Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 22:31:40 CST 
From: (Eric Hoffmann)
Subject: AT&T DataPort 14.4K Report 

The AT&T DataPort 14.4K modem has generated a lot of interest on the
newsgroup comp.dcom.modems. An external model of this modem with Class 1
fax capability (including cable and QuickLink II fax software, yech!) is
being advertised in MacWeek (3-08-93) for $299. The offer is only good
through April 30, 1993. If you qualify under the Sysop program, your price
drops to $222. In response to the question recently posted to info-mac, I
sent one reply but thought that it would make more sense to summarize the
postings on comp.dcom.modems and prepare a report on this modem.

I have clipped responses from the following people on comp.dcom.modems 

Adam.Frix@p18.f20.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG   (in charge of the Sysop program)         (senior engineer at AT&T Paradyne)

If I missed your posting or if you have testimonials, bug-reports, and
further questions, please send mail to me at

Also included in this report is the Sysop order form.

For a more formal review, check out the March 1993 issue of BoardWatch. The
review begins on page 14, "AT&T intros sysop deal on 14.4kbps modems." I
will include this review if I can obtain permission from Jack Richard, the
editor of BoardWatch.

14,400 Fax external   $299
14,400 Fax internal   $289

Call 1-800-554-4996 and charge it!
Call 1-800-544-4996 ext. 3503 for the dealer nearest you.

I am not affiliated in any way with AT&T Paradyne. Just a satisfied customer :-)

-Eric Hoffmann
                   AT&T DATAPORT 14.4K MODEM REPORT

This report summarizes the traffic on comp.dcom.modem regarding the AT&T 14.4K
DataPort modems. Additional information should be posted to that newsgroup, or
if that is not possible for you, please forward your replies to my mail address
-- and I will include your report in the next update
of this document.

Who do I contact if I want to place an order for this modem?

- Call AT&T Paradyne at 1-800-544-4996 to place your order.

- Or you may order from Elek-Tek:

  7350 N. Lindner
  Skokie,  IL   60077

  708/677-7660 [from inside of Illinois]
  800/395-1000 [anywhere outside of Illinois]

-email addresses:  Scott Frazee is in charge of the Sysop program
 Scott Frazee
 AT&T Paradyne
 Mailstop LG219
 8545 126th Ave. North
 Largo, FL  34649

 800/554-4996  (voice)
 813/530-8276  (international callers)
 813/530-2398  (fax)

Reports follow:

From: Adam.Frix@p18.f20.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Adam Frix)
Sender: (newsout1.26)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Report--AT&T Paradyne DataPort 14.4/fax
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 93 20:25:20 EST
Organization: FidoNet node 1:226/20.18 - cmhGate UF Gateway, Columbus OH
Lines: 94

Well, thanks to this newsgroup our user group just got an AT&T DataPort (tm)
14.4 modem with fax for our BBS.  We got it under the sysop program; I think
$222 is just a _darn_ fine deal.

It seems to be a rock-solid, medium-high-end modem.  I must say that, unlike
the USR products I've come into contact with, its factory settings assume a
cable properly wired for flow control.  (On a Macintosh, this is not a fair
assumption, for we must use specially wired cables that are not readily
available and that not too many salespeople know about, and end up getting
only half the job done anyway--but I digress.)  In addition, there was a
fairly large notice right up front aimed at Mac users, telling us exactly
which extended command to set for Mac flow control.  There was only one.  Nice
touch.  (Trust me, I've tried to explain modem setup and theory over the phone
to more than one novice, whose modem manual is shall we say less than

I don't know how well it will work for some of the setups you typically see on
the net; however, it's probably rock-solid for most uses.  It's not filled
with lights on the front, nor any kind of display panel; 7 LEDs, and that's
it.  Therefore, it's probably not for any application which requires careful
and detailed monitoring of what state the modem may be in at any time.

It's been on now for about 24 hours, and the entire case (plastic) is room
temperature, except for a small spot in the middle of the top which is a
degree or two warmer (no more than that).  This is a complete about-face
compared to the Supras and even the USR Sportsters, which generate enough heat
to warm coffee.

It's got what they call an Optical Line Interface, which tells me nothing
except that they're not using standard electronics to match the incoming phone
line with the DSP stuff.  Apparently this technology was designed to enhance
the modem's performance on noisy lines.  If we're lucky, it also means extra
protection against lightning.

The modem comes with a lifetime warranty and toll-free tech support; I don't
suppose AT&T Paradyne is apt to go out of business any time soon, so this is
probably worth something.  And I've seen some of their monster commercial
leased-line modems, so I know they're not newcomers to this stuff like Zoom
and Supra and ZyXEL.

We received the modem very quickly; maybe 2.5 weeks or so after sending in the
application and certified check.  This is in great contrast to the USR "send
us your firstborn, promise us your second, pay us now, and we'll think about
getting back to you at some vague future point" sysop policy.  To be fair I
think USR is busy responding to the heat of competition--they even take credit
cards, now, in 1993--but they're being slow about it, and as much as I wanted
a USR, I more so wanted a good modem quickly, for the sake of our users.  We
looked at the Hayes Optima, for $299, but it uses the AT&T Paradyne
chipset--and so the AT&T was a better deal at the $222 price.

It was interesting how we came to buy this unit.  We had deliberated amongst
the USR, Hayes, AT&T, and Telebit modems, and decided on the Hayes; then, the
day before we sent the check in, I saw the post here on the net about AT&T's
continued low sysop pricing.  I faxed Scott Frazee, the AT&T Paradyne Sysop
Program coordinator, and within about 15 minutes he was faxing me back with a
response.  I had all the necessary papers in my hand shortly thereafter. 
Compare this to Hayes; on a Thursday morning 4 weeks ago I faxed them for more
info, and they haven't responded to this day.  Sometimes, it's the little
things that count.

Right before receiving the modem we received a form letter from Scott Frazee,
telling us that we had been approved for the sysop program.  On top of
that--get THIS--he handwrote a note at the bottom of the form letter telling
me that he's sorry, but there's a shortage of Mac fax software right now, so
it'll be shipping to me shortly.  !!!!!  Can you imagine this?  Not only does
their incredibly good price include Mac fax software, which is absolutely
unheard of (most places want an extra $100 for it), but he takes the time to
let me know personally that he's sorry it didn't ship immediately.  Wow. 
These folks are out to get some business.  I guess it's working, huh?  :-)

If they have a good user group price, I'll not feel badly about recommending
them to our members.  However, I think that these puppies are only available
direct from AT&T, and they list for $550 and sell for $430-$450 through their
regular ads.  That's a buncha money, given that a slightly less than
comparable USR Sportster 14.4/fax sells for $329.  A hundred bucks is a
hundred bucks, and I think this isn't that high end of a modem (even though it
does have configurations for things the commodity modems don't, it doesn't
have as many configurations as a USR Courier, for example).  But I would
definitely recommend it over one of the latecoming commodity modems.

You can contact AT&T Paradyne in Largo, Florida at 813-530-2000.

If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to try to answer them.  I've got the
owner's manual right here.

Adam Frix via cmhGate - Net 226 fido<=>uucp gateway Col, OH
UUCP: ...!!towers!bluemoon!cmhgate!20.18!Adam.Frix
INET: Adam.Frix@p18.f20.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG
Please use bang path until my mail forwarding gets fixed.

From: (Pat O'Horo)
Subject: Re: Report--AT&T Paradyne DataPort 14.4/fax
Message-ID: <>
Sender: (News Subsystem)
Nntp-Posting-Host: elvis
Organization: AT&T Paradyne, Largo, Fl.
References: <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1993 14:22:29 GMT
Lines: 30

In article <> 
Adam.Frix@p18.f20.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Adam Frix) writes:
>If they have a good user group price, I'll not feel badly about recommending
>them to our members.  However, I think that these puppies are only available
>direct from AT&T, and they list for $550 and sell for $430-$450 through their
>regular ads.  That's a buncha money, given that a slightly less than
While I believe we do sell these modems through our direct sales force, they
are intended to be marketed through normal (ie distributors) channels.  This
is new to us (Paradyne), but we are progressing nicely.

I checked and we have a special for March and April.
14,400 Fax external   $299
14,400 Fax internal   $289
Call 1-800-554-4996 and charge it!

>Adam Frix via cmhGate - Net 226 fido<=>uucp gateway Col, OH
>UUCP: ...!!towers!bluemoon!cmhgate!20.18!Adam.Frix
>INET: Adam.Frix@p18.f20.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG
>Please use bang path until my mail forwarding gets fixed.

Patrick O'Horo					Voice (813) 530-2608
Senior Engineer					Fax   (813) 530-8224
AT&T Paradyne
8548 126th Ave No.
Largo, Fl 34649

From: (John McGing)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: Report--AT&T Paradyne DataPort 14.4/fax
Date: 10 Mar 1993 14:47:42 -0500
Organization: Express Access Online Communications, Greenbelt, MD USA
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <>
References: <> 
NNTP-Posting-Host: (Pat O'Horo) writes:

>While I believe we do sell these modems through our direct sales force, they
>are intended to be marketed through normal (ie distributors) channels.  This
>is new to us (Paradyne), but we are progressing nicely.

>I checked and we have a special for March and April.
>14,400 Fax external   $299
>14,400 Fax internal   $289
>Call 1-800-554-4996 and charge it!

>Patrick O'Horo					Voice (813) 530-2608
>Senior Engineer					Fax   (813) 530-8224
>AT&T Paradyne
>8548 126th Ave No.
>Largo, Fl 34649

I have the internal unit and it worked right out of the box (haven't tried
the fax, though).  Great manual, gives me 14.4 connections the Supra could
never lock onto.  I am very sold on this modem.  And if the prices quoted
above are for the public in general, this is one heck of a deal.  

Seriously, it beats the Supra I bought hands down.  

------------------------------------------------------------------   Nobody knows the troubles I've seen...   
woodb!oss2cc!jmcging@soaf1  .... and nobody cares!
J.MCGING on GEnie  70142,1357 on Compuserve     My post, my ideas

From: bob@consult.UUCP (Bob Willey)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: Report--AT&T Paradyne DataPort 14.4/fax
Message-ID: <1370@consult.UUCP>
Date: 11 Mar 93 04:25:27 GMT
References: <>
Reply-To: bob@consult.UUCP (Bob Willey)
Organization: CCS Enterprises, Inc.
Lines: 27

In article <> 
Adam.Frix@p18.f20.n226.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Adam Frix) writes:
>Well, thanks to this newsgroup our user group just got an AT&T DataPort (tm)
>14.4 modem with fax for our BBS.  We got it under the sysop program; I think
>It seems to be a rock-solid, medium-high-end modem.  I must say that, unlike
    < Bunch of stuff deleted.....>

We too have been very pleased with the AT&T DataPort 14.4 modem.
We have had it up about 2 weeks now on our BBS with some pretty heavy
usage and so far, it has done very well.  We have a Practical Peripheral
14400FXSA modem and the AT&T DataPort 14.4 modem.  The AT&T worked better
out of the box and has never missed a lick.  The PPI modem was having problems
with some hispeed connections until recently.  We got the NEW 1.23 ROMs for 
the PPI and now it appears rock-solid.  Right now we can't notice any 
difference between the connections on either node.

The only note here was that someone mentioned that the ROMs in the AT&T
are soldered in, so they are not field upgradeable.  With everyone else
in the market coming out with new ROMs every coupld of months, I am not
sure what this will mean.  Unless AT&T is confident that this modem has
hit the field "perfect in every way".  So far, it has been.....

>.. Bob Willey, CDP          ..  |  ..  uunet!consult!bob   ..<
>.. CCS Enterprises, Inc.    ..  |  ..   Office: (410) 820-4670          ..<
>.. P.O. Drawer 1690         ..  |  ..      FAX: (410) 476-5261          ..<
>.. Easton, Maryland 21601 ......|......... BBS: (410) 476-5098 ...........<

From: karl@genesis.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: AT&T Dataport?
Date: 12 Mar 1993 19:23:22 -0600
Organization: MCSNet, Chicago, IL
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <1nrd2a$ruo@genesis.MCS.COM>
References: <>

In article <> 
(Keith Ford) writes:
>What is the turn-around time for the AT&T sysop deal?

I got mine in about 5 days.

>How does their Dataport perform?  I've been a USR man
>in the past, but $222 is a good deal for a second line.

I have 4.  No regrets, no problems.  Nice units.

Karl Denninger (karl@genesis.MCS.COM) 	| You can never please everyone except
Data Line: [+1 312 248-0900]		| by bankrupting yourself.
         	   LIVE Internet in Chicago; an MCSNET first!


From: (Willard Dawson)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: AT&T Dataport?
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 16:00:18 EST
References: <>
Organization: Willard's House BBS, Atlanta, GA -- +1 (404) 664 8814
Lines: 41 (Keith Ford) writes:

> What is the turn-around time for the AT&T sysop deal?
> How does their Dataport perform?  I've been a USR man
> in the past, but $222 is a good deal for a second line.
> -- 
> Keith E. Ford     __
> Intergraph Corp  /  \ Micro Magic BBS 1:373/12  The Dragon Server
> +1 205 730-8614  \__/
>  [__] 830-2362 HST/V32bis 9600  "Subject: HELP"

I had mine in under two weeks (like, ten days, I forget...), from the
time I faxed in my application.

I guess I should make a "report" on my experiences with it...

In short, it's a nice little modem, especially compared to the v.32 SFM
it replaces on my BBS.  I do like it, mostly.  But, with just a few

I don't like the way the status LED's are recessed, requiring one to
view them from almost straight-on.  Also, if there is a compact way of
dumping the S-regs, I haven't found it yet.  at&v gives an incredibly
long listing, requiring several pages of text.  Nice for the novice, but
not what I need...  What does it take too just get a matrix of data, like
is possible on (even) the Supra and my Telebit?  And, lastly, why, oh
why, could this modem not have been Class 2 rather than Class 1 FAX???

So, despite those two minor quibbles, it's a decent modem, and turnaround
time on the order beats other sysop programs, from what others have said.
Overall, add me to the list of "happy customers."

-- (Willard Dawson)
Willard's House BBS, Atlanta, GA -- +1 (404) 664 8814

       ===========   AT&T PARADYNE - SYSOP PRICING PROGRAM   ===========

Please return the completed order form to:

                    AT&T Paradyne
                    c/o Scott Frazee
                    Sysop Pricing Program
                    8545 126th Avenue North
                    P.O. Box 2826 
                    Largo, FL  34649-2826

                    FAX: (813) 530-2398

Name of Sysop: __________________________________________________

Company: ________________________________________________________

Business Address: _______________________________________________


Business City, State, Zip Code:__________________________________


Business (Voice) Phone Number: __________________________________

Shipping Address (if different from above): _____________________


Shipping City, State, Zip Code: _________________________________


Home (Voice) Phone Number: ______________________________________

Name of Bulletin Board: _________________________________________

Bulletin Board Phone Number(s): _________________________________



Which BBS software package is being used: _______________________

What type of modem (manufacturer and brand) is currently being 

used: ___________________________________________________________


How long has the BBS been running: ______________________________

Please leave the current number of active callers and the average

calls per week received by your system: _________________________



Is the BBS tied into a Net?  If "Yes", which Net(Fido, WWIV, 

RIME, etc.): ____________________________________________________

What is the BBS' Main Focus (File Exchange, Message Base, 

E-mail, etc.): __________________________________________________


Is this a Non-profit or Commercial BBS (if Commercial, please 

include your fee breakdown): ____________________________________


When is the BBS in operation: ___________________________________


To verify the preceding information, AT&T Paradyne MUST be
provided with a login and password.

AT&T Paradyne Login: ____________________________________________

AT&T Paradyne Password: _________________________________________

If you would like for AT&T Paradyne to send additional literature
to an affiliate and/or user group, please leave their information

Name: ___________________________________________________________

Attention: ______________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code: __________________________________________

Voice Phone Number: _____________________________________________

Data Number: ____________________________________________________

AT&T Paradyne is proud to offer three different DataPort modems
under the Sysop Pricing Program.  These modems are:

                              FEATURE        LIST      SYSOP
MODEL                         NUMBER         PRICE     PRICE
DataPort 14.4/Fax Ext.        3710-A1-201    $555      $222
DataPort 14.4/Fax Int.        3721-B1-001    $505      $202
DataPort 14.4     Ext.        3710-A1-211    $515      $206

Ext. = External Modem         Int. = Internal Modem

   YES! I would like to order the following DataPort products.

QTY.                NUMBER                        SUBTOTAL



                                          Subtotal:      ________
All Customers must add-in their applicable sales tax:    ________
       I prefer the modem be shipped by UPS (add $5):    ________

I prefer the modem be shipped by FedEx-2 day(add $15):   ________

                               Total Cost of Order:   ___________


Enclosed, please find my payment of $_____________ in the
form of:
          Money Order ( )          Mastercard ( )
          Visa ( )                 American Express ( )

If paying by credit card, the following MUST be completed:
Credit Card Number: _____________________________________________

Expiration Date: ________________________________________________
Signature as it appears on the card:_____________________________

Please recognize that this is a discount offer applicable to
qualified sysops only and may be terminated and/or altered at
AT&T Paradyne's discretion without any prior notification. By
signing below, the Sysop acknowledges and agrees to the attached

Sysop's Signature                  Dated: _______________, 19____

________________________________   AT&T Paradyne

By: ____________________________   By: __________________________
     (Please Print Your Name)


1.   The Sysop has been continuously operating a functional
     computer bulletin board for the past 6 months.  The Sysop
     further agrees to maintain the on-line bulletin board for 6
     months after the sale of the DataPort modems purchased
     under the Sysop Pricing Program.

2.   The Sysop agrees to include an appropriate login notice in a
     visible and conspicuous place, stating that his/her system
     is being run off of an AT&T Paradyne DataPort brand modem.

3.   The Sysop understands that the number of modems available
     for purchase under this program is limited only by the
     number of lines that the bulletin board is currently making
     use of.  For multiple line/node services, the data lines/
     nodes must be verifiable.

4.   The Sysop understands that his/her order will be shipped
     within 3 to 4 weeks upon being verified as a Sysop.  The
     verification process includes the return of this order form
     to AT&T Paradyne by Sysop and a check by AT&T Paradyne to
     ensure that the Sysop's computer bulletin board is
     operational.  AT&T Paradyne reserves the right to refuse
     those who do not qualify as a true Sysop.

Additional comments should be sent to for inclusion
in the next version of this report.

