   Minuet and Multiple Users    ( DOS )

As e-mail becomes more popular, we are seeing more worksites where many
people in the office have to share the same computer.

What do you need to do to have many users of Minuet on the same computer
without placing multiple copies of Minuet on the hard disk?

1.  Establish a DIRECT internet connection for the computer.  (See 
    separate instructions for using a SLIP connection.)

2.  Register the computer with networking services for BOOTP service.
    This will allow for the automatic set-up of required 
    networking configuration parameters (namely: IP, Net Mask,
    Name Servers, and Gateways).
3.  Include C:\MINUET in the path statement.

4.  Create the following one-line batch file and name it "min.bat"

       c:\minuet\minuet /p=c:\mail\%1

To Set Up Each User
1.  Assign a unique 3-letter ID code to each user.  
    A user's initials work well for this purpose.  For example, 
       Mortimer A. Snerd  ---> MAS
       Jane B. Doe        ---> JBD

2.  The user types:

       min HisOrHerInitials

    for example:

       min JBD

    Minuet will automatically establish a separate subdirectory for 
    the user in C:\MAIL\.

3.  Set up Minuet as usual. That is, fill in the E-Mail Address 
    and Password fields in the "Setup/User" dialog box.
    NOTE:  Leave the Subdirectory for mail field EMPTY.

4.  Each time you want to run Minuet type:
       min HisOrHerInitials
To set up a second user, quit Minuet and type "min XYZ" where "XYZ"
is the name or initials of the second user. (A new subdirectory 
is automatically created.) Go to the Setup/User menu in Minuet
and enter the E-Mail Address and Password as usual. That's all 
there is to it!