Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

The BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms) project is an ongoing investigation whose purpose is to create a linear algebra oriented message passing interface that may be implemented efficiently and uniformly across a large range of distributed memory platforms.

The length of time required to implement efficient distributed memory algorithms makes it impractical to rewrite programs for every new parallel machine. The BLACS exist in order to make linear algebra applications both easier to program and more portable. It is for this reason that the BLACS are used as the communication layer of ScaLAPACK. Key ideas in the BLACS include:

Other options are: The General in this project is Jack Dongarra; the man in the trenches is R. Clint Whaley. Questions about the BLACS should be mailed to [email protected] or on the ScaLAPACK User Forum

#	BLACS directory
#	=====
#	This directory contains machine-specific versions of the
#       BLACS ( Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms ).  The
#       platforms currently supported are:
#          MPI,
#          PVM,
#          HP Exemplar (MPI),
#          IBM SP series (MPL),
#          Intel series (NX),
#          SGI Origin 2000 (MPI).
#       ****
#       NOTE:  Patch for MPIBLACS is now available!  Refer to blacs_errata.html
#       ****   for details.
#               As of February, 2000, this directory was updated!
#               Pre-built BLACS libraries are available!
#       For further information, please refer to the URL:

#       #############################
#       # Pre-built BLACS Libraries #
#       #############################

lib     archives
for     Pre-built BLACS Libraries

#       ############
#       # SOFTWARE #
#       ############

file	pvmblacs.tgz
for	PVM version of the BLACS.
,	UPDATED:  May 5, 1997 (Version 1.1)
size	57254 bytes

file	mpiblacs.tgz
for	MPI version of the BLACS.
,	UPDATED:  May 5, 1997 (Version 1.1)
size	74123 bytes

file	mpiblacs-patch03.tgz
for     MPIBLACS patch!! Details in old_errata.blacs file.
,       To install: gunzip -c mpiblacs-patch03.tgz | tar xvf -
,       Date: February 24, 2000
size    30505 bytes

file	mplblacs.tgz
for	IBM SP series version of the BLACS, written on top of MPL.
,	UPDATED:  May 5, 1997 (Version 1.1)
size	62529 bytes

file	nxblacs.tgz
for	Intel series version of the BLACS, written on top of NX.
,	UPDATED:  May 5, 1997 (Version 1.1)
size	54458 bytes

#	CMMD BLACS for TMC CM-5 are available upon request.

file	blacstester.tgz
for	Test Suite for the BLACS.
,	UPDATED:  May 5, 1997 (Version 1.1)
size	81937 bytes

#       #################
#       #################

file	blacs_errata.html
for	ERRATA file for the BLACS (MPI, PVM, MPL, NX).
size	12505 bytes

file	old_errata.blacs
for	Original ERRATA file for the BLACS (MPI, PVM, MPL, NX).
size	16982 bytes

for	Installation Guide for the BLACS and its Test Suite.
,	UPDATED:  May 5, 1997
size	174064 bytes

for	"A User's Guide to the BLACS v1.1".
,	UPDATED:  May 5, 1997
size	444073 bytes

for     "Outstanding Issues in the MPIBLACS"
,       A discussion of the outstanding issues in the MPIBLACS.
size    118635 bytes 
for     "Some Plebian Extensions to MPI"
,       A small note on some BLACS-related MPI issues.
size    109467 bytes

for	Quick Reference Guide to the C interface for the BLACS.
,	UPDATED:  February 28, 1995
size	69240 bytes

for	Quick Reference Guide to the Fortran 77 interface for the BLACS.
,	UPDATED:  February 28, 1995
size	67842 bytes