Bridge MIB WG (bridge)

Wednesday, December 12 at 1300-1500

CHAIR:	Les Bell <>


13:00 Introduction, mailing lists, etc.
13:05 Call for Implementation Reports (RFCs 1493, 1525, 2674)
13:10 SMIv2 version of Bridge-MIB
13:55 SMIv2 version of Source Routing MIB
14:00 Bridge MIB Extensions 2 (for 802.1t, 802.1u, 802.1v, 802.1w)
14:45 Internet-Draft for IEEE 802.X MIB
14:50 Other IEEE 802.1 work (802.1s)
14:55 Any other business
15:00 Close

The documents under discussion are:

Bridge MIB issues still to be closed:
  - dot1dBasePortIfIndex SYNTAX should be InterfaceIndex not Integer32.
  - dot1dStaticAllowedToGoTo is an octet string with no size specified.
  - There is no object to turn (R)STP off on a given port.

Source Routing MIB issues still to be closed:
  - Should we just re-cycle this at Proposed status?

Bridge MIB Extension 2 issues still to be closed:
  - The U-BRIDGE-MIB and V-BRIDGE-MIB should probably be done as
    updates to RFC 2674.
  - Should we include objects for: Port Role, Legacy Neighbour,
    and received BPDU counters (Rstp, Config, Tcn)?

802.1X issues still to be closed:
  - Should we publish the IEEE 802.1X MIB as an informational RFC?
  - Copyright release from IEEE.

802.1s issues:
  - Should we adopt this as a work item?