Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #37
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 18 Apr 02       Volume 19 : Issue 37

Today's Topics:

      [*] Master Math Word Problems for OS X v1.0 
      download of bootdisk mac os 7.5 ?
      help  please...
      Slow access to Internet
      who knows about where to find a download of bootdisk mac os 7.5 ?
      Why switch from 9.1 to 9.2.2?

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Date: 18 Apr 2002
Subject: [*] Master Math Word Problems for OS X v1.0 

Master Math Word Problems v1.0
for Mac OS X 10.1 or higher
Release date: April 15, 2002

Master Math Word Problems is an easy to use program to aide students in 
learning to identify key words that identify mathematical operations and work 
through mathematical word problems.  Word problems are considered important 
because they take math into the real world.  Unfortunately solving word 
problems is one of the areas where students have the most difficulties in 
elementary math.  Master Math Word Problems helps students develop word 
problem skills through practice.  It features optional on screen tips and 
three practice modes.  Results of each round as well as missed questions may 
be printed with student name and time/date stamp.

Shareware US$12.95

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/mmwp-osx-10.hqx; 1330 K]


Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:19:40 -0500
From: Cliff Crouch <>
To: (franzi),
Subject: download of bootdisk mac os 7.5 ?

At 2:49 AM -0700 04/13/2002, franzi wrote:

>The system of my quadra 700 crashed. I'm no more able to reboot the computer.
>After starting the computer, the only thing i see is a floppy icon with a "?"
>So i'm looking for a downloadable bootdisk for system 7.5 (or earlier).
>The apple web site seems only to support the os X version now.
>Who knows a internet link for a download ?

You might try <>.

Cliff Crouch

"I once preached peaceful coexistence with Windows.
You may laugh at my expense -- I deserve it."
    --Jean-Louis Gassâ, former Apple executive & Be CEO

"Carthago delenda est!"     [Carthage must be destroyed!]
    --Cato the Elder (234 - 149 B.C.)

    *   *   *   *   *

     *   *   *   *   *


Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:43:17 -0400
From: "Wesley Branch" <>
Subject: help  please...

I would like to find an old Mac software title....

Delrina Daily Planner 3.0...

I had it and accidentally deleted it...
I need this very baddly...
Please HELP

Wesley Branch

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:45:58 -0700
From: Mike McNeil <>
To: Derek Hayes <>, Info-Mac <>
Subject: Slow access to Internet

On 4/7/02 4:10 AM, "Derek Hayes" <> wrote:

> The old system 9 was backed up and the internal hard disk partioned into
> three parts: 
>   OS X     3GB
>   OS 9    3GB
>   Remainder    3GB
> In succession the following were installed onto the OS X partition:
> 10.1
> Security Update
> Installer Update
> 10.1.3
Partitioning in OS X is probably less useful than under OS9. You may find
yourself running out of space for one partition or the other. I say this as
a long time proponent of partitioning. I now run everything out of one 30G
partition with the exception of a swap partition for OS X. There are several
other suggestions for running OS X, but will save that for later.

All that aside, since it doesn't affect your problem, ensure that your
network setup is absolutely perfect. Particularly look at your DNS (Domain
Name Servers), Router/Gateway, broadcast ( is pretty standard),

Assuming you have already done that, I would suspect either a bad modem or a
bad wire. Believe it or not, bad phone wires are not that uncommon. Try
switching wires with the system that works. Alas, all of that will probably
merely confirm a bad modem. An interesting option using OS X is
multi-homing. If you can get an OS X machine to dial up successfully, it can
serve as a router for another OS X machine. The two machines need to be
connected via a hub or crossover cable.


Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:20:34 +0300
From: Matti Haveri <>
To:, (franzi)
Subject: who knows about where to find a download of bootdisk mac os 7.5 ?

System 7.5 Network Access floppy is here:


There are others mentioned at:


Matti Haveri <> <>


Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:37:19 -0700
From: Mike McNeil <>
To: Louis Bergeron <>, Info-Mac <>
Subject: Why switch from 9.1 to 9.2.2?

On 4/5/02 5:34 AM, "Louis Bergeron" <> wrote:
> Is there an advantage to update from 9.1 to 9.2.2 if I do not use X?
9.2.2 is faster booting and a little more stable. CD RW is better along with
better support for digital hub applications.

> Will 9.2.2 have some features not present in 9.1?
Actually there are some that go away - you will no longer be able to dial in
to Appletalk networks that do not support PPP.

I also lost the ability to play a couple of games I liked e.g. Imperialism
II, actually I think I lost that with 9.1.



End of Info-Mac Digest