Form Explorer is an IDE add-in for Delphi 3 designed to substitute and extend the standard Object Inspector's functionality.
Practically everyone has been using Cut&Paste to move components from one container to another. However, to a common frustration, this approach has one major drawback. Delphi automatically removes references to the component that was cut from a form, thus after moving a component you have restore all references manually.
You also could move components from one container to another by editing a form definition as a text file, but there is no much fun in this technique.
Forms Explorer was designed to make the task of moving components between different containers user friendly and visually appealing. Now you can simply select a component (or several components) and drag your selection to a new parent.
Besides that, Form Explorer offers extra features, such as cloning of components and substitution of a component with another component. The original idea of component substitution was borrowed from Ray Lischner's book "Hidden Paths of Delphi 3", however the implementation was made completely from scratch. This allowed me to keep all properties and component references intact when substituting or cloning a component.
These features are available from the Edit menu or from the pop-up menu when you are right-clicking on a component.
Form Explorer files
FormExpl.dll - the DLL file
Readme.doc - this file
Form Explorer installation
To install Form Explorer, simply run the Setup.exe program. Once Form Explorer is installed, start Delphi to configure it. Click on the View menu. There you should see a Form Explorer menu item. Click on it to view the Form Explorer.
Select the Form Explorer window and click on its Options menu. Now you can configure it the way you like it.
To manually install Form Explorer, copy the FormExpl.dll file to any directory.
To make Form Explorer active in the Delphi IDE you must edit the Registry. Open the registry editor and go to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/BORLAND/DELPHI/3.0/EXPERTS. Next, add a new string value called FormExplorer. Finally, modify the new string value "FormExplorer" to point to where you copied the FormExpl.dll. For example, if you copied the FormExpl.dll to a directory C:\FormExpl, the FormExplorer string value in the registry would be C:\FormExpl\FormExpl.dll
You have now finished installing Form Explorer.
Form Explorer Options
You can configure the various options of Form Explorer by selecting Form Expert Options from the Options menu.
This software is provided "as is". In no event shall I, the author, be liable for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of this software. This software has been written with great care, however I do not warrant that the software is error free.
You may not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate or disassemble the software in whole or in part.
What’s new
Version 1.12
Version 1.11Implemented multi-component drag and drop operations Added option to use bitmaps of a smaller size (20x20 pixels). Added option to modify color of property values in the Object Inspector. Implemented context sensitive help by analogue with the standard Object Inspector Fixed problems with synchronization of a component selection on the form and selection of the corresponding node on the tree view. Evaluation period expires on 20 Nov 1998.
Registration gives you a number of benefits:
The current price for registration is $35 US per single user.
Online registration:
Online registration is available at
I hope Form Explorer will help you in your work. Any questions, feedback
or problems can be sent to me at [email protected]
Vladimir Vinogradsky
New York, USA