Abstracts from files in info-mac/game/bolo as of Sun 21 Nov 2004

#### BINHEX     4-isles-of-doom.hqx   ****

From: csrstka@earthlink.net
Subject: bolo-map-4-isles-of-doom

4 Isles of Doom is my favorite map of those that I have made. I have
uploaded one other map, Island of Imperialism, to the archive, but this is
probably the better of the two. I made some other maps, but I didn't think
them worth uploading to the archive. I actually made the map a few years
ago, but don't seem to have uploaded it, so I am doing so now.

The map consists of four islands. The two larger islands in the northwest
and east are reasonably forested, while the central and southwestern
islands have no trees at all, making it necessary to import trees from the
larger two islands.

The northwest island is the largest and probably the most valuable island
of the four. It has lots of forest, which makes many of the bases open to
sneak attacks. It has several bases and pills scattered throughout it, but
the best spot is in the northwest corner, where there are four bases and
four pills. However, this little fortress is surrounded by a river and
plenty of swampland, which will make it a little difficult to overtake.
However, once you own this base, you will find it quite defendable. The
eastern island is rather large but consists of mostly forest, although
there are a few bases and pills. There's a nice little island in the center
of the map that contains two bases. It is fairly open to invasion because
its location in the center of the map makes it rather accessible, and may
be on the front lines. However, it's defended by shallow water, which
causes spiking to take a little extra effort if you put some pills on it.
By the time your enemy gets onto the island, (s)he will be well within the
range of your pills. The southwest island is really just a large maze with
several bases and pills. It could be a nice fortress, but it doesn't have
any trees, so you need to import them from somewhere else in order to build
defenses. I usually leave this island alone until I am able to make myself
established on the northwestern or eastern islands, but you may find it

Island of Imperialism

Island of Imperialism is my first really playable map. I made one other, 4
Isles of Doom, which is probably better than this one. However, I still
think that this one is okay. I made lots of other maps as well, but most
were not worth uploading here, so only these two will be uploaded. I
actually made this map a few years ago, but it seems I never uploaded it to
the archive, so I will do so now.

The idea for the island was partially inspired by Everard Island and
partially by Boulley's Bolo Maps, which I liked and which can probably
still be found on the info-mac archive. The island's shape is pretty
generic, about the size of Everard but more rounded. The map is rather
heavily forested, especially in the southeastern parts of the map. There is
one really good base area in the southeastern corner of the map that
contains four bases and four pills, as well as a few more pills not far
away. You will probably want to try taking this base. If you take it, it
makes an excellent refuelling spot, but it is a bit difficult to take out
and the forests around it make it a bit prone to sneak attacks. There's
also a reasonably good base on a small island just north center of the map
that has two bases and four pills; being surrounded on three sides by water
and separated from the main island on the southern side by a small channel,
it is harder to attack, if a bit out of the way. If you can get this base,
it should be easier to defend than the other bases. However, there aren't
really many trees near it, which can be a problem when fixing pills and
building defenses. However, this means it's also harder for enemies to
sneak up on the base through the forest.

#### BINHEX     alt-netgames-bolo-faq-17.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 03:20:57 -0600
From: cls6@midway.uchicago.edu (Cory L. Scott)
Subject: Alt.netgames.bolo Standalone FAQ

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This is the alt.netgames.bolo FAQ as a standalone document. It's really cool,
since you can search for text and navigate through chapters.

Bolo is a multi-player tank game that has developed a massive cult
following across the world, and you can play it over the Internet!

Content-Type: text/plain; name="a.n.bolo_FAQ_v.1.7.sea.Hqx"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="a.n.bolo_FAQ_v.1.7.sea.Hqx"

#### BINHEX     as-insanity.hqx   ****

Subject: A.S. Insanity; as Bolo map
From: willi123@gold.tc.umn.edu (Chris Williams)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 94 02:00:12 -0500

Here's a great bolo map I came up with. Its entitled 'A.S. Insanity' (the
a.s. stands for Almost Symetrical) This map is great for fast multiplayer
games. works well in 2x2 situations. enjoy!


#### BINHEX     biola-map.hqx   ****

From: John Saxton <saxtonj@john.biola.edu>
Subject: [*] biola-bolo-map.cpt.hqx
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1993 22:08:22 PST

This is a Bolo map of the campus of Biola University in La Mirada, CA.

This map was created by Biola undergraduate computer science major Graham Best,
using Photoshop, Bolotomy, BMAPEdit, and BoloStar, and has been extensively
beta-tested and approved by scores of resident students trying to avoid
studying by playing Bolo on the dorm network. This map was scanned from a
campus map in the University course catalog, colorized in Photoshop, converted
to a Bolo map by Bolotomy, and extensively retouched in BoloStar and BMAPEdit.
It is a highly accurate representation of the university, even to the placement
of trees. If you have any questions or comments about this map, please send
them to the map's author, Graham Best <bestga@biola.edu>.

Biola is a Christian university with about 3000 students in 5 schools,
including the undergraduate school of Arts and Sciences, Talbot School of
Theology, Rosemead School of Psychology, the School of Intercultural Studies,
and the all-new School of Business. If you have any questions about Biola
University, please contact the postmaster <postmaster@biola.edu>, and he'll get
you in touch with the right people.

#### BINHEX     bmap-edit.hqx   ****

From: carl_osterwald@usa.net
Subject: BMAPEdit 4.0 Bolo map editor


After more than a year and eight beta versions, a new version of 
BMAPEdit is now available.

Some of the new stuffs are:
  * New symmetric drawing modes
  * Aware of MacOS 8 Appearance Manager and Navigation Services
  * New floating palettes for view and draw options, and base/PB
  * New filled shape tools
  * Lasso now works in traditional single-click way
  * Most operations result in floating selections that can be
    easily moved into final position
  * New starter map options
  * Menus reorganized
  * Most terrain selection options now graphical
  * Keyboard shortcuts list available in help menu
  * Many, many bug fixes
  * New icon (might have to rebuild your desktop to see it)

Thanks to all the help from the testers.

This file may be placed in CD-ROM collections.

Carl R. Osterwald

#### BINHEX     bolo-0997-better-dialogs.hqx   ****

From: moritz.grund@mannheim-netz.de
Subject: Bolo 0.99.7 better dialogs

I love the Bolo game. But the dialog windows aren't very nice. Well, I've 
created a modified version of bolo in a patch. Look at the dialog windows!

(c) Moritz Grund

Its free!

#### BINHEX     bolo-0997.hqx   ****

From: jyl@deckard.mc.duke.edu (Joseph Lo)
Subject: New version of Bolo

Bolo is a multi-player network tank battle/strategy game for the Mac.  It
is shareware written by Stuart Cheshire.  Stuart is always busy and never
gets around to posting his own stuff, so I'm doing it for him.  This is the
latest version, 0.99.7.  The previous infomac version 0.99.5 is way out of
date.  The various versions are *not* compatible with each other.

For an introduction to the game, visit the official bolo home page:

Also the FTP server for all things related to Bolo is (as of 12/13/95):


Notes regarding this version:

The enclosed package is the author's official package.  It's big (1.5 MB)
and includes the game, artificial brains, and a whole bunch of

What's new?  I quote from Stuart's version history:
- Eliminated PPCInform error -903 due to race condition. PPCPoll was being
called before PPCInit.
- Fixed bug where rejoin didn't work.

#### BINHEX     bolo-distant-early-warning.hqx   ****

Date:    Sun, 09 Aug 92 00:10:30 EDT
To:      mike@terminator.cc.umich.edu
From:    dirty@engin.umich.edu (Cameron Javad Esfahani)
Subject: New Distant Early Warning

Mike, I fixed a bug in Distant Early Warning 1.0 and uploaded it just a few
minutes ago.  Of course, I forgot to up the vers string, so I did that too.
There are two DistantEarlyWarning files in the incoming directory.  Please
delete the one called DistantEarlyWarning101.sit.hqx and use
NewDistantEarlyWarning101.sit.hqx instead.  That one is the one with the bug
fix and the correct vers.


Cameron Esfahani

#### BINHEX     bolo-drawn-and-quartered.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 18:40:56 PST
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)

orrow.stanford.edu!stanford.edu!agate!spool.mu.edu!uwm.edu!cs.utexas.e        du!uunet!nih-csl!FAXCSL!FIXER 
From: fixer@faxcsl.dcrt.nih.gov (Chris Exit 3/4 Mile Tate) 
Subject: New, BIG Bolo map - with .hqx 
Message-Id: <1993Mar4.164535.17667@alw.nih.gov> 
Sender: postman@alw.nih.gov (AMDS Postmaster) 
Reply-To: fixer@faxcsl.dcrt.nih.gov 
Organization: Computer Systems Laboratory, DCRT, NIH 
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1993 16:45:35 GMT 
Lines: 258 
Apparently-To: info-mac 
Resent-To: backmod
Resent-Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1993 18:40:56 PST
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>

(This is the second try at this - an earlier post had a corrupt map file)

After downloading the Bolo maps available from Info-Mac, I discovered (to my
disappointment!) that they are all, or nearly all, small: the original 52x104

Well, said I, now that there are editors that support the new large format,
let's get some big maps out there!

Here's my contribution, to start out:  a full-size (216x216) map entitled
"Drawn and Quartered."  You'll see why when you play it.

Note:  this map has not been heavily play-tested with various numbers of
players.  The design was motivated by a desire to investigate logistics issues
in Bolo; consequently, there is somewhat of a scarcity of trees.  This is
deliberate.  I welcome suggestions for improvements to this scenario; however,
*do not* distribute modifications without changing the 'AUTH' resource embedded
in the map file.  This is the resource used by the BoloStar map editor to
record the author of the scenario.

To avoid having the various archive sites swamped by lots of various people
submitting many different new, large maps; I hereby volunteer to collect any
new maps that people find interesting.  Send maps in BinHex format, along with
any explanitory text that you may wish to include, to the following email


Note:  before you decide to offer a map to the world at large, consider whether
it's an interesting scenario, or whether it's "gimmicky."  I hope that the
playability of maps offered for public consumption will be kept high.  My own
first offering, "Drawn and Quartered," is mostly to get the ball rolling: I
suspect that people who use it extensively will have many good suggestions for

-- Chris Tate

----------------- cut here ----------------

#### BINHEX     bolo-finder-102.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 13:29:12 +0800 
From: Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au>
Subject: game/bolo - Bolo Finder 1.0.2 

Bolo Finder v1.0.2 uses MacTCP to connect to Mike Ellis' Bolo Tracker and
list the currently known Bolo games in a normal Mac UI manner.

Since all Bolo Finder does is display the output of a TCP connection to
a specifiedf host/port, it might well be useful in other very different
applications than its intended application of finding bolo games.  But,
of course, there is nothing more important than finding bolo games!

Bolo Finder is free.

Changes since 1.0.2:
Increased the memory partition to stop it crashing.

Have fun,
   Peter. <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au>

Bolo Finder v1.0.2 Copyright 1993 Peter N Lewis

#### BINHEX     bolo-macdraw-map.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 20 Jul 92 18:14:56 CDT
From: campbell@leonardo.src.honeywell.com (Jim Campbell 7644)
Subject: BoloMap1.0

Dear Moderators,

Attached is version 1.0 of BoloMap.  BoloMap is two MacDraw documents
which are maps of the island at the beginning of a Bolo game.  There
is a color version in MacDraw Pro format and a black and white version
in MacDraw II 1.1 format.  A small README is included.


#### BINHEX     bolo-map-continental.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 93 02:49:15 -0500 
From: condor1@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Charles)
Subject: File Submission: bolo-map-continental.hqx 

A very well laid out Bolo map named Continental.
Requires any Mac running Bolo 0.95d or later.

#### BINHEX     bolo-map-editor-096.hqx   ****

From: Tom Barrett <barrett@pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 93 23:37:22 -0500 

Bolo Map Editor 0.96
3 Feb 93

This is an application to edit maps for Bolo.  

Major changes since 0.52:
* Supports new Bolo file format, including larger maps.  Use option when clicking in the menubar in order to save with the old format.
* Fixed some bugs, including a memory-related one which caused a bomb after reading about 12 maps.
* Improved error checking on file routines.
* Improved speed on drawing to offscreen bitmap.

See the doc file for tips on using the editor.

Send suggestions & bug reports to:
	Thomas Barrett

#### BINHEX     bolo-map-editor-100.hqx   ****

From: Tom Barrett <barrett@pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 14:21:08 -0500 

BoloMapEditor 1.0
13 March 93

Color Bolo-like graphics.  Much better (faster) printing.  Color

#### BINHEX     bolo-map-generator-097.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 10:19:10 +0100 
From: Markus Julen <julen@inf.ethz.ch>
Subject: /gam/mapgenerator-097.cpt 


Please find enclosed a Compact Pro file 'MapGenerator.cpt'.

MapGenerator is yet another map generator for Stuart Cheshire's
game Bolo (version 0.97 or later). It generates island with
a lot of different 'features': swamps, rivers, streets, cities, ...
It is System 7 friendly, works also in the background and needs
about 450 kByte of memory to run. The file itself is about 50k.

Please send comments, suggestions, bug reports to julen@inf.ethz.ch.
MapGenerator is ShareWare ($10), see the 'About...' dialog for details.

--Markus (julen@inf.ethz.ch)

#### BINHEX     bolo-map-impenetrable.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 5 May 1993 03:49:16 -0500 
From: Charles <condor1@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu>
Subject: bolo-map-impenetrable.hqx 

#### BINHEX     bolo-map-octapussy.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 5 May 1993 03:50:28 -0500 
From: Charles <condor1@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu>
Subject: bolo-map-octapussy.hqx 

#### BINHEX     bolo-map-superconductor.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 9 May 1993 08:55:35 -0500 
From: Charles <condor1@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu>
Subject: bolo-map-superconductor.hqx 

#### BINHEX     bolo-maps-kngpa.hqx   ****

Date: 14 Mar 1993 22:38:29 -0600 (CST)

olo map archive (~140k) containing 42 original Bolo maps created
y members of the Kansas Network Game Player's Association.
KNGPA Maps, Vol. 1 & 2 map files include:
ngry fish, Auto-b—n!, Avant, bear sh*t on bolo map, bern's cubes,
ig Cross, Big Doughnut, Crazy Man Racetrack, Crop circles, damn
adger, DMZ - Barnhart, Empty Carcass, Golfing Hell, Happy Genital,
erpe-Dog, Highway to Shrubery, Hobblebush, IAMSOCRAZYMAP, Ireland
 UK, Island Hop, jŚc™sŽ flatulencŽamo, Landing Island, Municipal
leavage, Municipal Cleavage II, OHMIGOD, Old Wacky Cavern, Passive
enital, Pud River, Pud World, Quad Land, Refining of the
EWMAP!!!, Reoccuring Duck Theme, Resovoir Puppy, Satchmo, Semi
oughnut, semisymmetry, Spiral Monkey, Stock Piles, This way to
ell, Tollbooth, Urine Blanket, and Wild Bleeding Chickens.
Please e-mail any original bolo maps, errors to:
hanks.  Enjoy.

#### BINHEX     bolo-maps.hqx   ****

Subject: Bolo Maps
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 93 02:42:47 -0800
From: Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@pescadero.stanford.edu>

Hi Bill,

Here are the new converted maps.

This single file replaces the following:


Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@cs.stanford.edu>
 * Liliore Green Rains Houses Resident Computer Coordinator
 * Stanford Distributed Systems Group Research Assistant
 * Macintosh Programmer

#### BINHEX     bolo-nature-walk.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1993 09:55:10 -0400 
From: "Josh A. Goldfoot" <goldfoot-josh@YALE.EDU>
Subject: bolo-nature-walk.hqx 

Nature Walk is a full size (216 x 216) Bolo map designed for a
comfortable game between more than two Bolo players. This map
has no "gimmicks" that give one player an unfair advantage
early in the game. It has plenty of locations that allow for
secure bases.

#### BINHEX     bolo-random-map-generator.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 22 Feb 93 19:23:33 PST
From: macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (Info-Mac Moderator)

orrow.stanford.edu!stanford.edu!ames!network.ucsd.edu!munnari.oz.au!un        iwa!cujo!ncrpda.curtin.edu.au!rocky.curtin.edu.au!user 
From: peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au (Peter N Lewis) 
Subject: Bolo Random Map Generator 
Message-Id: <peter-230293100459@rocky.curtin.edu.au> 
Followup-To: comp.sys.mac.games 
Lines: 214 
Sender: news@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au 
Nntp-Posting-Host: ncrpda.curtin.edu.au 
Organization: NCRPDA, Curtin University 
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1993 02:14:47 GMT 
Apparently-To: info-mac 
Resent-To: backmod
Resent-Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1993 19:23:32 PST
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>

Hi All,

There are lots of Bolo editors around these days, but I haven't seen a
random map generator yet, so here's my first attempt at it.  Its a bit weak
at the moment, but we played one map, and the major complaint was the map
was too big (100*100 is too big for 5 or 6 people) (40*40 is way too small
for 16 pillboxes, that was my first map :-).

It currently produces maps with only grass and forrest.  I've got no good
ideas for placing roads, rivers, or buildings, so I ignored them for now.

You feed it numbers for rows, cols, %land, %forest, #bases, #pillboxes, and
the starting armour, shells and mines for the pillboxes (all settings have
a pair of values, and it will choose between them at random, or pick a
reasonable value if you don't give it any help).

BTW, one thing that I think might improve the start of the game is to have
all bases start off empty.  This negates (to a degree) the tactic of
running around grabbing them all, since others can just put a few shots
into them to take them back.  It also slows down the start of the game
which tends to make for a more even game.  It'd be better if Bolo didn't
increase the contents of bases until they were initially taken, otherwise
they tend to grow while you are waiting to get everyone connected (the game
start delay is nice, but it usually takes us a long time to get everyone
connected at the same time).

Please, please, please let me know how you think the map's could be
improved (preferably with ideas on HOW it can be done, but any ideas would
be good).

   Peter - yet another Bolo enthusiast :-)

#### BINHEX     bolo-star-15.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 14:10:01 -0500 
From: rudman@engin.umich.edu (Daniel E. Rudman)
Subject: [*] BoloStar 1.5 

[*] BoloStar 1.5,  K&D Software, Shareware $10
(please note, this should replace BoloStar 1.0, 1.1, and 1.1.1.

Finally, the long-awaited new version of BoloStar is released! New features

o 68000 compatibility
o Excellent B&W editing support
o Scraps
o Extensions (BoloText, BoloTrace, Island Generator included)
o Multiple-monitor @ multiple-depth support
o Four levels of zoom
o BlockMode/SmartMode draw options
o Contiguous point tool
o Base and Pillbox modification
o Starter position control
o Color Printing
o Show outer border limits
o Improved author security

IMPORTANT: The extensions that are currently distributed are NOT 68000
compatible right now. The author of these extensions, Slot-Machines, Ltd.,
has indicated 68000-compatible versions will be our shortly.

For those of you who don't know, BoloStar is a map editor for the popular
tank game Bolo.  K&D Software is extremely active on the newsgroup
alt.netgames.bolo, and a discussion of future features and other such
information can be found there.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate
to mail the authors of BoloStar (NOTE: we didn't write Bolo):

          Dan Rudman                rudman@engin.umich.edu
          Keith Fry                 keithfry@engin.umich.edu

Furthermore, please write us if you are interested in developing extensions
for BoloStar; some programming knowledge of the Mac may be necessary.

Dan Rudman
Keith Fry
K&D Software
Authors of BoloStar

#### BINHEX     bolo-tracker-101.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 93 12:39:05 -0400
From: Matt Slot <fprefect@engin.umich.edu>
Subject: BoloTracker v1.0.1

This is a bug fix for the version in the archives...
Bolo Tracker is a simple hack to look for Bolo games across AppleTalk zones. If 
    you play Bolo as much as we do, it comes in handy to find a game before all
    the bases are claimed.
There are no preferences, no user interface, nothing but a quick display window.
    Maybe later I will add features, but only if the demand is great enough.
Fixes in 1.0.1:
    *>  Removed code that would crash on a 68000 or 68020 Mac when clicking in
        the zoom box or opening the About box.
    *>  Now BoloTracker is quittable on those machines too. (Dumb error)
    *>  BoloTracker now tracks on single zone networks as well as big ones.
    *>  Add'l network error-checking.
Bolo Tracker is free to Bolo Addicts everywhere.
Special thanx go to Stuart Cheshire for his programming genius.

Mail feedback to me at...

Matt Slot, CAEN Mac-Systems                         fprefect @ engin.umich.edu

#### BINHEX     bolo-vortx-maps.hqx   ****

From: (Dr Vortx) vortx@eu.e-universe.com
Subject: Vortx Maps for Bolo

Called that because they all look like wormholes in space and time.

Very cool maps for lots of players. Bots rarely get stuck. not so cool for
small games...

#### BINHEX     bolostar-map-editor-15.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 26 May 93 14:31:05 -0400 
From: Matt Slot <fprefect@engin.umich.edu>
Subject: BoloStar 1.5 Extension 

This Extension is for the BoloStar 1.5 map editor software. Drop it in the
   BoloStar Extensions folder with your copy of the program. The extension
   is written by Matt Slot, Slot-Machines Ltd., not K&D Software. This 
   extension is Freeware, as are all my extensions -- so pass it on.
Map >> Text allows you to remap a selection to an arbitrary text using
   different terrain to character mappings. This tool is useful for
   people who want to demonstrate a map portion in E-Mail or a newsgroup. 
   Remember that non-ASCII characters don't work well in mailers, so try
   to avoid them for use outside of the Mac World. (ResEdit hounds can
   modify the Mapping resource using the available Template :). Once 
   remapped, the text is placed onto the Clipboard for exporting to your
   favorite text or mail editor. Yes, I am aware of the duplication of
   some symbols, but you can change that can't ya...?

   - ---------------------------------------------------------------- -

	[This text scrap was created using BoloStar's "Map to ASCII" tool]

	~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  
	~ # - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ~  
	~ # - # - - - - - # - - - # - - - # ~  
	~ # - # # # # # - # - # - # - X - # ~  
	~ # - - - - - # - # - # - - - # - # ~  
	~ # # # # # - # - O - # # # # # - # ~  
	~ # - - - # - # - - - - - # - - - # ~  
	~ # - # # # - # - O - # # # - # - # ~  
	~ # - # - - - # - # - # - - - # - # ~  
	~ # - X - # # # - # # # - # # # - # ~  
	~ # - - - - - - - - - # - # - - - # ~  
	~ # # # # # # # # # - # # # # # # # ~  
	~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  

     Grass:      -    Road:        =     Mine:    !
     Tree:       *    Wall:        #     Base:    X
     Swamp:      :    Broken Wall: +     Pillbox: O
     Water:      ~    Rubble:      ,
     Deep Water:      Crater:      .

   - ---------------------------------------------------------------- -

Matt Slot, Slot-Machines Ltd.					fprefect@engin.umich.edu

   - ---------------------------------------------------------------- -

#### BINHEX     bolotomy.hqx   ****

Date: 2 May 1993 07:46:22 U 
From: "Jerry Halstead" <fostex!jerry_halstead@Dartmouth.EDU>
Subject: None 

                       Subject:                               Time:7:33 AM
  OFFICE MEMO          None                                   Date:5/2/93
(moderator noteage: please delete the previous version of Bolotomy sent on
5/1/93.  In confronting our new Internet mail system I fear I lost the first
round.  Hope this one fares better.)

Welcome to our new utility for the Macintosh game Bolo.  Convinced that Bolo is
the best game imaginable for a handfull of networked Macs hooked to various
engineers (or whatever populates Macs at your site), we set out to make it
easier and faster to get *newer*, *better*, and *cooler* maps.

Bolotomy reads in a PICT file and converts it to a Bolo map.  Along the way you
will be able to preview how the final map looks and easily remap color intensities
(or shades of gray) to types of terrain, place bases and pillboxes, and tweak
the size of your PICT.

   Color or greyscale display of at least 4 bits.  (i.e. B&W don't cut it)
   Some PICT files.

mail questions, comments to:

#### BINHEX     boulleys-bolo-maps.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 18 Apr 93 16:38:56 EDT 
From: "Allan M. Boulley" <32DD3BN@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU>
Organization: Central Michigan University 
Subject: boulleys-bolo-maps 

These are six maps created for play with Bolo.  Hope everybody likes them.
Send comments, criticisms, suggestions, etc. to 32DD3BN@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU

#### BINHEX     brainwave-105.hqx   ****

From: Tom Gooding <tgooding@iastate.edu>
Subject: Brainwave.cpt.hqx
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 1994 10:57:01 CST

This goes in /info-mac/game/bolo and replaces Brainwave.cpt.hqx

Brainwave v1.05 by Tom Gooding (tgooding@iastate.edu)
* This fixes some bugs and adds some features to the Set Keys window...

Brainwave is Bolo cyborg that improves your Bolo abilities.  Here's a list of its features.
- Auto-Mapping
- Radar
- Auto Alignment
- Stagger Mines
- Clear Mines
- Automatic and manual road, bridge, and boat building
- Automatic tree gathering
- Can restrict speed when Builder is outside of tank
- Can display time till new builder lands.
- Can transmit location to allies (upon request)
- Can transmit current Brainwave version to all players
- and More!!!

Bolo 0.99.1+
020 processor or better
32-bit Quickdraw (Will work in B&W, just not well)
64k available after Bolo is launched

#### BINHEX     bring-your-waterwings-map.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 16:11:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: CCONSTAN@protect1.env.gov.bc.ca
Subject: Bolo Map: Bring Your Waterwings

[NOTE: please post also to saloon.falconmicro.com as I do not know who to send
 it to.  Also, please post to alt.netgames.bolo as I cannot get that newsgroup
 at my site.  Thanks]

Here is a really cool map a friend of mine made.


Carl B. Constantine                           B.C. Environment, Lands & Parks
End-User Support Analyst                      CCONSTAN@protect1.env.gov.bc.ca


#### BINHEX     central-campus-maps.hqx   ****

From: (Frank Bannon) bannonf@CWU.EDU
Subject: Central Campus Maps (Bolo)

The attached file is a binhexed archive of map files for the Mac 
networked game BOLO.

The archive includes three map files, text explaning the maps and how to 
contact the author, and small PICT files of the maps.
The maps for Bolo are based on the campus of Central Washington 
University, in Ellensburg, Washington, the school I am attending.

#### BINHEX     cook-mapper-15c1.hqx   ****

From: John McLaughlin <borric@cairo.anu.edu.au>
Subject: game/war/bolo - CookMapper 1.5c.1
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 17:50:30 EST

Cookmapper is a random map making utility for the macintosh network game
Cookmapper wont crash machines that don't have colour quickdraw anymore.

cheers, borric

#### BINHEX     corinth-isle-iii-r2.hqx   ****

From: ESSOTERIC@delphi.com
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 23:08:56 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Corinth Isle III revision 2 update

Corinth Isle III (revision 2) is a map used to play Bolo
by Esoteric Software, P.O. Box 744, Falls Church, VA  22040 or
craig.shoemaker@tcs.wap.org or essoteric@delphi.com (note the
two 's' characters in the internet address of the later) or
by phone (703) 532-6981.
Revision 2 dated October 4, 1994.

#### BINHEX     corinth-isle-maps.hqx   ****

From: ESSOTERIC@delphi.com
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 1994 01:28:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Should work:Bolo Corinth Isle Maps

#### BINHEX     dumbot-04.hqx   ****

From nntp.Stanford.EDU!headwall.Stanford.EDU!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.kei.com!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!sdd.hp.com!decwrl!decwrl!csus.edu!netcom.com!jbum Thu Aug  5 01:09:11 PDT 1993
Article: 2914 of alt.netgames.bolo
Newsgroups: alt.netgames.bolo
Path: nntp.Stanford.EDU!headwall.Stanford.EDU!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.kei.com!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!sdd.hp.com!decwrl!decwrl!csus.edu!netcom.com!jbum
From: jbum@netcom.com (Jim Bumgardner)
Subject: Dumbot 0.4 - dumber, but better...
Message-ID: <jbumCB8uLx.E3M@netcom.com>
Summary: Dumbot 0.4 a bolo brain
Keywords: bolo brains dumbot bots
Organization: Time Warner Interactive Group
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1993 16:46:45 GMT
Lines: 284

Dumbot04.sit.hqx enclosed.

This is the the latest revision of Dumbot.  Excerpts from the release notes:

Dumbot 0.4 will beat Indy 1.2 more often than not.  This version also
beats Indy somewhat faster, due to some improvements in strategy.

Dumbot and Indy are close in capabilities, but Dumbot 1.4 has better
navigation, strategy, tactics, and (last but not least) a few less
bugs.  No doubt this balance of power will change with the next
release of Indy.

On the down side Dumbot hogs the CPU and uses more dynamic RAM than
the other brains I've tested.  This situation has improved somewhat,
but not a great deal.

This version of Dumbot shoots more accurately (i.e. shooting where
you're headed, instead of where you are).  I noticed that this makes
Dumbot a better opponent for humans, but doesn't make much of a
difference against brains, since most brains are beaten by exploiting
flaws in their strategies rather than by accurate shooting.

- Jim Bumgardner

#### BINHEX     flynns-castles.hqx   ****

From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod>
Subject: No Subject!
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 94 6:59:25 PDT

(5.67b/IDA-1.5 for sumex-aim.stanford.edu!info-mac); Tue, 19 Apr 1994 23:42:41
Received: by biola.edu (DECUS UUCP /2.0/2.0/2.0/);
          Tue, 19 Apr 94 09:11:27 PST
Received: from bubbs.biola.edu by john.biola.edu (MX V3.3 VAX) with SMTP; Tue,
          19 Apr 1994 09:02:59 PST
Received: from bubbs (185014) by bubbs.biola.edu (PostalUnion/SMTP 1.1.4) id
          AA185014.106084; Tue, 19 Apr 1994 09:11:46 PDT
Message-Id: <1994Apr16.031740.106084@bubbs.biola.edu>
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
From: Graham_Best@bubbs.biola.edu
Organization: Biola University, Inc.
X-Attachments: Binhex Files Attached
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 1994 03:17:40 PDT
Subject: [*] Flynn's Castles Bolo Map

Flynn's Castles

  This Bolo map is called "Flynn's Castles" to distinquish it from the 
totally seperate 
"Castle" Bolo map of a different creator.  Some of the castles in this 
map are the same 
layouts of actual castles in Ireland.  The map is different because the 
bases come in pairs 
of twos, which are also surrounded by the walls of the castle.  The 
pillboxes are nicely 
guarded by both the walls and the bases: remember, you can't shoot 
through an enemy base and
hit the pillbox.  Even though there are more bases than pills in this 
game, it still poses a
challenge; if there were any more pill boxes, the game might be 
impossible.  Also remember 
that when you're blocking in your opponet's castle, he may be 
blocking in yours as well.

(*) Flynn

Map Specs:
Size:       80 x 96
Pillboxes:  10
Bases:      16
Starts:     16   			

#### BINHEX     gaekes-maps.hqx   ****

From: brg@cscns.com (Brian R. Gaeke)
Subject: Gaeke's Maps
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 1994 04:34:27 -0500 (EST)

These are the worthwhile Bolo maps that I've created over the
years. Share and Enjoy.
Brian Gaeke

Brian Gaeke, The Dimensional Gate Company   Internet E-Mail: brg@cscns.com
Finger my account for my PGP public key.
Symantec: Buyer of much, builder of little...

#### BINHEX     hawaii-maps-bolo.hqx   ****

From: tward@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu
Subject: Bolo Hawaii Maps v1.0

Contact Info: tward@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu
Homepage: http://studentweb.tulane.edu/~tom/

No real reason at all.  I found BMAPEdit and wanted to make some bolo
maps.  Since all bolo maps are islands I chose to make a set of the
Hawaiian Islands.  These are a close representation of the islands.

Free/Email - Ware
If you feel that I deserve anything for making these then please send me
email, or contact me at my snail-mail address and send me money (email
me for my snail-mail address).

I also included an icon for a Map folder--feel free to use it.

Fine Print
You MAY distribute these Maps, as long as I get credit and you
include this readme with the file and distribute it UNCHANGED.

#### BINHEX     iconz-4-maps-121.hqx   ****

From: carl_osterwald@usa.net
Subject: Iconz4Maps 1.2.1

This submission contains version 1.2.1 of Iconz4Maps, a simple
drag-and-drop application to create custom icons for Bolo map files.
Existing icons can be deleted by holding the option key down while
dragging files onto the Iconz4Maps icon.  Folders containing maps can
also be dragged onto Iconz4Maps to convert all maps inside.

It should be placed in the game/bolo directory and should replace the
following earlier version:


March 27, 1998
Carl R. Osterwald

#### BINHEX     indy-202.hqx   ****

From: backmod@camis.stanford.edu (Backup Moderator)
Subject: Indy 2.0.2; a BOLO brain
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 1994 16:15:12 -0600

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Here's Gersham William Meharg's latest BOLO brain Indy.

I pulled this off of ftp:/ftp.helix.net//pub/

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Indy_2.02.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Indy_2.02.sit"

#### BINHEX     insanity-maps.hqx   ****

Subject: bolomaps-Insanity Maps
From: willi123@gold.tc.umn.edu (Chris Williams)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 94 16:43:14 -0500

Here are a few more good bolo maps. Enjoy

#### BINHEX     internet-bolo-buddy-110.hqx   ****

From: kev@kagi.com
Subject: Internet Bolo Buddy 1.1

Internet Bolo Buddy is a utility for finding and joining Bolo games on the
internet.  Features include:

  -  Configurable pop-up menu for choosing Bolo trackers.
  -  Auto-launching of Bolo with all fields filled in when a game is
  -  Tracker header info can be hidden so only the game info is shown.
  -  Quick-joining of your favorite friends
  -  Open Transport savvy.  Runs under MacTCP, as well.
  -  FAT binary.  Runs native on both PowerPC and 680x0 machines.
  -  Balloon Help for anything and everything.
  -  Fully user-configurable via the Preferences dialog.

This version (1.1) is a great improvement over version 1.0.1, and it is
recommended that people upgrade to version 1.1.

It should go in the info-mac/game/bolo/ directory and replace the version
that is currently there.  A ReadMe file is included. Questions and comments
should be directed to me: kev@kagi.com

Kevin Whitty

#### BINHEX     isle-of-insanity.hqx   ****

From: willi123@gold.tc.umn.edu (Chris Williams)

Subject: bolo-map-IsleofInsanity.cpt.hqx

Date: Thu, 7 Jul 94 04:46:48 -0500


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

this is my first attempt at posting here so yell at me if i'm screwing up ;-)

anyway this is a map for bolo. its the third in my Insanity series of maps.

this map consists of a main 'continent' with a small island next to it.

i've found that the map works well with 2 to 4 people. created with


  -Chris Willams (Insane in the bolo world)


#### BINHEX     ixohoxis-bolo-maps.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 21 Nov 93 00:19:00 EST 
From: Al Boulley <32DD3BN%CMUVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Organization: Central Michigan University 
Subject: Upload 

Info-Mac Moderators,

 Enclosed below the double line is an upload of mine.  I wish it to be
placed in the game/bolo directory and replace boulleys-bolo-maps.hqx
which is an older version of this upload.  I also would be thrilled if
this could ever be included on any shareware/freeware CD-ROM, such as
your own or on Berkeley's BMUG CD-ROM (which my university purchases).

 The file name I request for this upload is: ixohoxis-bolo-maps.hqx

 Thank you for taking the time to post this submission, and especially
for providing the best FTP service available for Macintosh.

Al Boulley, 32dd3bn at cmuvm.csv.cmich.edu

For all you Bolo fanatics, I have here my collection of home-grown maps.
A few of them are very popular on the internet.  Most of them play very
even because they are symmetrical.  However, there are also a number of
irregular maps that play well.  There are 40 maps total, subdivided into
two folders:  'Non-symmetricals' and 'Symmetrical Maps'.  Try 'em all!

Al Boulley

#### BINHEX     jims-bolo-maps.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1993 20:25:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim McQuillan <jimmcq@tardis.svsu.edu>
Subject: JimsBoloMaps.hqx

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

This is a collection of maps for use with Bolo, a networked Tank game for
the Macintosh.

If you have ANY comments, suggestions, or criticisms please send e-mail
to:  jimmcq@tardis.svsu.edu

Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="JimsBoloMaps.hqx"
Content-ID: <Pine.3.05.9310032011.B4873@tardis.svsu.edu>

#### BINHEX     jurassic-park-map.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 10 Jun 93 21:36:34 -0700 
From: Jon Pugh <jpugh@apple.com>
Subject: [*] Jurassic Park Bolo Map 

Here's a nifty Bolo map I made using Bolotomy and my previously submitted
Jurassic Park logo.  Keeping with the theme, it has no buildings or roads,
just a really cool island shape and lots of primodial forest (well, as
primordial as it gets in Bolo).  There's 16 bases and pills though and
room to manuever.


#### BINHEX     kngpa-maps-v4.hqx   ****

Subject: No Subject!
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 18:40:02 -0600 (CST)

Dear Info-Mac Moderators:

Please include the following binhexed file in your

bolo archives.  Thanks.

Introducing the KNGPA's Volume 4 Bolo Map Archive!

35 previously unreleased brand-spankin' new maps.

KNGPA v4 maps include: Amaze, BadgerCentral, BFE

Floyd, Blood & Cement, Book 'em, Dano!, bull stamp

island, City of Doom, DiagonalGopherFruit,

Ditherworld, Domain, edmond, the ruffage, fat pig

playing a slide whistle, Fleeing Ginger, Forest

Fire, Gates Overshadows, Glumpard's Secretion,

Islands in the...  er...  ocean, KillZone 22e,

little brown joint, Modified Sherwood, my country

'tis of the..., New Woodchuck Forest, Ode to

Wolfblitzer, Plankton, Pud City, Quadratis, Ring of

Fire, Shore Drive, Spunky's Village of Carnage,

stubland, Tantrum City, Teamwork compadres,

teamwork, the old man died, Turkey Jerky, and Wacked



send any comments/suggestions/alterations to:


#### BINHEX     ladmo-060-ppc.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 25 Sep 1994 17:41:39 -0700
From: "William Uther"  <will@joyce.cs.su.oz.au>
Subject: New version of program

  This is a PowerMac ONLY version of the brain Ladmo 0.60 for the Mac game Bolo.
It should go in info-mac/game/bolo directory along with the version that is 
already there (68k only).


\x/ill    :-}

              William Uther                     Honours Student 
       internet: will@cs.su.oz.au               Basser Dept. of Computer Science
"Nothing is so smiple it can't be stuffed up"   University of Sydney, Australia

#### BINHEX     ladmo-060.hqx   ****

From: WAGNER@maricopa.edu
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 1994 20:21:35 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Ladmo-060.hqx  (A Bot for Bolo)

Hi People,

Here is the second major release of Ladmo, a bot and limited borg for Bolo.
This is version 0.60.

While the version is at only 0.60, Ladmo is very competitive with Indy 2.02.

A brief list of changes from previous versions:

-	Uses Pill views to update info.
-	Black Lists bases it is unable to get to.
-	Improved Attack Tank.
-	Improved fixing pills at a distance.
-	Clears walls around allied pills
-	Fixed some refueling bugs.
-	Automatic CPU sensing, which changes some internal options when CPU
	power is deemed to be low.
-	A new Attack Pill Method, called "Advanced Attack Pill", which makes 
	Ladmo the first bot to use a wall trick to take pills at times.  
	Still needs some work, but is definitely an improvement.  
-	Regular Attack Pill is now an improved version of the "New Attack 
	Pill" in earlier versions which uses just a regular shoot and run 
-	Some borg fixes and changes.
-	Some strategy changes.
-	Various other improvements and additions.

Read the Revision History inside the Read Me for a complete listing of changes.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome!

Ladmo Co-Programmer

#### BINHEX     manhattan.hqx   ****

From: stephen123@aol.com
Subject: Bolo map-Manhattan
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 94 01:17:54 EST

Here's a Bolox map of Manhattanx by Stephen Linhart and Tao R. Seeger.
We did this with Photoshopx, Bolotomyx and BoloStarx.  We aren't
making any warranties about its fun, safety or fitness for any
purpose.  But we think it's way cool and you should try it!
Freeware, Copyright 1994.


#### BINHEX     maxwell-14.hqx   ****

From nntp.Stanford.EDU!headwall.Stanford.EDU!agate!dog.ee.lbl.gov!network.ucsd.edu!rutgers!uwvax!picard.cs.wisc.edu!m_turner Tue Jul 13 09:54:48 PDT 1993
Article: 2324 of alt.netgames.bolo
Path: nntp.Stanford.EDU!headwall.Stanford.EDU!agate!dog.ee.lbl.gov!network.ucsd.edu!rutgers!uwvax!picard.cs.wisc.edu!m_turner
From: m_turner@picard.cs.wisc.edu (Michael Turner)
Newsgroups: alt.netgames.bolo
Subject: Maxwell 1.4
Message-ID: <1993Jul13.145228.1393@cs.wisc.edu>
Date: 13 Jul 93 14:52:28 GMT
Sender: news@cs.wisc.edu (The News)
Organization: University of Wisconsin, Madison -- Computer Sciences Dept.
Lines: 782

Here is Maxwell 1.4
He/she/it has been significantly upgraded from 1.2 (1.3 was a limated
distribution).  The foundations for inter-bot communication have
been laid in 1.4, however they are a tad bit on the buggy side, so
they haven't been fully enabled in this version (human players on the
team would refuese to play with maxwell, and other maxwells would
be confused).

Comments, questions, bug reports are allways welcome.


--Michael Turner
--Aka Stranger
--Coder of Maxwell

#### BINHEX     milos-brain.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     navborg-02.hqx   ****

From nntp.Stanford.EDU!headwall.Stanford.EDU!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!noc.near.net!uunet!pipex!bnr.co.uk!bnrgate!bcars267!news Fri Jul 30 00:55:38 PDT 1993
Article: 2797 of alt.netgames.bolo
Newsgroups: alt.netgames.bolo
Path: nntp.Stanford.EDU!headwall.Stanford.EDU!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!noc.near.net!uunet!pipex!bnr.co.uk!bnrgate!bcars267!news
From: David Plumpton <plumpton@wampyr.cc.uow.edu.au>
Subject: New Navborg with Tartar Control!!!
Message-ID: <1993Jul29.224300.14681@bnr.ca>
X-Xxdate: Fri, 30 Jul 93 16:43:11 GMT
Sender: news@bnr.ca (usenet)
Organization: NorTel
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1993 22:43:00 GMT
Lines: 94

Well, here's Navborg 0.2. Thanks to all the people that commented on the
first release. The improvements are:
   - You can now navigate to pillboxes as well as bases
   - The turning circle is tighter
   - An arrow now indicates the direction to the target

An anybody that knows how to read the configured keys in the prefs
file please drop me a line. Thanks.


#### BINHEX     newbie-internet-bolo-guide.hqx   ****

From: kev@ray.abo.fi (Kevin Whitty)
Subject: Internet Bolo Guide


Attached is a SimpleText document entitled "Newbie Internet Bolo Guide
4.01" which describes in detail the answer to perhaps the most FAQ
regarding Bolo:  How one starts/joins a Bolo game over the internet.  It
should be placed in the /games/bolo directory.

Kevin Whitty

#### BINHEX     nexus-12.hqx   ****

From "macaulay@mullian.ee.mu.OZ.AU (alexander william macaulay)" Fri Sep 10 00:07:42 1993
From: macaulay@mullian.ee.mu.OZ.AU (alexander william macaulay)
Message-Id: <9309090641.4577@mullian.ee.mu.OZ.AU> 
Subject: Nexus-12.cpt.hqx 
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 16:41:27 +1000 (EST) 
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL21] 
Mime-Version: 1.0 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 
Content-Length: 25362 
Resent-To: backmod
Resent-Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1993 0:07:40 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@camis.Stanford.EDU>

Please replace game/bolo/nexus-11.cpt.hqx with this file.

Here is Nexus 1.2. Thanks to everyone who made suggestions for improvements
and extra features. Here's the intro in the About file:

Nexus is a Bolo cyborg which improves your performance. It should be
compatible with at least Bolo 0.99.1 and higher. It has the following
features (new ones are marked with a *):

- Extra key controls to control some building actions;
- Automated road building;
- Automatic harvesting of forest;
- Automatic random mine dropping;
- * Mine clearing key - clears mines in an area in front of you;
- * Automatic mapping with a map window which shows terrain you have been over;
- Navigational information about tanks, pillboxes and bases;
- Wide area radar showing a larger view of the area around you;
- Radar views for pillboxes;
- Sends version information to any player who asks;
- * Saves key settings and window positions in the Bolo Preferences file.

Alex MacAulay (macaulay@ecr.mu.oz.au)
"The following statement is true. The preceding statement is false."

#### BINHEX     random-map-110.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 13:39:02 +0800 
From: Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au>
Subject: gmae/bolo - Bolo RandomMap 1.1.0 

Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au>       Ph: +61 9 368 2055
Bolo RandomMap v1.1.0 generates random maps for use with Bolo.
You speicify the size, %land, %forest, number of pillboxes and bases,
and the starting content for bases, and it generates a made to order
map.  You can even leave it to pick random values for the various

It produces fairly simple maps, including only grass and forest,
no other terain types are produced (yet).

~Roundified map for Stuart, now there is deep sea scattered about the place.
~Fixed bug that allowed pillboxes/bases to be placed on the same square (fun :-)
~Fixed bug that allowed land to be adjacent to the edge (this could cause a
~Reduced the minimum land size down to 10*10
~Reduced the random land size

Bolo RandomMap is free.  Source is included.

Have fun,
   Peter. <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au>
[Note the new address for those of you that follow these things]

Bolo RandomMap v1.1.0 Copyright 1993 Peter N Lewis

#### BINHEX     roads-to-rome.hqx   ****

From: swidoff@helix.nih.gov (Seth Widoff)
Subject: Bolo Map - Roads To Rome
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 09:54:51 -0400

This is a bolo map I recently created.

#### BINHEX     shugg-nads.hqx   ****

From: condor1@netcom.com (Charles McMurrough)
Subject: bolo-map-snugg-nads.hqx
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 15:22:13 -0800

"Snugg nads" is an inovative change in a well known bolo map.
(Changes made with permission from the original author.)

#### BINHEX     sluggo-maps-101.hqx   ****

From: chdillon@seas.ucla.edu
Subject: /info-mac/game/bolo/sluggo_maps_101.sea.hqx
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 1994 19:38:22 -0800 (PST)

Enclosed is a collection of 101 maps for Bolo, the multi-player network
tank battle game.  The maps are categorized as Adventurous, Tournament
Size, and Symmetric.  Many have been posted to the newsgroups rec.games.bolo
or alt.netgames.bolo in the past, but this archive gives new players as
well as those which have been playing for some time an opportunity to have
all maps in one collection.  Please post as


The archive is self-extracting, created by Stuffit Lite 3.07.

Thank You,
Chuck Dillon

#### BINHEX     spice-of-life.hqx   ****

From: swidoff@helix.nih.gov (Seth Widoff)
Subject: Bolo Map - Spice of Life
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 09:56:01 -0400

This is a bolo map I recently created.

#### BINHEX     tonto.hqx   ****

From nntp.Stanford.EDU!headwall.Stanford.EDU!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!caen!batcomputer!news.reed.edu!usenet.ee.pdx.edu!cs.uoregon.edu!news.uoregon.edu!netnews.nwnet.net!raven.alaska.edu!aurora.alaska.edu Wed Jul 21 19:33:57 PDT 1993
Article: 2573 of alt.netgames.bolo
Newsgroups: alt.netgames.bolo
Path: nntp.Stanford.EDU!headwall.Stanford.EDU!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!caen!batcomputer!news.reed.edu!usenet.ee.pdx.edu!cs.uoregon.edu!news.uoregon.edu!netnews.nwnet.net!raven.alaska.edu!aurora.alaska.edu
From: fxmcs@aurora.alaska.edu
Subject: Tonto! v1.0 - a new brain!
Message-ID: <1993Jul21.165537.1@aurora.alaska.edu>
Lines: 309
Sender: news@raven.alaska.edu (USENET News System)
Nntp-Posting-Host: aurora.alaska.edu
Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 00:55:37 GMT

   Okay, here's a new brain for you all: Tonto!  It's a reworking of my
original autopilot, one of the first nonstandard brains.  This one goes on to
finish off some of the features I had begun to implement (such as repairing
pillboxes) and adds several more (better neutral base snatching, base spiking,
ally following) which set it (hopefully) on a level with the latest Indy,
Maxwell and Dumbot.

   It's not loopproof, but it shouldn't crash your mac.  If you play against it
one on one, you may not notice much difference - however, with an allied
computer player, Tonto will be much more effective.  He also makes a good
sidekick for you, hence his name, Tonto!  You can get more description by
downloading him and checking out the readme file.

   Also - some people have complained about not knowing which players are
brains and which are humans.  I propose that the Bolo community decide on a
universal polling message - a message that a human could send to a player, and
if it's a 'bot, get a response back from containting brain names and versions.
I've already begun to put this code into Tonto!, but I can't think of what the
standard message should be.  Any idea?

Milo (Michael) Sharp                                    fxmcs@aurora.alaska.edu
Academic Computing                                     fsmcs1@aurora.alaska.edu
University of Alaska, Fairbanks                         -or- @acad2.alaska.edu

Here it is - Tonto! v1.0, successor to Milo's Autopilot.

#### BINHEX     total-carnage.hqx   ****

From: mlanham@PigsEye.Kennesaw.EDU (Mike Lanham)
Subject: Bolo Map - Total.Carnage

Just a simple Bolo Map for two players.

Good for a slow connection or quick game:
    Small and open - Quick and Dirty.

Don't worry about silly copyright stuff; copy, distribute, abuse and send
me your frustrations.

Mike Lanham

#### BINHEX     world-of-biffy.hqx   ****

From: (horace) horace@erinet.com
Subject: Bolo maps

Here are Bolo maps of mine. Mind if you give the name of some good Bolo 
ftp sites? Use this description for the maps:

The World of Biffy is one of the finest Bolo map sets ever made (to 
me). These are from the maker of The Castle of Lost Souls, Castle Xeen 
2.0, and Compact Maps Set 1 (all for Wolfenstein 3D 3rd encounter or 
more), so you KNOW they'll be grrrrrrrrreat! Trust me. I think this 
comes with BoloStar 1.5, but I was in such a rush that I don't know.

[It does - Demitri]

#### BINHEX     wwii-bolo-maps-series.hqx   ****

From: leboulenge@gen.ucl.ac.be (Thierry Le Boulenge)
Subject: WWII BoloMaps Series

These are the first two maps of the Bolo WWII Battleset. The first
describes Operation Seelöwe, the planned invasion of Britain by the Germans
in 1940 (which was eventually cancelled) and the second the Battle of the
Pacific between Japan and the US in 1942.

Both of them are freeware.
I'll continue this Series if I feel like doing it or I get some response
asking me to do so.

(c) Apache '96. <mailto:leboulenge@core.ucl.ac.be>