Reported by Fred Baker/ACC

Minutes of the Open Shortest Path First IGP Working Group (OSPF)

Fred Baker chaired the meeting in John Moy's absence.  The slides
presented in this meeting are located at*.ps.
Each set is in a separate file.

Authentication Scheme

Christian Huitema points out that OSPF authentication is not compliant
with the security model and subject to numerous attacks.  The best form
of security would be to secure the databases---the neighbor list and the
link state database---with verifiable signatures.  This is a major
change to the protocol message format if nothing else, and is not
suggested at this time.  However, an improvement in basic authentication
that would go a long way to assure the router that a message received
from a neighbor is in fact from that neighbor would be a big
improvement.  His proposal, as discussed and agreed to in the working
group meeting, is:

     In addition to ``no'' and ``password'' authentication, enable
     the use of an MD5-keyed authentication service.

MD5 is defined in Rivest, R., ``The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm,''
RFC 1321, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and RSA Data Security,
Inc., April 1992.

The following MIB changes are generally required.  An Internet-Draft of
the algorithm and message format will be jointly written by Fred Baker
and Christian Huitema and submitted to the working group.

The following MIB changes are generally required:  the MIB object
ospfAuthType requires a new enumeration:  md5 (2), and a ``secret'' MIB
object must be defined.  The existing objects ospfIfAuthKey and
ospfVirtIfAuthKey will be used for the latter purpose, with a length of
sixteen octets.  Note that these are effectively write-only objects, and
should only be written using secure SNMP or another secure facility.

Scaling Testing performed at COS

Paul Serice presented the testing performed at COS on 28 February -
4 March 1994.

Point-to-MultiPoint Interface

Fred Baker presented his proposal for dealing with OSPF on Frame Relay
using point-to-multipoint links.  This is an architectural change to the
point-to-point interface model, in which the system with the interface
may have more than one neighbor.  Thomas Pusateri has implemented
something very much like this in his OSPF implementation, and reports
that it works correctly.

The improvement of this approach over the NBMA or unnumbered point to
point interface approaches suggested in RFC 1586 ``Guidelines for
Running OSPF Over Frame Relay Networks'' is that it improves
manageability and reduces the size and/or number of LSAs generated by a
router which is implementing a large partial mesh network; it also
circumvents an operational problem when a failure occurs within a Frame
Relay network.

Given the overview, the consensus was that the matter should be
discussed on the list.  However, the working group approved adding an
enumeration to the MIB object ospfIfType describing pointToMultiPoint,
for use when the approach is approved.


Given the addition of two enumerations of existing objects as noted in
these minutes, the OSPF MIB is approved to advance to Draft Standard

IP Forwarding MIB/CIDR

The IP Forwarding MIB (RFC 1354) has been updated to reflect CIDR. There
was a discussion about the use of forwarding policy, and it was
determined that forwarding policies addressed in this MIB should be
limited to TOS values.

Two other tables were discussed which had been proposed and discussed on
the mailing list, dealing with the way one chooses which route to select
when multiple routing protocols, or instances of a routing protocol,
derive different routes to the same endpoint with the same TOS, and
which routes one chooses to ``leak.''  The conclusion was that both of
these require significantly more policy than the tables proposed, so the
tables should not be included in the public standard.


Fred Baker     
Jeffrey Honig  
Sandra Murphy  
Julie Myers    
Jason Perreault
Benny Rodrig   
William Salkewicz