University of Vaasa, Finland, Linux Pentium, node number ( has a large collection of shareware, freeware and public domain programs which are available by anonymous ftp (file transfer program), WWW (World Wide Web) and by mail server (ftpmail). This information file contains news about the programs in the /pc/ts directory (in reverse order). .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa <> ; FIN-65101, Finland Spam foiling in effect. My email filter autoresponder will return a required email password to users not yet in the privileges database. N e w s o f 1 9 9 8 Sun 20-Dec-98: New material and corrections have again gradually accumulated so it is a good time for the update 158763 Dec 20 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers The package is available e.g. for linking without the version number as . + I have added the following new items to complete the sixth 25-question section file within the FAQ package 148) I don't have the printer.tpu. Who can please email it to me? 149) How can I convert Arabic numerals into Roman ones? 150) Could someone please explain to me how I can rotate an image? 151) Is there a frequency table for the different notes (C C# D...)? + Essentially rewrote, with much help from comp.lang.pascal.borland the item 9) How do I execute an MS-DOS command from within a TP program? My thanks to all who greatly contributed to improve the answer. + Added a vector case along the matrix example to 14) How can I create arrays that are larger than 64 kilobytes? + Augmented an answer to a variant question "How can I dump the screen into a file?" into the item 31) How does one store, and then restore the original screen? + Added the Val-option solution to the item 42) How do I convert a decimal word into a hexadecimal string, etc? + Some users prefer to have all the FAQ files as a single, big file for an easier browsing of keywords and alike. Included a simple ALLFAQP.BAT batch which puts all the faqpas#.txt Questions & Answers material into such a single file in the right order. + Removed all email addresses (expect mine) from the FAQ because of the worsening spam, and because email addresses can get out of date. The numerous names of the valued contributors naturally stay. It was only the email addresses that went. + Oh yes, since it is almost the time when I write this. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 1999 to all the Turbo Pascal programming friends. Sat 12-Dec-98: I updated of my "collection of useful batch files and tricks to be 156353 Dec 12 1998 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi I have added to 1BATFAQ.TXT the following new items 73) How can I check the number of parameters given to a batch? 74) How can I locate and e.g. delete all *.TMP files on a drive? 75) How can I rename all files sequentially in a directory? 76) How to search all the *.txt files on a drive for a word? 77) How can I give multiple commands on one line? I also put some new material and clarifications in a few of the old items. Mon 2-Nov-98: I have updated my collection of Frequently Asked Questions about the Net. It is available from the Garbo archives at the University of Vaasa, Finland, without the version number as 123137 Nov 2 1998 Questions from Usenet and Timo's answers, linked or with the version number as 123137 Nov 2 1998 Questions from Usenet and Timo's answers I have updated some of the items, mostly by inserting interesting WWW pointers. Furthermore, I added the following new items to faqnews2.txt 33) Isn't English compulsory on the international Usenet news? 34) I am fed up with your FAQ postings. Why don't you lay off? 35) Please answer to my assignment to post to this newsgroup. Added to faqprpogs.txt 27) Where can I find sorting programs for big files? 28) I need a good binary / hex editor. Where can I find it? 29) Keyfake: How can I feed keystrokes to a program? 30) How can I replace a certain text in multiple files? For a full index of my FAQs please see 34030 Nov 2 1998 Index for Timo's FAQs and Information email + postings Sun 18-Oct-98: I have added the option of making a logfile of the decisions and outcomes to the introductory management game for business students MANAGAME.EXE. Usage: MANAGAME [?|/?|/H] [/D] [/LOG] : : : "Help" -+ : : fast machines sound Delay -+ : make a Log of the game -+ Managame is a part of the thus updated 65149 Oct 18 1998 Three educational games including a management game, T.Salmi Sat 10-Oct-98: Added three new items to make the update 151578 Oct 10 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Best available without the version number The new items are 145) How to tell which TP version has been used to compile an .exe? 146) How can I make a directory read-only under TP, and vice versa? 147) Where can I find Turbo Pascal 7.0 compiler on the net? Sun 27-Sep-98: Happened to need to the following filter, so I wrote one: COLPUT.EXE "Put a column of text into a file". It is a part of my thus updated third filter package 108140 Sep 27 1998 More filters: dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump,... COLPUT.EXE (Ver. 1.0) Put a column of text into a file ===================== Usage: COLPUT TargetColumn AddString [/E] [/H] [/I] [/P] [/S] skip Empty lines -+ : : : : Help -+ : : : Insert mode (default overwrite mode) -+ : : no Padding -+ : Short lines skip -+ COLPUT is a filter that inserts (or overwrites) the assigned column of a text file with the AddString on all the lines of the file, starting from the TargetColumn E.g. if you have a text file MYTEXT.TXT, apply COLPUT 10 PlugThis < MYTEXT.TXT > MYNEW.TXT or TYPE MYTEXT.TXT | COLPUT 10 AddThis /I > MYNEW.TXT Lines exceeding 255 characters are truncated. For a black type 254 from numeric keypad holding alt down. Sat 26-Sep-98: Update 108885 Sep 26 1998 Base conversions, decimal bit calculations, T.Salmi Added TSBITS.XLS "Excel 5.0 sheets for the tasks". Of course the programs perform the tasks much more efficiently, but the Excel 5.0 sheets can be instruction in understanding the bit, factoring and other operations that the package can perform. The sheets contained in the workbook are Hex Conversions between decimal and hexadecimal numbers Bin Conversions between decimal and binary numbers Bits Bitwise binary operations on two decimals Comdiv The largest common divisor Factors Factors of an integer Tue 15-Sep-98: Update 103971 Sep 15 1998 Various programs in numerical analysis, T.Salmi Added TSNUM.XLS "Excel 5.0 solutions of the tasks". Mon 7-Sep-98: Made an update 61612 Sep 7 1998 Statistics: Univariate statistical measures, T.Salmi Added alternative, small sample skewness and kurtosis measures into my STATMEAS.EXE statistical measures program. Added STATMEAS.XLS "Statistics with Excel 5.0" to the package. Fri 4-Sep-98: I have made an update 145415 Sep 4 1998 Friendly linear programming and linear goal programming. Version 3.5c: Linear programming (but not goal programming) problems can also be solved with Microsoft Excel's "Solver" which is located in the "Tools" menu (at least in version 5.0). I have added two Microsoft Excel 5.0 spreadsheets DEMOLP.XLS and DEMOLP2.XLS to the TSLIN35C.ZIP package to demonstrate this feature. If you have Microsoft Excel, study the sheets and invoke the Solver to see how an LP problem is formulated in Excel. Tue 1-Sep-98: Made available 978329 Sep 1 13:29 Some scientific Publications in HTML Format, T.Salmi+al. Contains: Salmi - Martikainen (1994), A Review of Financial Ratio Analysis : Salmi - Virtanen - Yli-Olli (1990), On the Classification of Financial Ratios : Salmi - Luoma (1981), Deriving the Internal Rate of Return from the Accountant's Rate of Profit: Analysis and Empirical Estimation. : Ruuhela - Salmi - Luoma - Laakkonen (1982), Direct Estimation of the Internal Rate of Return from Published Financial Statements. : Salmi - Virtanen (1997), Measuring the Long-Run Profitability of the Firm; A Simulation Evaluation of the Financial Based IRR Estimation Methods. (Includes Turbo Pascal programs.) Sat 8-Aug-98: I have made an update of an old collection to be 87514 Aug 8 10:00 Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The update hopefully remedies the situation for this package. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Added Windows icons for four of the programs. Mon 3-Aug-98: I have made an update of an old collection to be 73075 Aug 3 02:30 Standard matrix calculations. Product, inverse, etc. - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The update hopefully remedies the situation for this package. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. Sun 2-Aug-98: I have made an update of an old collection to be 83029 Aug 2 1998 Base conversions, decimal bit calculations, T.Salmi - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The update hopefully remedies the situation for this package. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Made some minor adjustments and corrections. Sun 19-Jul-98: Added six new items to make the update Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Best available without the version number 149061 Jul 19 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers, linked The new items are 139) How do I get a random number from 1 to 49 instead of 0 to 49? 140) How do I get a list of numbers from 1 to 52 in a random order? 141) How can I disable/re-enable a drive from within a TP program? 142) How can I write a filter for ROT13 encryption in Turbo Pascal? 143) Why does writing the value of r := 104.50; give a false result? 144) What is the quickest way to find a word from an ordered array? Sun 12-Jul-98: I have updated my Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions collection by adding 136) Is there a bug in Turbo Pascal's set operations? 137) How can I output 1000000 as 1,000,000? 138) How can I write text to the printer from a TP program? The update is best available as 145423 Jul 11 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers, linked and also 145423 Jul 11 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Sun 12-Jul-98: I have made an update of my "collection of useful batch files and tricks: 151504 Jul 11 1998 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi adding to 1BATFAQ.TXT 70) How can I give more than the nine parameters to a batch? ' 71) How can I update copy files from one directory to another? 72) How can I best clear all the files from my TEMP directory? and to 1DOSTRIK.TXT D9) What does "Out of environment space" mean? How do I get more? Sat 11-Jul-98: I have updated my collection of trivial spreadsheet templates by adding Excel 5.0 versions besides the As-Easy-As versions. METRIC.XLS Excel 5.0 to/from metric STAT.XLS Excel 5.0 stat.meas. + draw plot TIMEADD.XLS Excel 5.0 for timeadd + timedif The updated package is 31400 Jul 11 1998 Timo's templates for the As-Easy-As spreadsheet program Sat 11-Jul-98: I have made an update 40854 Jul 11 1998 A simple calculator and pacer for a jogging enthusiast. - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The update hopefully remedies the situation for this package. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Added JOGSUM.XLS "Jogging as Excel 5.0 spreadsheet" Sat 20-Jun-98: I have made a major update 148464 Jun 20 1998 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi To begin with, corrected the fatal errors in the item 41) Getting the last replaceable parameter Replaced an old, duplicate item by 56) Could you please solve this problem for me with a batch? Added the new items 67) How can I extract the first two characters of a file name? 68) How can I compare two numbers with batch commands? 69) All these solutions are for wimps. Why not rather use 4DOS? To emphasize the FAQ nature of the batch tricks, I renamed within the package the text files. At the same time I put them first in the archive package to separate them from the individual batch files. New name Description Old name -------- ----------- -------- 1BATFAQ.TXT Assorted batch tricks and tips BATRICKS.TXT 1DOSTRIK.TXT Assorted MsDos tricks and tips DOSTRICK.TXT 1PATH.TXT How to beat the 127 byte limit PATH.TXT 1PROMPT.TXT Tips on prompt usages with ansi PROMPT.TXT Since the items in 1BATFAQ.TXT (the former BATRICKS.TXT) are batch FAQ-type of items, I have converted most of the item titles into the form of batch users' questions. In going through the items I have added a lot of further explanations and done extensive editing. Tue 2-Jun-98: The other day I needed to filter material from upper to lower case inclusive special characters, so I wrote two little programs LOWER.EXE Convert to lower case incl spec UPPER.EXE Convert to upper case incl spec I included them in the consequently updated 101056 Jun 2 19:17 More filters: dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump,... Tue 26-May-98: The nature of the Internet and the Usenet news has changed a lot since I started my FAQ collection of Frequently Asked Usenet Questions. Most importantly the World Wide Web has become almost synonymous to the Internet. The information on the net is in these days often much more readily available on WWW pages than in downloadable files such as this. Search engines have become an important part of finding information on the net. Despite these developments, much of the information I have gathered in an earlier era still is current and of relevance. Therefore, after almost a year, I have prepared an update 115853 May 26 1998 Questions from Usenet and Timo's answers This file is now also available without the version number as I have included a number of WWW URLs in this new edition. Note, however, that it is typical of the volatile WWW scene that some of the URLs may have moved or vanished altogether. Tue 26-May-98: I have again updated 143222 May 26 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers, linked The identical, version-number format is Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Corrected the item 130) How can I write an array to a text file in Turbo Pascal? Added material to the item 126) How do I detect if my program is running under Windows? Included the solution of "How to subtract dates?" into the item 119) What is the Pascal code to add a number of days to a date? Added the following new items 131) Where do I get ASCII and scan codes for the different keys? 132) How do I define and use records? How do I give initial values? 133) What real numbers types are there? How do I use them? 134) How do I find out the default status of the compiler switches? 135) Anyone know where I can download Pascal source codes? Sun 17-May-98: Take cover, all literary folks. I have released on the scampering news:rec.humor readership the update 32530 May 17 1998 Timo's nauseating groaners (a collection of puns). On a serious note. Since I am not a native English speaker, this is one of my methods to strive at fluency. Sun 17-May-98: Made the following update of my collection 148195 May 17 1998 Timo's 1st utility set (sysinfo,dirw,dtetimal,timelog,...) Corrected to include getting also a CD-ROM label right the programs DIRD.EXE Directories, different files DIRS.EXE Directories, same files DIRW.EXE As dir/w, recursive, file status SYSINFO.EXE Information about your gadget The batch "SYSINF.BAT Put your system info into a file" should not be run under Windows. Added the detection of that status into the batch file. Sun 10-May-98: Released the update 138632 May 10 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers better available as . Corrected to include getting the CD-ROM label the item 104) How can I get/set a disk volume label? New items 129) How can I find out if a date is a valid date? 130) How can I write an array to a text file in Turbo Pascal? Sun 10-May-98: Made an update 139146 May 10 1998 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi Added the following new items to BATRICKS.TXT 59) How get today's date into a six-character environment variable? 60) How can I find and copy the files updated today in a directory? 61) How can I test in a batch whether a TSR program has been loaded? 62) Putting the current drive letter into an environment variable. 63) How can I extract the drive letter from a full file path? 64) How can I write a "SLEEP" command to pause for a certain time? 65) How can put comments into a batch file? 66) How can I echo just the word "off" in a batch file? Rewrote TESTANSI.BAT "Has ANSI.SYS been loaded?" Sun 19-Apr-98: I have made an update 375603 Apr 19 1998 Timo's free collection of GIF labels for World Wide Web The collection now contains 733 gif images. Tue 14-Apr-98: I wrote a very simple reaction game, in fact, to test some Turbo Pascal mouse programming. You are show a number and you have to find its pair as quickly as possible with the mouse. The new games package is available as 27404 Apr 14 21:12 A simple reaction game w/mouse, T.Salmi Sat 28-Mar-98: I have updated my collection of TSR programs. It is now 103199 Mar 28 06:49 TSR programs (noboot,reslock,sordino,timedown,timeup ...) - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The updates hopefully remedy the situation for those of the tsr programs that use the Crt unit. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Tried a new algorithm on "SORDINO.EXE Turn sounds off, shorter in fact". - Some of the address and similar information has been brought up to date. Fri 6-Mar-98: I have updated my collection of useful batch files and batch tricks. It is now 138498 Mar 6 1998 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi Added the following new items to BATRICKS.TXT 56) How can I test if a batch is running in a Windows dosbox? 57) How can I make a loop that is repeated a preset number of times? 58) How can I display the contents of the memory? Added alternative methods or additional information to the items 4) Checking whether a directory exists 38) Echoing the redirection symbol and made some minor adjustments to some other items. Added the missing REPEAT.BAT Repeat command to several files Fri 6-Mar-98: I have updated my collection of Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions. It is 135915 Mar 6 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers and also 135915 Mar 6 1998 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Added three new items: 126) How do I detect if my program is running under Windows? 127) How do I set errorlevel in Turbo Pascal and test it in a batch? 128) How do I get started with mouse programming? Sat 21-Feb-98: Made an update 75856 Feb 21 1998 Calculates, tabulates, and plots your functions, T.Salmi Added Windows 3.1x icons and PIFs for the three programs in the package. Sun 8-Feb-98: I have updated my fifth educational games package. It is now 77751 Feb 8 1998 Classic Hangman and Towers of Hanoi, T.Salmi containing "HANGMAN.EXE The classic guess a word" "TOWERS.EXE Towers of Hanoi, arrange disks" - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The updates hopefully remedy the situation for these games. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Added to the package a Windows icon for each of the games. Sat 7-Feb-98: I have updated my educational games package which teaches flags as games. I consider it the best game package I have managed to write. It is available from the Garbo program archives at the University of Vaasa, Finland, as 89615 Feb 7 1998 Learn national flags as educational games (good), T.Salmi It contains "FLAGGAME.EXE Memory game with flags" "FLAGQUIZ.EXE Learn national flags by a quiz" - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The updates hopefully remedy the situation for these games. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Added to the package a Windows icon for both the flag games. Thu 22-Jan-98: I have updated my third educational games package. It is now 108436 Jan 22 20:48 Timo's educational games: ascigame,linegame,wordexam, T.Salmi containing "ASCIGAME.EXE Memory game with an ascii twist" "LINEGAME.EXE Line fitting game" "WORDEXAM.EXE Learn foreign words for exams" "WORDQUIZ.EXE Multiple choice learn words" - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The updates hopefully remedy the situation for these games. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Added to the package a Windows icon for each of the games. - Reversed in Ascigame the /g switch to MS-DOS graftabl loaded checking on. Earlier the graftabl was on by default (for older machines). Thu 15-Jan-98: I have updated my second educational games package. It is now 87897 Jan 15 02:14 Timo's educational games: typevade, revegame, witpin containing "REVEGAME.EXE Arrange numbers by reversing" "TYPEVADE.EXE Game for learning fast typing" "WITPIN.EXE Solitaire adaptation of draughts" - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The updates hopefully remedy the situation for these games. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Added to the package a Windows icon for each of the games. - Added as an example "REVEGAME.PIF Windows 3.1x PIF for Revegame" Sun 11-Jan-98: I have updated my first educational games package. It is now 61211 Jan 11 1998 Three educational games including a management game, T.Salmi containing "HEXAGAME.EXE Guess the hidden number" "MANAGAME.EXE One person management game" "MLTIGAME.EXE Multiplication table as a game" - PCs faster than 200Mhz have brought along a new problem with some old programs. Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. The updates hopefully remedy the situation for these games. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. - Added to the package a Windows icon for each of the games. Sat 3-Jan-98: I have prepared Windows icons and PIF files for my user-friendly MS-DOS statistics packages statistical measures OLS regression analysis transformations correlation analysis LAD regression analysis The icons/PIFs collection is available as 8757 Jan 3 1998 Windows Icons+PIFs for Timo's statisctical MS-DOS packages Thu 1-Jan-98: New year, new update 125141 Jan 1 10:16 Friendly linear programming and linear goal programming. : Version 3.5b: The LINSOLVE.EXE (the normal mode C80) program is unchanged, and thus is still version 3.5. Corrected a small stylistic over-flow error in the header of LINSOL40.EXE (the mode C40 classroom version). Added for Windows 3.1x users the .PIF and .ICO files. If you are running LINSOLVE in vanilla MS-DOS or the Windows Dosbox you do not need the .PIF and .ICO files. For using these files, please see your Windows manual and/or help. Version 3.5: Over four yeas have passed since I last updated my LINSOLVE linear programming and linear goal programming program. A lot has happened on the PC scene in between. Windows programs have taken over from MS-DOS as the main operating system. This means a diminishing potential for the MS-DOS updates. Therefore I decided to make available for the private users the full scale version of 120 decision variables, 80 constraints, and 10 objectives. Another development is the faster and faster machines. Unfortunately, when the 200Mhz limit is reached the programs written with Turbo Pascal's Crt screen handling cease to work because of a "divide by 0" initialization error. Version 3.5 hopefully avoids this bug in Borland's Turbo Pascal compiler. I have not been able, however, to test this since I only have sub-200Mhz PCs available. For better or worse rewrote the LINSOLVE.DOC to be a Microsoft Word 6.0c document. Admittedly it is less generic than an ASCII file, but it is better formatted especially for printing. Thu 1-Jan-98: The older news about the files in the /pc/ts directory are available as : The news announcements of 1997 about ts-programs, T.Salmi : and so on, backwards.