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file benchmark for Contains Alliant specific standard benchmarks. by David Krowitz 11/17/86 [email protected] file v2d for V2d is a demo program originally written by Jim Rees to , show how an Apollo network could get transparent file access , to any BSD 4.2 system running TCP/IP. file users for List of people on the [email protected] mailing list. file sendrec for package which converts Apollo binary data file (REC file types) , to Alliant binary format data files which can be read with an , unformatted Fortran READ statement on the Alliant and vice-versa , (ie. it will convert Alliant format files for reading on an Apollo). file shar for does the same function as your BUNDLE shell script, but is more , extensive. It adds in some error checking and can handle packing , entire directories into an archive file for mailing out over the , network. This file was created by the command 'shar shar.dir'. file mm for Simple matrix-matrix multiply that runs fast on the Alliant. by Jack Dongarra and Dan Sorensen, 1/26/87. file lu for LU decomposition with partial pivoting designed to run fast on the Alliant. by Dan Sorensen, 2/18/87. file compress for a utility which can save a considerable amount of disk space. by David Krowitz, MIT 2/11/87 file vtu for This program reads the VAX/VMS DCL command procedure and converts the , DCL commands to the equivalent C Shell Script commands that run under , the ALLIANT CONCENTRIX operating system which is a Berkeley Unix 4.2 , system. by Glen D. West, May 23, 1987 file libcray.tgz for This gzipped tar file contains the source code (and test , routines) for the Cray Compatibility Library (libCRAY.a). , libCRAY.a is a set of routines for Concentrix V3.0 that give , the same multiprocessing capability for fortran and C programs , on the Alliant FX/8 as the Cray Research multiprocessing , library (eg, tskstart, lockon and evpost) on the Cray X-MP. by Mark Seager, Oct 8, 1987 file makemake for A utility to generate automatically the makefile needed to build , the executable image of a fortran application program to be run on , an ALLIANT computer. by Dick Hessel, Oct 16, 1987 lib quad for A subset of the quadpack routines optimized for the alliant. To get the , index use "send index from alliant/quad". The complete non-Alliant , versions are available via "send index from quadpack" by Dick Hessel, Oct 16, 1987 lib ode for A subset of the odepack routines optimized for the alliant. To get the , index use "send index from alliant/ode". The complete non-Alliant , versions are available via "send index from odepack" by Dick Hessel, Oct 16, 1987 file screen for is a virtual terminal manager for people with regular terminals (folks , too poor to buy Sun's for every programmer). It lets you have multiple , independant sessions, each on it's own full size screen. It's very , useful, seemingly bug free, and we use it here quite a lot. by Patrick Wolfe <[email protected]> Nov 1987 file vgrindefs for additions for Alliant fortran , Appending this to your /usr/lib/vgrindefs file allows you to , use "vgrind -lf" on your *.f files. Nothing fancy. by [email protected] Wed Apr 20 18:06:01 1988 file vmstapes for Here is a program for reading VMS backup tapes on BSD4.2 systems , which I got from the comp.sources archive on For , some reason people keep sending us data on VMS backup tapes as , a "standard" distribution method! by David Krowitz [email protected] (