Benchmark Programs and Reports

TOP500 Supercomputer Sites

Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

file	1000s
for	The LINPACK 1000x1000 benchmark program in single precision.

file	1000d
for	The LINPACK 1000x1000 benchmark program in double precision.

lib     hpl
for     Subdirectory containing HPL Benchmark
,       HPL:  A Portable Implementation of the High Performance Linpack
,       Benchmark for Distributed-Memory Computers
,       This program can be used for the Top500 tests. 

lib     sparsebench
for     Subdirectory containing SparseBench
,       Benchmark of Conjugate Gradient methods, using sparse data storage

file	bell-award
for	details of the following prize:
,       Beginning in 1988, two $1000 awards will be given each year for 10
,       years to the person or team that demonstrates the greatest speedup on
,       a multiple-instruction, multiple-data parallel processor.

lib	bipopt
for	bipolar operating point benchmark suite
by	Bob Melville

file    comm.tgz
for     Benchmark program to measure bandwidth and latency of
,       message passing systems.
,       MPI and PVM versions included.
by      Jack Dongarra and Tom Dunigan, May 1995.

file	dhry-ada
for	Dhrystone benchmark program in Ada, current version.

file	dhry-c
for	Dhrystone benchmark program in C, current version.

file	dhry-pascal
for	Dhrystone benchmark program in Pascal, current version.

file    /utk/people/JackDongarra/faq-linpack.html
for     Frequently asked questions on the Linpack benchmark and Top500
by      Jack Dongarra

file	higbie
for	a collection of vectorizable loops.
,       Lee Higbie, 2/13/91.

file	karp-challenge
for	Alan Karp's challenge on parallel vs sequential computing.

for     benchmark for postscript laser printers.
by      Jim Sullivan

file	linpack-pc.c
for	The LINPACK benchmark program done in C.  This version is
,       specialized for pc's
lang	C

file	linpackc
for	The LINPACK benchmark program done in C. (original version)
lang	C
by	Bonnie Toy 5/88.

for     The LINPACK benchmark program done in C (improved version).
lang    C
by      Based on Bonnie Toy 5/88 but improved by Will Menninger.

file	linpackd
for	The LINPACK benchmark program in double precision.

file	linpacks
for	The LINPACK benchmark program in single precision.

file	livermore
,       The Livermore loops in double precision. (Fortran) 
,       A program used by some to benchmark supercomputers.
by	Frank McMahaon LLNL 1/26/88

file	livermorec
,       A 'C' version of the Livermore loops program,
,       a program used by some to benchmark supercomputers.
by	Frank McMahaon LLNL 1/26/88

file	livermores
,       Same as LIVERMORE only single precision.

file	lud
for	The linear equation solver used in the paper by Dongarra and Eisenstat
,       that is based on matrix-vector operations. This is the double
,       precision version.

file	lus
for	The linear equation solver used in the paper by Dongarra and Eisenstat
,       that is based on matrix-vector operations. This is the single
,       precision version.

for     Overview of recent high-performance computers. Machines are ordered
,       by there type. The most important characteristics of the systems and
,       some performance figures for these systems are given.
by      Aad van der Steen, November 1993.

file	nas
for	A benchmark test program has been developed for use by the NAS
,       program at NASA Ames Research Center to aid in the evaluation of
,       supercomupter performance. 
by	David H. Bailey, NASA Ames Research Center, June 24, 1988

file	nas-doc
for	tex documentation for NAS

file	nbslib
for	A version of netlib runs at NBS and they distribute benchmark
,       software.

file	parallel
for	loops to test an compilers ability to parallelize
by	Jack Dongarra Dec 1991.

file	perf-upd
,	A log of updates made to the above report.

by	J. Dongarra
lang	PostScript
,	Performance of Various Computers Using Standard Linear Algebra
,       Software in a Fortran Environment', also known as the Linpack
,       Benchmark Report

file	top500.html
for     WWW interface to the top500 reports.  The top500 reports list
,       the top 500 high-performance computer centers as rated by
,       floating point performance.
by      Jack Dongarra

for     a list of the top 500 high-performance computer centers
,       as rated by floating point performance in November 1995.
by      Jack Dongarra November 1995.

file	vectors
for	A test suite for vectorizing Fortran compilers.  Single precision.
,       D. Levine, D. Callahan, and J. Dongarra.  1/4/91.

file	vectord
for	A test suite for vectorizing Fortran compilers.  Double precision.
,       D. Levine, D. Callahan, and J. Dongarra.  1/4/91.

file	whetstone.c
for	An update of the original 1987 C version of the Whetstone benchmark
,	This updated version corrects a minor oversight in the original
,	version which caused the output of the original C version to look
,	different from the Fortran version (which is listed below)
by	Rich Painter <[email protected]>
date	3/20/98
size	8k

file	whetstonec
for	The original Whetstone benchmark in C.  This program is a translation
,	of the original Algol version in "A Synthetic Benchmark" by H.J.
,	Curnow  and B.A. Wichman in Computer Journal, Vol  19 #1,
,	February 1976.
date	5/27/87
size	4k

file	whetstoned
for	The Whetstone benchmark in double precision Fortran.

file	whetstones
for	The Whetstone benchmark in single precision Fortran.