householder and Jacobi transforms,
spectrum slicing techniques and application to Density Functional
Requirements: a master degree in computer science, applied mathematics
or related field; experience in numerical linear algebra and
high-performance computing; good programming skills in C, C++ and
Fortran; an elementary background in quantum mechanics is optional but
To apply, please download and fill out the application form at
(http://www.aices.rwth-aachen.de/admission) and email it together with
any supporting material (PDF file(s) format is recommended) to
admission@aices.rwth-aachen.de. Alternatively send all the material to:
RWTH Aachen University,
Schinkelstrasse, 2
52062 Aachen, Germany.
Please send only copies and not originals of documents, as they will
not be returned by mail.
Please make reference, in your application form, to the project
"Iterative Solvers for Sequences of Eigenproblems". Please also send a
copy of the application material to dinapoli@aices.rwth-aachen.de
To ensure equal opportunity between men and women, applications from
women with corresponding qualifications are explicitly desired.
The vacancy is also available in the internet at
One PhD position, jointly supervised by Dr. Di Napoli and
Prof. Bientinesi, is available at the Aachen Institute for Advanced
study on Computational Engineering Science, RWTH Aachen University,
Germany. This position is for 3 years.
Working field: High-performance numerical algorithms applied to
electronic structure computations. The candidate will focus on
sequences of generalized eigenvalue problems, iterative eigen- and
linear solvers, mixed Householder and Jacobi transforms, spectrum
slicing techniques and application to Density Functional Theory.
Requirements: a master degree in computer science, applied mathematics
or related field; experience in numerical linear algebra and
high-performance computing; good programming skills in C, C++ and
Fortran; an elementary background in quantum mechanics is optional.
To apply, please download and fill out the application form at
(http://www.aices.rwth-aachen.de/admission) and email it together with
any supporting material (PDF file(s) format is recommended) to
admission@aices.rwth-aachen.de. Alternatively send all the material to:
RWTH Aachen University,
Schinkelstrasse, 2
52062 Aachen, Germany.
Please send only copies and not originals of documents, as they will
not be returned by mail.
Please make reference, in your application form, to the project
"Iterative Solvers for Sequences of Eigenproblems". Please also send a
copy of the application material to dinapoli@aices.rwth-aachen.de
The vacancy is also available in the internet at
From: Kevin Burrage kevin.burrage@cs.ox.ac.uk
Date: December 08, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Comp Cardiovascular Science, Oxford Univ
The Computational Cardiovascular Science group within the Department
of Computer Science and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the
University of Oxford does cutting edge research in Computational
Medicine. It combines innovative and state of the art modelling,
simulation, imaging and data analysis techniques to integrate and
translate information from a range of experimental and clinical data
in the context of Cardiovascular Medicine and Physiology. Our group is
part of the BHF Centre of Research Excellence at Oxford and our
research is funded by a number of funding agencies and pharmaceutical
companies with additional research collaborations with regulatory
agencies. We have access to a variety of funding mechanisms for PhD
scholarships and we encourage those interested in doing a PhD with us
to contact Patricia Benito at patricia.benito@cs.ox.ac.uk
See also http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/ccs/home
Closing date for applications: 9th January 2015
From: Joseph Traub traub@cs.columbia.edu
Date: December 05, 2014
Subject: Contents, J of Complexity, 31 (1)
Journal of Complexity
Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2015
Editorial Board Changes
On lower complexity bounds for large-scale smooth convex optimization,
C. Guzmán, A. Nemirovski
Complexity of oscillatory integration for univariate Sobolev spaces,
E. Novak, M. Ullrich, H. Woźniakowski
Tractability using periodized generalized Faure sequences, Ch. Lemieux
The descriptive complexity of stochastic integration, S. Mukeru
Complexity of the derivative-free solution of systems of IVPs with
unknown singularity hypersurface, B. Kacewicz, P. Przybyłowicz
On construction of blocked general minimum lower-order confounding
2n−m : 2r designs with N/4 + 1 ≤ n ≤ 5N/16, B. Guo, Q. Zhou, R. Zhang
On the complexity of computing quadrature formulas for marginal
distributions of SDEs, T. Müller-Gronbach, K. Ritter, L. Yaroslavtseva
End of Digest