The FIMS V.2.37 installation instructions |
gunzip -c fims-V.2.37.tar.gz | tar xovf -
This will create a directory called fims.
which perl
and include the result string (this is on most systems /usr/bin/perl
or /usr/local/bin/perl ) in the first line of both Perl scripts
(e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl )
The script language Perl is not mandatory for FIMS. The two scripts
are only to create postscript files from a MXU setup of FORS2.
Execute the command sequence:
cd fims
cd src
start conversion script
and install modified source files via
make -f old.makefile
setenv FIMSROOT $HOME/fims #(if you unwrapped the FIMS package
in $HOME)
setenv PATH ${PATH}:$FIMSROOT/bin
Execute the command sequence:
cd fims
cd src
Edit $FIMSROOT/src/ to adapt it to your local site:
make s # copy start script to fims/bin
Make FIMS accessable to all USER:
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s $FIMSROOT/bin/
The VLT-Makefile can be used alternatively to install fims as an ordinary VLTSW-module:
make -f Makefile all
Additionally you should set SKYCAT_VER environment
locally to the skycat version needed by FIMS
For example use the following:
2.6.1 for HP-UX-B 10.20
By default this value is set to 2.6.5 (HP-UX-B
11.00) inside the code.
W E L C O M E T O F I M S ----------------------------------- +--------------------+ +------------------+ | FIMS 2.37 |----plugin----> | SkyCatTool 2.6.5 | +--------------------+ +------------------+ +------------------------------------------+ | last checkin : 2000/12/17 GD 12:04:19 UT | INPUT : /home/smith/.fims/PREP | now is : 2000/12/17 GD 09:10:53 UT | OUTPUT: /home/smith/.fims/SET | FIMS requires: SkyCat 2.6.5 | LOGS : /home/smith/.fims/LOG +------------------------------------------+ skycat -with_grid 1 -scrollbars 1 -rtd 0 ... Loading the graphics features plugin... Loading the FIMS plugin...for FORS2Verification of FIMS V.2.37
NEW MODE -->SkyCat V2.6.5 --> FIMS V2.37 2000/09/23 12:04:21 for FORS2 FORS2 at UT2 load FORS2.isf 19 gris-filt combinations read from FORS2.isf modus: mos with mask mos label: 0 BPM: 0 width: 1.0 length: real lslit: 0.5 filter: none 19 2 >> OS filter found ok >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 none none >>DISP 50.0 A/mmCD 1.2 A/pix 6.0 12.0 A/'' 3.2 6.3 A/mmfc >>BLU 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>RED 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>USD 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>SPE 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>CCD total range = 2462.1 A (SR) = 2433.8 A (HR) grism : none 17 2 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 none none >>DISP 50.0 A/mmCD 1.2 A/pix 6.0 12.0 A/'' 3.2 6.3 A/mmfc >>BLU 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>RED 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>USD 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>SPE 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>CCD total range = 2462.1 A (SR) = 2433.8 A (HR) colli: COLL_SR+6 FORS2 at UT2 NOMI SCALE : 0.200000''/p = 5.555556e-05 o/p 0.100000''/p = 2.777778e-05 o/p 1 .900729''/mm ff Ok : Filter does match Grism grism : none 19 2 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 none none >>DISP 50.0 A/mmCD 1.2 A/pix 6.0 12.0 A/'' 3.2 6.3 A/mmfc >>BLU 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>RED 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>USD 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>SPE 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>CCD total range = 2462.1 A (SR) = 2433.8 A (HR) >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 none none >>DISP 50.0 A/mmCD 1.2 A/pix 6.0 12.0 A/'' 3.2 6.3 A/mmfc >>BLU 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>RED 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>USD 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>SPE 0.0 A = 0.0 pixel = 0.0 '' = 0.000 ' = 0.000 mm(fp) >>CCD total range = 2462.1 A (SR) = 2433.8 A (HR) mask initializedThe output is explained in the FORS1+2 User Manual