Famous Monsters Part 2:
Breaking the Wings of the Butterfly

Buford Youthward
[email protected]

The butterfly flapping its wings may cause tsunamis but not necessarily overnight. While some groups are opposed to compound interest, they're still subject to the effects and guilty of the cause. Can the queen bee tell the earthquake from the rumbling dump truck passing inches from the hive? The universe doesn't care if you don't like the rules.

Innocence's conformity is more impressionable than guilt's rebellion. What we hide from ourselves, yet fixate on, become our most-hated monsters. Anti-human terror undermines us with loss: of self, of space, of sense, of the illusion of safety.

The ultimate monster is human -- the anti-god who creates and inspires. But why inspire consumers to be producers? Does creation and our constant reach for knowledge unbalance us from simply being?

"Social security" is the greatest of our oxymorons. Our eyelid movies (where we're the star) provide the perfect montage of the soul. But there is no screenwriter to control the plot. Accountability begins inside. The world is ours for the making or unmaking and this is unforgiving truth.

We each create our own personal reality by editing our experience, filtering it through beliefs. We build our own myths of self and world, of devils and heroes. We have the option to tell the story or to remain silent, but the songs are all of self. This is what we learn when we stare at messages in caves.

Graffiti becomes the climax of analogy, symbolic of life and humanity. And it is the messages in the caves that confirm and aspire to graffiti's mythological and cinematic ends.

Graffiti enters discourse as a projection or objectification of warring systems of representation. Graffiti's surface signifies an arena of negotiation in which power manifests itself through privileged consumers.

We have the right to claim graffiti is a thing in itself, rather than a form of social commentary only, in the same way we can treat anonymous screeds as suspect information, as the lies or false truths of anonymous authors.

The careless mistake, the forgery, both point out the need to replace wrong with Right, just as the most common and thoughtless graffiti attests to its creator's depth of understanding or blatancy of theft.

Perhaps the tsunami washes us clean. Soft wings bent on destruction may also lead to healing. For every tsunami eventually turns into a calm pool and a peaceful caress.

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