Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 12:12:12 -0700
From: "Robert M. Hinden" <hinden@walnut.ipsilon.com>

IPng/AddrConf Working Groups Interim Meeting
October 11 & 12 1995

Dyncorp, Arlington, VA

Minutes produced by Robert Hinden / Ipsilon Networks



   Steve Deering / Xerox PARC
   Robert Hinden / Ipsilon
   Thomas Narten / IBM
   Erik Nordmark / Sun
   Alex Conta / Digital
   Dan McDonald / NRL
   Tim Hartnick / Mentat
   Gaetan Feige / ISI
   Bob Gilligan / Sun
   Scott Behnke / Dyncorp
   Richard Colella / NIST
   Steve Silverman / BTNA
   Rob Glenn / NIST
   Peter Grehan / Ipsilon
   Sue Thompson / Bellcore
   Jim Bound / Digital
   Dan Harrington / Digital
   Allison Mankin / ISI
   Matt Thomas / Digital



  o Administrivia
     Note Taker
     Document Status

  o IPv6 Payload Header

  o AddrConf
      Discussion of Latest Specifications

  o Neighbor Discovery

  o IP over Foo Documents

  o "IGMP" for link local multicasts

Wednesday, October 11, 1995

The meeting was hosted by Scott Behnke / Dyncorp and Allison Mankin / ISI.

Robert Hinden agreed to take notes for the meeting.

Steve Deering announced that Ross Callon was stepping down and Robert
Hinden will be the new co-chair (and continue to be document editor).

Steve Deering reviewed standards status.  Base specification, address architecture,
ICMP, and DNS specifications were approved by IESG to be Proposed Standards.
Provider assignment architecture was approved for informational.  
All are being submitted to RFC editor to become RFC's.

IETF last call being done for NSAP doc.  Working group last call
completed for Provider Formats and Test Allocations addressing drafts.
No comments on Test Alloc.  Only discussion on Provider Based was if
it should be Informational, BCP, or PS.  

This Issue was discussed.  Group agreed that Provider doc should be
advanced as a Proposed Standard.  Chairs will send note to IESG
requesting these docs be advanced w/ cc to working group.

IPv6 Payload Header

Discussion on "The IPv6 Payload Header" draft.  It would be used to
identify how multiple headers (e.g., more than one TCP header) could
be combined in one IPv6 packet.  Issue raised that might be hard to
implement if several non-related headers were included.  It would have
to be required to be implemented by everyone to be useful.  Discussion
of benefits and costs.  There does not appear to be any commercial
implementations of TMUX (somewhat similar for IPv4).  There does not be
enough support in w.g. to advance this to the IESG at this time.
Members of working group should review this document and comment if
there is interest.  At this time there is not enough motivation to
require this to be required for universal implementation.  Suggestion
also made for some implementation experience before considering this
for advancement to become a standard.  Most people have not read the draft,
not much interest, author will have to make a better case.

Addr Conf

Sue Thomson / Thomas Narten (gave presentation) 

Open Issues: 

  o Duplicate address detection 
  o Loop back semantics 
  o Changing "AutoConfig" flag on running systems 
  o Terminology for MAC address 
  o Node vs. Router 
  o Configurability of "DuplAddrDetect" 
  o Separate ICMP Message for AddrConf and ND 


Strength of Duplicate address detection 

Discussion of sending out single packet or retransmission.  Most 
people thought only single NS was enough.  It would be nice to not 
delay booting waiting for an answer.  Current implementations of 
duplicate detection in IPv4 (using ARP) do not wait.  However, if 
duplicate addresses are present, immediate use causes problems for 
existing interfaces using the same address.  Waiting for DAD to 
complete avoids this problem. 

Suggestion for different modes of operation depending on type of 
address (autoconfigured addresses, dynamically assigned, manually 

Suggestion for sending one NS packet, waiting a short period of time 
(one second) for duplicate.  Pick generic default for Addrconf and 
allow specific IPoverFoo documents to set new default value for a 
particular media. 

Group agreed that default behavior should be to send single NS packet,
and wait for 1 second to detect duplicates, and that these values be
configurable.  A specific IPoverFoo document could define a link
specific value to change default values.  The number of
retransmissions is also link type specific. [See later discussion]

Discussion of how much random delay before sending NS.  The current 
value is 3 sec, which is larger than the random delay used before 
sending out a RS in ND. One of the differences is that all nodes will 
send an NS, whereas nodes will desist from sending an RS on hearing a 


Discussion of whether hosts can do duplicate detection and router 
discovery in parallel (or does it have to be sequential).  Parallel 
is preferred, since it reduces time before normal operation can start, 
but requires that RAs are solicited using the unspecified address and 
that RAs are multicast. [See later discussion] 


Configurability of Duplicate Address Detection Flag 

Currently per interface configuration flag. 

Change text to require duplicate detection of link local address. 
Other addresses derived using this, do not need to be checked for 
duplicates.  (This avoids the problem in stateless autoconfiguration 
of having different interfaces choose different addresses to apply 
duplicate address detection to.) Duplicate detection required for all 
stateful and manually configured addresses. 

Instead of having this flag, there are now two per interface variables 
to do with duplicate address detection.  First variable indicates how 
many times a solicitation is sent for duplicate detection.  Second is 
timer value for interval between retransmissions.  Default values are 
1 transmission, and 1 second.  Duplicate address detection is disabled 
by setting first value to zero. 

Hence, no need for separate "Duplicate address detection flag" 


Semantics of Multicast loopback 

The current text looks OK. One further thing to consider though. 

Loopback is undesirable for general multicast applications. Thus, IPv4 
multicast specification requires that driver suppress loopback. If not possible 
to disable hardware, driver software needs to filter out loopback 
multicast packets. If this filtering is done by comparing the source 
address of the packet with that of the interface, i.e. dropping 
packets whose link-layer source address is the same as that of the 
interface, then this breaks DAD in the case where duplicate addresses 
result from duplicate interface tokens (e.g., two interfaces both 
using the same link-layer address). 

Prefer interface to not loopback multicast packets.  Approach should 
be to configure hardware to not loopback, or have driver (in software) 
detect duplicates with a mechanisms other than looking at the source 
address. If the two previous are not possible, then a trade-off needs 
to be made: allow loopback (allows duplicate address detection to 
work, but inefficient in terms of multicast interrupts) or suppress 
loopback by comparing source address of incoming packet and interface 
(reduces number of interrupts, but disables duplicate address 
detection). It is possible that an implementation might make loopback 
suppression configurable in this case, i.e.  only turn it on when 
duplicate address detection done. 

Agreed that text will be added to document explaining the problem, but 
leave as an implementation issue how resolved. 


"AutoConfig" Flag 

What happens if flag turned off and on in running system? Should 
addresses from previous incarnations be kept until they time out, or 
should address list be reinitialized each time flag turned on? 

Discussion leading to conclusion that this should be an 
implementation issue. 

Discussion of what "AutoConfig" flags means.  First, should the flag 
apply to formation of the link-local address?  There was agreement 
that it should not. That is, the link-local address is always formed. 
The implication of this decision is that there needs to be a way for 
the token to be configurable, in the (rare) case, when the token is 
found not to be unique. Suggestion for advice in IPoverFoo specs for 
what to do if duplicate is detected. 

Second, what part of Router Advertisements should the "AutoConfig" 
flag apply to, just stateless auto-generation of global or site-local 
addresses or all autoconfiguration information in router 
advertisements? What does flag say about using stateful mechanism in 
absence of RAs? 

One suggestion was that the "AutoConfig" Flag should only refer to the 
automatic creation of addresses and bit flags telling hosts to use 
DHCP (e.g., ignore this information in router advertisements).  Other 
functions not affected (e.g., duplicate detection, link local, router 
discovery, routing prefixes, etc.) 

Another suggestion was for two independent flags, one for disabling 
stateless and one for disabling stateful autoconfiguration. 

On working through these options, it became clear that there were 
several ways of defining the semantics, and that the spec need not 
mandate any one way. Thus, the conclusion was to not specify specific 
variables, but just for the spec to say that it should be locally 
possible to disable all autoconfiguration functions, and that the 
functions must be enabled by default. 


Node vs. Router 

What part of the functions in the document should apply to routers? 

The conclusion was that routers are outside the scope of the document, 
with the exception of formation of the link-local address and 
duplicate address detection, which apply to all IPv6 nodes. 

Discussion about whether the addr conf doc should describe how 
addresses are created, or whether it should be in the IPoverFoo documents. 
The latter might require IPv6 code to know about different mechanisms to 
create address for each IPoverFoo type.  After discussion, group 
agreed that IPoverFoo specs need to specify the rules for handling the 
bits in the address token and the AddrConf spec should describe putting the 
prefix and token together. 

Steve Deering suggested: Define interface tokens as bit strings. 
AddrConf spec defines how to append bit strings with prefix to 
form an address.  IPoverFoo specs specify how to create a bit string 
and may give an example of what a link local address looks like for 
this media (to avoid confusion about bit orderings). 

Prefix + address token must equal 128 bits.  Router is required to advertise 
prefixes which when combined with the token for that particular interface type 
add up to 128 bits. Zero padding not allowed, since padding rules may be 


Terminology for MAC/Hardware address 

Should be "Link-Layer Address" 



Current spec uses the following terminology: 

    Preferred Address 
    Deprecated Address 
    Preferred Lifetime 
    Valid Lifetime 

Group agreed these terms were OK. 


Discussion about whether document applies to point-to-point links, 
tunnels and NBMA networks.  Specification will be updated to clarify 
that this specs requires the use of multicast on networks. This does 
not mean to say, however, that parts of the spec, e.g. formation of 
link-local address, may not apply to non-multicast capable networks. 


Separate ICMP Messages for Addrconf and ND 

Jim Bound requested that different ICMP messages be used for addr conf 
and ND.  He wants different machines to be able to send each type of 
message.  Doesn't like the "extra" complexity of receiving combined 
information. However, it was not clear how the information should be 
divided up, e.g. separation of prefix advertisements from other 
information advertised by routers, or separation of address-related 
information (and possibly other configuration parameters) from router 
advertisements, etc. 

Group conclusion was to not divide this information into separate ICMP 


[Non- addrconf related item] 
The ICMP redirect will be given a code out of the informational 
instead of the error cases.  Code will be 137. 


Group agreed that with the changes/clarifications made in this 
meeting, addr conf (once revised) can go forward to Proposed Standard. 

Neighbor Discovery

Erik Nordmark (presenting) & Thomas Narten

Outstanding Issues:

  o Messages from off link sources
  o Extra NUD probes for unsolicited information
  o IPv6 Priority field in ND packets
  o Randomizing Reachable Time
  o RS with unspecified source
  o Retransmission Timer = 10 sec.
  o Preferences for Default Routers
  o Prefix Redirects (instead of just host redirect)
  o Reachable Confirmation / Negative vs. positive & Implementation Issues
  o Implementation Language
  o MTU Advertisements (per receiver MTU's)


Messages from off link sources

Don't want to have to deal with messages which might have leaked in
from outside of the local link.  Issue is malicious attach from off
link.  Long discussion.  Suggestion to always do NUD using link-local
address.  All advertisements would include both global and link-local

Suggested alternatives (to solve the off net problem) are hoplimit=0
and/or "don't forward" IPv6 option.  "router process" with proper
semantics would help other (somewhat related) problems.  This plus a
flag could tell routers to drop these packets.  [See later discussion
about hoplimits]

Much more additional discussion.  

Possible solutions to multiple NUD probes are:

  1) carry link-local in all packets
  2) zero element source route.

Discussion about not using link-local address as source of this packet
because it also causes an 8 packet NUD exchange.

General consensus that we should use a "do not forward" hop-by-hop
option and use global source address instead of link-local address.
Recipient checks if "do-not-forward" option present.  This seems to
deal with off net attacks (either router drops or destination drops)
and stops 8 packet NUD exchange (back to four packets with special
rules or other mechanisms).

Possible choices are:

   o Carry Link local in all ND messages
   o Do nothing to special to defend against off net attacks
   o Don't forward option
   o Keep current spec operation of saying to not do NUD for ND packets.

Queried everyone in room to gauge consensus.  Result was:

        Four said they liked "don't forward" option
        Eight said they liked keep current spec
        One for "Alert" option to require router to do full processing

More discussion.  Will revisit on second day of meeting after Erik
Nordmark and Thomas Narten present summary of changes required to ND
for making "don't forward" change.


IPv6 Priority in ND Packets

Suggestion is to make ND packets high priority (over video and audio).
Proposal is to set it to 15 (highest value).


Randomizing Reachable Time

Time to send next probe.  Each time need to send

        Range 0.5 - 1.5 (x 30 seconds)

Use this unless get new value from router advertisements.  Concern is
for nets without routers, will always use same value.  Could recompute
when going into PROBE state.

Issue is how often should we recompute the random number.  Current
specification says recompute when new RA is received.  However, if no
RAs are present, computing the value once at boot time and then never
again results in some machines having a short (15 second)
ReachableTime, while other machines use long (45 second) time.
Recomputing each time the timer is set (e.g., whenever going into a
REACHABLE state) seems excessive.

Proposal to change computed random value once a day or if hear new
router advertisement.  Group thought this was a good idea and adopted

Randomize:  New value in Router Advertisement occasionally receive RA /
once an hour


RS with unspecified source

Needed to make initial ND startup parallel with AddrConf.  Relates to
Nordmark/Narten homework assignment.  [See additional discussion]


Extra NUD Probes for Unsolicited Information

Propose to introduce STALE state.  First packet in STALE => PROBE.
PROBE delays for N seconds until sending NS.

Group decided to adopt this proposal.


Retransmission Timer = 10 sec.

This is the timer used for retransmitting neighbor solicitations when
node doesn't have a address or for reachability when no routers are present.

Suggestion that the default for each link type should be specified in the
IPoverFoo specs.  

Group decided to Change default timer value to one (1) second.
IPoverFoo spec can define link type specific default.  Value in router
advertisement will override.

We can now use this timer for duplicate address detection.


Prefix Redirect

Proposal for Prefix Redirects.  This would allow less redirects for
traffic to same destination (and destinations in same prefix).
Problem what to do when NUD detects neighbor router is down.  Does it
invalidate all routes in that prefix?

No clear answer to do this.  Group will continue discussion on second
day of meeting.

It was also noted that prefix redirects could be added in a backwards
compatible manner (using part of the reserved field in the redirect
message to specify the prefix length) should the need be stronger in
the future.

Thursday, October 12, 1995

(continuation of Prefix Redirects discussion)

Prefix redirect would result in the addition to the redirect message a
length of the prefix which the redirect covers (current redirect is
host style redirect).  The prefix redirect could be disabled by
setting the prefix length to 128.  Hosts could either do full longest
match routing or still deal with this on a per connection basis (e.g.,
host route).  Discussion if people thought that routers would really
implement this.

Discussion about how host and routers would deal with receiving
variable length prefix redirects.  Continued discussion about merits,
usage, etc.  Not clear if benefits out weigh the complexity of
specifying how a host needs to deal with longest match routing.

After polling the group there was a consensus to not adding Prefix
Redirects to ND.


MTU Advertisements

Proposal for hosts to be able to advertise individual MTU values.
Would allow a host to have a specific MTU for it.

After discussion which pointed out the per-host MTU (or MRU) do not
work with multicast the group decided not to do per-host MTU


Benefits of "Don't Forward" Option

(homework from previous day)

  o Remove ICMP Sender address field from NS.  Results in simplified

  o Remove "no NUD for ND Packets"

  o NS and NA use global source and destination addresses.

  o Allow link-layer address option on all packets (except unspecified

  o Remove validation checks on source and destination

  o Remove "no source router header" validation check

Note: Host<-->Router control messages (RA, redirects, etc.) will still
use link local addresses.  This still permits hosts to maintain their
router associations in the event of renumbering.

document authors recommend that this change be made.

Bob Gilligan made proposal that instead of Hoplimit=0 or "don't
forward option", could use HopLimit=255 (max value).  Host would only
accept packet if HopLimit=255 when received (e.g., it had not been
forwarded).  No special processing required in routers.

This would be used for all ND messages.  No "don't forward option" and no

Group agreed to adopt these changes.


Discussion about how negative advice from TCP could be use to trigger
ND.  This would only be useful for on link destinations.

Additional discussion about how to use positive information from TCP.
When receiving an ACK which advances TCP window, this can be used to
provide positive notification that there is positive confirmation of
reachability.  This can be used to update ND's state and keep NUD
messages from being sent.

No change to the ND specification, but this is good advice to


Implementations language discussion will be taken off line with
document authors.



There are currently no preferences in IPv6 router advertisements.
There are preferences in IPv4.  There has been a request on the
mailing list that IPv6 also have preferences.

Desire for a subset of routers on a link to be given "default" status
and others to not become default routers.

Discussion of pseudorouters (e.g., routers with less than full
functionality) and that these type of routers might work better if
there were router preferences.  Not clear if the IPng specifications
should have to specify what minimum functionality that a node needs to
implement.  There are too many different cases of nodes which do not
do the full functionality to try to define what all of the
interactions and combinations are.

Do the IPv4 semantics satisfy the request or do they need to be more


Thomas Narten presentation on this topic.

Current ND draft assume routers are "smart" and send redirects

 o In IPv4 reality doesn't match this ideal fix in IPV6?

 o Routers send redirects based on their own view of the topology
   rather than originating hosts view.

         +--+       +---+      +---+
         |  |---R2--|   |      |   |
     H2--|  |       |   |--R1--|   |----H1
         |  |---R2--|   |      |   |
         +--+       +---+      +---+

R3 is "good" router
R2 is "bad" router


    o R2 forwarding table needs to keep more information; routing
      operation must be keyed on (arriving interface, destination)
      rather than just destination.

   o Router must build separate routing tables for each arriving
     interface / more computation

Does R2 have sufficient knowledge to put itself in "H2's shoes"?

   o Manually entered routers require additional arguments / flags.

   o If RIP is in use:
        - if neighbor router adjust metrics so R2 + R3 are equivalent
          from H2's perspective.

        - if R2 adds 1 to each interface metric, R3 becomes better
          from H2's perspective.


Router advertisements w/ preferences does not eliminate requirement
for "interface-specific redirect sending"

                 /          |
                /           |
       H2 --  XXXXXX       R3
                \           |
                 \          |

  o R1 + R2 have equivalent preferences

  o H2 using R2 as current default

  o H2 sends data to H1

  o From R2's perspective H1 is one hop away via either R1 or R3 so it
    chooses R3

  o From H2's perspective, R1 is clearly better

  o R2 should send different redirect to H2 + H2 (e.g., arriving
    interface specific) 


What is the big deal about preferences

  o Inherent conflict between preferences for "default router" vs.
    router to individual destination.

  o Which router is best for destination x or default changes

  o Routers have this information first, issue is how to best to
    communicate that information to hosts

  o Possibilities:

   + Host wait for routers to tell them everything
        - Redirect architecture achieves this
        - Least complex host implementation, 
        - NUD handles black holes

   + Hosts using defaults routes can easily switch to new default.
        - Implementation can only use a single router & and does not
          load balance among equal preference routers
        o Still need mechanism to probe highest preference router, if
          it fails. 

          Note: Latter case requires redirects to be timed out.  This
          results in more redirects when nothing is changing.


Steve Deering showed a slide showing that preferences do not always
result in fewer packets.  Sometimes preference result in more
redirect packets, sometimes not.

                 H2               H3
                 |                |
          #####N2####      ###N3#######
             |     \       /      |
             |      \     /       |
             |       \   /        |
             |         R1         |
            R2         |         R3
             |         |          |
             |         |          |

For traffic from H1 to H3 where R1 is best router for destinations on
N2 and N3

  With no router preferences:

     If R1 goes down, 50% of the time H1 will pick R3 as default
     resulting in no redirect when it initiates a connection to H3.
     The other 50% of the time a redirect will result.

  With router preferences of R1 being the highest, R2 next highest,
  and R3 the lowest:

     If R1 goes down, H1 will always pick R2 as default.  This will
     result in a redirect being sent every time H1 initiates a
     connection to H3.

It is not possible to set up the router preferences in manner which
results in less redirect traffic.



Routers learned via redirects become stale

  o Easiest is simply timeout redirects every N seconds
  o # of redirects increase
  o Does not eliminate the need for routers to do route calculations
    based on source.
  o Preference potentially reduces the need for above but does not
    eliminate the need completely.

Long discussion about merits and issues regarding adding router


Chair polled room on desire for router preferences:

Y= want them, N= do not think should be added

N N N N N N N N N N N (there were four non-votes)

Deering proposes we do not add preferences, do working group last
call, if intensity of debate high is enough from the last call, we
will not forward to IESG and continue discussion at the Dallas IETF
meeting in December.

The group accepted Deering's proposal. 


Discussion about the need for preferences in anycast address NA's.
Anycast addresses were intended to denote "a router" rather than "the
best router". In particular, the routing subsystem delivers a packet
to "to a router" rather than "the best router". Thus associating
preferences with anycast addresses was not really appropriate.  

After discussing the issues, group decided to not add any preferences
for anycast addresses in NA.


Erik Nordmark presented analysis on Boot Timing with current ND
default timer values.


        Random [0-1] second delay
        Send 1 NS, wait for 1 second

        Random [0-1] second delay
        Send up to 3 RS separated by 3 seconds


        Receive RS
        Start random timer [0-6] seconds
        Timer: if received more than one RS while waiting
           Send RA multicast, else unicast RA.

It should be possible to send DAD and RS at the same time, to
eliminate the second random [0-1] delay.

After much discussion group decided to change so Router will respond
with multicast RA (wait random [0-.5 second) and not send another RA
for 3 seconds (independent of number of RS received in interval).
Routers will always multicast the RA in response to an RS.  This
should result in faster response to RS and fewer RA on link.  Router
procedure becomes:

        Receive RS
        If have not sent RA within 3 seconds
           Start Random timer [0-.5] seconds
           Send RA multicast
           wait until (3 seconds + Random [0 - .5)) timer expires
           Send RA multicast


Document Organization

Desire to restructure document to move packet formats to beginning of
document (after overview), use standard internet bit order, make
implementation details generic if appropriate, and other similar
formatting changes.

Add statement that the protocol is the packet formats and external
behavior on the wire and the implementation guidelines are a
conceptual model.  The protocol is what is being standardized.
Implementations are not required to implement guidelines exactly as


Group agreed that once these changes are made we can do a working
group last call.  Authors will have a new draft within 3 weeks.

Minimum Reassemble Size

RFC of IPv6 will say that minimum reassembly size is 1500 bytes.

"IGMP" for Link-Local Multicast Groups

Do membership reports need to be done for link-local multicast groups?

It is not clear if required link-local multicast addresses need to be
added to IGMP group requests.  Could only use for groups which are
created by the hosts and not for the required multicast group
addresses.  Having them in the group would make it easier to prune
traffic to groups which do not have any members.

Group decided to not include pre-defined link-local multicast
addresses in IGMP group messages but will send IGMP reports for other
link-local multicast addresses.


Thanks to Scott Behnke / Dyncorp and Allison Mankin / ISI for hosting
the meeting.

Meeting adjoined!
