9.999.999 bytes shareware no source d50 compatibled60 compatible
last update:  16/06/2002
on DSP from:  16/06/2002
last week:  999
last update:  9.999
total:  9.999
Shrubware Pty Ltd ( Shrubware Pty Ltd )

MarchingAnts Suite v2.0.0.23: Sophisticated add-on tool providing a powerful foundation for graphics applications. Create and manage any shaped animated marquee (a.k.a selection areas) to limit the editing area of your canvas. MarchingAnts will generally work with all imaging manipulation algorithms and filters.

Selection Tools Include:

  • Magic Wand with Tolerance Level
  • Freehand
  • Point To Point
  • Selection Creation (Rectangle, Square, Circle, Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle, Rounded Square, Triangle, Pentagon, Hectagon & Octagon)
  • Text / complicated regions.
Other Features Include:
  • Clipping Areas
  • Drag and drop
  • Automatic Scrolling (scroll into view)
  • Zooming
  • Pen and Fill tools (in Demo)
  • Boundary management.
  • Masks Support (import and output)
  • Extensive Path and Region routines library (including RegionToTPath)

Selection areas are an integral part of Adobe Photoshop™ & Paint Shop Pro™. Provide your users the same features provided by these products quickly and easily.

Trial download includes a demonstration (FeaturedDemo.exe) which is almost a complete graphics editing application.

detailed file description 

Author info

Author/Company       Shrubware Pty Ltd
Contact       Shrubware Pty Ltd
E-mail       [email protected]
Home Site/Page
Site Category       VCL creator
Since its inception in 1998, Shrubware's core focus has been the development of commercial graphics software. In March 2002 Shrubware entered the VCL market with the release of the popular MarchingAnts Suite.