NA Digest Sunday, March 23, 2014 Volume 14 : Issue 07

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Klaus Iglberger [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2014
Subject: Blaze goes parallel!

Version 2.0 of the Blaze library, one of the fastest high-performance
C++ math libraries, has been released. One of the main motivations of
the Blaze 1.x releases was to provide maximum performance on a single
CPU core for all possible operations. However, the free lunch is over
[1] and today's CPUs are not single core anymore. In order to fully
utilize the performance potential of a multicore CPU, computations
have to be parallelized across all available cores of a
CPU. Therefore, starting with Blaze 2.0, the Blaze library provides
automated shared memory parallelization. Get an impression of the
possible performance boost in the Benchmarks section:

Blaze 2.0 is now available for download at



From: Barry Smith [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2014
Subject: Software Release: Monitoring Simulation Codes with a Webbrowser

We are please to announce the availability of SAWs, the Scientific
Application Webserver, which easily makes any long running C program
into a webserver allowing you to monitor the progress of your
simulation with any browser. SAWs is open source (BSD license), small,
portable and requires only a C compiler and Unix/Linux. SAWs and its
documentation can be found at An
example of a running application can be accessed at

Jed Brow, Matt Otten, and Barry Smith
Argonne National Laboratory


From: Filippo Maria Denaro [email protected]
Date: March 19, 2014
Subject: LES database for turbulent channel flow at Re_tau=590

With this post I want to promote the availability of large eddy
simulation (LES) data for the turbulent channel flow at Re_tau = 590,
following the well known DNS database of Moser, Kim and Mansour.

The database, which is available at:

has been produced within the LESinItaly initiative, an Italian
collaborative framework on LES.

Different research groups produced the results with different codes,
in particular:
- In house staggered 2nd order Finite Difference
- In house cell-centered 2nd order Finite Volume
- In house hybrid 4th order/pseudo-spectral solver
- Open-Source FV codes Code_Saturne and OpenFOAM
- Commercial FV codes Fluent and TransAT

Each group has provided results with its own SGS model(s) and a no
model computation on two separate grids (differing in the wall-normal
resolution). You can find additional information in the README files
accompanying the database.


From: Timo Betcke [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2014
Subject: Advances in Numerical Algorithms and HPC, London, Apr 2014

Date: 14-15 April
Venue: University College London

This workshop will bring together leading experts in Numerical
Analysis and High Performance Computing to discuss novel algorithmic
and software trends in these areas.

Invited Speakers:
Ulrich Ruede, University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Tim Warburton, Rice University
Mike Dewar, NAG
Hans Petter Langtangen, SIMULA
Jiahao Chen, MIT
Jos Martin, Mathworks
Mike Heroux, Sandia Labs
Didrik Pinte, Enthought
Spencer Sherwin, Imperial College

For more information and registration see:

We still have room for poster presentations. Please contact Timo Betcke
([email protected]) for more information.

David Silvester (University of Manchester)
Nick Higham (University of Manchester)
Timo Betcke (University College London)


From: Stefan Vater [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2014
Subject: Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation, Germany, May 2014

Deadline approaching: March 31st, 2014.

1st ASCETE Sudelfeld Summit Workshop on advanced numerical methods for
earthquake and tsunami simulation on modern HPC systems
May, 20th - 23rd, 2014
Berghotel Sudelfeld (Bayrischzell, Germany)

The ASCETE project invites to the 1st ASCETE Sudelfeld Summit. The
workshop focuses on the combined numerical simulation of earthquakes
and tsunamis on large-scale HPC infrastructure. Therefore, main
topics of the meeting are: advanced numerical methods, earthquake
physics, seismic wave and tsunami propagation, efficient code
implementation on modern HPC architectures and geodynamical
perspective on subduction zones. After an overview of the
state-of-the-art in each research field, the keynote lectures are
followed by an open discussion and short talks of the workshop
participants. The workshop is dedicated to all-level researchers
interested in the proposed topics and in particular in the combined
simulation of earthquakes and tsunamis.

Keynote speakers:
Steve Day (San Diego State University, San Diego, USA)
Stephane Popinet (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
Michael Dumbser (University of Trento, Trento, Italy)
Olaf Schenk (Universita della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland)
Ylona van Dinther (ETH Zuerich, Zuerich, Switzerland)

Further information and abstract submission details can be found at:


From: Fadil Santosa [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2014
Subject: IMA, Topics in Control Theory, USA, May-Jun 2014

The IMA is holding a New Directions Short Course, "Topics in Control
Theory" from May 27 to June 13, 2014. Topics for the three weeks are:
(i) Optimization and control, (ii) Distributed optimization and
control, (iii) Optimal mass transport. The course is intended for
individuals interested in these areas but may not have conducted
research in them. The URL for the course is

Applications are currently accepted; applicants must specify the two
contiguous weeks that they wish to attend.


From: Paul Constantine [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2014
Subject: UQ Short Course, USA, Jun 2014

Stanford PSAAP Center and the Von Karman Institute will host a short
course on uncertainty quantification at Stanford, June
2-4, 2014. Registration is free, but space is limited.

More details can be found at the following website:


From: Peter Arbenz [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2014
Subject: Parallel Matrix Alg and Appl, Switzerland, Jul 2014

July 2-4, 2014, Lugano, Switzerland.

This international workshop aims to be a forum for exchanging ideas,
insights and experiences in different areas of parallel computing in
which matrix algorithms play a key role. The workshop will bring
together experts and practitioners from diverse disciplines with a
common interest in matrix computation. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following:
- Parallel methods for solving large sparse or dense linear systems of
equations and eigenvalue problem.
- Parallel environments and tools for enabling matrix applications.
- Large scale applications from any field that have an emphasis on
parallel matrix computation.
- Novel architectural paradigms (e.g. GPU and Xeon Phi)
- Hybrid approaches to parallel programming.
- Automatic tuning and performance modeling.
- Combinatorial Scientific Computing

Invited speakers: Wolfgang Bangerth (Texas A&M), Eric Darve (Stanford),
Jacek Gondzio (Edinburgh), Wim Vanroose (Antwerpen).

Submission of MS proposals to [email protected]: 15 March 2014
Submission of abstracts for MS/contributed talks: 30 March 2014
Submission of full proceedings paper 10 October 2014

For further information contact: [email protected]


From: Stephen Watt [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2014
Subject: Symbolic Numeric Computation, China, Jul 2014

We invite submissions by April 4 to SNC 2014.

The Symbolic-Numeric Computation conference series explores the rich
area of interaction between symbolic and numerical mathematical
methods. Examples of such interaction include the use of backward
error and singular value decomposition in algebraic computation. Five
earlier meetings have taken place in France, China, Canada, Japan and
the USA. The upcoming meeting will be held in Shanghai, July 28-31.

The conference web site and call for papers are available at

This year's invited speakers and their planned titles are:
- Erich L. Kaltofen, North Carolina State university, USA:
Cleaning-Up Data for Sparse Model Synthesis:
When Symbolic-Numeric Computation Meets Error-Correcting Codes
- Lawrence Paulson, University of Cambridge, UK:
Automated Theorem Proving For Special Functions: The Next Phase
- Bernd Sturmfels, UC Berkeley, USA:
The Euclidean Distance Degree

In the past, this meeting has provided fruitful interaction between
leaders of the symbolic mathematics and numerical analysis
communities, and we hop that this year's meeting will provide a
similar opportunity.


From: Francesco Tudisco [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2014
Subject: Summer School, Appl Linear Algebra, Rome-Moscow, Aug-Sep 2014

The 2014 fourth edition of the Rome-Moscow summer school on Matrix
Methods and Applied Linear Algebra will be held during the period
23 August 2014 - 21 September 2014

As for the previous editions it consists of two parts:

August 23 - September 6 (2014)
Institute of Numerical Mathematics - RAS
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

September 7 - 21 (2014)
Department of Mathematics
University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy

The school is open to advanced undergraduate, master's and PhD students.
A very preliminary list of lecture courses is:
- Matrix structure in optimization and PDE integration,
- Advances in nonnegative matrix theory with applications to network
- Sparse representations and some applications, Constructive
approximation theory in C and L1,
- Commutative algebra background that leads to lower bounds for the

Application Deadline: April 21, 2014

To apply for the school and for any further information please visit
the school's web site:
2014 edition


From: Artem Napov, Yvan Notay, Stefan Vandewalle [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2014
Subject: European Multigrid Conference, Belgium, Sep 2014

Registration now open!
12th European Multigrid Conference
September 9 - 12, 2014
Leuven, Belgium

Registration for the next EMG meeting is now open on the conference
homepage. (Early rates apply till June 21.)

Abstracts: submission via conference homepage;
Deadline is May 15, 2014. Acceptance notification by June 15, 2014.

Confirmed plenary speakers:
Hans De Sterck - University of Waterloo
Wolfgang Hackbusch - Max Planck Institute
Arne Naegel - Frankfurt University
Luke Olson - University of Illinois
Dorit Ron - Weizmann Institute of Science
Giovanni Samaey - University of Leuven
Rob Scheichl - University of Bath
Klaus Stueben - Fraunhofer Institute
Philippe Toint - University of Namur
Wim Vanroose - University of Antwerp


From: Dirk Pflüger [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2014
Subject: Sparse Grids and Applications, Germany, Sep 2014

The third international workshop on Sparse Grids and Applications
(SGA'14) will be held at the University of Stuttgart
September 1-5 2014.

Sparse grids are a popular approach for the numerical treatment of
high-dimensional problems. Where classical numerical discretization
schemes fail in more than three or four dimensions, sparse grids, in
their different flavors, are frequently the method of choice, be it
spatially adaptive in the hierarchical basis or via the dimensionally
adaptive combination technique.

The aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners using
sparse grids and their variants. Both theoretical and practical
aspects are highly welcome. Topics of sparse grids and their
applications range from uncertainty quantification to (stochastic)
PDEs, from efficient data structures to parallelizations, from error
bounds to high-dimensional applications, from dimensionality reduction
to refinement, and much more.

Abstract submission deadline: June 1, 2014

Please visit the workshop's website for more details:

Organizers: Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Jochen Garcke, Michael Griebel,
Markus Hegland, Dirk Pflüger, Clayton Webster


From: Francisco Marcellan [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2014
Subject: XOP-Workshop, Spain, Sep 2014

September 7-12, 2014. Workshop on "Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials
and exact solutions in Mathematical Physics", Segovia, Spain .

Exceptional orthogonal polynomials are dense families of
Sturm-Liouville orthogonal polynomials with gaps in their degree
sequence. They appear as eigenfunctions of rational extensions of
exactly solvable potentials in quantum mechanics, and they are related
to Darboux transformations and bispectrality in the theory of
integrable systems. The past five years have seen a considerable
activity in this field and we feel the time is ripe for bringing
together many of the scientists who have contributed to this
development, and others who might be interested in them.

The list of invited speakers includes Alexander P. Veselov
(Loughborough University, UK), Robert Milson (Dalhousie University,
Canada), Antonio Durán (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Alexei
Zhedanov* (Donetsk Institute for Physics and Technology, Ukraine), Ryu
Sasaki (Kyoto University, Japan), Luc Vinet (Centre de Recherches
Mathématiques, Canada), Peter Clarkson (University of Kent, UK),
Manuel Mañas (Universidad Complutense, Spain), Boris Shapiro*
(Stockholm University, Sweden) Lance Littlejohn (Baylor University,
United States). * - to be confirmed


There will be a limited number of grants for younger
participants. Details on how to apply will be given in the website.


From: Jim Stewart [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2014
Subject: Staff Position, Uncertainty Quantification, Sandia National Labs

The Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification Department at Sandia
National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, invites applicants for an
R&D staff position. The position involves research and development of
methods and software for quantifying uncertainty in mathematical
models. The methods R&D will include, for example, spectral stochastic
methods such as polynomial chaos combined with new ideas that leverage
adaptive refinement, gradient enhancement, and sparsity
detection. Other research areas may include Gaussian process modeling,
Bayesian inference, and random field modeling. A significant part of
this position requires large-scale, C++ software development in our
Dakota optimization/UQ toolkit. Thus, the candidate should have a
strong demonstrated proficiency in C++ and object-oriented software
design principles. Research results are expected to be published in
reports and leading technical journals. The position also involves
occasional program development through participation on and leadership
of technical proposals to various DOE and other funding agencies.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in the field of computational science,
such as applied or computational mathematics, engineering, or a
related discipline. Applicants must also have a minimum of three years
of relevant experience following the Ph.D. degree in an R&D
environment. For a complete description of the posting, and to apply,
go to, click on Careers, then search for job
opening 645651.

Sandia National Laboratories is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.


From: Yasemin Sengul [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Mathematics, Ozyegin Univ, Turkey

The Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences as a part of the
Faculty of Engineering at Ozyegin University invites applications for
faculty positions in Mathematics starting in September 2014. Ozyegin
University is a private (foundation) university located in Istanbul,
at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The language of education is
English. Interested candidates are encouraged to visit our website, to learn more. The Department of Natural
and Mathematical Sciences currently offers undergraduate level service
courses to students from different faculties. The faculty does not
have a program in Mathematics currently. Excellent verbal and written
communication skills are required. A Ph.D. degree in Mathematics is
required. Appointees may start work in the 2014 Fall semester or
later. Review of applications will start immediately and continue
until the positions are filled. The compensation package will be
commensurate to skills and rank, and will be highly competitive.

Candidates from areas in applied mathematics (e.g. applied analysis,
optimization, stochastic processes, mathematical finance, continuum
mechanics) are encouraged to apply. Special consideration will be
given to candidates in computational mathematics (e.g. numerical
analysis, scientific computing, computational finance).

Faculty members are expected to teach and conduct research. Applicants
must have a strong commitment to teach undergraduate students in
different programs, and are expected to have a track record of high
quality research publications. An outstanding research potential is
essential. Cross-discipline research activities in collaboration with
other faculties are particularly encouraged. The positions are
expected to be filled at the Assistant Professor level but
exceptionally well-qualified candidates may be considered also in
other levels.

Candidates should submit (electronically) a cover letter, together
with their CV, teaching and research statements, and complete contact
information of at least three professional references. Please submit
applications by email to Banu Polat, ([email protected], +1


From: David Chappell [email protected]
Date: March 19, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, High Freq Vibro-Acoustics, Nottingham Trent

An EU Marie Curie funded post-doctoral research position on the
Industry and Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) project Mid-
to-High Frequency Modelling of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (MHiVec) is
available. MHiVec is a collaborative project between Nottingham Trent
University, the University of Nottingham, the Institute of Sound and
Vibration Research at the University of Southampton, InuTech GmbH, CDH
AG, and Jaguar Land Rover.

The researcher will work on the development of new integral equation
methods for modelling vehicle body vibrations at high frequencies.
Candidates will be expected to have a PhD in a relevant discipline
(mechanical engineering, mathematics or physics), along with numerical
programming skills in at least one of MATLAB or C++, a good command of
English and an enthusiasm for working in an international and
inter-disciplinary research environment. Experience in the theory and
implementation of boundary integral methods is highly favourable. The
post would be ideally suited to a highly promising early career

Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity
(work, studies, etc) in the UK for more than 12 months in the 3 years
immediately prior to their start date. The salary for this role is
£53,765 per annum, plus a market rate supplement of between £4,722 and
£16,353 per annum (payable quarterly and dependent upon the costs
associated with your employment).

Enquiries to [email protected]
Applications via
Closing date: Tuesday 15 April 2014
Interview date: W/C 5 May 2014


From: Mary Rose Russo [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Theoretical & Comp Seismology, Princeton

Theoretical & Computational Seismology/Department of Geosciences/
Princeton University

The Theoretical & Computational Seismology group of Jeroen Tromp in
the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University has an opening
for a postdoctoral or more senior researcher. Qualifications include
a Ph.D. in Geosciences, Computational Science & Engineering or a
related field. The group is interested in all aspects of seismology,
and collaborates closely with computational scientists &
engineers. The position is available for one year, with a possibility
for renewal up to two years, contingent upon satisfactory performance
and funding. Applicants should include a cover letter, a curriculum
vitae including a publication list, and contact information for three
references by applying on the Princeton University jobsite at Requisition No. 1400176.

For more information about the Theoretical & Computational Seismology
group, please link to

Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified
applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status,
protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by
law. This position is subject to the University’s background check


From: Giancarlo Sangalli [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2014
Subject: Postdoc and PhD Positions, Numerical Analysis, Pavia

The Mathematics Department of the University of Pavia is currently
offering 1 PhD position (3 years) and 2 postdoc positions (1 year,
renewable) within the framework of the ERC Consolidator Grant
HIgeoM. This research project focuses on mathematical study and
development of the isogeometric method.

Interested candidates may find a detailed description of the activity
and the instructions how to apply here:

The deadline for applications is June 1st 2014, but earlier
applications are very welcome.

I would kindly ask you to forward this information to potentially
interested candidates. I thank you for your kind attention and


From: Rebecca Leake [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2014
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 03 (1)

Information and Inference: A journal of the IMA

Links to all articles in this issue are available online at


Cramér–Rao bounds for synchronization of rotations, Nicolas Boumal,
Amit Singer, P.-A. Absil, and Vincent D. Blondel

Sigma–Delta quantization of sub-Gaussian frame expansions and its
application to compressed sensing, Felix Krahmer, Rayan Saab, and
Özgür Yilmaz

Higher order Sobol' indices, Art B. Owen, Josef Dick, and Su Chen

End of Digest