This directory provide various kernel versions to test if you encounter 
occasional stop/halt of playback.  

To install the kernel to Voyage MuBox:

1. Copy uImage-<version> to /boot/uImage
2. tar -zxvf modules-<version>.tar.gz -C /

Here is the testing status of various kernels in our environment: : Testing in progress.  No problem so far. :      cannot submit urb (err = -18_ when remountrw/remountro :      cannot submit urb (err = -18) when remountrw/remountro : cannot submit urb (err = -18) after few minutes of play. Some report it works almost perfectly. :  No problem more than 1 day of music playback

So far is the most stable from our test.  
Please note that your milage may vary.

All these kernels does not include latest Dove GPU and Kirkwood SPDIF codes.  
So these functionalities are missed out as expected.