From: George Karypis karypis@cs.umn.edu
Date: April 25, 2014
Subject: Software, Big Data Message Passing Interface (BDMPI)
We will like to announce the availability of the Big Data Message
Passing Interface (BDMPI). BDMPI is a message passing library and
associated runtime system for developing high-performance out-of-core
distributed computing applications. BDMPI is designed for problems
whose aggregate memory requirements exceed the amount of memory that
is available on the underlying computing cluster.
BDMPI is based on the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and allows
existing MPI-based applications to compile unchanged and efficiently
run in an out-of-core fashion. In addition, BDMPI provides a small
number of new APIs that are tuned for its memory and execution model,
which lead to further performance improvements.
Information about BDMPI and instructions on how to download it and use
it is available at:
From: Sven Leyffer leyffer@mcs.anl.gov
Date: April 21, 2014
Subject: Torsten Bosse Named Wilkinson Fellow at Argonne
Torsten Bosse from the Humboldt University of Berlin has been named
the 2014 J.H. Wilkinson Fellow in Scientific Computing. He will join
the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National
Laboratory in September.
Torsten was chosen by the selection committee because of his strong
background in both scientific computing and practical applications. He
has worked on applications in process systems engineering and optimal
control, applying a one-shot approach to design optimization.
Torsten has already made contributions to a broad range of areas,
including PDE- constrained optimization, nonlinear programming, graph
theory, and nonsmooth automatic differentiation (AD). Together with
Andreas Griewank (who developed AD tools at Argonne in the 90s) and
others, Torsten built the LRAMBO solver for nonlinear
optimization. LRAMBO is a total quasi-Newton active-set solver that
cleverly combines cheaply available derivatives via AD with
quasi-Newton approximations.
The Wilkinson Fellowship was created by Argonne's Mathematics and
Computer Science Division in memory of Dr. James Hardy Wilkinson,
F.R.S., who for many years acted as a consultant and guiding spirit
for such efforts as the EISPACK and LINPACK projects. The fellowship
is intended to assist a young scientist engaged in state-of-the-art
research in scientific computing.
From: Gilbert Strang gilstrang@gmail.com
Date: April 26, 2014
Subject: New Book, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
This is a new textbook for the basic differential equations course.
You can see a section of every chapter on the book's website
Many departments want this course to include more about linear algebra
than the basic matrix operations. Often the standard texts for
differential equations are a generation old. The subject has moved --
impulse responses in engineering, networks and graphs throughout
biology and computer science, and much more. Let's move forward with
our teaching too. And the book is for everyone: the subject is so
I will be grateful if this reaches faculty who organize this course
and are open to a new textbook. SIAM will help in the distribution of
this text from Wellesley-Cambridge Press (one goal is to keep costs
reasonable for students: about $65 on Amazon and below half of the
prices from big publishers). In press now -- please see the website
and thank you for any advice.
diffeqla@gmail.com gilstrang@gmail.com ISBN 978-09802327-9-0
From: Bruce Bailey bailey@siam.org
Date: April 25, 2014
Subject: New Book, Nonlinear Time Scale Systems
Announcing the April 22, 2014, publication by SIAM of:
Nonlinear Time Scale Systems in Standard and Nonstandard Forms:
Analysis and Control, by Anshu Narang-Siddarth and John Valasek
xviii + 219 pages / Hardcover / ISBN 978-1-611973-33-4 / List Price
$94.00 / SIAM Member Price $65.80 / Order Code DC26
This book introduces key concepts for systematically controlling
engineering systems that possess interacting phenomena occurring at
widely different speeds. The aim is to present the reader with control
techniques that extend the benefits of model reduction of singular
perturbation theory to a larger class of nonlinear dynamical
systems. New results and relevant background are presented through
insightful examples that cover a wide range of applications from
different branches of engineering.
It is intended for researchers and practitioners who use time scale
methods to mitigate the curse of dimensionality and higher order
controllers. It will be specifically useful to aerospace, mechanical,
and electrical engineers, as well as students and researchers in
applied mathematics interested in systems and control. It will also be
of interest to physicists, biologists, and chemists who use time scale
To order, or for more information about this and all SIAM books,
please visit http://www.siam.org/books.
From: Bruce Bailey bailey@siam.org
Date: April 25, 2014
Subject: New Book, Physics and Partial Differential Equations, Volume II
Announcing the April 17, 2014, publication by SIAM of:
Physics and Partial Differential Equations, Volume II, by Tatsien Li
and Tiehu Qi
x + 271 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611973-31-0 / List Price $89.00 /
SIAM Member Price $62.30 / Order Code OT137
Physics and Partial Differential Equations, Volume II proceeds
directly from Volume I (SIAM, 2012) with five additional chapters that
bridge physics and applied mathematics in a manner that is easily
accessible to readers with an undergraduate-level background in these
Readers who are more familiar with mathematics than physics will
discover the connection between various physical and mechanical
disciplines and their related mathematical models, which are described
by partial differential equations (PDEs). The authors establish the
fundamental equations for fields such as electrodynamics; fluid
dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, and reacting fluid dynamics.
Readers who are more familiar with physics than mathematics will
benefit from in-depth explanations of how PDEs work as effective
mathematical tools to more clearly express and present the basic
concepts of physics.
To order, or for more information about this and all SIAM books,
please visit http://www.siam.org/books.
From: Olaf Schenk olaf.schenk@usi.ch
Date: April 22, 2014
Subject: PASC14 Conference, Switzerland, Jun 2014
Call for Participation/Registration
The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC14) Conference
will take place June 2-3, 2014 at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Registration and the preliminary program are available at:
http://www.pasc14.org/. There will be seven plenary talks, one
public lecture, 65 selected contributed talks, and over 80 poster
Registration Deadline: Thursday, May 15, 2014
The conference brings together computational scientists and research
groups from diverse scientific domains, including Climate Modelling,
Solid Earth Dynamics, Life Sciences, Material Science, Physics, and
Computer Science/Mathematics. It aims to foster interdisciplinary
collaboration and to strengthen HPC research and knowledge exchange.
PASC14 Plenary speakers:
- Pier Luigi Vidale, University of Reading,
- Omar Ghattas, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- John Lowengrub, University of California at Irvine, USA
- Eric Lindahl, SciLifeLab Stockholm, KTH, Sweden
- Ali Alavi, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Roman Hatzky, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Germany
- Bill Gropp, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
PASC14 Public Lecture: "The Arrow of Computational Science", Petros
Koumoutsakos (ETH Zurich)
From: Iain Duff duff@cerfacs.fr
Date: April 24, 2014
Subject: Sparse Days at CERFACS, France, Jun 2014
The annual "Sparse Days at CERFACS" will take place on the 5th and
6th of June, 2014.
The deadline for registration and talk submission is 30 April 2014.
We will entertain late registrations until 9 May but and it would
greatly help us if you were able to register by 30 April.
The Sparse Days meeting will be similar in format to previous years.
No invited speakers and all talks in plenary session. Talks on any
aspect covered by the title are fine, any on numerical linear algebra,
sparse optimization or on data assimilation would fit well with some
of the current research at CERFACS. As always we suggest a special
theme which, for this year, is in the study of how to monitor accuracy
and error when solving the very large systems that we hope will become
tractable when we have Exascale computing.
Registration (which is free) and requests for free student-style
accommodation in the Meteo Residences should be sent to Brigitte Yzel
(brigitte.yzel@cerfacs.fr). A dinner is organized for Thursday
evening that will be subsidised for students and details will be sent
to all registrants.
Titles and abstracts for presentations of 30 minutes (although you can
offer a shorter talk if you wish) should be sent to Xavier Vasseur
Information on this meeting can be found from the Algo web pages at
From: Olaf Schenk olaf.schenk@usi.ch
Date: April 22, 2014
Subject: Summer School, Parallel Prog & Hydrid Systems, Switzerland, Jun-Jul 2014
CSCS (http://www.cscs.ch) and ICS (http://www.ics.inf.usi.ch/)
organize a 10 day Summer School focused on parallel programming MPI,
OpenMP, CUDA and OpenACC aimed at graduate students who are new to the
world of high performance computing and hybrid systems and who wish to
learn the basic skills required to write, develop and maintain
parallel applications in scientific computing. The purpose of the
summer school is to teach programming skills and therefore a large
proportion of the course will be dedicated to practical exercises.
The Summer School 2014 will take place at the Hotel Serpiano, in
Ticino, Switzerland.
Please visit the webpage for more information
Potential participants are advised to apply by filling in the form
available on the webpage by April 30th, 2014.
From: Christina Mata christina_mata@icerm.brown.edu
Date: April 24, 2014
Subject: ICERM IdeaLab, USA, Aug 2014
ICERM IdeaLab 2014: Program for Early Career Researchers
(August 11-15, 2014)
Idea-Lab is a one-week program aimed at early career researchers
(within five years of their Ph.D.) that will focus on two different
topics at the frontier of research. Participants will be exposed to
problems whose solution may require broad perspectives and multiple
areas of expertise. Senior researchers will introduce the topics in
tutorials and lead discussions. The participants will break into teams
to brainstorm ideas, comprehend the obstacles, and explore possible
avenues towards solutions. The teams will be encouraged to develop a
research program proposal. On the last day, they will present their
ideas to one another and to a small panel of representatives from
funding agencies for feedback and advice.
From: April Shelton shelton.221@mbi.osu.edu
Date: April 23, 2014
Subject: MBI Undergraduate Capstone Conference, USA, Aug 2014
MBI Undergraduate Capstone Conference
August 11-15, 2014
The MBI Capstone conference offers undergraduate student researchers
in the mathematical biosciences an opportunity to present their work
on the national stage.
This student centered conference features
- Recruitment fair for graduate studies
- Panels on jobs and graduate opportunities
- Keynotes from prominent Math Biologist
- Social event at the Columbus Zoo/Aquarium
- Talks and posters by student researchers
Deadline for applications: July 12, 2014
To apply visit http://www.mbi.osu.edu/event?id=874
Mathematical Biosciences Institute
The Ohio State University
Jennings Hall 3rd Floor, 1735 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210 • 614-292-3648
From: Yiannis Saridakis y.saridakis@amcl.tuc.gr
Date: April 22, 2014
Subject: New Deadline, NUMAN 2014, Greece, Sep 2014
The 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis "NumAn2014 -
Recent Approaches to Numerical Analysis: Theory, Methods and
Applications" will take place at the old venetian harbour of Chania on
the island of Crete, Greece, on September 2-5, 2014.
The themes of the conference are in the broad area of numerical
analysis and applications, including:
- numerical methods, algorithms and software
- numerical and scientific computing
- numerical methods and computational modelling in Science and
- parallel and high-performance numerical computation
All areas of numerical analysis are considered, including:
- numerical linear algebra
- numerical solution of ordinary, partial and stochastic differential
- numerical solution of integral equations
- nonlinear and optimization problems
Several Workshops will be organized to highlight current mathematical,
numerical, computational and technological trends in areas of high
scientific interest.
We invite interested researchers to submit one-page abstracts, for
lecture or poster presentations, on topics pertaining to the themes of
the conference and the workshops, by SUNDAY MAY 25, 2014 (NEW EXTENDED
For more information please visit the web site:
From: Lehel Banjai l.banjai@hw.ac.uk
Date: April 22, 2014
Subject: Maxwell Inst Grad School on Evolution Equations, UK, Oct 2014
Maxwell Institute Graduate School on Evolution Equations will be held
in Edinburgh on October 8-10, 2014.
Erwan Faou (INRIA & ENS Paris) and Christian Lubich (Tübingen) will
give short courses on the analysis of stochastic evolution equations
(Faou) and on the long-time behavior of oscillatory Hamiltonian ODEs
and PDEs and their numerical discretizations (Lubich). The lectures
will be complemented by talks of senior participants and advanced
Some limited funding for British postgraduate students, and in
particular for students from Scottish universities will be available.
Further information is available at
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: April 25, 2014
Subject: IMA Game Theory and its Applications, UK, Dec 2014
8 – 10 December 2014, St Anne’s College, Oxford
The IMA is pleased to announce the first conference on Game Theory and
its Application, taking place at the University of Oxford on 8 – 10
December 2014. Conference topics include the following and are invited
to be presented in oral and poster sessions: Search Games with Human
and Animal Agents; Equilibrium Computation; Game Theory for
Sustainability; Game Theory and Cyber-Security; Game Theory for
Auctions and Markets; Gameification.
Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 500-word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be
submitted by Friday 5 September 2014 by e-mail to
conferences@ima.org.uk. Successful authors will be notified by Friday
26 September 2014. Please state whether your title is intended for
oral or poster presentation.
For further information on this conference, please visit the
conference webpage:
For general conference queries or to register your interest in this
conference, please contact Lizzi Lake, Conference Officer
E-mail: conferences@ima.org.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1702 354 020
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards
House, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK.
From: Hans Munthe-Kaas hans@math.uib.no
Date: April 23, 2014
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied and Comp Math, Bergen
The Department of Mathematics (http://www.uib.no/math/en), University
of Bergen, Norway, has a vacancy for an associate professor in applied
and computational mathematics.
For further information about the position please contact Professor
Jarle Berntsen, e-mail jarle.berntsen@math.uib.no, or Professor Hans
Munthe-Kaas, e-mail hans.munthe- kaas@math.uib.no.
Applicants must have achieved a Norwegian doctorate in applied and/or
computational mathematics or equivalent abroad by the closing date for
From: Isabel Figueiredo isabelf@mat.uc.pt
Date: April 24, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Math, Univ of Coimbra
The CMUC|Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and
Technology of the University of Coimbra (under the project below)
invite applications for an one-year Postdoctoral Position in
Computational Mathematics, beginning July 01, 2014.
The focus of the research is on imaging sciences and scientific
computing. It involves variational image processing, image analysis,
partial differential equations, numerical analysis, optimization,
visualization, and inverse problems in imaging, with applications in
medicine and earth observation imagery.
Applicants should have a PhD in Mathematics or Computational Sciences
and Engineering (preferably obtained after December 31, 2011). The
position obeys to the Portuguese scholarship system and the
corresponding salary is €1495 per month (tax free). No teaching duties
are associated with the position.
Applicants should send by email to isabelf@mat.uc.pt the following:
- Curriculum vitae (publication list included).
- Statement of research interests (one page maximum, describing
concisely scientific interests and the relation with the proposed
postdoctoral position).
- Names and email-addresses of at least two scientists willing to
provide references.
Period for applications : from 07th to 20th May, 2014.
This position is funded by the research project “Advances in Image
Processing and Inverse Problems: Applications in Medical and Earth
Observation Imagery, and Biomathematics, PTDC/MAT-NAN/0593/2012“ -
Research project of FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia,
Portugal). Contact for further information: Isabel M. Narra
Figueiredo ( http://www.mat.uc.pt/~isabelf ).
From: Stefano Galelli stefano_galelli@sutd.edu.sg
Date: April 24, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Operational Hydrology, SUTD
The position is offered within the SUTD-MIT International Design
Centre (IDC), a scholarly hub for technologically-intensive design
science and research based both in Singapore at SUTD, and in
Cambridge, USA, at MIT (http://idc.sutd.edu.sg). The successful
applicant will be offered a 2-year position in Singapore and will
collaborate with Dr. Stefano Galelli (SUTD) and Prof. Karen Willcox
(MIT) on the project entitled “Climate-Resilient Design: Using Global
Teleconnection Patterns to Improve the Design of Water Resources
The project will rely on a multi-disciplinary approach, adopting
methods from hydrological sciences, statistics, optimization and
computational science to develop a design framework aimed at enhancing
the robustness and resilience of large-scale water resources
systems. The areas of research include: i) Detection of the impact of
climate fluctuations on local hydro-meteorological processes, and
assessment of the potential of climate indices for building
medium-to-long range data-driven prediction models; ii) Development of
an optimization-based decision model to allow the simulation of water
systems (e.g. water reservoir networks) under different prediction
scenarios; iii) Quantitative assessment of the predictions uncertainty
of the designed solutions. The successful candidate must have a
Ph.D. in engineering, science or applied mathematics, with a strong
academic background in hydrological processes, statistics and/or
probability. In-depth knowledge of systems analysis, stochastic
modelling, optimization and control is an asset. Further requirements
include excellent skills in programming (e.g. C/C++, MatLab, Python)
and ability in handling large multivariable datasets. Finally, the
successful candidate must be comfortable with both team and
independent work, and possess a proven record of scientific
excellence, personal initiative, and advanced proficiency in
communicating scientific findings in peer-reviewed journals and at
professional meetings. Excellent command of English is essential.
The position is available from August 1, 2014. Attractive working
conditions include a competitive compensation and funded short-term
visits at MIT. Applications will be evaluated until a suitable
candidate is found. Interested candidates should send a motivation
letter, CV, and a list of publications to stefano_galelli@sutd.edu.sg
From: Jonathan Hu jhu@sandia.gov
Date: April 21, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scalable Algorithms, Sandia National Labs
Sandia National Laboratories' Scalable Algorithms department is
seeking postdoctoral researchers to develop algorithms for high
performance computing on next generation HPC platforms. Candidates
should have a background in parallel algorithms for large scale
scientific applications, particularly the solution of systems of
PDEs. Experience in one or more of the following areas is desired:
combinatorial scientific computing methods, resilient algorithms,
linear solvers and multilevel methods, hybrid parallel programming
(MPI, CUDA , threads), advanced HPC architectures, and modern
softwareengineering practices.
For more information and to apply, please see the job posting at
http://tinyurl.com/SNL-1426-postdoc, or search for posting 645980 at
From: Gamar Mammadova f_aliev@hotmail.com
Date: April 21, 2014
Subject: Contents, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Math, 5 (1)
Turkic World Mathematical Society Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, ISSN 2076-2585
Volume 5, No. 1, 2014
1.On Generalized Metric Spaces: a Survey, Z. Kadelburg, S. Radenovic
2.Expansion Approach for Solving Nonlinear Volterra
Integro-Differential Equationsm J. Rashidinia , A. Tahmasebi
3.The Symmetric P-stable Hybrid Obrechko Methods for the Numerical
Solution of Second Order IVP's, A.Shokri
4.Existence and Uniqueness of Solution of Nonstationary Boltzmann's
Moment System Equations in Third Approximation, A.Sakabekov,
E. Auzhani
5.Fixed Point Theorems for F-Weakly Contractive Mappings in Partially
Ordered Metric Spaces, M.E. Gordji, M. Ramezani, S. Pirbavafa
6.On the Existence and Uniqueness of Solution for a Class of
Fractional Order Boundary Value Problem, A.Babakhani
7.Statistically Convergent and Statistically Cauchy Sequence in a Cone
Metric Space, N.R. Das, R. Dey, B.C. Tripathy
8.On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Topological Spaces, S. Bayramov,
C. Gunduz
9.Impact and Optimal Control of Movement on a Multipatch Hepatitis C
Virus Model, K.O. Okosun
10.Numerical Conformal Mapping via a Boundary Integral Equation with
the Adjoint Generalized Neumann Kernel, M.M.S. Nasser, A.H.M. Murid,
A.W.K. Sangawi
11.On Generalized Class of p-Valent Functions with Negative
Coefficients, R.M. EL-Ashwah, M.K. Aouf, H.M. Zayed
12.Algorithm to Solution of Optimization Problem with Periodic
Condition and Boundary Control, N.S. Mukhtarova
13.BOOK REVIEW. Probability, Entire Functions and Estimations of
Wiman-Valiron Type for Evolution Equations. Reviewed by V.A. Il'in
End of Digest