CalSch WG mtg on 12 Dec 1997:

o Agenda review
Anik called the meeting to order.  To begin he referred to the agenda he had
published to the mailing list.  Because of the anticipated discussion for
iCalendar, iTIP and Model and the desire to reach closure for these
documents, he
acceded to requests to delete iRIP and CAP requirements from today's
agenda.  It
was noted that a draft for iRIP is available in internet-drafts.  Based on WG
discussion on the mailing list prior to the meeting, Anik believes that
iCalendar, iTIP and the Model will be ready after today's meeting for
to the IESG to move them to PROPOSED status (FYI status for the Model).  Of
course, if problems are discovered, then they must be fixed first.  The balance
of the meeting will be devoted to reviews of iCalendar, iMIP and the Model in
that order.

o iCalendar review
Derik Stenerson and Frank Dawson explained they wished to list the issues known
to need resolution and attempt to close them, then seek other issues from

o Time zone syntax
Derik began with the time zone syntax.  He recently published a set of changes
for iCalendar time zone syntax that incorporates suggestion made on the mailing
list.  Harald accepted the changes.

However, Keith Moore was more circumspect.  Keith's initial concern was
there are
not enough examples that show the use of time zones in events.  He asserted
no successful protocol will omit explicit references to timezones.  As the
discussion developed, it became clear that the timezone reference must be in
terms of a label whose value is resolved each time the event is presented.
is necessary because events are scheduled in terms of the current time,
irrespective of clock shifts that may occur between the scheduling of an event
and the arrival of the time for the event.  This implies that changes
the document are still required.  Without those changes or their
equivalent, the
IESG will certainly not allow iCalendar to go forward.

As a further example of this problem, Keith described a recurring meeting
scheduled at 11am US Eastern Time each Tuesday.  In terms of UTC, during
EST this
is UTC-0500, but during EDT, this is equivalent to UTC-0400.  However, from the
perspective of the attendees, the meeting is *always* at 11am ET, even
though the
offset from UTC is different at different times of the year.  If the
meeting time
is resolved to an absolute UTC at the time the meeting is scheduled, then the
meeting time shifts when the clock shifts.  This behavior is unacceptable.

Allowing a label in the time zone introduces more changes than simply
allowing a
label in time zone syntax.  A set of labels and their interpretation must be
specified.  So that new labels may be registered or old one meaning modified,
responsibility for maintenance of the list must be passed to IANA.

This discussion had grown quite animated.  So that other topics for iCalendar
could be discussed, Anik summarized this debate, and asked the WG to move on to
the next item.  He summarized the debate, as follows:

1. Event start and end times may be in different time zones
2. A time zone must be expressed in terms of a time zone label.
3. There must be an accepted set of time zone labels
4. No set of accepted labels currently exist
5. An authoritative source for label semantics must be created (perhaps as a
function of IANA)

o Recurrence grammar
Recurrence rule grammar is complex.  Is it possible to define a minimal set of
rules that provide enough functionality?  iTIP response codes could be used to
negotiate what recurrence rules are interpretable.  A meta-property could
be usd
to identify what set is supported.  But iTIP doesn't have real-time
so peers will likely assume the minimum implementation to avoid having messages

o  iCalendar Summary
The discussion of time zone and recurrence rules exhausted the time
available to
discuss iCalendar.  Before moving on to iTIP, Anik asked the editors to
supply a
list of outstanding issues to be included in the minutes.  Current outstanding
issues are:

Title                               Doc Sections    Status  Source

Time specification is not adequate  iCAL  Open    Keith Moore
Must allow "late binding" to time   iCAL 4.4.6
zone information.

Recurrence grammar should have      iCAL 4.10.9	    Open    Dan Hickman
minimum required set

Ordering of evaluation of BYxxx     iCAL   Open    Dan Hickman
components inconsistent with

Eliminate "SOURCE".
Use "Content-Location" instead      iCAL 4.5.4      Open    Alex Hopmann

Does the URL attribute duplicate    iCAL x.x.x      Open    Alex Hopmann
the MHTML Content-Location header?

Related-To, make it a URL                           Open    Alex Hopmann

Should we support Basic or Extended iCAL    Open    Alex Hopmann
or Both ISO 8601?

Can the owner also make changes?    iCAL 3          Open    Yvonne Tso

Owner needs to be defined or        iCAL 3          Open    Harald

Can the Date/time DUE be the same   iCAL 4.6.9      Open    Yvonne Tso
as the DTSTART?

iTIP issues
Steve Mansour and Frank Dawson began by listing all of the unresolved iTIP
issues, and then began working through the list.

o Multiple request status replies
This seemed unresolved in mailing list discussion.  However during the meeting,
it was agreed that adding some examples will be sufficient.

o Recurrence rule minimum set
Echoing the iCalendar discussion, the difficulty defining the set was noted.
iTIP has defined error responses for inability to interpret recurrence rules.
What to do about the minimum recurrence rule set remained unresolved.

o Representing restrictions on required/excluded properties
Alex Hopmann has written a program to analyze the iTIP grammar.  While he
believes it is correct, as far as it goes, there were some rules he was
unable to
code in his analyzer.  This led to a discussion of whether the
specification was
sufficiently complete, even if the grammar could not be parsed by machine.  The
discussion concluded that human readability was more crucial than insuring a
mechanical parse.

o Change of ownership of component
The WG felt the ownership concept lacks clarity, specifically how it
differs from
the organizer.  Nevertheless, it was felt to be an important concept.
iTIP has no mechanics to express changing the owner of a component.  It was
specifically omitted because of fears that the channel could be
compromised.  But
it was noted that if the owner changes, this must be advertised to those
CUs who
have the component on their calendar.  Because organizers do exist, some
suggested unifying owner and organizer into a single role.  Several in the WG
felt this was a bad choice.  Expressing ownership changes remained unresolved.

o Are multiple organizers allowed?
iTIP has no provision for multiple organizers, however, this is allowed in the
model.  Currently the single organizer in iTIP can be an individual, group
or an
unknown CU.  There was a request on the list to eliminate the group.  However,
those at the meeting disagreed.  Multiple organizers are still unresolved.

o Delegation of organization and response
The iTIP authors would like clarification on how this should work in the
The model author agreed to address this.

o Signing and encryption
The iMIP authors bravely took made this the first item on their agenda.  They
repeated the requirements as they saw them:
	all conforming implementations MUST provide the ability to sign
	all conforming implementations MUST provide the ability to authenticate
	all conforming implementations SHOULD encrypt and decrypt

o Multiple calendar components in a single message
iMIP messages could be constructed as multipart/mixed messages with each part
containing a single component.  The could be composed as a single text/calendar
with multiple components.  Expected behavior is that text/calendar parameters
will identify the component type contained in the part.  The first
alternative is
the one the authors prefer. The WG concurred.

o Content Disposition
MIME semantics only specifies whether object is in-line or to be stored as
external file.  Other interpretations should not be allowed or inferred.

Two issues were identified for the Model, resolving the concept of delegation,
and removing ambiguity about Calendar Service.

o Delegation
As noted above, the author has agreed to identify the kinds of delegation
possible in Calendaring and Scheduling and incorporate them into the model.

o Calendar Service ambiguity
The model combines a calendar store and component transfer agent into a single
concept called Calendar Service.  This creates ambiguities for when the
of the Calendar Service are required.  The author will divide Calendar Service
into two separate concepts to remove the ambiguitiy.

Because of the extensive discussion, and the readily apparent need to
resolve the
problems discussed, we made no effort to assess consensus that any
documents were
ready for submittal to the IESG.  We were out of time at that point, so the
meeting was quickly adjourned.

john  w noerenberg, ii
  -- John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meany, 1989