From: Field G. Van Zee field@cs.utexas.edu
Date: April 07, 2014
Subject: The union of libflame and LAPACK
Sponsored by an NSF Software Infrastructure for Sustained
Innovation grant, we have been developing a new, vertically
integrated dense linear algebra software stack. At the bottom of
this software stack is the BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software
(BLIS). Above this, targeting sequential and multithreaded
architectures is libflame. At the top of the stack is Elemental
for distributed memory architectures.
libflame targets roughly the same layer as does LAPACK, and now we
have incorporated the LAPACK code base into libflame. For those
operations where libflame has the native functionality, the LAPACK
code becomes an interface. For all other operations, the netlib
implementation provides that functionality. We affectionately call
this new union "flapack", which offers the following benefits:
1) The libflame implementation of LAPACK is entirely coded in C.
No Fortran libraries or compilers are required.
2) The libflame library builds upon the BLIS interface. This
interface, unlike the BLAS, allows for arbitrary row and column
stride. While some applications may benefit from this (e.g., those
that perform computation with slices of tensors), from a
development and maintainability point of view it allows more
functionality to be supported with less code.
3) The union of the two libraries allows users to benefit from both
the LAPACK and libflame code base, within one package.
4) "flapack" passes the LAPACK test suite on platforms where we
have tested this. (There is one exception of a test case that
involves packed matrices that we believe is not in general use.)
The library is available under a 3-clause BSD license at:
From: Matthias K. Gobbert gobbert@umbc.edu
Date: April 12, 2014
Subject: DelMar Numerics Day, USA, May 2014
The DelMar Numerics Day is an annual workshop which aims to
display the research diversity of computational mathematics in
Maryland, Delaware and vicinity.
This year it will be held on Saturday May 10, 2014 at the
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). The keynote
speaker is Ragnar Winther (U of Oslo). In addition there will be
12 contributed talks, selected by the organizing committee to
represent diverse topics of research in the geographic area.
There is no registration fee, but registration is required. The
registration is now open until April 27, 2014. The deadline for
the block rate at the hotel is April 20, 2014. For more details
and registration go to http://delmar.math.umd.edu
Matthias Gobbert (U of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Andrei Draganescu (U of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Ricardo H. Nochetto (U of Maryland, College Park)
Petr Plechac (U of Delaware)
Francisco-Javier Sayas (U of Delaware)
Tobias von Petersdorff (U of Maryland, College Park)
From: Wei Cai wcai@uncc.edu
Date: April 11, 2014
Subject: Scientific Computing, China, May 2014
ICSC2014 (International Conference on Scientific Computing at Extreme
Scales) will be held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,
China, during May 7-9, 2014. This conference will highlight the
current research progress in scientific computing in terms of scalable
algorithms and supercomputing applications.
A panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. William Harrod, Director
of US DOE ASCR Program.
Confirmed speakers include
* Prof. Jack Dongarra, UTK, USA
* Dr. Jacqueline H. Chen, SNL, USA
* Prof. Shiyi Chen, PKU, China
* Prof. Omar Ghattas, UT-Austin, USA
* Dr. Kirk Jordan, IBM-res, USA
* Prof. Petros Koumoutsakos, ETH, Switzerland
* Prof. Yutong Lu, NUDT, China
* Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Tech, Japan
* Prof. Zeyao Mo, IAPCM, China
* Prof. Depei Qian, BHU, China
* Prof. Thomas Schulthess, ETH, Switzerland
* Dr. Rick Stevens, ANL, USA
* Dr. William Tang, Princeton, USA
* Prof. Jinchao Xu, PSU, USA
* Prof. Linbo Zhang, CAS, China
The conference will be preceded by a two-day tutorial on the
state-of-art parallel computing given by Dr. L.Grinberg of IBM,
Dr. V.Morozov of US DOE Argonne National Lab., and YH Tang of Brown.
The registration deadline is April 30, 2014 and for program
information, please refer to the conference website:
From: Campos Pinto Martin campos@ann.jussieu.fr
Date: April 11, 2014
Subject: CEMRACS, Numerical Modeling of Plasmas, France, Jul-Aug 2014
CEMRACS to be held at CIRM (Marseille, France), Jul 21-Aug 29, 2014.
This summer center consists of two consecutive events:
I) a summer school on the first week (July 21 - July 25):
* J.D. Callen: Fluid and transport modeling of plasmas
* St. Colombi: Numerical simulations of large-scale structures
in the Universe
* X. Garbet: Modeling of Fusion Magnetized Plasmas
* L. Masse: Modeling for Inertial Conï¬Ânement Fusion
* J.-M. Rax: Confinement and Control in Plasmas
* E. Sonnendrücker: Kinetic modeling and approximation
* V. Tikhonchuk: Laser plasma interaction in high energy density physics
II) a 5-weeks research session (July 28 - August 29)
The remaining 5 weeks are dedicated to working on research projects,
after a daily morning seminar. Located in the gorgeous Calanques
National Park, the CIRM is a lovely place fully dedicated to
passionate researchers and the research sessions of the CEMRACS are
renowned for their great atmosphere.
You may also
- apply for a junior grant (deadline: April 30)
- submit a research project by contacting the organizers:
From: Jiri Jaros jarosjir@fit.vutbr.cz
Date: April 09, 2014
Subject: Math and Eng Methods in CS, Czech Republic, Oct 2014
9th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in
Computer Science, MEMICS 2014
October 17--19, 2014, Telc, Czech Republic
Since 2005, the aim of MEMICS is to provide a scientific forum for
doctoral and master students interested in applications of
mathematical and engineering methods in computer science. Besides a
rich technical programme (including invited talks, regular papers, and
presentations), MEMICS also offers friendly social activities and
exciting opportunities for meeting like-minded people.
MEMICS submissions are traditionally invited from all areas of
computer science. In line with the tradition of MEMICS, several
different areas are, however, given a special focus each year. In
2014, these areas are:
- Algorithms, logic, and games.
- High performance computing.
- Computer-aided analysis, verification, and testing.
- Hardware design and diagnostics.
- Computer graphics and image processing.
- Artificial intelligence and natural language processing.
Participation: Students are invited to submit a regular paper or a
presentation. A regular paper is a previously unpublished original
work, not exceeding 12 pages in the LNCS style.
Submissions and dates:
- July 24, 2014: abstracts of regular papers
- July 31, 2014: full regular papers
- August 28, 2014: one-page abstracts of presentations
- September 7, 2014: notification of acceptance
- September 15, 2014: final camera-ready versions
From: Alexander Ostermann alexander.ostermann@uibk.ac.at
Date: April 09, 2014
Subject: Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations, Austria, Oct 2014
Workshop: Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations
Innsbruck (Austria), October 14-17, 2014
The Numerical Analysis Group at the University of Innsbruck organizes
in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics and Geoscience at
the University of Trieste and the Institute of Applied and Numerical
Mathematics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology the 8th workshop
in series on numerical analysis and scientific computing. This year,
the topic will be numerical integration of evolution equations.
The invited speakers are:
- Tobias Jahnke (Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT), Institut
für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik)
- Pauline Lafitte-Godillon (Laboratoire MAS - Ecole Centrale Paris,
Departement de Mathematiques)
The intention of the workshop is to provide a platform for exchanging
new ideas and results in the development of numerical methods for
evolution equations. The workshop covers both, theoretical and
practical aspects, and wants to bring together numerical analysts
working in the field as well as PhD students who intend to start in
this area.
For more information, see:
From: Pamela Bye pam.bye@ima.org.uk
Date: April 09, 2014
Subject: IMA 10th Maths in Signal Processing, UK, Dec 2014
10th IMA Intl Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing
Mon 15 – Wed 17 December 2014, Austin Court, Birmingham
Signal processing constitutes an important area for the application
of mathematical concepts and techniques fuelled, for example, by
developments in mobile communications, networks, multimedia system,
genomics and bioengineering, neural signal processing, and big data
processing. The subject is still advancing rapidly in areas such as
non-linear signal processing and systems, compressive sampling,
digital communication systems, iterative estimation, blind
deconvolution/signal separation, broadband systems, compressed
sensing and novel sampling schemes. The aim of the conference is to
bring together mathematicians, statisticians and engineers with a
view to exploring recent developments and identifying fruitful
avenues for further research. It is hoped that the meeting will
help to attract more mathematicians into this important and
challenging field.
Contributed papers are invited on all aspects of mathematics in signal
processing and will be accepted on the basis of a 300-500 word
abstract which should be submitted by 30 June 2014 by e-mail to
conferences@ima.org.uk. Authors will be advised of acceptance by 31
July 2014. Successful authors will be invited to submit a four page
paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings by 7 November 2014.
For further information please visit the conference webpage:
From: Eric Chung tschung@math.cuhk.edu.hk
Date: April 10, 2014
Subject: Inverse Problems and Optimal Control, Hong Kong, Dec 2014
International Conference on Inverse Problems and Optimal Control,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
December 4-6, 2014
Inverse Problems has become a very active, interdisciplinary and
well-established research area over the past two decades, the same as
Optimal Control. Both areas are closely related to each other and have
found wide applications in engineering, industry, medicine, as well as
life and earth sciences. This international conference aims to
provide a forum for researchers from the world to present and exchange
their latest research achievements on Inverse Problems and Optimal
Control, as well as their applications. It also aims to promote
collaborative research on Inverse Problems and Optimal Control between
China and the rest of the world. This conference will encourage
international collaboration and interactive activities on Inverse
Problems and Optimal Control and provide an opportunity for young
researchers to learn the current state of the art in the fields and
present their recent research results as well.
See website for more details:
From: Folkmar Bornemann bornemann@tum.de
Date: April 08, 2014
Subject: Faculty Position, Scientific Computing, TU Munich, Germany
The TUM Department of Mathematics invites applications for a
Professorship (Assistant or Associate Professorship) Scientific Computing
to be appointed as soon as possible.
We are looking for an excellent junior scientist with a high potential
for developing an internationally recognized research agenda in the
field of Scientific Computing with a strong emphasis on Computational
Sciences and Engineering. The successful candidate will conduct
independent research on the highest international level on modern
fields in Numerics, such as uncertainty quantification, performance
analysis for large-scale systems, model reduction techniques and
algorithms for massively parallel computers. Candidates are expected
to show a strong commitment to cross-disciplinary teaching and to
collaborate successfully with engineers.
For details about pay scales and the TUM tenure track system, see:
Applications accompanied by supporting documentation in English (CV,
certificates, credentials, list of publications, 3 selected reprints
and a short statement with a max. of 1,000 characters about their
impact on your research profile, presentation of research strategy,
list of courses taught, statement on teaching strategy and teaching
philosophy, third-party funding, as well as the names and addresses of
at least 3 references) should be submitted by May 5, 2014 to:
Dean, Department of Mathematics
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3, D-85748 Garching (Germany)
E-Mail: dekanat@ma.tum.de
From: Peter G. Petropoulos peterp@njit.edu
Date: April 08, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Wave Propagation
The Department of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at New Jersey Institute
of Technology seeks candidates to fill a postdoctoral scholar position
in applied mathematics. The Department is particularly interested in
candidates whose research interests are consistent with the existing
research strengths in wave propagation. Candidates should have a
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics or related field. The position is for one
year with the possibility of extension for an additional year. The
successful candidate is expected to teach one 3-credit course per
semester, starting with the second semester.
For more information about DMS faculty and programs, visit
http://math.njit.edu. Candidates must submit a cover letter,
resume/CV, research statement, names and contact information of three
references at
From: George Pau gpau@lbl.gov
Date: April 11, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Lawrence Berkeley Nat Lab
LBNL's Earth Science Division has an immediate opening for a
postdoctoral researcher who is interested in developing reduced order
models for earth system models. The project will develop new reduced
order modeling techniques for submodels within the Community Land
Model (CLM) and Community Earth System Model (CESM). The project will
also develop methods to accurately quantify the errors and
uncertainties of these reduced order models, and study their impacts
on uncertainty quantification. Details of the position can be found at
From: Jens-Peter M. Zemke zemke@tu-harburg.de
Date: April 09, 2014
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Hamburg Univ of Technology (TUHH)
A 31-month PhD/Postdoc position is available in the Institute of
Mathematics, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). As teaching
is one of the duties, applicants should speak German.
The applicant will work at our `Numerical Mathematics' group
under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sabine Le Borne.
Details about the position can be found at
Interested candidates should send their application documents via
e-mail to Prof. Dr. Sabine Le Borne (leborne@tuhh.de) and the
`Personalreferat' (geschaeftsstellepv32@tu-harburg.hamburg.de).
Interested candidates should send their application documents via
e-mail to Prof. Dr. Sabine Le Borne and the `Personalreferat' .
Application deadline is May 31, 2014.
From: Michele Benzi benzi@mathcs.emory.edu
Date: April 12, 2014
Subject: SISC Copper Mountain Special Section
SISC Copper Mountain Special Section
The Thirtheenth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods was
held on April 6 thru 11, 2014. The meeting was attended by
approximately 160 participants from around the globe, and there were
120 talks covering a broad spectrum of topics related to iterative
solvers (http://grandmaster.colorado.edu/~copper/2014/).
As in previous even-numbered years, the SIAM Journal on Scientific
Computing (SISC) is planning a Special Section, dedicated to recent
progress in iterative methods.
Submissions are encouraged in all aspects of iterative methods
including the following areas:
* Stochastic PDEs and Uncertainty Quantification
* Scale-free/Small World Graphs, Page Rank and Markov Chains
* Multigrid and Other Iterative Schemes on GPU & Multicore
* Resiliency
* Inverse Problems and Regularization
* Optimization of Complex Problems
* Nonlinear Solution Methods, Nonlinear Least-Squares
* Multigrid All-At-Once and Block Approaches to PDE Systems
* Coupled Multi-Physics Problems
* Time-Parallel Algorithms
* Krylov Accelerators
* Hybrid direct-iterative linear solvers
* Iterative Methods in Challenging Applications (e.g.,
Electromagnetics, Energy, Environment, Data Assimilation,
MHD, Neutronics, Transport/Reaction, Chemical Engineering)
The deadline for submission to the Special Section is June 30,
2014. Attendees and participants of the conference as well as the
general community are invited to submit papers. Papers will be
subject to review by a guest Editorial Board.
For submission instructions, visit
End of Digest