From: Dmitry Pekurovsky dmitry@sdsc.edu
Date: August 12, 2014
Subject: Library for spectral transforms in 3D for parallel machines
P3DFFT is an open-source numerical library providing highly
scalable implementation of 3D spectral transforms namely Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT), with an option to combine it with
cosine/sine/Chebyshev/empty transform in the third dimension. (The
empty transform allows the user to substitute their own custom
transform in the third dimension. This can be useful in
applications such as inhomogeneous wall bounded turbulence.) P3DFFT
implements 2D domain decomposition which allows it to overcome a
scalability restriction inherent in 1D decomposition. This approach
has shown good scalability up to 131,072 cores.
A new version of P3DFFT 2.7.1 is now available. The project Home
Page is http://code/google.com/p/p3dfft where instructions for
obtaining the source code are provided. Installation instructions
and a User Guide are also available.
P3DFFT features include real-to-complex and complex-to-real
transforms, in-place transforms, pruned transforms (with less than
full input or output), and multi-variable transforms. The package
includes example programs in Fortran and C. This is a project in
active development, with a user mailing list, a wiki page and a
version control system. P3DFFT is considered community software and
is being installed in public space at many supercomputer centers.
Contributions and feedback from users are welcome.
From: P. Vasant pvasant@gmail.com
Date: August 13, 2014
Subject: Call for Chapters, Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications
Proposal Submission Deadline: September 15, 2014
Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications in Engineering and
A book edited by
Pandian Vasant (Petronas University of Technology, Malaysia)
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle
East Technical University, Turkey)
Vo Ngoc Dieu (Department of Power Systems, HCMC University of
Technology, Vietnam)
To be published by IGI Global. For more details about the call for
chapter proposals, see: http://bit.ly/1kwo5vK
September 15, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline
October 15, 2014: Notification of Acceptance
January 31, 2015: Full Chapter Submission
March 31, 2015: Review Results Returned
May 15, 2015: Final Acceptance Notification
May 30, 2015: Final Chapter Submission
Inquiries can be forwarded to
Pandian Vasant, E-mail: pvasant@gmail.com
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Email: gweber@metu.edu.tr
Vo Ngoc Dieu, Email: vndieu@gmail.com
From: Artem Napov, Yvan Notay, Stefan Vandewalle emg2014@ulb.ac.be
Date: August 13, 2014
Subject: Programme Now Online, EMG Conference, Belgium, Sep 2014
12th European Multigrid Conference
September 9 - 12, 2014
Leuven, Belgium
For the programme, registration and accommodation reservation please
see the conference homepage
From: Lehel Banjai l.banjai@hw.ac.uk
Date: August 15, 2014
Subject: Maxwell Inst Grad School on Evolution Equations, UK, Oct 2014
This is the second announcement of the Maxwell Institute Graduate
School on Evolution Equations which will be held at the International
Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh 8-10 October, 2014.
Erwan Faou (INRIA & ENS Paris) and Christian Lubich (Tubingen) will
give short courses on the analysis of stochastic evolution equations
(Faou) and on the long-time behavior of oscillatory Hamiltonian ODEs
and PDEs and their numerical discretizations (Lubich). A further
lecture will be given by Claudia Wulff (Surrey).
Limited funding for British postgraduate students, and in particular
for students from Scottish universities will be available. The
deadline for applying for funding is 29th August.
The deadline for registration is 19th September.
Further information is available at
From: Annette Anthony annettefanthony@gmail.com
Date: August 15, 2014
Subject: Copper Mountain Multigrid Methods, USA, Mar 2015
The Seventeenth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods
March 22 – 27, 2015
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA
Student Competition Papers: January 2, 2015
Author Abstracts: January 12, 2015
Early Registration: March 2, 2015
Guaranteed Lodging: February 21, 2015
HIGHLIGHTED TOPICS: Uncertainty Quantification; Optimization and
Inverse Problems; Data Mining, Large Graphs, and Markov Chains;
Nonsymmetric and Indefinite Problems; Krylov Accelerators; Hybrid
Direct-Iterative Linear Solvers; Parallel Multigrid on Multicore
Systems and Heterogeneous Architectures; Time Parallel Methods;
Iterative Methods in Applications (e.g., Electromagnetics, Energy,
Environmental, MHD, Neutronics, Transport/Reaction)
- Student Paper Competition. Travel and lodging assistance will be
warded to students and new PhDs judged to have submitted the best
research papers.
- Workshops - Informal Topical Discussions
- Preliminary Proceedings
For more information, please access our website at
or contact the conference coordinator:
Annette Anthony
Front Range Scientific Computations
(480) 332-2026
From: Eric de Sturler sturler@vt.edu
Date: August 18, 2014
Subject: Chaired Professorship Position, Virginia Tech
The Virginia Tech Department of Mathematics (www.math.vt.edu), in
cooperation with the College of Science’s Academy of Integrated
Science (www.science.vt.edu/ais), invites applications from
outstanding candidates for the John K. Costain Faculty Chair. The
holder of the chair will be expected to pursue a nationally and
internationally preeminent research program that provides leadership
in energy-related directions, inclusive of petroleum exploration, in
collaboration with the Computational Modeling and Data Analytics
(CMDA) program. Appointment at the level of Professor is anticipated,
but junior candidates with exceptional promise will be considered for
appointment at the level of Associate Professor. The position is at
the Blacksburg, VA, campus and has an anticipated start date of
August 10, 2015.
The full ad is available from the Mathematics Department website,
www.math.vt.edu (link to Costain Chair Search).
Prospective candidates are encouraged to contact Eric de Sturler
(sturler_AT_vt.edu) or Peter Haskell (phaskell_AT_vt.edu) for further
From: Pierre Gremaud gremaud@ncsu.edu
Date: August 15, 2014
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, NCSU
The Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University
invites applications for one or more tenure-track position(s)
beginning Fall 2015, depending on the availability of funding. We are
seeking exceptionally well-qualified individuals with research
interests compatible with those in the department in the general area
of applied mathematics. Candidates must have a PhD in the
mathematical sciences or related areas; a successful post-doctoral
experience; an outstanding research program; a commitment to effective
teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels; and demonstrated
potential for excellence in both research and teaching. The Department
of Mathematics has strong research programs in applied and pure
mathematics. Many members of the department participate in
interdisciplinary programs and research groups. Information about the
department is available at http://www.math.ncsu.edu.
Submit your application materials at
http://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/ncsu. Please include curriculum vitae,
at least three letters of recommendation, and a description of current
and planned research. For questions concerning the position contact:
math- jobs@math.ncsu.edu.
North Carolina State University is an Equal Opportunity and
Affirmative Action Employer, and welcomes all persons without regard
to sexual orientation. The College of Sciences welcomes the
opportunity to work with candidates to identify suitable employment
opportunities for spouses or partners.
Priority will be given to applications received by 15 November 2014.
From: Peter Clarkson P.A.Clarkson@kent.ac.uk
Date: August 19, 2014
Subject: Two Lectureship Positions, Mathematics (NA), Kent, UK
The School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science at the
University of Kent seeks to appoint two new lecturers in Mathematics
(Numerical Analysis). Preference will be given to candidates with
research expertise in applied numerical computation, geometric
integration or numerical analysis which links with and enhances the
current research interests of the Mathematics group, see
The successful candidates will hold a doctorate in Mathematics or
closely aligned field, a strong research record in Mathematics
evidenced by publications in international Mathematics journals,
conference presentations, etc. and will ideally have experience of
teaching Mathematics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Ref: STM0485
Closing date: 12th October 2014
Interview date: 5th November 2014
Informal enquiries are welcomed and should be directed to Professor
Peter Clarkson, Tel: +44 (0) 1227-827781 (direct line), E-mail:
P.A.Clarkson@kent.ac.uk or Professor Andy Hone, Tel: +44 (0)
1227-827397 (direct line), E-mail: A.N.W.Hone@kent.ac.uk
From: Bart De Moor bart.demoor@esat.kuleuven.be
Date: August 13, 2014
Subject: Professorship Position, Optimization, KU Leuven
The KU Leuven Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), STADIUS
Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics
(http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/stadius/) is inviting applications for
a professorship in "Optimization for Dynamical Systems and Control".
More information can be found in:
(English version)
(Dutch version)
Please consider forwarding this call to any interested parties
within your institute.
From: Daphne Fogelman eoshr@eos.ubc.ca
Date: August 14, 2014
Subject: Research Associate Position, Univ of British Columbia
Department of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences
University of British Columbia
Research Associate - Computational Electromagnetics Position
The Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) at the
University of British Columbia (UBC) invites applications for the
position of Research Associate in Computational Electromagnetics. The
appointments will be for one year initially and may be renewed for one
additional year. The anticipated start date is 1 October 2014.
We seek an individual to join an existing team working on geophysical
inverse problems. The successful applicant will: (1) develop finite
volume/elements codes for electromagnetic induction. (2) experiment
with different up-scaling techniques (3) develop parametric inversion
techniques (4) aid in the general training of PhD students.
Candidates should have (1) PhD in computational science or a closely
related field; (2) Minimum 3 years of experience in Computational
Electromagnetics and its application to geophysics, and (3) Excellent
organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills. Proven
knowledge and experience programming in Julia, matlab and Fortran90
will be considered an asset.
UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment
equity. All qualified persons are encouraged to apply. We especially
welcome applications from members of visible minority groups, women,
Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of minority
sexual orientations and gender identities, and others with the skills
and knowledge to engage productively with diverse
communities. Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given
These positions are subject to final budgetary approval. Salary will
be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Applicants should submit a CV and the names and complete contact
information (including phone and e-mail) of three references to:
Dr. Eldad Haber, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences,
The University of British Columbia, 2020-2207 Main Mall, Vancouver,
BC, Canada, V6T 1Z4, email: haber@eos.ubc.ca.
From: Kim Knudsen kiknu@dtu.dk
Date: August 18, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Hybrid Tomography, DTU
DTU Compute (www.compute.dtu.dk/english) invites applications for a
post doc position starting January 1, 2015, in the section for
Scientific Computing. The position is affiliated with the project
“Improved Impedance Tomography using Hybrid dataâ€Â
(http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/~kiknu/HybridData/) funded by the Danish
Research Council for Independent Research, see
Candidates must have a PhD degree in applied mathematics, or
equivalent academic qualifications, and must have a strong background
in applied mathematics and numerical computations.
Applications must be submitted ONLINE by September 30, 2014. Please
open the link in the red bar in the top of the page: "apply online".
More information can be obtained from Assoc. Prof. Kim Knudsen
From: Di Liu richardl@math.msu.edu
Date: August 19, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Multiscale Methods for Nano-optics
One postdoc position is available at the Department of Mathematics
of Michigan State University. The focus of research will be
multiscale numerical methods with application to nano-optical
devices. The appointment is for one year, renewable to a second or
third year upon performance and availability of support. Candidates
are expected to have skills in scientific computing, parallel
computing and visualization, and are comfortable with
physics/optics literature. Expertise in Density Functional Theory
is highly preferred.
Contact can be made to Prof. Di Liu, richardl@math.msu.edu.
From: Lorenz John john@ma.tum.de
Date: August 13, 2014
Subject: PhD and Post Doc Positions, Technical Univ Munich
Applications are invited for doctoral and postdoctoral positions in
numerical analysis and simulation of PDEs at the "Institut fuer
Numerische Mathematik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany)"
including the following topics:
- Flow problems: Development of new stable discretization methods for
the Stokes equations, in particular considering jumping viscosities,
robust preconditioning techniques and application in exascale
- Optimal control: Investigation of the energy control approach for
boundary control problems (Dirichlet and Neumann) and its application
to the Stokes- and Navierâ€â€Stokes equations: The construction of robust
preconditioners and application of energy corrections.
- Uncertainty quantification: Consideration of highly scalable
Markov-Chain multi-level Monte-Carlo methods in combination with
high-performance multigrid PDE solvers. These methods shall be applied
to geophysically-motivated scenarios.
- Exascale computing: Development of resilient parallel multigrid
solvers and of fault tolerant algorithms on HPC systems.
- Mathematical models for porous media: Investigation of the
macroscale two-phase flow model for porous media, including the
balance equation for the specific fluid-fluid interfacial areas
(collaboration with R. Helmig, University of Stuttgart).
Further information: The office location is Garching near Munich. The
salary conforms to the provisions of the TV-L E13 (federal rate,
75–100%, depending on qualification and expertise). Contract duration
is limited to 2 years initially; an extension is possible after a
positive intermediate evaluation.
Please send your application including relevant documents to:
Prof. Dr. Barbara Wohlmuth, wohlmuth@ma.tum.de
From: Kris van der Zee kg.vanderzee@nottingham.ac.uk
Date: August 19, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Computational PDEs, Nottingham, UK
The School of Mathematical Sciences at The University of Nottingham
invites applications for a PhD Scholarship in Scientific Computation,
in the field of Computational PDEs. The project is on theoretical
foundations of adaptive FEM (finite element methods) for nonlinear
PDEs, and will include a study of a posteriori error estimation,
nonlinear functional analysis, and optimal approximation theory.
Student profile: 1st class degree in Mathematics or other relevant
subject, exceptional writing skills, and strong interest in
computer-code development. A candidate with a solid background in the
mathematical and numerical analysis of PDEs will have an advantage.
The studentship covers UK/EU tuition fees. It is due to commence in
October 2014, or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will
remain open until filled.
For more information about the project and on how to apply, see:
http://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?PJID=54535 Informal
enquiries are welcome at kg.vanderzee@nottingham.ac.uk . Kris van der
Zee and Paul Houston
From: Kim Knudsen kiknu@dtu.dk
Date: August 18, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Hybrid Tomography, DTU
DTU Compute (www.compute.dtu.dk/english) invites applications for two
3-year PhD positions starting January 1, 2015 in the section for
Scientific Computing. The positions are affiliated with the project
“Improved Impedance Tomography using Hybrid dataâ€Â
(http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/~kiknu/HybridData/) funded by the Danish
Research Council for Independent Research.
PhD 1: Formulations and Direct Inversion Methods for Impedance
Tomography with Hybrid Data, see
PhD 2: Numerical Inversion Methods for Impedance Tomography with
Hybrid Data, see http://www.dtu.dk/english/career/job?id=c0064ca6-
Candidates for both positions must have a master degree in applied
mathematics, or equivalent academic qualifications, and must have a
strong background in applied mathematics and numerical computations.
Applications must be submitted ONLINE by September 30, 2014. Please
open the link in the red bar in the top of the page: "apply online".
More information can be obtained from Assoc. Prof. Kim Knudsen
From: Marco Donatelli marco.donatelli@uninsubria.it
Date: August 16, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Insubria (Varese-Como), Italy
Outstanding students are sought for 7 Ph.D. fellowships in "Computer
Science and Computational Mathematics" at the Department of Science
and high Technology, University of INSUBRIA Varese-Como, Italy,
The call for the application ia available at the website
The application deadline is 23th September 2014.
The applicants will be interviewed in October 2014.
The successful candidates will work in a multidisciplinary
environment, developing skills in Computer Science and Scientific
Computing. During the Ph.D. program, the students will attend 4
courses with final exam, and summer schools. Short visits abroad will
be also possible during the first two years. The students will carry
out original research in Computational Mathematics, and the results of
their work will be reported in their Ph.D. theses.
For further information the applicants may contact either Prof. Marco
Donatelli (marco.donatelli@uninsubria.it) or Prof. Claudio Gentile
End of Digest