gifnebul :      Astronomy gifs of nebulas and such
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the gifnebul directory
9811aw.jpg      The planetary nebula ngc 7027, HST/NICMOS, 12-Mar-98
9811bw.jpg      Butterfly-Shaped Nebulae, Hubble, 12-Mar-98
crabc.gif       Crab Nebula by Palomar vs Hubble, 30-May-96
cygnloop.gif    Cygnus Loop nebula, stellar explosion 15,000 years ago, HST
dumbell.gif     Dumbell Nebula
eggneb.gif      Egg Nebula 2688, beams around dying star, Hubble, 16-Jan-96
eggnic.gif      Egg Nebula, Hubble NIMCOS of a dying star, 12-May-97
helixd.gif      Helix Nebula gases collision details, Hubble 15-Apr-96
helixf.gif      Helix Nebula NGC 7293 gases collision, Hubble 15-Apr-96
horsehea.gif    The Horsehead Nebula, a classic from some observatory
hourgls.gif     Hourglass Nebula MyCn18, Hubble, 16-Jan-96
ic2220.gif      Emission nebula around a mass loss star in Carina
ic2944.gif      Young star cluster and diffuse nebula in Centaurus
m16full.gif     Star-forming gas pillars in M16 Eagle Nebula, Hubble
m16wf2.gif      Star-Birth Molecular Clouds M16, 2-Nov-95, Hubble WFPC2
m1crabne.gif    Crab Nebula
m2-9.gif        Planetary Nebula M2-9, 17-Dec-97
m8detail.gif    Lagoon Nebula details + O Herschel 36, Hubble 22-Jan-97
m8wide.gif      Lagoon nebula M8 5000 light-years away, Hubble 22-Jan-97
ngc2440.gif     Hot star nucleus in our Milky way, Hubble 1992
ngc6543a.gif    A dying star, 1000-years old Cat's Eye Nebula NGC 6543
ngc7027.gif     Planetary Nebula NGC 7027, stellar death, Hubble, 16-Jan-96
omc1nic.gif     Orion Nebula, Hubble infrared + spectrometer, 12-May-97
orionful.gif    Orion Nebula star-birth region 1500 light-years away
orionmos.gif    Orion Nebula Hubble mosaic of star birth, 20-Nov-95 rel.
orionprp.gif    Five young stars with proplyds in the Orion Nebula
oriprop4.gif    Protoplanetary disks in Orion Nebula, Hubble, 20-Nov-95
pistol.gif      Pistol Nebula and Massive Star, Hubble
pnglry.gif      Planetary Nebula Gallery, 17-Dec-97
prc9825.gif     Star cluster yields insights into early universe, 23-Jul-98
prc9836.gif     Planetary "Turtle" Nebula NGC 6210, Hubble, 22-Oct-98
prc9901.gif     Ring Nebula, Hubble Heritage, 6-Jan-99
prc9912.gif     Hodge 301 in the Tarantula nebula, Hubble
wfpc-04.gif     Hubble Space Telescope: Star forming 30 Doradus nebula