Mobile IPv4 Agenda
Thursday, June 27, 1996, 1300-1500

Last modified: Tue Jun 25 17:21:46 1996

  1. Agenda Bashing

  2. Administravia

  3. SKIP firewall support for Mobile IP
    (Please read this disclaimer!)
    Gabriel Montenegro <[email protected]>
    15 min.

  4. Authenticated Firewall Traversal
    ( draft-richardson-ipsec-aft-00.txt)
    Michael Richardson <[email protected]>
    10 min.

  5. Authentic Firewall Traversal and Subnet Mobility in VIPv3
    Fumio Teraoka <[email protected]>
    10 min.

  6. Fast and Scalable Handoffs for Wireless Internetworks
    Ramon Caceres <[email protected]>
    15 min.

  7. "Network Connection Quality" Extension
    Dave Johnson <[email protected]>
    15 min.

  8. Route Optimization
    Dave Johnson <[email protected]>

  9. Route Optimization
    Kazuhiro Okanoue <[email protected]>

Jim Solomon <[email protected]>