LDAP Extension WG (ldapext)

MONDAY, March 19 at 1300-1500

CHAIRS:	Roland Hedberg <roland@catalogix.se> 
	Mark Wahl <Mark.Wahl@innosoft.com>


Preliminaries - chairs - 15m
    Agenda Bashing
    Milestone Status

  Technical Discussions - 90m

    extention guide:
      resultCode overloading
      new resultCodes

    Amendments to the ASN.1
      what can be done and what should not be attempted

    ACL scope
      application defined permissions
      extended operations
      replication requirements


    Locating servers: DC-naming

    LDAP Schema Update Procedures
      draft-poitou-ldap-schema-update-00.txt  by Tim Hahn & Ludovic Poitou
      followed by a brief discussion of adding ELSE work to the ldapext charter

  Other Issues - floor - 15m