TEkRtf report is non visual component that allows you to use all 
power of MS Word or other rtf-compatible editor to create, preview, 
edit and print your reports. 

 - create report template in MS Word
 - save it in RTF format
 - place TEkRTF component on form, fill required properties 

 - prepare data in your application
 - run report using one of Execute methods
 - run MS Word (or other editor) if you want to view, 
   edit or print your document

  You may create a pattern of report by any available editor facilities, 
using font formatting, justification, colour, tables and other ways of 

  All controlling words, variables and data fields must be comprised between 
symbols "\" (back slash), for example: \date\ or \Query1:CustNo\
Variable, which must be inserted in report will be assigned in VarList 
property in format variablename=value. 
  You may insert in the report all records from table or query. For this 
in the editor (in Word or other) create a table. Type a name of fields 
to be inserted in the report in cells of the table. 

  Datasets can be identified by name or by means of char a-z in that order, 
in which they were sent in Execute method. Table can contain fields from 
several datasets. To define on what datset be moved needed use char "." 
instead ":" in field name. For example: from the sequence of fields 
\a:number\ \b:custname\ \c.ordernum\ for moving from first record before 
the eof will be choosen dataset c.

  If you want to place a value of field in the table, but if not required 
to insert in the report all records from dataset, you must use in the names 
of all fields symbol ':'. For example: \b:custname\.

  You can insert all records of dataset in the document in any free form, 
not only as table. For this use keywords \Scan(datasetname)\ and \endscan\. 
Inside cycle scan-endscan can be located block of text of any form with 
names of data fields and variables.