NA Digest Monday, January 06, 2014 Volume 14 : Issue 01

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Danny Dunlavy
Date: January 06, 2014
Subject: Letter from the Editor

Greetings NA Digest Subscribers,

Thank you for all your patience this past year as the NA Digest went
through several significant changes in terms of submission,
subscription, distribution, and archiving processes. Most of these
were due to issues associated with aging systems supporting the NA
Digest to this point, and we are fortunate to have been able to
migrate to a more stable, long-term solution.

Please continue to submit new announcements using the submission form
located at:


As we continue to improve the NA Digest throughout this new year,
please feel free to send comments and suggestions to me at

Best regards,
Danny Dunlavy
NA Digest Editor


From: Jon Lee
Date: December 19, 2013
Subject: Free book on linear optimization

Announcing a free and open-source book on Linear Optimization.

Jon Lee, "A First Course in Linear Optimization", First Edition,
Reex Press, 2013.

The book together with associated Matlab/AMPL/Mathematica
programs are freely available from:


From: Klaus Iglberger
Date: January 05, 2014
Subject: Blaze 1.5 Released

Version 1.5 of the Blaze library, one of the fastest high-performance
C++ math libraries, has been released. This release is all about
performance. Just like all C++ libraries using expression templates
Blaze is heavily depending on the compiler's ability to optimize the
given template code. Unfortunately several compilers were not able to
achieve maximum performance for many operations. In Blaze 1.5 we have
focused on resolving the underlying problem and made it easier for the
compiler to perform the necessary optimizations. Get an impression of
the improved performance in the updated Benchmarks section:

Blaze 1.5 is now available for download at


From: Timo Heister
Date: January 03, 2014
Subject: Finite element software deal.II version 8.1 released

Version 8.1 of deal.II, the object-oriented finite element library
awarded the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, has been
released. It is available for free under an Open Source license from
the deal.II homepage at

This version is primarily a maintenance release but still has a number
of noteworthy new features:
- Three new tutorial programs on elasto-plastic contact problems
(step-42), hybridizable dicontinuous Galerkin methods (step-51), and
a simple example of using adaptive mesh refinement for time
dependent problems (step-26)
- Significantly better support for shared memory multicore parallelism
- Dozens of new features and bugfixes

For more information see

Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Guido Kanschat, and many other


From: Damon McDougall
Date: January 06, 2014
Subject: QUESO: A C++ library for uncertainty quantification

QUESO stands for Quantification of Uncertainty in Estimation,
Simulation and Optimisation.

QUESO is a collection of algorithms and other functionalities aimed at
solving statistical inverse problems, solving statistical forward
problems, validating models, and for the prediction of quantities of
interest from such models along with the quantification of their

QUESO is designed for flexibility, portability, ease of use and ease
of extension. Its software design follows an object-oriented approach
and is written in C++. QUESO uses MPI for communication. It can run
in uniprocessor or multiprocessor environments.

QUESO v0.50.0 was released recently and is free (libre and speech).
It can be downloaded from GitHub:


From: Robert Speck
Date: December 20, 2013
Subject: Parallel-in-Time Integration, Germany, May 2014

3rd Workshop on Parallel-in-Time Integration: Parallel Multi-level
Methods in Space and Time, Juelich Supercomputing Centre (Germany),
May 26-28, 2014

With million-way concurrency at hand, the efficient use of modern HPC
systems has become one of the key challenges in computational science
and engineering. Besides optimal implementation strategies, novel
mathematical concepts are needed to fully exploit massively parallel
architectures. For the numerical solution of time-dependent partial
differential equations, time-parallel methods have recently shown to
provide a promising way to extend prevailing strong-scaling limits of
numerical codes. This workshop will bring together scientists from the
fields of multigrid methods and parallel- in-time integration in order
to discuss similarities between parallel multilevel algorithms in
space and time, their applications and their combination.

Invited Speakers:
* Martin Gander - Universit� de Gen�ve, Switzerland
* Matthew Emmett - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
* Scott MacLachlan, Tufts University, USA
* Cornelius Oosterlee, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Contact: Robert Speck, +49 2461 611644,

Registration and call for participation will open in late January

For more information visit:


From: Krassimir Georgiev
Date: January 06, 2014
Subject: Scientific Computations, Bulgaria, May 2014

Int. Conf. on "Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and
Advanced Applications" (
The conference is organized by the Institute of Information and
Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in
cooperation with Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics..

The conference is scheduled for May 19-22, 2014, with arrival: May 18
and departure: noon May 22. The conference will be held in the
picturous town of Bansko,located at the foot of the Pirin mountain.

Specific topics of interest (but not limited to) are the following:
* Multiscale and multiphysics problems;
* Robust preconditioning;
* Monte Carlo methods;
* Optimization and control systems;
* Scalable parallel algorithms;
* Advanced computing for innovations.

Registration February 15, 2014
Submission of extended abstracts March 01, 2014
Notification of acceptance: April 01, 2014


From: Rob De Staelen
Date: January 06, 2014
Subject: ACOMEN, Belgium, Jun 2014

The International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in
ENgineering ACOMEN 2014, held in Ghent, Belgium in June 23-28, 2014,
is the 6th event in a successful series of interdisciplinary
international conferences devoted to applied mathematics and numerical
methods in computational sciences and engineering.

The main topics of the ACOMEN 2014 conference include but are not
limited to: applied mathematics, numerical analysis and computational
mathematics, financial mathematics, optimization and optimal control,
inverse problems, computational finance, computational
electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and porous media flow,
high-scale and parallel computing, software for scientific

The aim of the conference is to bring together a diverse community of
mathematicians, engineers and physicists involved in applied sciences,
mathematics and developing advanced computational methods. More
information can be found on the conference website:

May 1, 2013 - Registration is open
anuary 1, 2014 - Early bird fee ends
March 1, 2014 - Deadline submission extended abstracts
April 4, 2014 - Notification of acceptance
June 1, 2014 - Deadline registration (with podium, poster)
June 10, 2014 - Deadline registration (without podium)


From: Andres Iglesias Prieto
Date: January 02, 2014
Subject: Call for Session Proposals, ICMS, Aug 2014

The 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS)
(a satellite Conference of ICM 2014)
Seoul (Korea), August 5 - 9, 2014
Conference website:

We cordially invite any interested person to submit a proposal for a
session for ICMS'2014. Please, find the relevant instructions at the
conference website:

(link: "Call for Session Proposals").

Deadline for proposals: Jan 31, 2014.


From: Wil Schilders
Date: January 06, 2014
Subject: Preconditioning 2015, The Netherlands, Jun 2015



DATE: June 17-19, 2015
VENUE: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

This conference is a sequel to eight successful "preconditioning"
meetings (one every two years) which address complex issues related to
the solution of general sparse matrix problems in large-scale
applications and in industrial settings. The goal of the conference is
to exchange ideas on recent developments in preconditioning techniques
for sparse linear systems of equations, and to a lesser extent for
eigenvalue problems. A forthcoming announcement will provide details
on focus areas, paper submission, important dates, program committee
members, and invited speakers.

The organizers,
Wil Schilders, TU Eindhoven
Kees Vuik, TU Delft
Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory Yousef Saad, University of Minnesota
Andy Wathen, Oxford University


From: Monika Voit
Date: January 06, 2014
Subject: Scientific Programmer Position

The High-Performance Computing group Parallab at Uni Computing, Uni
Research AS is seeking, on a permanent basis, a Scientific
Programmer. Uni Computing is a department of Uni Research, the
research company affiliated with the University of Bergen, Norway. The
department operates the High Performance Computing facilities of the
University of Bergen and carries out research and development in
selected fields of computational sciences. Parallab is concerned with
the development, installation, implementation and maintenance of High
Performance Computing facilities, BigData- and e-infrastructures. The
position is related to Advanced User Support, an activity supporting
scientific users of the supercomputers with respect to porting, coding
and performance optimization. The position will also be carrying out
application-development within the area of BigData and data analysis.

The position will work closely with the rest of the team at Parallab.
Candidate requirements:
- Enthusiasm and independence with good communication skills.
- Excellent programming skills in one or more of: C, C++, Fortran, Java
- Applied programming experience in scientific software
- Experience with MPI/OpenMP parallell programming. Experience with
MapReduce related development is considered a plus.
- Willing to learn new programming languages, frameworks and paradigms
as required by the task at hand.
- Familiarity and ease with Linux systems and basic scripting.
- Solution oriented and service-minded.
- Good knowledge of English, written and oral.
- Bachelor or college degree, or equivalent higher education.
Extensive relevant experience may be considered in place of
higher education.

Women are especially encouraged to apply.

Please send electronic application, CV with a detailed overview of
educational achievements and previous practice, letter of motivation
and contact information of two references by clicking on the button
�APPLY FOR THIS JOB� on this webpage: For more
information about Parallab and Uni Computing, please refer to or contact Eirik Thorsnes at The evaluation of candidates will begin on 10
February 2014 and will continue until the position is filled.


From: Lars Gruene
Date: December 19, 2013
Subject: Full Professor Position, Math in Engineering, Germany

The University of Bayreuth, Germany, is inviting applications for a
full professor (W3) position for Mathematics in Engineering. The
application deadline is January 31, 2014.

Details (in German) can be found on


From: David Keyes
Date: January 04, 2014
Subject: Faculty Positions, Simulation and Data Analytics at Extreme Scale

KAUST invites applications for faculty positions in computational
simulation and data analytics at extreme scale at all levels beginning
in the Fall of 2014. Candidates may seek appointment to the Applied
Mathematics and Computational Science program or Computer Science, or
both, and be affiliated with the Strategic Initiative in Extreme
Computing, whose primary focus is numerical algorithms for emerging
architectures with a premium on energy efficiency at scale, through
reduction in communication, synchronization, and storage, and
algorithm-based fault tolerance. Experience with applications relevant
to KAUST�s scientific and engineering missions (bioinformatics,
catalysis, climate, combustion, materials, reservoir modeling, seismic
inversion, etc.) is a plus. KAUST will replace its current BlueGene/P
with a new Top 20 system in 2015.

KAUST is an graduate-only research institution dedicated to advancing
science and technology through interdisciplinary research, education,
and innovation. Located on a resort-like 45 sq km campus on the Red
Sea in Saudi Arabia, KAUST offers superb research facilities, generous
long-term baseline research funding, and internationally competitive
salaries, attracting faculty, research scientists, and students from
over 70 countries to address pressing scientific and technological
challenges. Founded in 2009, its academic leadership and Trustees
hail from leading American, Asian, and European universities.

Successful candidates will have a doctoral degree in Computer Science
or Applied Mathematics or equivalent, experience in interdisciplinary
research, and a strong publication record commensurate with the
appointment level. For senior positions, a track record in attracting
external funding is essential. Applicants should apply at the
employment link at Applications received by
February 1, 2014 will receive full consideration.


From: David Titley-Peloquin
Date: December 20, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Position, CERFACS

A postdoctoral position is open at CERFACS in the Parallel Algorithms
Team. The duration of the contract is 2 years. We are interested in
candidates with research experience in numerical analysis, applied
probability, and/or uncertainty quantification. The duties will
involve performing fundamental research in partnership with CERFACS
industrial shareholders (TOTAL, EDF, CNES, EADS, Meteo France, ONERA,
SAFRAN). Amongst other topics, the project involves probabilistic
error analyses for large-scale numerical problems, with applications
to optimization and the solution of inverse problems. Excellent
communication skills in written and spoken English are necessary.

To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, research statement, and the
names of two referees to David Titley-Peloquin
( Informal queries may be addressed to David
Titley-Peloquin and Serge Gratton (

The search will start immediately and continue until the position is


From: Timo Betcke
Date: January 05, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ College London

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral Research Associate in
Scientific Computing/Numerical Modelling to work with Prof S. Arridge
(UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing) and Dr T. Betcke (UCL
Mathematics) to develop numerical methods for forward and inverse
problems in medical imaging based on acoustic, optical and
electromagnetic radiation.

The Research Associate will contribute to the development of forward
and inverse solvers and their numerical implementation for large-scale
problems. A strong background in mathematics, scientific computing or
related areas is required. In particular, candidates should have
experience with finite and or boundary element methods and inverse
problems. Software development experience in C++ is essential.

This is part of a large interdisciplinary group, based in the UCL
Centre for Inverse Problems, researching novel methods for imaging and
clinical treatment including EEG/MEG, Electrical Impedance Tomography
(EIT), Optical and PhotoAcoustic tomography (DOT/PAT), and High
Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU).

The post is funded until 30 September 2015 in the first instance.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Simon Arridge, tel:
+44(0)20 7679 3714, email: or Dr Timo Betcke,
tel: +44 (0)20 3108 4068, email:

Further details can be found at

The application deadline is 27 Jan 2014.


From: Randy LeVeque
Date: December 30, 2013
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Data Science, Univ of Washington

The University of Washington eScience Institute announces the
competition for the 2014 Moore/Sloan Data Science Postdoctoral
Fellowships. We seek outstanding interdisciplinary researchers with
expertise in the methods of data science and in a physical, life, or
social science.

The fellowships are part of a new multi-year partnership between the
University of Washington, University of California at Berkeley, and
New York University, and are funded jointly by the Gordon and Betty
Moore Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. For more about
this effort please see

Methodology areas include relevant fields of applied mathematics,
statistics, and computer science. There is an emphasis on the
development of open source software tools and environments and on
following/developing best practices for reproducibility, including the
curation and sharing of data and code.

An ad with more details about postdoctoral fellowships and
instructions for applying can be found at


From: Peter Jimack
Date: December 20, 2013
Subject: PhD Position for EU Citizen, UK

We are seeking a talented UK/EU candidate with a background in
Scientific Computing, Computational Science, Engineering or
Mathematics for an exciting, industrially-supported, PhD
studentship. Full fees and a stipend are available for a suitably-
qualified EU student.

The project sets out to build modelling and predictive capabilities
for aspects of consumer products. The research will involve developing
computational models of the fluid-structure interactions (FSIs) that
occur with consumer product interactions. The aim is to develop a new
capability that goes beyond that which is available in current
commercial tools. The project will provide experience of, and develop
expertise in, efficient numerical techniques - such as adaptivity,
preconditioning and multicore computing - to allow fast and accurate
solvers to be developed, and hence permit reliable and accurate
simulations to be undertaken on the desktop.

Further details are avaiable at
or by email from Professor Peter Jimack (
or Dr Mark Wilson (

Closing date for applications is January 17th 2014, and we are keen
for the successful applicant to commence as soon as available.


From: Dr David Ham
Date: January 06, 2014
Subject: PhD position: Big data in climate modelling, Imperial College London

Applications are sought by 20 January for a funded PhD studentship
in the automation of numerical calculations on the results of
massively parallel climate simulations at Imperial College London.

This is an opportunity to apply numerical mathematics and
sophisticated parallel computing to the complex task of extracting
useful insights from complex and vast climate simulation outputs.

The successful candidate will have a masters degree in maths,
computing or a similar highly numerate discipline and will join a
team of motivated scientists applying automated code generation
techniques to parallel numerics problems at Imperial College London.

The positions come with a bursary of �15 700 per year and funding to
present at international workshops and conferences. For more
information see:


From: Paul Fishman
Date: December 31, 2013
Subject: Contents, Nonlinearity, 27 (1)

Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2014

This issue is available at: URL:

Pages: 1-170


1, Inviscid limit of stochastic damped 2D Navier--Stokes equations,
Hakima Bessaih and Benedetta Ferrario

17, Viscosity solution of the Hamilton--Jacobi equation by a limiting
minimax method, Qiaoling Wei

43, Equivariant singularity analysis of the 2 : 2 resonance, Antonella
Marchesiello and Giuseppe Pucacco

67, A numerical dressing method for the nonlinear superposition of
solutions of the KdV equation, Thomas Trogdon and Bernard Deconinck

87, Transient oscillatory patterns in the diffusive non-local blowfly
equation with delay under the zero-flux boundary condition, Ying Su
and Xingfu Zou

105, Well-posedness of the plasma--vacuum interface problem, Paolo
Secchi and Yuri Trakhinin


From: Fikret Aliev
Date: December 26, 2013
Subject: Contents, Proc Inst of Applied Mathematics, 2 (2)

Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, V.2, N.2, 2013
ISSN 2225-0530,


R.T. Zulfigarova, M.M. Mutallimov, Solving the optimal control problem
with multipoint boundary conditions by sweep method

M.A. Sadygov, Extemum problem with constraints in the metric spaces

?.?.Niftiev, E.R Shafizade, B.M. Qasimov, Fuzzy differential equations
containing delta-function

Syed Faizan Haider, Abdullah Saad AL-Malaise, Farrukh Nadeem,
M-learning in a hybridized paradigm

N.A. Aliev, Y.Y. Mustafaeva, Some special conditions in investigation
of the mixed type equations

Sh.M.Nasibov, M.A. Namazov, On a Sobolev type inequality

R.Q. Qamidov, ?.?. Allahverdieva, Decising making in a problem of
definition of the production orders

F.Q. Aqayev, E.N. Aliyeva, A new method to comparison the measurement
results of the ground photometric networks and onboard spectrometers

A.M. Guliyeva, Construction of a problem adjoint in a new approach to
the boundary value problem for a third order linear differential

K. Indra Gandhi, Energy-efficient optimal sub-sink selection for data
collection in wireless sensor networks

N.A. Ismailov, A.A. Namazov, F.A. Aliev, An asymptotic method for
finding the hydraulic resistance coefficient in lifting of the GLM in
the pump-compressor pipe

End of Digest