Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp as of Sun 21 Nov 2004 #### BINHEX appl-loader-12.hqx **** From: (Pautex Jean-Francois) pautex@lpmi.u-nancy.fr Subject: ApplLoader version 1.2 ApplLoader is a little application who can help NetScape to launch a Mac application, open with NetScape a file with .lau extension, in this file you put the name of application to open, ApplLoader do the rest. Of course in NetScape setting you have set that .lau file are to be open with "ApplLoader" easy to use, in order to make some CD with NetScape navigator. thanks Jean-Francois Pautex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Universite Henri Poincare NANCY 1 PAUTEX JF e-mail : pautex@lpmi.u-nancy.fr http://www.lpmi.u-nancy.fr tel : 83 91 25 24 (matin) tel : 83 91 20 00 poste 3279 (Apres midi) Home page : http://www.lpmi.u-nancy.fr/personnel/pautex.html net folder: ftp://ftp.lien.u-nancy.fr/pub/pautex/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX artsy-netscape-splash-20.hqx **** From: norwood@Lanl.GOV (Fusion) Subject: aNetscape_Splash-2 Just another Netscape splash patch... This one is a little on the artsie side but it looks nice. A little more graphically inclined than my 'Alien Netscape' splash screen so people that are yuppies may want to update to this ;P **Note** This should be used insted of 'aNetscape Splash.hqx' because it has been updated. Notice the lady insted of the man holding hands... much better:) And the small netscape type looks a little better during netscap's opening scan. #### BINHEX book-mark-sort.hqx **** From: wment3@earthlink.net Subject: BookMark sorter for netscape BookMark Sort - is a program that will sort the netscape bookmark file and save the new file for you. You update a copy of the bookmark file and then replace the original (you just rename the original as back up) Works on all machines with sys 7.1 or newer including 8.1 with at least 5MB of useful memory. Works on 68 and PPC computers - needs a minimum of 640 by 480 screen - b/w or color. It is shareware and cost $ 10.00. Bill Mammarella WM Enterprises 1720 W. La Palma # A Anaheim, CA 92801 wment3@earthlink.net 714 772 4403 #### BINHEX bookmark-export-11.hqx **** From: cdubuit@pressimage.fr (Christophe Dubuit) Subject: BookmarkExport 1.1 BookmarkExport 1.1 Utility (minimum and free) to extract URLs from Netscape's bookmarks file. It creates a new file with following format for each record : name of the URL, URL, name of folder Each field is separated with a Tabulation. Then you can import this file in a database application. To contact me : cdubuit@pressimage.fr VERSION 1.1 -new limitations : maximum of 1000 URL and 200 folders -processing from the Finder by drag-and-drop #### BINHEX bookmarks-export-12.hqx **** From: cdubuit@pressimage.fr (Christophe Dubuit) Subject: BookmarksExport 1.2 Utility (minimum and free) to extract URLs from Netscape's bookmarks file. It creates a new file with following format for each record : name of the URL, URL, name of folder, date of creation of the URL Each field is separated with a Tabulation. Then you can import this file in a database application. To contact me : cdubuit@pressimage.fr VERSION 1.2 -processing of date of creation of each bookmark. New format of the export file is : name of the URL, URL, name of folder, date of creation #### BINHEX bookmarks-export-fr.hqx **** From: (Christophe Dubuit) cdubuit@pressimage.fr Subject: BookmarksExport 1.0 Utility (minimum and free) to extract URLs from Netscape's bookmarks file. It create a new file with this format for each record : name of the URL, URL, name of folder Each field is separated with a Tabulation. Then you yan import this file in a database application. To contact me : cdubuit@pressimage.fr NETSURF Christophe Dubuit (redacteur en chef) http://www.netsurf.fr #### BINHEX boris-netscape-patch2-fr.hqx **** From: (Boris Weliachew) boris@julian.str.archi.tohoku.ac.jp Subject: Boris's Patches for Netscape Navigator...2 Latest release of the Boris's Patches series for Netscape Navigator... French version. This patches will add to your favorite Web Browser, Netscape Navigator, in its latest release, 2.02, 3.0b5 and 3.0b5 Gold, much more colours and fun. It does not affect in any way the programmation it-self so it's without risk for the software... Just enjoy it 'cause: "It's much better with a Mac!" (Documentation in French) http://shrine.cyber.ad.jp/users/boris/ http://www.geocities.com/Paris/5709/ #### BINHEX boris-netscape-upgrade-v3.hqx **** From: boris@sally.str.archi.tohoku.ac.jp (Boris Weliachew) Subject: Boris's upgrade for Netscape 3.xx... Hello everyone! At first let me thank you for your interest in my small works... This is a new release of the old "Boris's patches" for Netscape Navigator called "Boris's Upgrade for Netscape Navigator" this time... I just did it because "It's much better with a Macintosh!...", isn't it? As before it will provide to your favourite Web Browser in all its version 3.xx Gold or not, a much enjoyable interface with also much more colours and fun... Just try it and see! Your Web Browser will never look the same! This new upgrade is provided as ResEdit resources... If you are afraid of using ResEdit, do not worry, a "Read-Me Before..." color text file will guide you step by step in your manipulations. What's new? - Distributed now as ResEdit resources... - Few buggs avoided. - Few improvements... Have a lovely day, Boris E-mail: boris@julian.str.archi.tohoku.ac.jp URL: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/5709 #### BINHEX cache-trash-10.hqx **** From: gslinker@novell.com Subject: CacheTrash CacheTrash is a utility program that will delete/wipe/scramble the cache files of Netscape Navigator. http://king.1source.com/~pollarda/cquel/cquel.html gslinker@novell.com #### BINHEX chris-netscape-patch-12.hqx **** From: cschaffhauser@datacomm.ch Subject: Chris Netscape Patch 1.2.0 Chris Netscape Patch replaces the Title and the URLs of the Directory Buttons in Netscape Navigator with your own ones. Christoph Schaffhauser Tel: +41 (0)61 751 23 42 DarkEagle Software EMail: cschaffhauser@datacomm.ch http://www.datacomm.ch/darkeagl/ Dornacherstrasse 32 CH-4147 Aesch Switzerland #### BINHEX cindy-hack-10-netscape.hqx **** From: Brendan.E.Reilly.25@nd.edu Subject: CindyHack CindyHack is a simple ResEdit hack that replaces the bland "N" in the upper right hand corner of the window with an animated (fade in/out) picture of Cindy Crawford. CindyHack is e-mailware. #### BINHEX clear-netscape-cache-102.hqx **** From: nikfree@freenet.tlh.fl.us Subject: Clear Netscape Cache 1.02 Clear Netscape Cache does simply that. Netscape cache files often take up a good deal of space, space that could be used for something more important. Clear Netscape Cache is an Applescript that will delete all the cache file for you. System requirements: Applescript 1.1.2 (provided with Mac OS 8) #### BINHEX cookie-cutter-10.hqx **** From: sbarnham@ibl.bm (Scott Barnham) Subject: Cookie Cutter 1.0 Netscape creates a 'MagicCookie' file which it uses to store small amounts of information for various web sites. Cookies are useful to web sites for a number of things. These include user authentication and tracking for marketing purposes. There are a few applications available which trash the MagicCookie file on a regular basis. This stops any site from being able to track you, but it will also lose any useful cookies, such as ones used for user authentication. Cookie Cutter gives you more control of the MagicCookie file. It allows you to selectively remove cookies that have been placed in your MagicCookie file. You can also set Cookie Cutter to automatically remove cookies from particular sites (domains), each time you use it, and to always ignore cookies from other domains. Cookie Cutter is freeware, by Scott Barnham. Works only with Netscape. More info on my web site at: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2784 -Scott #### BINHEX cookie-monster-15.hqx **** From: (Nicolas Berloquin) nicolas@pobox.com Subject: CookieMonster 1.5 -- Trash NetScape's MagicCookie file Did you know that Netscape creates a file in its preference folder that helps web servers keep track of you ? So, in case you don't want web servers to be able to know who you are and what you did on their servers... Cookie Monster simply trashes the MagicCookie file every time it is launched. Just install it in your startup folder, and voila ! Please read the ReadMe file enclosed. Un fichier Lisez-Moi est inclus dans l'archive (youpiiii!) #### BINHEX cookies-revenge.hqx **** From: tph@rmi.net Subject: Cookie's Revenge v1.0 Cookie's Revenge Version 1.0 ©1997 by Tom Harrington (tph@rmi.net) >From the README: Many web sites want to save "cookies" on your hard drive. Many people don't like the idea of web sites using their hard drive to save information. There are many ways to defeat cookies, including other AppleScripts that delete the cookie file or sometimes just selected entries from the file. But where's the fun in that? Cookie's Revenge opens your cookie file and replaces the cookie data with subtly bogus information. Superficially it will look like all data is intact, but the information has been scrambled and rendered useless. Sites will think that they're tracking you when in fact they're only tracking random data. Currently Cookie's Revenge works only with Netscape Navigator. It should work with any version of Navigator. An Internet Explorer version may be forthcoming, if I ever get around to installing the program. This AppleScript is free. It can be found at <ftp://ftp.rmi.net//pub2/tph/cookie/cookies-revenge.sit.hqx>. #### BINHEX default-no-cookie.hqx **** From: zimmie@abwam.com (Robert Zimmerman) Subject: Default No Cookie Default No Cookie is a simple hack which changes the default button on Cookie Alert dialogs in Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later from "Yes" to "No". This allows rejection of receipt of cookies to be accomplished by merely pressing the Return button on your Macintosh, with no need to reach for the mouse. Of course, you still have the option of accepting cookies by clicking the "Yes" button. This is freeware. This hack may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM #### BINHEX dump-netscape-cache.hqx **** From: LionHead@aol.com Subject: dump-netscape-cache.hqx This is an AppleScript. It isn't much, but I think it's a worthwhile one. All this basically does is dumps the Netscape Cache Ÿ file, which is filled with virtually useless items from Netscape. It takes you from your hard drive root directory all the way to the Cache Ÿ, then puts it in the trash and deletes it. I set up the memory to 5,000 Kb‹at the time my cache file was 2.3 MB‹but if you want to change this to suit your needs, go into "Get Info" under the "File" menu, and change the Suggested Size and the Minimum Size. DEREK B. BATES Email: LionHead@aol.com Web Addresses: http://members.aol.com/lionhead/index.html/ http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/2851/ #### BINHEX harveys-netscape-splash.hqx **** From: hlubin@islandnet.com (Harvey Lubin) Subject: NetscapeSplash "NetscapeSplash" is a replacement splashscreen for Netscape Navigator (any version). It uses the original concept of the Netscape logo (a large "N" straddling a planet), but done in a more realistic and 3-dimensional style. If you're handy with ResEdit, simply copy this PICT file and paste it into the PICT resource in Netscape that holds the splashscreen image. You will also want to stretch out the size of the Splash Box in either the DLOG or DITL resources so that the image isn't squished into the size of the previous splashscreen. Enjoy this graphic! It is free for you to use and distribute for non-commercial purposes, (in other words, it's not to be used either directly or indirectly for profit). This image is copyrighted by: Harvey Lubin PowerWorks Computer Graphics Come and visit our Web site for many more cool graphics: http://www.islandnet.com/~hlubin #### BINHEX kms-qt-netscape-plug-02.hqx **** From: mcmurtri@shell.wco.com (Kevin McMurtrie) Subject: KM's QuickTime plugin for Netscape, Version 0.2.0 A fat binary multimedia plug-in for Netscape. Version 0.2.0 (2/5/95) This is a multimedia Plug-in for Netscape 2.06a. Web surfers can use this to watch movies and listen to music right from Netscape. This plug-in offers HTML authors the ability to play background music, stretch movies, present slide shows, and use continuously looping animations. The plug-in should be placed in Netscape¹s ³Plug-ins² folder. Supported media: QuickTime, MPEG, Midi, Windows WAVE, Sun µLaw, AIFF, and Mac PICT. Improvements since 0.1.0 (1/31/95): € Lots of seemingly harmless bugs fixed. € Importing of many media types. € The default settings will not change the aspect ratio of shrink-to-fit images. € Movies will continue where left off when web pages are left and revisited, memory permitting. € Printing works. € Plain controllers on soundtracks are centered. € Zero-area destination boxes are safe. Free, Pascal source code included. #### BINHEX mio.hqx **** From: okamoto@tokyo.asahi-kasei.c Subject: MIO_PLUGIN and MIO_ENCODER Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. has developed an original vocoder called M IO (me-oh), and has created a Netscape-compatible plug-in decoder, and has c reated a encoder application. System requirements: * System 7.5 * Power Macintosh * Netscape Navigator3.0 or lator (for MIO_PLUGIN) For more information, please visit our Web page: http://www.asahi-kasei.co.jp/ajs/mio/index_e.html (in English) http://www.asahi-kasei.co.jp/ajs/mio/index.html (in Japanese) #### BINHEX navigator-button-editor-12.hqx **** From: sstein@ups.edu (skylar stein) Subject: Navigator Button Editor v1.2 This is a nifty little tool for those of you out there who use Netscape Navigator as your browser of choice. The directory buttons in Navigator never served much use for me... and I knew that I had more important places to go then what the "What's Cool" button had to offer. So here we are: Navigator Button Editor. Now you can quickly and easily customize the six directory buttons! Navigator Button Editor has been successfully tested on Netscape Navigator versions 1.1N, 2.02, 3.0/Gold, and 3.01/Gold. Future versions of Netscape Navigator will certainly be supported when available. Navigator Button Editor is FAT BINARY and has been successfully tested on Macintoshes ranging from an LCIII with System 7.1 to an 8500 running 7.5.5. #### BINHEX navigator-enhancer-13.hqx **** From: mennigmann@kagi.com Subject: Navigator Enhancer 1.3 freeware What is Navigator Enhancer? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Navigator Enhancer is an application that works with Netscape Navigator 3.x and under by adding a handy new feature. When Netscape designed its first-generation browsers, it included a layer of directory buttons pointing to services that varied depending on where and how you obtained the browser. The only problem is that Netscape didn't give users a way to edit the title and destinations of those buttons, and most of the time the buttons remained hidden and useless. Navigator Enhancer allows you to edit this information, so you can substitute your favorite Web pages and services for the ones supplied by Netscape. A word of caution, though: make sure you've exited your browser and made a backup copy of your browser before using this application. Navigator Enhancer is now distributed as freeware. It is available from Marc Mennigmann's web site and all major Macintosh shareware archives and ftp sites. Version 1.3 does not add new features to the software. It just changes it status from shareware to freeware. System Requirements: Any Apple Macintosh or clone with at least a 68020 CPU running MacOS System 7.1 or later. Netscape Navigator 2.x or 3.x. Availability ++++++++++++ Navigator Enhancer 1.3 is available now, and may be downloaded through: <http://www.kagi.com/mennigmann/> The filesize is about 580KB. About Marc Mennigmann +++++++++++++++++++++ Marc Mennigmann is the author of a number of well-received products, including the reminder application "Recall" and "THE BLOCK", a powerful password protection system for computers running the MacOS. Contact Information: Marc Mennigmann <mennigmann@kagi.com> - Press Contact <mennigmann@kagi.com> - World Wide Web <http://www.kagi.com/mennigmann/> - Phone and FAX contact is not available. -- Marc Mennigmann mennigmann@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/mennigmann/ #### BINHEX navigator-knappredigerare.hqx **** From: mats-ola.jonsson@swipnet.se Subject: Navigator Knappredigerare Dr. Feelgood <http://www.feelgood.se> släpper nu senaste uppdateringen av Netscape Navknappredigerare 1.1.3 i svensk version. Det förnämliga programmet hjälper dig att lägga in Dina egna populära adresser på de sex knapparna i menyn på Netscape Navigator 3.xx En efterfrågad nyhet är att på Netscape Communicator 4.xx kan Du lägga in upp till 100 adresser under Guideknappen. Programmet är översatt av Håkan Carlsson, Dr. Feelgood. Pris: 40:- Netscape Navknappredigerare är som alla Dr. Feelgoods översättningar enkelt att registrera via Postgirot. Läs mer på vår hemsida: <http://www.feelgood.se> Ladda ner direkt på: <http://www.feelgood.se/shareware/se/NKR.1.3.3-SE.sit.hqx> Programmet kommer även att finnas på <http://www.macpower.com> #### BINHEX nbe-133-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@bridge1.com Subject: Navigator Button Editor 1.3.3J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Navigator Button Editor package. Navigator Button Editor was written to customize those six less-than-lovable directory buttons in Netscape Navigator. It has now been upgraded to customize and expand the "Guide" button pop-up menu in Communicator 4 up to 100 custom menu items (if you have the strength to type that many in!). You can now edit the default Search URL in Navigator and Communicator versions 4.x! Netscape Navigator / Communicator versions supported: Navigator Button Editor supports Mac OS Netscape Navigator version 1.1N through 3.x and Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.03. Future versions will certainly be supported when necessary. (It would be nice if Netscape would build this function into Navigator for we dedicated Mac folk.) Version 1.3.3 - A few enhancements in response to user feedback, including: - Added confirmation dialogs before reverting to factory or previous settings - Added an "Extras" menu to allow the user to edit the search URL for Navigator/Communicator 4.x - Adding to the Guide menu will now insert a new item in the Guide pop-up menu after the currently selected item - Adding and removing separator lines in the Guide menu is now a bit more user friendly - Fixed a minor Balloon Help faux pas Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software #### BINHEX net-trek.hqx **** From: (Jim Gelcer) jimig@idirect.com Subject: NetTrek Cyberspace... the final frontier. To boldly go where Netscape has never gone before. These are the voyages of NetTrek. >From the author of the Star Trek UFP Startup Screen, now there's a splash screen that transforms Netscape (2.0 and higher) into a United Federation of Planets CyberNavigator. NetTrek is postcardware. Enjoy! jimig@idirect.com http://idirect.com/users/jimig.html NetTrek may be included on a CD-ROM, provided: 1) It is not modified in any way. 2) This ReadMe file is included in the same folder. 3) I am notified and receive a copy of any CD-ROM on which it appears. #### BINHEX nets-gb-10-as.hqx **** From: onil@left.kier.re.kr (Eunil Kim) Subject: NetsGB 1.0 - AppleScript agent application NetsGB is, reserved only for Mac users, an AppleScript agent application running in conjunction with Netscape Navigator It saves the HTML source of the Netscape's frontmost window with all shown other sources, and corrects the URLs to let surf the WWW world starting from the saved HTML file just like a bookmarked web page. To use NetsGB, you should have a Macintosh equipped with System 7.0+ and AppleScript 1.1+ for Netscape Navigator 1.1N+ with 1+ Mb(?) of RAM free. Whenever you want to save the Netscape's window that you are currently looking at, just only activate NetsGB. You can (but not always) obtain the latest NetsGB and documentation from: http://left.kier.re.kr/NetsGB/GBmain.html Please upload this software in the following directories: 1) /umich/util/comm/ 2) /info-mac/_Communication/MacTCP/ or /info-mac/_Communication/HTML/ Thanks, Eunil Kim onil@left.kier.re.kr #### BINHEX netscape-2-friendlier.hqx **** From: David B Gustavson <dbg@SCIzzL.com> Subject: Netscape 2 Friendlier eg Close does Back This Resource file contains replacements for certain of the Menu resources of Netscape 2, to make its behavior friendlier (more consistent with other Mac contexts). The changes are: Added Cmd-S to the Save or Save As in several places Added Cmd-R to the "Mark all Items Read in this NewsGroup" and the important one: Disabled Cmd-W so it won't close your last Browser window, and changed Cmd-W to do "Back". This makes the Netscape window behavior more consistent with the usual use of windows in the Mac, namely: In most Mac environments, you open an item and create a window by Cmd-O or double-clicking, to any depth, and you back out of the nest of windows by using Cmd-W. But in Netscape, you single-click to open (double usually does no harm), but have to use Back to back out of the nest. If you forget you are in Netscape instead of some other editor or finder context, and hit Cmd-W by habit, you close your Browser window and with it all the history of where you have been. I did this a lot, and found it extremely annoying. Contexts that feel similar ought to act similarly on the Mac--I shouldn't have to add a new habit to consciously check my context every time I want to close a window to unnest a level! To install, you need ResEdit. Open "Netscape 2 Friendlier" in ResEdit, select the Menu resource, Cmd-C to copy it to the clipboard, open Netscape 2, Cmd-V to paste. When asked, tell Netscape to replace resources with the same IDs, Cmd-S to save, quit. This updates only the half dozen menus in Netscape that have changes in their Cmd keys. The same changes have worked through a few 2 beta versions, and are likely to work for a few future releases, but there can be no guarantee of that. At least it seems unlikely to cause a crash, and you can always back up to a fresh version by using the Netscape installer. Dave Gustavson dbg@SCIzzL.com #### BINHEX netscape-202-makeover.hqx **** From: (Douglas E. Long) everett@uclink4.berkeley.edu Subject: Netscape 2.02 Make Over This is for Netscape Navigator 2.02. This little guy will change the fuzzy purple icons on your buttons to cleaner looking ones, give you a new Netscape startup splash screen, and several other nice little changes. A Patch for the other versions of Nestscape is also available, if you don't see them around you can e-mail me and I'll be happy to send you a copy. Virus checked with Disinfectant and Virex. Netscape Make-Over may be included on a CD-ROM, provided: 1) It is not modified in any way. 2) This ReadMe file is included in the same folder. 3) I am notified and receive a copy of any CD-ROM on which it appears. #### BINHEX netscape-202-no-blink.hqx **** From: (Joel Klecker) jklecker@pobox.com Subject: Netscape 2.02 No Blink This is a patch I made to disable the irratating blink tag in Netscape. It will only work with Netscape 2.02 at this point. Joel Klecker / <http://www.pobox.com/~jklecker> / jklecker@pobox.com #### BINHEX netscape-2b6-menu-changes.hqx **** From: offthelip@surfvh.com (Off The Lip) Subject: Netscape2b6 Menu Changes This is a ResEdit file containing a single resource, for the menus of Netscape 2. This one is from my alteration of beta 6, that are just keyboard shortcuts. Save as Apple-S instead of being blank..things like that. Installation is simple. Open both in ResEdit, copy the MENU resource from my file, paste into netscape, when it asks you if you want to replace ones with the same IDs, click on the Yes button. Save, and Quit. GRIN #### BINHEX netscape-30-baltic-cyrillic.hqx **** From: (Andreas Prilop) april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Netscape 3.0 Baltic-Cyrillic patch This patch is intended for use with Netscape Navigator 3.0. It is freeware. It adds Baltic and true Cyrillic capabilities to Netscape Navigator 3.0. You will be able to read web pages in Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, and Ukrainian - using only native Macintosh fonts *without* installing non-Macintosh ("KOI8") fonts. The Cyrillic menu in the original Netscape Navigator 3.0 is a fake. You are required to use non-Macintosh KOI8 fonts in order to view Russian and Ukrainian pages. Those who prefer to work with Netscape Navigator 2.0x should use info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/netscape-baltic-cyrillic-12.hqx. Arnis Gross <agross@deksoft.com.au> Andreas Prilop <april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de> #### BINHEX netscape-30-makeover.hqx **** From: everett@uclink4.berkeley.edu Subject: Netscape 3.0 Make-Over This is for Netscape Navigator 3.0. This little guy will change the fuzzy purple icons on your buttons to cleaner looking ones, give you a new Netscape startup splash screen, and several other nice little changes. A Patch for the other versions of Nestscape is also available, if you don't see them around you can e-mail me and I'll be happy to send you a copy. Virus checked with Disinfectant and Virex. Netscape Make-Over may be included on a CD-ROM, provided: 1) It is not modified in any way. 2) This ReadMe file is included in the same folder. 3) I am notified and receive a copy of any CD-ROM on which it appears. #### BINHEX netscape-301-pride-patch.hqx **** From: cubsfan@cjnetworks.com Subject: Netscape 3.0.1 Gay Pride Patch System Requirements: A MacOS computer with a PowerPC processor A fresh copy of Netscape 3.0.1 Surf the web in style! This patch will change the Netscape 3.0.1 progress button into a rainbow flag that will wave in the wind as you load web pages. #### BINHEX netscape-301-splash-screen.hqx **** From: hka543@erabanner.net Subject: netscape 3.0.1 splashscreen netscape_3.0.1_splashscreen is just a little something that I thought looks rather cool. I made it with Photoshop3.0 and KPT2.0. Enjoy Frank Patten hka543@erabanner.net http://www.erabanner.net/~hka543 #### BINHEX netscape-40-baltic-cyrillic.hqx **** From: april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Netscape 4.0 Baltic, Cyrillic, Romanian Support This patch is intended for use with Netscape Communicator 4.0. It is freeware. It adds Baltic, *complete* Cyrillic, and Romanian capabilities to Netscape Communicator 4.0. You will be able to read web pages in Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, and Ukrainian - using only native Macintosh fonts without installing non-Macintosh (Baltic Rim, KOI-8) fonts. Please note: The "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)" menu in the original Netscape Communicator 4.0 is crippled; it is only Russian. You are required to use non-Macintosh KOI-8 fonts in order to view Ukrainian pages. Those who prefer to work with Netscape Navigator 2.0 or 3.0 should continue to use info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/netscape-baltic-cyrillic-12.hqx info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/netscape-30-baltic-cyrillic.hqx Arnis Gross <agross@deksoft.com.au> Andreas Prilop <april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de> This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX netscape-add-ons.hqx **** From: (Ben Taft) psyctaft@pew.psy.gu.se Subject: Netscape Add on's 3.0 Netscape ADD ON'S 3.0 Netscape add on's is a program wich will make some changes to the buttons in the "Netscape" window. 1. The "search" button wich will normally take you to netscapes seach will be changed into "Alta Vista", The "Alta Vista" button will take you to the URL: "http:// www.altavista.digital.com " (The fastest and best search page on the internet) 2. The "software" button is changed into Shareware.com wich will take you to the URL:http;//www.shareware.com) (The best way to find shareware on the internet) 3. The " " button is changed into Yahoo wich will take you to the URL:http;//www.yahoo.com) (The best an easiest way to find good URL's on the internet) Ben Taft 1996 SWEDEN #### BINHEX netscape-altavista-hack-101.hqx **** From: das, das@tilla.cs.nyu.edu Subject: Netscape Alta-Vista Hack 1.0.1 all that it does is hack the Net Search button in netscape to go to the alta vista search engine instead of netscapes engine. this is the second version because i made the hack and 12 hours the new version came out. how do you like that? das #### BINHEX netscape-app-switcher-10.hqx **** From: philip@thephirm.com (Philip Holland) Subject: Netscape App Switcher 1.0 Netscape App Switcher is an OSAX (Apple Script) application which allows you to set up Netscape Navigator to use separate programs for specified URL prefixes. This is very useful because programs such as Eudora and Claris Emailer (for "mailto:" URLs), Anarchie and Fetch (for "ftp:" URLs), and NewsWatcher (for "news:" URLs) tend to be a lot more stable than Netscape. NAS also allows you to set up URL prefixes that aren't yet defined, making it possible to use Finger for "finger:" URLs, even though Netscape doesn't include that. What do I need to run NAS? €AppleScript (only needed when you run the script.. You can remove it safely afterwards) €Netscape (I know versions 2.0 and up work, I¹m not sure about others..) €The application you want Netscape to use (DUH...) How much does NAS cost? NAS is FriendlyWare. *YOU* choose how much it costs, based on how useful it is to you. If you use it, but don¹t want to pay, that¹s alright too! The only thing I request in this case is that you send an Email to me (Philip@thephirm.com) telling me that you use it, and giving any suggestions you have. However, if you do wish to send anything, my address is: Philip Holland 1380 Brookwood Birmingham, MI 48009-1066 I hope you find this app useful. Philip Holland (Philip@thephirm.com) #### BINHEX netscape-baltic-cyrillic-12.hqx **** From: Andreas Prilop, april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: netscape-baltic-cyrillic-12.hqx This patch is intended for use with Netscape Navigator 2.0. It is freeware. It adds Baltic and Cyrillic capabilities to Netscape Navigator 2.0. You will be able to read web pages and to send e-mail in Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, and Ukrainian - using only native Macintosh fonts *without* installing non-Macintosh ("KOI8") fonts. ResEdit is no longer required (as opposed to previous versions). Version 1.2.1 fixes a tiny bug. Arnis Gross <agross@deksoft.com.au> Andreas Prilop <april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de> #### BINHEX netscape-bryce-patch.hqx **** From: (adam) adam@cam.org Subject: Netscape Bryce splash patch This is a splash screen patcher for Netscape 3.01. It changes it to a mountain scene with a giant "N". Enjoy. -- mailto:adam@cam.org http://www.cam.org/~adam http://www.geocities.com/soho/6689 #### BINHEX netscape-buttons-10.hqx **** From: sbarnham@ibl.bm (Scott Barnham) Subject: Netscape Buttons 1.0 A small utility which allows you to edit the buttons at the top of Netscape's window. Works only with Netscape -- tested with version 3.0. In Netscape when you have a web browser window open, there are six buttons along the top; they have names like "What's New?", "What's Cool?", etc. When you click on these buttons you are taken to specific parts of Netscape's web site. Netscape Buttons allows you to edit these buttons so they have titles and URLs of your choosing. eg. You could change the title of one button to "MacWare", and change it's URL to "http://www.macware.com" -- then whenever you click this button, you will be taken to the MacWare web site. Pretty nifty, no? You can still get to Netscape's pages ("What's New", etc), using the 'Directory' menu -- the menu is not altered in any way. Freeware - email me if you like it! -Scott http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2784 #### BINHEX netscape-defrost-09b2.hqx **** From: Scott Sykes <ssykes@cygnus.rsabbs.com> Subject: Netscape Defrost v0.9b2 This system extension keeps Netscape from freezing while accessing Web pages. Many people have reported freezes which require the Cmd-Opt-Esc key combination to force quit Netscape. The extension has helped just about every Macintosh and works with all versions of Netscape. Version 0.9b2 fixes a conflict between Netscape Defrost and Global Village Fax along with some other programs. Thanks to Dave Lyons at Apple for pointing out the error of my ways. Visit the Netscape Defrost Homepage at... http://cygnus.rsabbs.com/~ssykes/nsdefrost.html Vote for the version 1.0 icon and get the latest information! This software is "Donationware". If you find it useful, please take a moment to send a donation to your favorite charity. Send me an e-mail and I'll make you *famous* by posting you and your charity on the Web. Please send any questions, comments, or bug reports to "ssykes@cygnus.rsabbs.com". #### BINHEX netscape-enhancer.hqx **** Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 02:28:28 -0500 From: cubsfan@falcon.cc.ukans.edu (Mike Silverman) Subject: Netscape Enhancer Netscape Enhancer is a patch to the World Wide Web browser Netscape 1.1. (though it should work on 1.0 also). It replaces the lame art and startup screen with some better looking stuff, does away with the pulsing "N" and adds some helpful menu commands. Requires ResEdit to install the patch. Mike Silverman cubsfan@falcon.cc.ukans.edu http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~cubsfan #### BINHEX netscape-esperanto-maltese.hqx **** From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Latin-3 (Esperanto & Maltese) Support for Netscape 2, 3, 4 These three patches add Latin-3 support to Netscape Navigator 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. You will be able to read Esperanto and Maltese web pages using only native Macintosh fonts -- without installing non-Macintosh (ISO-8859-3) fonts. ResEdit is required. #### BINHEX netscape-fake-alias.hqx **** From: LNAAMAN@SCUACC.SCU.EDU Subject: Netscape Fake Alias Sermed Naaman This is a file that can be placed on any disk and used to open Netscape on any computer. The main application of this is if your school or workplace uses At Ease to password protect access to Netscape. Requirements: Sys 7.0 on the target machine. e-mail-ware. Lanaaman@ualr.edu #### BINHEX netscape-ftp-switcher-101.hqx **** From: smile@nordnett.no (Snorre Milde) Subject: Netscape FTP Switcher 1.0.1 It lets Netscape use Anarchie or Fetch as the default FTP client. In other words: When you click on URLs that begin with ftp://, Netscape sends the request to Anarchie or Fetch, instead of trying to do the job itself. Anarchie and Fetch tend to be a *lot* more stable than Netscape in handling such jobs. How does it work? It sends an AppleScript command to Netscape, which changes its internal configuration. This patch is squeaky clean - it's nothing like a ResEdit hack. What do I need? * AppleScript installed at the time you run the script. Note: You can remove AppleScript afterwards if you don't use it. * Netscape (hello?) * Anarchie or Fetch How much does this cost me? Hello? I didn't invent this feature in Netscape. I simply wrote a five-minute script which acts as a front end. Send me some nice email if you like. Or some bug fixes for PageMill 1.0, which really disappointed me. (If you consider "<ADDRESS></ADDRESS><H1></H1>Here goes some plain text<BR><BR><BR>" good HTML, please disregard the last sentence.) By the way, it's really small: 9 KB Snorre Milde (smile@nordnett.no) http://www.nordnett.no/~smile/personlig.html #### BINHEX netscape-gold-makeover.hqx **** From: everett@uclink4.berkeley.edu Subject: Netscape Gold 3.0 Make-Over This is for Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold This little guy will change the fuzzy purple icons on your buttons to cleaner looking ones, give you a new Netscape startup splash screen, and several other nice little changes. A Patch for the other versions of Nestscape is also available, if you don't see them around you can e-mail me and I'll be happy to send you a copy. Virus checked with Disinfectant and Virex. Netscape Make-Over may be included on a CD-ROM, provided: 1) It is not modified in any way. 2) This ReadMe file is included in the same folder. 3) I am notified and receive a copy of any CD-ROM on which it appears. #### BINHEX netscape-greek-support-11.hqx **** From: april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de (Andreas Prilop) Subject: netscape-greek-support-1.1 This patch is intended for use with Netscape 2.0 (beta 4 at the time of writing). You no longer need additional special ("ELOT_928") fonts to read web pages and to send e-mail in Greek. You only need the fonts that come with Apple's Greek system. ResEdit is required. #### BINHEX netscape-history-301.hqx **** From: mc4924@mclink.it Subject: Netscape History 3.0.1 'Netscape History' is a utility for users of the Macintosh version of Netscape (and Microsoft Internet Explorer) that lets them browse off-line (not connected to the Internet) the last Web pages visited with their browser. Images will be correctly shown, if they were loaded when the page was read from the net. This version (3.0.1) is a bug-fix release of 3.0 With version 3.0 you can now keep interesting pages and delete others. Plus, the program is faster and works in the background. This program is shareware (8$). It works with (the Macintosh version of) Netscape 1.0, 1.1, 1.12, 2.0, 3.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.1. If your system runs one of this browsers (and has 600K spare), it will also run Netscape History. Author's web page is at <http://www.kagi.com/authors/cpotenza> #### BINHEX netscape-hyper-archive-as.hqx **** From: cvoss@sn.no Subject: Netscape HyperArchive AppleScript This AppleScript is for people who are addicted to MIT's Info-Mac HyperArchive, but want to download files from a different (closer) Info-Mac Mirror. Stick it in your Apple Menu and when you find something in the HyperArchive that you want, copy the URL to the clipboard, then run the script. The first time the script runs, configure it with the mirror of your choice. Follow the example.The script then makes Netscape get the file you have selected from the mirror specified. If you want to change the mirror, recompile the script with Script Editor and run again. I could have used the InternetConfig Info-Mac Mirror preferences instead of having to enter the mirror by hand, but I didn't get around to it. Thanks, Joe Joe's Virtual Macintosh --> http://www.sn.no/~cvoss/Joe #### BINHEX netscape-marble-patch.hqx **** From: (adam) adam@cam.org Subject: Netscape marble splash patch This is a splash screen patch for Netscape 3.01. It changes it to an engraved marble "N". Enjoy. -- mailto:adam@cam.org http://www.cam.org/~adam http://www.geocities.com/soho/6689 #### BINHEX netscape-midi-plugin-11b.hqx **** From: Arnaud Masson, amasson@planete.net Subject: MIDIPlugin 1.1b *** MIDIPlugin 1.1b *** by Arnaud Masson (amasson@planete.net, http://www.planete.net/~amasson) (FREEWARE) MIDIPlugin is a Plug-in for Netscape 2. It allows you to play MIDI files inside Netscape, without launching an external helper application. It needs at least a Mac LC with MacOS 7.1 + QuickTime 2. What's new in v1.1b ? - Nicer interface, drawing bugs fixed - Preferences dialog - Midi Manager, OMS and MidiShare support for external devices - Supports the 'autostart=true' Plugin command - Open songs with MIME type audio/x-midi - New command 'title=...'. #### BINHEX netscape-mime-tmpls-rsrc.hqx **** From: "Samuel S. Tai" <taiss@chelsea.ios.com> Subject: Netscape MIME TMPLs I got frustrated at Netscape's inability to delete items from its helper applications list, and its occasional inability to associate correctly a MIME type with a file type on its popup menu. I hacked together this ResEdit TMPL to bypass the helper applications dialog entirely. To install: use ResEdit to copy these TMPL resources into your Netscape Preferences file. To use: To edit the helper applications list, open the MIME resources in the Netscape Preferences file with ResEdit. The SMIM resources in the Netscape Preferences file are used for the telnet, tn3270, and "View source..." applications. Note that the name of each MIME resource must match the "MIME type" field in the TMPL. Standard ResEdit disclaimers apply. #### BINHEX netscape-one-click.hqx **** From: cubsfan@cjnetworks.com (Mike Silverman) Subject: Netscape OneClick Palette A replacement for Netscape's button bar. Requires Westcode's OneClick. In addition to the standard Netscape buttons, this bar has a pop-up menu of your hotlist, and buttons to view source and search yahoo. Designed for Netscape 1.1 or 1.12, but can be easily modified for 2.0. #### BINHEX netscape-patch.hqx **** From: rosyna@bright.net Subject: SmartScroll Patch for NN4 This patch simply allows Netscape 4 to use proportional thumbs from SmartScroll. It will make a Copy of Netscape for you and might change a couple prefs, which are all changeable from the Preferences Dialog in NN 4, the also works with Communicator #### BINHEX netscape-preferences-fix.hqx **** From: stefan@antioch-college.edu Subject: Stefan's Netscape Preferences Fix Netscape Preferences Fix provides a workaround for a bug found in Netscape Navigator, versions 3.0 through 3.0.2, where Navigator sometimes forgets what protocols have been registered by Seeker and other utilities that register protocols (like "mailto" and "ftp") with Navigator, including several AppleScript utilities created for today's popular email and file transfer programs. I originally included the Fix with my Seeker program way back in June, 1997, but people that may not be using Seeker can also benefit from the Fix, and it's now available as a separate file. Thanks for the inspiration, Tomas! The Netscape Preferences Fix is free to registered users of Seeker. More information about the Fix can be found at the Netscape Preferences Fix home page, at http://antioch-college.edu/~stefan/netscapepreferencesfix.html. Enjoy! - Stefan Anthony #### BINHEX netscape-qt-midi-plug-in-10.hqx **** From: Terry Greeniaus, tgree@Phys.UAlberta.CA Subject: QuickTime MIDI Plugin 1.0 for Netscape QuickTime MIDI Plugin 1.0 ------------------------- Copyright (c) 1996 by Terry Greeniaus QuickTime MIDI Plugin is a plugin for Netscape Navigator 2.0 or greater which lets you play MIDI files off the Internet right in the Netscape window! Just click on the link to the MIDI file and the plugin will load and begin playing the file! (Note: You will require QuickTime 2.0 or greater and to get different instruments you will also need to have the QuickTime Musical Instruments extension installed!) Terry Greeniaus 10 March 1996 #### BINHEX netscape-rainbow-circle-22.hqx **** From: schn0170@maroon.tc.umn.edu Date: Thu, 25 May 95 23:34:07 -0500 Subject: netscape-rainbow-circle-22.hqx [UPDATE] * Changes since last version (2.1): cleaned up the icons for Netscape 1.1. * Changes from version 2.0 to 2.1: automatic patcher for Netscape 1.1 has been included; now works with 1.0 and 1.1. These files contain a series of color icons to replace the "throbbing N" in Netscape 1.0, or the shooting stars in Netscape 1.1. Instead, you get a rainbow-colored circle that spins around. (The "rainbow-colored circle" is, in fact, a miniature Apple Color Picker.) You won't need ResEdit or anything; just follow the instructions. E-mail-ware. Adam Schneider schn0170@maroon.tc.umn.edu http://www.umn.edu/nlhome/m161/schn0170/acs.html #### BINHEX netscape-romanian.hqx **** From: pri@mac1.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Subject: Romanian Support for Netscape 2, 3, 4 These three patches add Romanian support to Netscape Navigator 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. You will be able to read Romanian web pages using only native Macintosh fonts -- without installing non-Macintosh (ISO-8859-2) fonts. ResEdit is required. #### TEXT netscape-search-hack.txt **** From: (k.c./piranha) 98clawson@kamsc.k12.mi.us Subject: Netscape Search Hack Netscape Search Menu Item: This is for all you people who DON'T like Netscape's built-in search menu item and wish it pointed to a better search engine. I saw a patch for Netscape that fixed it to use AltaVista, but I thought people might want to have more freedom of choice. So here you go: 1. Open a COPY of Netscape with ResEdit or similar utility. 2. Open the "STR#" resource. 3. Open resource ID 4000 (Directory URLs). 4. In the string numbered 7, put the URL of the search engine you like to use. 5. Quit ResEdit and save changes. 6. Test the copy of Netscape to be sure it works. If it works, replace the old copy with your "fixed" copy. 7. Ta-da! The "Internet Search..." menu item in Netscape will now take you to your favorite search engine. 8. If you used this hack, send me some e-mail as a thank-you. I can be #### BINHEX netscape-spam.hqx **** From: Lars Blacken, larsb@u.washington.edu Subject: Netscape Span Icon This lame little ResEdit hack is for any die-hard Spam lover, or anybody who wants something a little more entertaining to watch while they wait for those long downloads in Netscape. All it does is replaces the boring Netscape "N" animation with a rolling can of Spam. (Sorry, but it's an empty can.) This has been tested on versions 1.12, 2.0, and 2.0 beta Java of Netscape for Mac. If it doesn't work on your version, try one of these. If it still doesn't work, E-mail me. -Lars Blacken larsb@u.washington.edu #### BINHEX netscape-splash-07.hqx **** From: dejsmith@magi.com (Donald E. Smith) Subject: Netscape Splash 0.7. This is an alternative Netscape Splash screen I developed to replace the existing one. It was inspired by the film "SE7EN". Enjoy! alsmith2@chat. carleton.ca #### BINHEX netscape-splash-10-rsrc.hqx **** From: cracker@inch.com (Larry Jarvis) Subject: NETSCAPE SPLASH 1.0 Another replacement for the Netscape splash. Its a ResEdit document. Anyone familar with ResEdit can use this document. All ResEdit warnings apply. This is freeware. But use at your owm risk. ©1996 Larry Jarvis cracker@inch,com #### BINHEX netscape-splash-patch.hqx **** Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 23:40:33 -0500 (EST) From: "J. Colin R. Hunter" <chunter@umabnet.ab.umd.edu> Subject: Submission of Netscape spash screen patcher As soon as I learned of the release of Netscape 1.1b, I ftp'd a copy and tried it out. Excellent though the application is, the startup splash picture is conspicuous by its dreadfulness (especially on a monitor displaying 16 or 24 bit color). I suppose that Netscape Communications Corp may well replace it in the final release, but I decided to beat them to it and after 15 minutes with Resedit and Photoshop I came up with a version more aesthetically pleasing. I used Michael HechtUs ResCompare to simplify the upgrade process for others and named it "Netscape splash-screen patch". The patch is, of course, completely freeware and I hope I'm not stepping on any Netscape toes in releasing it to the Mac community. If anybody wants to send me email with comments on my effort, they would be more than welcome. J. Colin R. Hunter Virology Laboratories, University of Maryland at Baltimore chunter@umabnet.ab.umd.edu #### BINHEX netscape-sweeper-10.hqx **** From: dregis@kagi.com Subject: Netscape sweeper-1.0 Netscape sweeper-1.0 - This Applescript application will erase the "Global history", "MagicCookie" files as well as empty the cache from Netscape 4.x.x and under. Requirements: Applescript 1.1. Shareware. #### BINHEX netscape-three-d-splash.hqx **** Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 17:28:05 -0700 From: mossn@lahs.losalamos.nm.us (Nick Moss) Subject: Nescape3DSplash Netscape 3D Splash Patch is a small patch that gets rid of that horrible looking Netscape startup screen and replaces it with a nice raytraced picture. To use it, you must open the resource file included with this patch with "ResEdit" and paste its resources into the "Netscape 1.1N" application. Note: I do not reccomend using this patch if you do not have a system capable of displaying more than 256 colors. Nick Moss Los Alamos, NM mossn@lahs.losalamos.nm.us #### BINHEX netscape-turkish-support-11.hqx **** From: april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de (Andreas Prilop) Subject: netscape-turkish-support-1.1 This patch is intended for use with Netscape 2.0 (beta 4 at the time of writing). You no longer need additional special fonts to read web pages and to send e-mail in Turkish. You only need the fonts that come with Apple's Turkish system software. ResEdit is required. #### BINHEX netscape-win-fix-20b3-as.hqx **** From: zold@sirius.com (Christopher R. Green) Subject: NscapeWinFix.sit.hqx - an applescript Netscape workaround NscapeWinFix2.0b3 is an Applescript application that serves as a workaround for a bug I've experienced in NetScape2.0+. "NscapeWinFix" was formerly known as "SaveWinReset". If windows (especially download ("save") progress windows) have been refusing to show up for you in NetScape version 2.0b3 (or earlier 2.0 beta versions), you can use this. You will need to have Applescript installed on your machine, and the "Display Dialog" scripting addition in your Scripting Additions folder. This new version includes all windows - not just the "save" windows, and makes the "choose" button the default button. This file is a binhexed file of a stuffit archive of a folder that contains the goods. It is free. Please let me know if you've experienced the same bug, and if this is helpful to you. My email address is: zold@sirius.com #### BINHEX news4u-11-as.hqx **** From: (Jan Dockx) Jan.Dockx@cs.kuleuven.ac.be Subject: News4U version 1.1 (replaces version 1.0) News4U is an AppleScript. It gets URL's pages in batch using Netscape Navigator. The URLs to get should be listed in a TEXT-file. Prerequisites: You need 1 thing, other than the standard AppleScript 1.1 installation (included in system 7.5), to be able to use this script: Netscape Navigator (tested with version 2.02). News4U is freeware and I don't even care for the copyright. But I'd be pleased if you would mention me if you use parts of the script. #### BINHEX nscc-103.hqx **** From: drbenway@texas.net Subject: Netscape Cache Control 1.0.3 Netscape Cache Control 1.0.3 is a MacPerl droplet that allows users of Netscape Navigator and Communicator to simply and easily set up and use memory cache for those browsers. By using memory cache, as opposed to disk cache, cached pages are stored and retrieved at the speed of memory I/O rather than the speed of disk I/O. The performance improvement is quite dramatic. Since it is a MacPerl droplet, Netscape Cache Control 1.0.3 requires that MacPerl be installed on the user's computer. Since it doesn't do anything that hasn't been a part of MacPerl for a long time, any version of MacPerl 5 will suffice. The included Read Me file will tell you everything you need to know. Enjoy! Jack Browning drbenway@texas.net #### BINHEX nuisance-nullifier-10.hqx **** From: support@fluxsoft.com (Maurice Volaski) Subject: NuisanceNullifier for Navigator 1.0 NuisanceNullifier for Navigator 1.0 is a shareware system extension that eliminates the nuisance caused by Netscape Navigator's error alerts, replacing them with a self-dismissing horizontal strip below the menubar. NuisanceNullifier for Navigator is not crippled in any way, nor does it pose registration reminders. The shareware payment requirements parallel the payment requirements for Netscape Navigator. Thus, for educational institutions and non-profit organizations and those directly affiliated with them, no shareware payment or registration is necessary. For everyone else, try out NuisanceNullifier for Navigator for thirty days for free. If you like it, please pay the shareware fee of $5 (US). Web-surfers, visit our site at http://www.fluxsoft.com/. -- Maurice Volaski, Flux Software support@fluxsoft.com http://www.fluxsoft.com/ ftp://ftp.fluxsoft.com #### BINHEX planetary-wide-web.hqx **** From: (Jacob Abrams) cabrams@ed.co.sanmateo.ca.us Subject: Planetary Netscape Planetary Wide Web is a replacemant for the Netscape 3.0 "busy" animation at the top right corner of the screen. I thought it was more suitable since this is the "world" wide web. Basically it's a planet that spins around. To install it, use ResEdit, if you don't know what ResEdit is, don't try to use it. I'm not responsible for anything that happens as a result of using this file (execpt if it works and you like it), so use at your own risk. e-mail me if you enjoy it... #### BINHEX playerpro-plugin.hqx **** From: rossetantoine@bluewin.ch Subject: PlayerPRO_Netscape_Plugin Player PRO Netscape Plugin http://www.quadmation.com ©Copyright 1994-1997 Antoine ROSSET (rosset@dial.eunet.ch or RossetAntoine@bluewin.ch) Shareware 25 $US BETA VERSION - ONLY FOR NETSCAPE YOU SHOULD NOT USE IT IN ANY "OFFICAL" HTML pages (wait for final release). Description This is a BETA version, it has not been fully tested. Please send me any bug reports, new ideas, .... to RossetAntoine@bluewin.ch. Thanks for your support! PlayerPRO Netscape Plugin is an extension for your Netscape Communicator software. It will allow you to include, control and play music files. It supports soundtracker files : MOD, S3M, Midi, MTM, MADx, OKTA, System 7 sound, MINS, WAV, XI, AIFF, AIFC, MED, 669, IT, ULT and XM. For more informations about these music files, download the PlayerPRO application, a full music editor (http://www.quadmation.com/). How to use it Simply drag "PlayerPRO Plugin" file in your "Plug-ins" folder in Netscape. Example in HTML: <EMBED src="music.mad" HEIGHT=125 WIDTH=199> Actually, there are no specific parameters... Sincerly, Antoine #### BINHEX plug-master-163-jp.hqx **** From: (Haruka ISHI) ishi@NetLaputa.or.jp Subject: Plug Master 1.6.3J (Japanese version) Plug Master 1.6.3J is the Japanese version of Mike Tilstra's original. "Is that Plug-ins folder of yours starting to look like your Extensions folder? Want some control over those plugs? Well, this application works like System 7.5's Extensions Manager, but for your Netscape or Explorer plug-ins." New in version 1.6.3 & 1.6.2: - Now distributing both a 68K and a PPC versions, recompiled in CW10. - Updated to MoreFiles 1.4.3 - Fixed a bug when you hit Cancel in the Open dialog when making a new group. - Fixed a bug when switching plug groups, Sets popup menu wasn't being rebuilt. The Japanese version is also available at TaDPoL's page: http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/g019/tils0007/tadsoft.html Plug Master is $5 shareware. #### BINHEX plug-master-163.hqx **** From: (Mike Tilstra) Michael.C.Tilstra-1@tc.umn.edu Subject: Plug Master 1.6.3 That Plug-in folder of yours starting to look like your Extensions folder? Want some control over those Plugs? Well, this application works like System7.5's Extension Manager, but for your Netscape or Explorer plug-ins. New in version 1.6.3. Few bugs fixed, but mostly, now contains a PPC version. Later, Mike Tilstra #### BINHEX poos-cache-back-11d-hc.hqx **** From: ono@miya.fujifilm.co.jp (Shuji Ono) Subject: POO's CacheBack 1.1d (A Netscape Navigator utility) POO's CacheBack is a utility for Netscape Navigator(TM). It is a HyperCard stack, which analyses the Cache folder of Netscape Navigator and gives the real name and location to each cache file. Ver. 1.1d is a first release to info-mac. Features: * gives the real name and location to each cache file of Netscape Navigator by analysing the Cache folder, and locates them in your local drive. * gives the real URL address into each localised cache file. * gives the real URL address with each URL link in the localised cache file. * Makes title and URL List (HTML text file) by analysing each cache file. * combines the process from "POO's NetAgent (1.1 or later). * Tiny stack size and compact window. Freeware: Requires: HyperCard 2.2 or later, AppleScript must be installed. Author: Shuji Ono (shuono@izu.co.jp) #### BINHEX poos-net-agent-12c-hc.hqx **** From: ono@miya.fujifilm.co.jp (Shuji Ono) Subject: POO's NetAgent 1.2c (A Netscape Navigator utility) POO's NetAgent is a utility for Netscape Navigator(TM). It is a HyperCard stack, which control Netscape Navigator(TM) by AppleScript and navigates automatically Netscape Navigator according to a navigation schedule. Ver. 1.2c is a first release to info-mac. Features: * Automatic navigation on Web pages and check the new or updated pages. * Uses multiple web browsing windows of Netscape Navigator. . * Up to 3 types of navigation schedule. * Makes List as the result of auto navigating and checking. * Connects at starting navigation, and disconnect at finishing automatically. (only when you use "PPPop" for dial-up tool.) * Combines the process to "POO's CacheBack (1.1 or later) to localize Netscape's cache files. * Tiny stack size and compact window. I wish you enjoy it !! Freeware: Requires: HyperCard 2.2 or later, AppleScript must be installed. Author: Shuji Ono (shuono@izu.co.jp) #### BINHEX poos-net-linker-23-hc.hqx **** From: ono@miya.fujifilm.co.jp (Shuji Ono) Subject: POO's NetLinker 2.3 (A Netscape Navigator utility) POO's NetLinker is a utility for Netscape Navigator(TM). It is a HyperCard stack, which control Netscape Navigator(TM) by AppleScript. Ver. 2.3 is a first release to info-mac. Features: * records your favorite Web pages. The page's title, URL,localised file path, comment, can be contained. * opens any recorded page in this stack using Netscape Navigator. * opens all or selected pages by "auto cruase mode" as slideshow. * opens all linked pages by "Link to Link mode". * reads a current page by Speech Manager. * has compact stack size for using multiple copies of POO's NetLinker. (The version 2.3 later, POO's NetLinker Player has more compact.) I wish you enjoy it !! Freeware: Requires: HyperCard 2.2 or later, AppleScript must be installed. Author: Shuji Ono (shuono@izu.co.jp) #### BINHEX scape-goat-10.hqx **** From: timelevr@airmail.net (Jeff Hoffman) Subject: ScapeGoat 1.0 ScapeGoat is an application that allows you to easily/automatically delete the MagicCookie and/or Global History files created by NetScape in the Preferences Folder on your startup disk. The MagicCookie file on a Macintosh (in the NetScape Folder inside the Preferences Folder inside the System Folder) contains information ("cookies") that a web site wants to write to your hard drive. Cookies are a general mechanism which server side connections (such as CGI scripts) can use to both store and retrieve information on the client side of the connection. The Global History file (created/maintained by NetScape Navigator) keeps track of URLs you've surfed, web pages/files you've downloaded, every image you've seen, IDs/passwords you've sent, searches you've done, etc. (Ever wonder how NetScape knows what links to display as red vs. blue? This is how it knows). The ReadMe file contains information on cookies and why you may or may not want them on your system. System requirements: * Any Macintosh running NetScape Navigator * System 7.0 or later For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed. Thanks, Jeff Hoffman Time Lever Resources I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX search-engine.hqx **** From: (Chris Bair) tedebair@xmission.com Subject: Chris's Search Engine Suite I created these search engine thingeys because of my dislike over search engines interfaces... I just wanted to type the stuff in and get results, no drop-down menus or anything like that, just type and go! So here they are, plan and simple applescript applets. You need Netscape and applescript (of course). This is "home page ware" (much better than eucalyptus vapor ware!) you have to visit my home page and I'll let you download the "registered" version. The only differences are: * You can edit the apple script. * Every time you use it, it won't open my page also. The "registered" version is at http://www.tssphoto.com/search/, My actual home page is at http://www.xmission.com/~tedebair/ or http://brapp.xmission.com/ (my 660AV's web server), but I'm going to be leaving for Chile until July '98 and I doubt my provider will just let me keep the pages. I would like to thank The Stock Solution for giving my pages a home. Chris Bair tedebair@xmission.com http://www.xmission.com/~tedebair/ #### BINHEX sidescape-100.hqx **** From: yamamoto@ff.iij4u.or.jp (Tomofumi Yamamoto) Subject: Sidescape1.00 - browsing assistant Sidescape is a browsing assistant, which is not just another Off-Line Web Browser you've alerady seen. Sidescape can monitor, record, and control the operation of Netscape Navigator during your activities in WWW space. Working with Netscape Navigator, Sidescape make your net-surfing experience richer and more efficient. System requirements: *PowerMacintosh + System 7.5.3 *3 MB of RAM space (given that Netscape Navigator is running) *Works with Netscape Navigator 2.0+ *2 MB of hardware drive space and space to record Web Pages (at least 100 MB space recomended) *Works wich network application such as MacTCP2.0.6+ or OpenTransport1.1+ For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: http://www.visionj.com/ Best Regards, Tomo Yamamoto Name: Tomofumi Yamamoto Company: Vision Corporation Address: Marumasu Bldg. 3F, N7 W1-1-5 Kita-ku, Sapporo 006 Japan E-mail: yamamoto@visionj.co.jp I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX smart-scroll-love.hqx **** From: rosyna@bright.net Subject: SmartScroll NN Love 1.2 SmartScroll NN Love vers. 1.2 Any Questions? email <mailto:rosyna@bigfoot.com> Get SmartScroll at <http://kagi/authors/marc/SmartScroll.html> This resource if for Netscape Communicater or Navigator 4.0.x ONLY!!!! To use: 0. Make a copy of Netscape!!!! 1. Open the file called "Changes" with ResEdit 2. Highlight the TEXT resource and press command-c 3. Open a COPY of Netscape 4. Press comman-v 5. Click replace 6. Quit ResEdit 7. Click Save (or press return) 8. Open your copy (It MUST be in the same folder as the original die to the guys at Netscape programmed this thing thinking they could use windows conventions (Note to Netscape People: JUST INSTALL IT IN THE SYSTEM FOLDER AS A FOLDER CALLED NETSCAPE STUFF!!!!)) 9. All done #### BINHEX spinning-boatwheel-v2.hqx **** From: christian.necke@hd.se (Christian Necke) Subject: Spinning_Boatwheel You will need ResEdit for this play with Netscape 3.x.x.-throbber. Now with minimized icons included. For a more (I think) soothing time when browsing, than watching the traditional "N". Read attached txt-file and navigate the sea! #### BINHEX surf-marker-11.hqx **** From: (Harald Mueller) harald.mueller@Duesseldorf.netsurf.de Subject: SurfMarker V1.1, Bookmarks and Cookie Handling for Netscape Subject: SurfMarker V1.1, Automatic Bookmarks and Cookie Handling for NetScape(tm) SurfMarker should run when you start Netscape. If you tell SurfMarker a path and start the connection to NetScape, it will save all visited pages as Bookmark-Files. The structure of these Files is the same as the structure of the visited sites. Its up to you to define which types of files SurfMarker will save and which it will ignore. Another function of SurfMarker 1.1 is to view and optionally delete Cookie files or a single Cookie entry. Freeware, Copyright © 1996 by Harald Mueller #### BINHEX tell-netscape.hqx **** From: (Hans de Wolf) h.de.wolf@fokkerspace.nl Subject: Tell Netscape to use Eudora and Anarchie for ftp and mail Here are two short AppleScripts that can be used to change the application that is used to handle a certain protocol in Netscape Navigator: one to set Eudora as the application to handle all "mailto:" URLs, and one to set Anarchie as the application to handle "ftp:" URLs. It includes also a short explanation about how these scripts can be modified. Hans de Wolf Fokker Space B.V. Business Unit Payloads & Science #### BINHEX tinas-bookmarks-10.hqx **** From: tina@call-us.demon.co.uk (Tina) Subject: Tina's Bookmarks 1.0 Enclosed: Tina's Bookmarks (mainly for the mac) created in Netscape 3 compressed with stuffit. Hope you get this o.k. Tina@call-us.demon.co.uk #### BINHEX url-jumper-as.hqx **** From: gabew@lmf401.Syntex.Com (Gabriel Weatherhead) Subject: URLJumper A handy utillity that allows quick saving of web address' (or email, or news) to either netscapes bookmark file, a separate bookmark file, or (best of all) your own little web page. This applescript writes all the tags to a text file that Netscape can read with "clickable" links on it. It also has a hot key and a memory. If you hold down the "command" key while running the program, it will save the site to the last place you saved one. This is shareware and requires applescript, system 7.5, and "Jon's Commands" applescript additions (which are available at just about any archive for free). This program was written by myself. Gabriel Weatherhead gabew@rplmf401.syntex.com G. Weatherhead 3401 Hillview M.S. R6-003 PaloAlto, CA 94304 #### BINHEX web-finder-3.hqx **** From: rhow@pa.ausom.net.au Subject: Web Finder V3.0 - Simplify Internet searching Web Finder is a utility that uses Internet search engines to find anything you like on the net, giving you your result in the front most window of your favorite Web browser. With little or no effort you can search the net on the fly getting results in about a quater of the time it would take with the normal hassling approach. Web Finder currently ships with the following Internet topic search engines: *World Wide Web *News *UseNet *Macintosh File Archives *MPEG layer 3 And of coasre with the new Web Finder Factory you can add other search engines to Web Finder quickly and easily. System Requirements: *Apple script 1.1.2 or later. It comes with MacOS 8.0 and later. So if you have OS 8 be fine. If not you can download it from a site linked to Apple's Applescript page. *A MacOS compatible computer. Preferably running MacOS 8 or later. Web Finder has only been tested on MacOS 8 and up. It is unknown whether it will work on earlier system versions. Scripting Additions: *The 'Internet scripting', 'File Commands', 'Display Dialog', and 'Dialog Director V0.6' scripting additions must be installed in the Scripting additions folder inside your system folder. The first three are part of Applescript 1.1.2 and are installed under MacOS 8, Dialog Director comes with Web Finder. *Approx. 750kb of disk space. *400kb of Free RAM. 600kb Recommended. #### BINHEX www-where-com-10-hc.hqx **** From: Francois.Le-Ralle@inforoute.cgs.fr Subject: WWW.Where.com 1.00 Netscape Global History Stack WWW.Where .com is an Hypercard stack that can read the Netscape Global History file to extract all the url that it contains, and then store them, classified by site. So you can remind any visited URL even if you did not bookmark it. Once stored, the URL can be activated by a simple click that tell Netscape to open them. It is distributed as shareware, with both English/French interface. Requirements : HyperCard 2.3 or player, System 7.1 or greater. Francois.Le-Ralle@inforoute.cgs.fr (Le Ralle) http://www.inforoute.cgs.fr/leralle/ François Le Ralle (Near Paris, France) Hobbyware : Macintosh, HyperCard, Glossarys, Web publishing Job : Intranet, Messaging systems, X.500, X.400, Gateways E-Mail : Francois.Le-Ralle@inforoute.cgs.fr Home Page : http://www.inforoute.cgs.fr/leralle/ See my photo there :-) some parts in engish now :-} Hope for love, understanding, consciousness and freedom #### BINHEX xtra-for-navigator-3.hqx **** From: storm.foy@usa.net (Jeremy) Subject: X-tra for Macintosh Netscape Navigator 3 Sent: 15 October 1996 This patch will: 1. Changes the splash screen when starting up Navigator 2. Changes the main windows icons Larger Colorful Stylish Different 3. The animation is changed in "busy" window Both large and small are changed 4. The mail icon is changed Both mail unchecked and checked has been changed