As distinctive features, it provides strong encryption for maximum security and it does not read/write information to Windows registry. Extended capabilities of your software can be remote activated by registration key, on user demand. It supports up to 32 independently controlled features, making implementation of unlock levels easier than ever. Simple to use, requires no extra programming
skills. Only one line of code is needed to achieve full protection for
Windows 95 and Windows 98 programs. No distribution of .vxd's is
needed. Bug that produced crashes on some configurations is now fixed.
License Agreement
This code is shareware. No warranties, express or implied, are provided.
The author is not responsible for any problems caused by this component.
Use it at your own risk. The author provides no support whatsoever, and
is not obligated to any person or corporation for anything related to this
software. The author reserves all rights concerning this code. You are
free to evaluate it and distribute it for evaluation purposes, if you do
not modify any part of it and you distribute all the files as a whole.
This code cannot be sold for any purposes, or included in a commercial
collection, without the express written consent of the author.
This License Agreement applies to demo version only, please read the
the registration section for more information.
By installing these files on your computer, you agree to all above
Quick start:
Windows 95 or Windows 98 Operative system installed.
4 Mb hard disk space available.
Delphi 3 or Delphi 4 or Delphi 5 installed.
How to install the component
1) Unzip the file ( to some directory, for example
2) Install the component in the pallete.
Delphi 3:
From Delphi IDE,
go to menu -> Components -> Install Packages
-> 'Add'
open \Bin\Delphi3\Protect4DelphiV30Demo.dpl
(or \Bin\Delphi3\Protect4DelphiV30Full.dpl)
The component should go to the components
Delphi 4:
From Delphi IDE,
go to menu -> Components -> Install Packages
-> 'Add'
open \Bin\Delphi4\Protect4DelphiV40Demo.bpl
(or \Bin\Delphi4\Protect4DelphiV40Full.bpl)
The component should go to the components
Delphi 5:
From Delphi IDE,
go to menu -> Components -> Install Packages
-> 'Add'
open \Bin\Delphi5\Protect4DelphiV50Demo.dpl
(or \Bin\Delphi5\Protect4DelphiV50Full.bpl)
The component should go to the components
3) Add the installation directory to Delphi Library Path.
Delphi 3:
From Delphi IDE do: Tools->Environment options->Library.
Add the installation directory to the path.
Press 'OK' button.
Delphi 4 & Delphi 5:
From Delphi IDE do: Tools->Environment options->Library.
Press the ellipsis button (...) of item "Library
Write down the complete installation path
and press 'Add' button.
Installation Pack contains:
(Key Generator)
(Delphi Package)
(Delphi package library)
(Delphi compiled package)
(Delphi compiled unit)
(Delphi Package)
(Delphi package library)
(Delphi compiled package)
(Delphi compiled unit)
(Delphi Package)
(Delphi package library)
(Delphi compiled package)
(Delphi compiled unit)
- all versions include -
Protect for Delphi (English).htm
(Hipertext documentation, English)
Protect for Delphi (Spanish).htm
(Hipertext documentation, Spanish)
(Standard demo)
(Custom demo)
How do I protect a program ?
It's very simple, just follow this 3 steps:
MyProject7345h |
AnotherProject |
AnotherValidAppKey |
AnApplication247 |
Add to the FormCreate event handler:
Code will look like this:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Prot4Delphi1: TProt4Delphi;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
uses UDefaultRegistration;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
if not Prot4Delphi1.IsRegistered then Application.Terminate;
How do I
distribute the protected program ?
The dialog window looks like this:
(Color highlighting is only indicative)
Once the developer obtained the registration code from the user,
the Key Generator can be run to generate the registration key.
The Key Generator is a program (KeyGenerator.exe) included in the
distribution pack.
The registration key (in red characters) is what should be sent to
the user in order to validate his/her copy of the protected program.
The registration code and registration key are designed specially to
allow its phone transmission. Both codes are 24 characters in length, and
it is built with normal symbols, which allows transmission over almost
any media. (Voice, Fax, e-mail, etc.)
Each position of the code is one of 42 distinct symbols, giving such
an amazing number of combinations (42^24) that simple guess is almost impossible.
If all the data is correct, the developer sends the registration
key to the user.
The user should type the registration key in the edit control marked
with red.
' Register!!' button (marked light green) is used to accept
the input.
If the software is registered correctly, the user will not know about
protection. If the program is always run on the computer that was registered,
the protection will be transparent to the user, but if it's moved to
another computer (digital fingerprint change), it will return to the 'not
registered' state.
Working samples are in this folders:
Simple.dpr (Standard demo)
Custom.dpr (Custom demo)
UnlockLevels.dpr (UnlockLevels demo)
To open: In Delphi IDE do (menu) File -> Open -> (go to installation
folder) -> (select one of the folders from above) -> (select a .dpr) ->
Compile and run, pressing F9 key.
is the pay method for Protect for Delphi ?
What about support and
future upgrades ?
Available pay methods are credit card or money order.
There are two registration options:
1) Full version. (component, key generator, ID generator)
No nag screens.
Full features enabled. Registration
needed for "Key generator" and "ID Generator".
Get special offers (at very low price)
for future upgrades.
2) NEW !!!
Full version with source code. (component,
key generator, ID generator, +Source code!!!).
No nag screens. Full features enabled. Source
code included !!!!
Receive two months of free technical support,
and free upgrades for a year.
You have two options to register Protect for Delphi:
Through RegNet - The Registration Network by using any of the following methods
Regnet #: 7257
On the web -
By Phone - 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (661) 288-1827
By Fax - 1 (661) 288-1867
Through GetSoftware:
or directly to option 1)
Additional Section:
For the user no part of this information is available, because the registration code is ciphered with the application key, which is only known by the developer.
The key generator, that is part of the system, can generate all the
possible Registration Keys. For example, it is possible to generate
a full working registration key with all features enabled and no expiration
Of course, more restrictive keys are also possible.
The maximum number of supported features is 32, and can be enabled
The key generator validates the Registration Code sent by the user
and shows associated data: First execution and unique identifier.
If a copy identifier is present, the registration key enables only
the copy with that copy identifier.
(For this option to be valid, a unique copy identifier must be distributed
with the protected program. See “Generating unique copy identifiers”)
The first execution date, allows to know how many days the user
executed the program in demo version, if you provide a license of this
As noted earlier, the standard behavior can be customized, programming
some properties of the component.
To see a custom example open the project:
It is a project that does not use the standard registration form.
TrailPeriodHasExpired: Is the trial period finished ?
SetRegistrationKey: Sets the registration key.
IsRegistered: Is software registered ?
CheckSecurityEachNSeconds: Number of seconds between additional checks for security. If its above zero, the component checks the registration state each N seconds after startup. Where N is the value set.
MessageNotRegistered: Not registered message. Strongly ciphered to avoid illegal modification.
MessageRegistered: Registered message. Strongly ciphered to avoid illegal modification.
TrialDays: Trial days of protected program.
SupportedCapabilities[Number : Integer]: Additional features enabled/disabled by registration key. Allows the developer to enable gradually certain features of the protected program.
HardExitProgramOnCheckSecurityFailure: If set to true and additional security fails, the program is aborted abruptly.
HardExitWindowsOnCheckSecurityFailure: If set to true and additional
security fails, the operative system is closed abruptly.
(WARNING!! This security setting is VERY EXTREME.
Any open application at the moment of security failure will be closed
without saving associated data. Computer will automatic turn-off, if possible.
UniqueIDShortFilename: Up to 4 characters or numbers that form
de header of ".uid" files.
".uid" files are used to store unique copy identifiers.
Correct setting example: MYID
WARNING!: If a not empty value is set, the protected program searches
a unique copy identifier with this format:
MYIDNumber.UID in the same directory where the executable is running.
If it is not found, the program aborts execution with a message.
If it is found and the file is not corrupt, the "Unique Copy Identifier"
is set to the value ciphered in the .uid file.
UniqueCopyIdentifier: It is the identification number of the
protected program copy actually running.
A user (A) executes a copy of the protected program, this generates
a registration code.
He sends this code and the license payment to the developer.
The developer validates the registration code as correct, and sends
the registration key.
This process is repeated for all users, one copy at the time, and generates
no distribution problems. (Excepting the fact that you cannot sell more
than one copy at the time)
The process is completely different when copies are distributed in
a massive way:
The developer sends a quantity (say 1000) of copies of the protected
program to the distributor.
Suppose the distributor has sold 500 copies the first day. The developer
will receive the registration queries from the users. Remember that each
query has an associated registration code, so we could think that no problem
However, if a certain user is not honest, he could install the protected
program on many computers and ask for all the registration keys.
At this point, if copy identifiers are not used, the developer has
no way to verify whether a user is trying to get more keys than allowed,
or every user is asking for his key.
Of course, the developer knows the quantity of copies sold, but an efficient
control cannot be based on that number, because it does not reveal how
keys where distributed among the users.The ideal situation would
be that each user could ask only for his registration key, but no other.
If control is made using only the total number of copies sold, this
situation could happen:
If the protected program is distributed with a copy identifier, the
registration code contains the copy number information.This allows to know
which copy of the protected program is being registered.
The problematic situation presented before is completely saved:
Remember that 1000 copies were distributed and 500 were sold the first
This generator requires:
License Agreement
This code is shareware. No warranties, express or implied, are provided. The author is not responsible for any problems caused by this component. Use it at your own risk. The author provides no support whatsoever, and is not obligated to any person or corporation for anything related to this software. The author reserves all rights concerning this code. You are free to evaluate it and distribute it for evaluation purposes, if you do not modify any part of it and you distribute all the files as a whole. This code cannot be sold for any purposes, or included in a commercial collection, without the express written consent of the author. By installing these files on your computer, you agree to all above conditions. |
Additional notes:
IMPORTANT: Demo version limitations
1) The demo version pack does NOT include the unique identificators file generator.
2) The messages 'registered', 'not registered' show up with this additional text, that cannot be removed:
This program was copy protected using a Demo version of Protect for
A protection of this kind is NOT ALLOWED for commercial use.
(C)opyright 2000, by Reinaldo Yañez.
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
3) In the Delphi IDE, when a project containing a TProt4Delphi component
is open, this message will be showed:
'Reminder: Prot4Delphi component is NOT registered.'
the message repeats each 30 seconds.
4) The property CheckSecurityEachNSeconds is not connected.
Security is verified each 60 seconds.
5) The property SupportedCapabilities returns correctly only the first
2 features (Feature 0 and Feature 1). The other features are returned as
The key generator can set only this two features.
(C)opyright 2000, Reinaldo Yañez Arrey.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[email protected]
[email protected]
About the author:
Actually I am a physics student at Buenos Aires University. I
am working for a company that is dedicated to the development of control
At job, I program in Delphi and C. For my own projects I also program
in C++ and assembler.
My e-mail address is: [email protected] or [email protected].
The system I present was developed based on the need to distribute my
own software. Some years ago, when old DOS was used, I created a similar
copy protection system, that ciphered the final .exe.
When I began to program in Delphi (which, by the way I consider extraordinary)
I could not distribute my soft without some 'copyright fear'.
Now I feel I built the right tool.
The only problem is that I do not have the time to make the driver to
make it work on Windows NT. I will be probably on exams on February 2000,
so I think I will have no extra time.
I realize now that documentation is not so well designed as it should
be, so I apologize. However, I wish it could be of some help.
Note: This component uses industrial strength encryption. I have designed
a 64 block cipher with 384 (max.) bits of key. It has 128 KBytes of randomly-generated
S-BOXES. (I do not believe so much in human made S-BOXES).
License Agreement
This code is shareware. No warranties, express or implied, are provided.
The author is not responsible for any problems caused by this component.
Use it at your own risk. The author provides no support whatsoever, and
is not obligated to any person or corporation for anything related to this
software. The author reserves all rights concerning this code. You are
free to evaluate it and distribute it for evaluation purposes, if you do
not modify any part of it and you distribute all the files as a whole.
This code cannot be sold for any purposes, or included in a commercial
collection, without the express written consent of the author.
(C)opyright 2000, Reinaldo Yañez Arrey.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[email protected]
[email protected]