All artwork © copyright 2011 the artists. Photos by Nexus, from Adelaide, Australia. Please send corrections to [email protected] and mention Nexus, page 2.
DS, Nex, Anon
with Gore
with Kab101
with Gore
Battle Boots, Kab101, Nexus
Nexus, Quest, Abys, Shem
Nexus, Nish, Gore
Nexus, "Sabah" by Perish
Nexus, Perish, Kab101, Shep
"USN" by Kel-K, Nexus
USN and friends - Duo, Same.USN, 4U2C.AL, Actor.USN, Nexus USN, Webar.TPN, Sim.USN, Kel-K.USN, Raner.USN, Rent.USN, Riet.USN and Pho.RCF: